... 1 ... MCOC SPL.C.NO.16 OF 2013 Registered on : 22.11.2013. Received on : 22.11.2013. Decided on : 16.03 .2021. Duration : 0 03 22 !ears Mont"s Days MCOC SPL.C.NO.06 OF 201$ Registered on : 0 .0 .201$. Received on : 0 .0 .201$. Decided on : 16.03 .2021. Duration : 06 0% 0& !ears Mont"s Days MCOC SPL.C.NO.1& OF 201$ Registered on : 02.12.201$. Received on : 03.12.201$. Decided on : 16.03 .2021. Duration : 06 03 1$ !ears Mont"s Days MCOC SPL.C.NO.0' OF 201% Registered on : 1&.03.201%. Received on : 20.03.201%. Decided on : 16.03 .2021. Duration : 02 11 2' !ears Mont"s Days ()"*%&% +N ,HE COUR, OF MCOC/ SPEC+/L 0.D1E /, 1REA,ER 2OM2/! 3()clusive S5ecial Court constituted 6or t"e cases under MCOC/7,/D/7POT/ /ND OTHER SESS+ONS C/SES against t"e accused*Rajendra Sadashiv Ni9al8e : C""ota Ra8an) MCOC SPEC+/L C/S( NO.16 OF 2013 3CNR NO. MHCC02*012%23*2013; /LON1<+,- MCOC SPEC+/L C/S( NO.06 OF 201$ 3CNR NO. MHCC02*010626*201$; ... 2 ... /LON1<+,- MCOC SPEC+/L C/SE NO.1& OF 201$ 3CNR NO. MHCC02*01%2&0*201$; /LONG<+,- MCOC SP(C+/L C/SE NO.05 OF 2018 3CNR NO. MHCC02*003 '%*201%; ,"e Centra4 2ureau o6 +nvestigation, New Del"i 3RC.63S;*20167SC..?7SC*++7C2+7N(< D(L-+; @ ,"e State o6 Maharashtra 3at t"e instance o6 DC2C+D= C.R. no.%$713= 2angur Nagar Po4ice Station, C.R. no.206713; .... Prosecution. ?ersus. 31; Aaushi9 2a4dev Rajgour= 3on 2ai4;= age : 3' #ears, Occu5ation : Securit# 1uard CoB5an#= R7o. C7603= 60$= Sanskruti /5artBent= /nand Nagar= O55. S"ardashram Societ#= Dahisar 3East;= MumCai. Native 54ace : ?i44age : Rajula, ,a4uka : /Breli= Dist. : /Breli= ,"ane : Raj9umar= State : 1ujarat. 32; /rvind : /rv#a Pandurang S"inde, 3on 2ai4;= age : 30 #ears, Occu5ation : Driving, R/o.Lo9nat" Singh C"aw4= RooB No. = Hanuman ,ekdi= Aajupada, 2orivali 3East;= MumCai*$00 066. Native P4ace : 2"avani Dad9a, ,al.: .dgir= Dist.: Latur= Maharashtra. 33; Ra8endra Singh : 2"aisaheb : ,i>ari Case o6 t"e accused no.3 is Haric"aran Singh !adav alread# separated. 3$; Ro"it : Rotu Prab"uda#al ?ishvakarBa, /Cated on 21.01.201% as 5er order on ()".3&' 3'; Suni4 AuBar : Pi#ush 1aurishankar ,i>ari= 3on 2ai4;= age : 36 #ears, Occu5ation : Driver= R7o.: /BCewadi= 2ehind S"ri ... 3 ... 1anesh CoB5uter C4asses, 0ai ,ulaja 2"avani Nagar= <agle Estate, ,"ane 3<est;= Maharashtra Native 54ace : 1aon : 1aighat 3Ragadganj;= Post : Derava, ,al.: 1o4a, Dist.: 1orak"5ur= State : .ttar Pradesh. 36; ?i4as 0itendra 2"arti= 35resent4# 4odged at MumCai Centra4 Prison)= age : 3$ #ears, Occupation : 2ui4ding Baterial sup54ier= R/o. Devic"a Pada, RooB No.$1171= 2ehind PriBar# Schoo4= ,al.: Panvel= Dist.:,"ane. /t Post : 1anesh>adi= ,al.Dist.: Latur= State : Maharashtra. 3 ; /Bit Ais"or Sinha, /55rover7P<.1 35resent4# 4odged at ,"ane Centra4 0ai4; 3%; Prakash : Pak#a : 2"au /sho9 Ni9am= 35resent4# 4odged at MumCai Centra4 Prison)= age : 3& #ears, Occupation : Service in courier= R7o. /t 5ost : <ashind= ,aluka S"a"ar5ur= Dist. ,"ane. 3&; Ro"it ,anga55an 0osep" : Satish Aal#a, 35resent4# 4odged at MumCai Centra4 Prison)= age : $' #ears, Occupation : Driving, R7o. 1anesh Societ#= 0awahar Nagar= 1o4iCar Road= A"ar 3East;= MuBCai. 310; Rajendra Sadashiv Ni9al8e : C""ota Rajan : Nana : Set" : Sir= 3Present4# 4odged at ,i"ar 0ai4= 0ai4 No.2= New De4"i;= age: 62 #ears, occupation: Farsan Centre Cusiness, r7o. 671&2 @ 67120= ,i4ak Nagar Co4ony= C"emCur= MuBCai*$00 0%&. .... /ccused. ... 4 ... CORAM : -+S HONOUR ,HE SPEC+/L 0.D1(= MCOC/7 POT/7N+/7,/D/ /ND /DDL. SESS+ONS 0.D1( SHRI /.,. </NAHEDE. C.R.NO. : ' . D/,( : 16.03.2021. ************************************************************************************************ SPP Mr. P.D. 1"arat 6or C2+75rosecution. /dv. Mr. Sudeep Pasbo4a >it" /dv. Mr. ,ushar A"andare 6or accused nos.1 and 10. /dv. Mr. Samir Prad"an 6or accused nos.2 and '. /dv. Mr. 1anesh S"elar 6or accused no.6. /dv. Mr. Prakash S"ett# 6or accused no.%. /dv. Mr. Santosh Desh5ande 6or accused no.&. ************************************************************************************************ 0.D1MEN, 3D+C,/,ED +N OP(N COUR,; 1. ,"e accused are 5rosecuted 6or t"e o66ences 5unis"ab4e under Sections 30 = 120*2 o6 t"e +ndian Penal /ct 3"ereinafter referred to as D+PCD; r7>. Sections 3='= 2'=2 o6 +ndian /rBs /ct and Section 331;3ii;= 332;= 33$; o6 t"e Maharashtra Contro4 o6 Organized CriBe /ct= 1&&& 3"ereinafter re6erred to as DMCOC /ctD; in connection >it" CriBe no.20672013 original4# registered >it" 2angur Nagar Po4ice Station, t"en, re-registered as CriBe no.%$72013 >it" DC2*C+D= D*1 Nort"= MumCai and 6urt"er registered as CriBe no.RC.63S;*20167SC..?7SC* ++7C2+7N(< D(L-+ >it" t"e Central 2ureau o6 +nvestigation, New De4"i. 2. 2rie6 stor# o6 t"e 5rosecution case is as under :* On 2%.0%.2013= one /8ay HiBBat4al 1osali#a along >it" "is 5rivate Cod#guard /rshad /Cdul 1afar S"ai9" "ad Ceen to +n6init# Ma44= Link Road= Malad 3<est; MumCai at about 03.00 5B. +n t"e evening, at about $.00 5B= "e came out o6 t"e Mal4 6or 5icking up auto rickshaw near t"e 6oot5at" gate. /t t"at tiBe, t"ree unkno>n 5ersons "aving ... 5 ... 6irearBs in t"eir "and aiBed to>ards /8ay 1osa4i#a and 6ired. ,"e Cod#guard o6 /8ay 1osali#a tried to intervene, so= one o6 t"e assai4ant also 6ired at "iB= Cut= "e >arded o66 t"e Cul4et. /8ay 1osali#a sustained injur# and tried to 64ee away. /t soBe distance, "e 6e44 do>n and again, t"e assai4ants Bade 6iring on "iB. He >as grievousl# injured. ,"e assai4ants ran away to t"e ot"er side o6 t"e road C# crossing t"e road divider. ,"e in8ured >as taken to Fenit" Hospital. He sustained injuries on "is neck= shoulder= near stoBach and to t"e 5a4B o6 "is "and. +t is al4eged t"at t"e assai4ants Bade 6iring on t"e injured /8ay 1osali#a >it" intend to 9i44 "iB. ,"ere >as conspiracy to coBBit "is Burder C# t"e organized criBe syndicate "eaded C# t"e accused*Rajendra Sadashiv Ni9alaje : C""ota Ra8an. FIR /ND +N?ES,+1/,+ON 3. On t"e same day= at about 0'.$' 5B= t"e 5rivate Cod#guard o6 injured /8ay 1osali#a naBel# /rshad /Cdul 1afar S"ai9" 4odged re5ort to t"e 2angur Nagar Po4ice Station o6 t"e incident= upon >"ic"= t"e o66ence vide CriBe no.20672013 under Sections 30 = 120*2 o6 t"e +PC r7>. Sections 3=2' o6 t"e +ndian /rBs /ct came to Ce registered against t"ree unkno>n 5ersons. ,"e inforBant also gave descri5tion o6 t"e unkno>n assai4ants. ,"e FIR >as registered C# /P+ Dee5ak Pandurang Air9ire. He visited t"e s5ot o6 t"e incident and 5re5ared spot 5anchanaBa in 5resence o6 5anchas. On t"e spot= "e 6ound 6our em5t# cartridges and one Bis6ired Cul4et. He seized t"e same and also seized t"e C4ood Bi)ed eart" and siB54e eart" 6roB t"e spot. He >ent to t"e Fenit" Hospital and seized t"e shirt= 8eans 5ant= Celt= 5air o6 socks, one >"ite "and9erchief and under>ear o6 t"e injured and 5re5ared 5anchnaBa o6 it. He a4so recorded t"e statement o6 one SBt./4eyamBa 0o"n 3P<.1$; and 0ay Pati4 3P<.&;. ... 6 ... $. ,"ereafter investigation o6 t"e said criBe >as "anded over to P+ D"anan8ay ,ukaram Ligade. /s 5er "is directions, /P+ Mur9ute recovered one ,avera 0eep and seized t"e same. -e recorded t"e statement o6 t"e injured /8ay 1osali#a at Fenit" Hospital and also recorded t"e statement o6 one ?i8ay Mor#a and S"arBa. '. ,"en, as 5er order o6 /dditional CoBBissioner 3CriBes)= MumCai= t"e investigation o6 t"e said criBe >as "anded over to DC2* C+D= .nit*11= >"ere t"e o66ence >as re-registered as CriBe no.%$72013 under Sections 30 = 120*2 o6 t"e +PC r7>. Sections 3=2'= 2 o6 t"e +ndian /rBs /ct. On 30.0%.2013 6urt"er investigation o6 t"e criBe >as entrusted to /P+ C"iBaji 0agganat" /d"av o6 DC2*C+D= .nit*+X. He Bade enquir# >it" one C"etan Desai : Sav4a. -e also Bade enquir# >it" one Aanho5atra ,u4ashiraB 1ai9>ad about t"e vehicle invo4ved in t"e criBe. On 30.0%.2013= "e arrested accused*Aaushi9 Ra8gour and accused*/rvind S"inde and 5repared arrest 5anchanaBa. /t t"e tiBe o6 arrest= t"ree BoCi4e 5"ones "aving one S+M card each seized 6roB accused*Aaus"i9 Rajgour and t>o BoCi4e 5"ones >it" one S+M card each seized 6roB accused*/rvind S"inde. He recorded statement o6 C"etan Desai and ot"er >itnesses. He 6ound invo4vement o6 accused* Pi#ush ,i>ari : Suni4 AuBar ,i>ari= /Bit Sin"a, Prakash Ni9am and Ra8endra Singh ,i>ari in t"e o66ence. On getting inforBation, "e sent a team to +ndore to detain accused*Ra8endra Singh ,i>ari. ,"ereafter= "e arrested accused*Ra8endra Singh ,i>ari on 03.0&.2013 and 5repared arrest 5anchanama. During 5ersonal search o6 accused*Rajendra Singh ,i>ari= t>o BoCi4e 5"ones "aving one S+M card each caBe to Ce seized. On 0'.0&.2013= "e sent a team to Lalitapur= .ttar Pradesh to detain accused*Ro"it ?ish>akarBa. He arrested "iB and 5repared arrest 5anchanama.
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