SATURDAY AUGUST 2 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Wipeout (CC) Wipeout (CC) Eli Stone Patience News (N) American Idol Enter- H h (CC) News (CC) (CC) Rewind Top 8 to 7 tainment KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of The The Saturday Night’s Law & Order: News (N) Saturday Night Live Seth SATURDAYL j Fortune Office Office Main Event (N) (CC) Criminal Intent Rogen;AUGUST Spoon. (CC) 2 KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid The Unit Sub Flashpoint Attention 48 Hours Mystery News (N) M*A*S*H Without a Trace 1< NX (CC) Program Conscious (CC) Shoppers (CC) (CC) (CC) (CC) Expectations (CC) K15CG Taste-6 PM Ameri-6:30 Keeping7 PM As7:30 Time The8 PLawrenceM 8:30 Welk Ro-9 PM New9:30 Red Austin10 PM City Limits10:30 Soundstage11 PM 11:30 John d Midwest ca’s Hrtl Up Goes By Show mance Green (CC) Fogerty (Part 1 of 2) KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Wipeout (CC) Wipeout (CC) Eli Stone Patience News (N) American Idol Enter- ESPN (5:00)(CC) 2008News Pro Football Hall of Fame X Games Carson, Calif.(CC) (Live) (CC) SportsCenter(CC) Rewind (Live) TopBaseball 8 to 7 Tonighttainment HO_h Induction From Canton, Ohio. (Live) (CC) (CC) (Live) (CC) KSNK/NBC News (N) Wheel of The The Saturday Night’s Law & Order: News (N) Saturday Night Live Seth LUSAj (4:30) Movie:Fortune Movie:Office 16 BlocksOffice (2006)Main A world-wearyEvent (N) (CC) Movie:Criminal 16 Intent Blocks (2006) A world-wearyRogen; Spoon.Movie: (CC) Mercury P^ Hostage TT (2005) cop protects a witness from assassins. cop protects a witness from assassins. Rising TT (1998) KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid The Unit Sub Flashpoint Attention 48 Hours Mystery News (N) M*A*S*H Without a Trace 1<TBSNX (4:30)(CC) Movie:Program Con Movie:Conscious True (CC) Lies TTTShoppers (1994, Action) (CC) (PA) A (CC)man Movie: Doom(CC) TT (2005)(CC) Soldiers Expectationsbattle Movie: (CC) P_ Air TTZ (1997) lives the double life of a spy and a family man. (CC) mutants at a research facility on Mars. (CC) Predator K15CG Taste- Ameri- Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage John WGNd FunniestMidwest Funniestca’s Hrtl Movie:Up GoldenEyeGoes By TTTShow (1995, Action) A weapon’smance CornerGreen Scrubs(CC) RENO RENOFogerty (Part24 1(CC) of 2) Pa Pets Pets theft sends Agent 007 to Russia. Pierce Brosnan. (CC) Gas (CC) (CC) 911! 911! ESPN (5:00) 2008 Pro Football Hall of Fame X Games Carson, Calif. (Live) (CC) SportsCenter (Live) Baseball Tonight TNTO_ (4:30)Induction Movie: From Pretty Canton,Movie: Ohio. Cast (Live) Away (CC) TTT (2000, Drama) A courier company Movie:(CC) Titanic TTTT (1997)(Live) (CC) A woman QW Woman TTT (1990) executive is marooned on a remote island. Tom Hanks. (CC) falls for an artist aboard the ill-fated ship. USA (4:30) Movie: Movie: 16 Blocks (2006) A world-weary Movie: 16 Blocks (2006) A world-weary Movie: Mercury DSCP^ MythBustersHostage TT (2005) Shark Survivingcop protects Sharks a witnessDay from of assassins. the Shark Worstcop protects Shark a Attack witnessTiger from assassins.Shark Attack: SurvivingRising TT Sharks (1998) QY Week Special 2 (CC) Ever Beyond Fear (CC) (CC) TBS (4:30) Movie: Con Movie: True Lies TTT (1994, Action) (PA) A man Movie: Doom TT (2005) Soldiers battle Movie: A&EP_ AmericanAir TTZ (1997) Justice Americanlives the double Justice life A of Americana spy and aJustice family man.A The (CC) Sopranosmutants at Thea research Sopranos facility on Mars.American (CC) JusticePredator A Q^ Dangerous Medicine Parent’s Nightmare Deadly Dose (CC) Luxury Lounge (CC) Johnny Cakes (CC) Parent’s Nightmare WGN Funniest Funniest Movie: GoldenEye TTT (1995, Action) A weapon’s Corner Scrubs RENO RENO 24 (CC) HISTPa ModernPets MarvelsPets Prehistorictheft sends AgentMonsters 007 toRevealed Russia. PierceBringing Brosnan.Journey (CC) toGas 10,000 (CC) BC(CC) (CC) 911! Prehistoric911! Q_ Mummies. (CC) bizarre extinct creatures back to life. (CC) Monsters Revealed TNT (4:30) Movie: Pretty Movie: Cast Away TTT (2000, Drama) A courier company Movie: Titanic TTTT (1997) A woman NICKQW DrakeWoman & TTTDrake (1990) & iCarlyexecutive isNaked maroonedDance, on a remoteDrake island. & TomGeorge Hanks. (CC)George Homefalls for an Homeartist aboardFamily the ill-fatedFamily ship. Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset Josh Lopez Lopez Improve. Improve. Matters Matters DSC MythBusters Shark Surviving Sharks Day of the Shark Worst Shark Attack Tiger Shark Attack: Surviving Sharks DISNQY HannahWeek SpecialDisney 2 Disney(CC) Phineas Movie: Holes TTT (2003)Ever A woman forces ZackBeyond & FearHannah (CC) That’s-(CC) Phil of R] Montana Games Games and Ferb juvenile delinquents to dig at a camp. (CC) Cody Montana Raven Future A&E American Justice American Justice A American Justice A The Sopranos The Sopranos American Justice A FAMQ^ (5:30)Dangerous Movie: Medicine The PrincessParent’s Diaries Nightmare TTZ Movie:Deadly NannyDose (CC) McPheeLuxury TTZ Lounge(2005, (CC) FreshJohnny CakesFresh (CC) FreshParent’s NightmareFresh R_ (2001, Comedy) Julie Andrews. (CC) Comedy) Emma Thompson. (CC) Prince Prince Prince Prince HIST Modern Marvels Prehistoric Monsters Revealed Bringing Journey to 10,000 BC (CC) Prehistoric HALLQ_ Movie:Mummies. Murder (CC) 101: If bizarreWishes extinct Were creaturesMovie: back Murderto life. (CC) 101: The Locked Room Movie: Murder 101: CollegeMonsters Can Revealed Be SW Horses (2007, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. Mystery (2008, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. Murder (2007, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. NICK Drake & Drake & iCarly Naked Dance, Drake & George George Home Home Family Family Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset ColbyJosh Free PressLopez Friday,Lopez Improve. AugustImprove. 1, 2008Matters PageMatters 7 DISN Hannah Disney Disney Phineas Movie: Holes TTT (2003) A woman forces Zack & Hannah That’s- Phil of 4le0005-7 R] Montana Games Games and Ferb juvenile delinquents to dig at a camp. (CC) Cody Montana Raven Future FAM (5:30) Movie: The Princess Diaries TTZ Movie: Nanny McPhee TTZ (2005, Fresh Fresh Fresh Fresh R_ (2001, Comedy) Julie Andrews. (CC) Comedy) Emma Thompson. (CC) Prince Prince Prince Prince By Dave Green HALL Movie: Murder 101: If Wishes Were Movie: Murder 101: The Locked Room Movie: Murder 101: College Can Be SW Horses (2007, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. Mystery (2008, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. Murder (2007, Mystery) Dick Van Dyke. TV LISTINGS 8 9 4 1 4le0005-7 sponsored by the 6 7 SUNDAY AUGUST 3 COLBY FREE PRESS 1 3 4 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power (CC) Paid Dr Dale’s First United H h Charles Stanley (N) America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Program Theracyl Methodist Church KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Pen- Veggie- 6 SUNDAYL j Program (CC) Program Program Bible ProgramAUGUSTguins Tales3 KBSL/CBS Paid Newspr- Care Straw- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Cake (EI) Horse- The Season’s Final 1< NX Program ing TV Bears berry (N) (CC) Nation (CC) land (EI) Major K15CG Barney-6 AM Big6:30 Big Ninos7 AM Plaza7:30 Kinder-8 AM Mama-8:30 Saddle9 AM Animalia9:30 Keeping10 AM Wealth-10:30 Kansas11 AM To11:30 the 2 9 3 KLBY/ABCd FriendsIn Touch WithWorld Dr. en-CasaGood MorningSesamo gartenThis Week-GeorgeMovies ClubHour of Power (CC) KidsPaid TrackDr Dale’s WeekFirst UnitedContrary HESPNh SportsCenterCharles Stanley (CC) (N) SportsCenterAmerica (N) (CC) (CC) Sports-StephanopoulosOutside Sports SportsCenterProgram (Live) (CC)Theracyl Methodist BaseballChurch KSNK/NBCO_ (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) CenterMeet the PressLines (N) ReportrsPaid Paid Your Paid Pen- TonightVeggie- LUSAj Paid Chang-Program Ed Joel Monk(CC) Mr. Monk Is PsychProgram Daredevils!Program BurnBible NoticeProgram Inguins Plain SightTales Good 7 KBSL/CBSP^ ProgramPaid ingNewspr- YoungCare OsteenStraw- UnderwaterCBS News Sunday(CC) Morning(CC) Face the ComradesCake (EI) (CC)Horse- Cop,The Season’sDead Cop Final (CC) 1<TBSNX (4:45)Program Movie:ing TV Movie:Bears Reignberry of Fire TTZ(N) (CC) (2002, Movie: TrueNation Lies TTT(CC) (1994, Action)land A (EI) man Majorlives the double life K15CGP_ PredatorBarney- (1987)Big Big Fantasy)Ninos ChristianPlaza Bale.Kinder- (CC) Mama- ofSaddle a spy andAnimalia a family man.Keeping Arnold Schwarzenegger.Wealth- Kansas (CC)To the WGNd PaidFriends AmazingWorld Keyen-Casa of PaidSesamo Jimmygarten SwaggartMovies FeedClub the Paid Movie:Kids HomewardTrack BoundWeek II: LostContrary in San ESPNPa ProgramSportsCenterFacts (CC) DavidSportsCenterProgram (CC) (CC)Sports- Outside ChildrenSports ProgramSportsCenterFrancisco (Live) (CC) TTZ (1996) Robert Hays.Baseball (CC) 3 4 2 TNTO_ (5:00) Movie: Movie: Sleepless in SeattleCenter TTTZLines (1993) AReportrs grieving Movie: Titanic TTTT (1997) A woman falls forTonight an USAQW BridgetPaid JonesChang- widowerEd capturesJoel the heartMonk of Mr. an Monkengaged Is woman.Psych Daredevils!artist aboardBurn the ill-fatedNotice ship. LeonardoIn Plain DiCaprio. Sight Good DSCP^ PaidProgram Paiding JoelYoung PaidOsteen MythBusters:Underwater (CC) Jaws MythBusters:(CC) Jaws ManComrades vs. Wild (CC) HumanCop, Dead Prey Cop (CC) (CC) TBSQY Program(4:45) Movie:Program OsteenMovie: ReignProgram of Fire TTZSpecial (2002, (Part 1 of 2) SpecialMovie: True(Part Lies2 of 2)TTTEverglades (1994, Action) (CC) A man lives the double life 3 7 A&EP_ BiographyPredator (1987) Meatloaf BiographyFantasy) Christian Weird Al Bale.Private (CC) Sessions Theof a Sopranosspy and a family man.The SopranosArnold Schwarzenegger.Movie: (CC)Analyze WGNQ^ (CC)Paid Amazing Yankovic.Key of (CC)Paid CyndiJimmy Lauper. Swaggart (CC) LuxuryFeed the LoungePaid (CC) JohnnyMovie: CakesHomeward (CC) BoundThis TTTII: Lost (1999) in San HISTPa Napoleon:Program FactsRule CitiesDavid of theProgram Punishment(CC) The evolutionChildren of criminalProgram TheFrancisco Exodus TTZ Decoded (1996) Scholars Robert Hays.
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