AIAQ Prevention of Food { 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1S64 4150 held on Wednesday, the 16th Decern- j ber, (19) Shri Raghunath Singh 1964, has adopted the enclosed j motion (20) Shrimati Renuka Ray concurring in the recommendation of Rajya (21) Shri Bal Kris an x Singh Sabha that Lok j Sabha do join in the Joint Committee of the Houses on the (22) Shri Krishnapal Singh Banaras , Hindu University (23) Shri Rajdeo Singh (Amendment) Bill, 1964. The names of the (24) Shri Ramshekhar Prasad Singh mem- ! bers nominated by Lok Sabha to (25) Shri Sinhasan Singh serve on the said Joint Committee are set out in the motion;" (26) Shri N. M. R. Subbaraman (27) Shri Kamal Nath Tiwari MOTION (28) Lt. Col. Maharajkumar Dr. Vijaya That this House concurs ib the Ananda of Vizianagram recommendation of Rajya 'Sabha that the (29) Shri Ram Harkh Yadav, and House do join in thi Joint Committee of the (30) Shri Ram Sewak Yadav." Houses jm the Bill further to amend the Banaras Hindu University Act, 1915, made in the motion adopted by Rajya I Sabha at its THE PREVENTION OF FOOD ADUL- sitting held on the 25th November, 1964 and TERATION (AMENDMENT) BILL, communicated to this House on the 27th 1964—continued November, 1964 and resolves that the following 30 members of Lok! Sabha be MR. CHAIRMAN: Before we begin nominated to serve on th|e said Joint the discussion I would say that two Committee, namely: — hours were allotted for the dis cussion on this measure. Only (1) Dr. M. S. Aney twenty-six minutes are left out of (2) Shrimati Renuka Devi Barka-taki that time and there should be some relationship between the time consu (3) Shri A. E. T. Barrow med in the House and the time al (4) Shri Bhakt Darshan lotted- by the Business Advisory Com (5) Shri Yudhvir Singh Chau-dhary mittee. I have a list of about (6) Dr. Punjabrao S. Deshmukh fifteen to sixteen Members want ing to speak. Now there (7) Shri -Madhavrao Laximanrao Jadhav fore other speeches will have to be (8) Shri Gauri Shanker Kakkai- very brief; otherwise many people (9) Shri Harekrushna Mahatab will not be able to take part. As an extra measure of accommodating the (10) Shri Mahesh Dutta Ivjusra House I propose that the House sit (11) Shrimati Savitri Nigajm till 1.30 today and then break for (12) Shri Tika Ram Palivfal lunch, so that as many people as possible can speak, and then the (13) Shri Sarjoo Pandey Minister would be called upon to (14) Shri Purushottamdas R. Patel reply at 2.30. I hope that would suit (15) Shri S. B. Patil the convenience of the House. But some sort of self-restraint in the len (16) Shri P. S. Nataraja Pillai gth of speeches would be very (17) Shri S. K. Pottekka|tt helpful. Technically there are only <18) Shri D. D. Puri twenty-six minutes left. Shri Chor- dia had not finished his speech. He may now continue. 4151 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 19644152: Adulteration 4153 Prevention of Food [ 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4154, Adulteration 4155 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 19644156 Adulteration 4157 Prevention 0/ Food [ 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4158 Adulteration 4159 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964416c Adulteration 4161 Prevention of Food [ 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4162 Adulteration 4163 Prevention oj Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 416-Adulteration THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH (SHRI P. S. NASKAF): Mr. Misra's attention may be drawn. He is replying to something you said yesterday. SHRI LOKANATH MISRA (Orissa): I am so sorry I did not hear it. 4165 Prevention oj Food [ j 7 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4166' Adulteration 4167 Prevention oj Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 19M4168 Adulteration 4169 Prevention of Food [ 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4170 Adulteration 4171 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 19644172 Adulteration .173 Prevention of Food [ 17 DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4174 Adulteration 4175 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4176 Adulteration 4177 Prevention of Food [ 1? DEC. 1964 ] (Amendment) Bill, 1964 4178 A diiltprntinn SHRIMATI NANDINI SATPATHY (Orissa): Madam Deputy Chairman, this is such a Bill which is getting and which should get unhesitating support from every corner of this House. Food adulteration is not only a national menace, but it has got its tremendous bad effect on the coming generation. If we get a race of diseased and disabled persons, then it is naturally the deep concern of every person. Adulteration has come to such a point that people have completely forguUen about pure food. Tn the food that we are daily taking, e.g., rice, dal and other things, we are getting small stones and sands, for which nowadays we do not care, but in other things such as Atta, ghee, oil and spices there are so many types of admixtures that it causes deep concern, and as the doctors say they are very harmful for our health. Not only these food materials are adulterated, but we find that even baby food and drugs are also adul- terated. It is quite obvious what a deep concern it would be if these baby foods are adulterated. About drugs think of the poor man who generally cannot afford to buy such medicines which are so very costly. Even if in any way he manages to buy this medicine and gives it to his ailing child, at last what does he find? He finds that the condition of his child, instead of getting better gets worse. Think of this poor man, what his condition will be. We are daily getting reports of food poisoning in newspapers. In marriage parties and parties which are held for different festivals, after these parties reports come out that many people suffer from different types of diseases. There are cases of instantaneous deatft also from food poisoning. It ha.; become a natural phenomenon nowadays. The punishment that is provided in this Bill, I think, is not sufficient for these people who ere 4179 Prevention of Food [ RAJYA SABHA ] (Amendment) Bill, 19644r8o Adulteration [Shrimati Nandini Satphathy] responsible the case of one who is already adulterated or a for adulterating food materials. What thing which is already adulterated, there is no punishment can be sufficient for these people, fear of any more adulteration. I cannot think of, because they are more or less—why more or less—I think they should SHRI LOKANATH MISRA: I think that be called murderers. We are talking so many because" I said that the CongTess Party is things about corruption here. My friends from adulterated, it has hurt the Congress Party the Opposition have decried big political very much. figures, tall political people, charging them for their activities, charging them with SHRI P. S. NASKAR-. What about Mr. corruption before any charges were proved' Misra's Party? Is it spurious? against them. I would like to ask my hon. friend, Shri Lokanath Misra, whether he has SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR: They are the ever decried any profiteer, any hoarder or any representatives of vested interests, so pure adulterator in his State or anywhere else. Dalda. TheTe ls no question of adulteration. (Interruption). He does not say anything. Has he ever raised a single voice against such a SHRIMATI NANDINI SATPATHY; As I person who is not only responsible for have said, they are not afraid of any more profiteering or for making money for himself adulteration. but also for causing death . SHRI LOKANATH MISRA: Because we Madam, the punishment that we have know that these higher-ups are behind these provided in this Bill, as I have already said, is adulterators. I not sufficient for these adulterators. Tn my opinion, the punishment should be increased, SHRIMATI NANDTNl SATPATHY: I eo the offence should be cognisable and it should not think so. It is a nature with some Deonle be non-bailable. and it has become a nature with our friends in the Opposition that they should decry the Another thing which I want to tell hpre is political figures for their own political ends . that the things which are suspected to be . adulterated should be seized immediately. Otherwise, there is every chance that these SHHI LOKANATH MISRA; Once these things will be sold in the market. I can tell you higher-up people in politics are gone, there about one incident. Once there was a press will be no adulterators in this country. note by the Government that a particular type They will be hanged. of flour or a particu'ar type of Atta should not be used by the people. That was written in the SHRI AKBAR ALI KHAN (Andhra Pradesh): I hope my friend, Mr. Misra, will press note. It was said therein that the particular trade mark will be on the bag and be more graceful. from that bag nobody should buy the flour, SHRI CHANDRA SHEKHAR (TTttar but as it is, always the consumers do not buy a Pradesh): Mr. Misra is pura Dalda. bag of flour. Generally us they buy a kilo or two it is not possible for them to see the trade SHRIMATI NANDINI SATPATHY: That is mark on the bag. So, in my opinion, as soon as why I think he is not afraid of adulteration the Government sees anything wrong with the because nothing can be adulterated in the case foodstuffs, they should seize them. of Dalda. Only pure people or pure ghee er pure things can be adulteraf v I.
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