Cosmology in the laboratory: an analogy between hyperbolic metamaterials and the Milne universe David Figueiredo Departamento de F´ısica, CCEN, Universidade Federal da Para´ıba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-900, Jo~aoPessoa, Para´ıba, Brazil Fernando Moraes∗ Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 52171-900, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil S´ebastienFumeron and Bertrand Berche Statistical Physics Group, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Th´eoriques, Universit´ede Lorraine, B.P. 70239, 54506 Vandœuvre les Nancy, France (Dated: November 21, 2017) This article shows that the compactified Milne universe geometry, a toy model for the big crunch/big bang transition, can be realized in hyperbolic metamaterials, a new class of nanoengi- neered systems which have recently found its way as an experimental playground for cosmological ideas. On one side, Klein-Gordon particles, as well as tachyons, are used as probes of the Milne geometry. On the other side, the propagation of light in two versions of a liquid crystal-based meta- material provides the analogy. It is shown that ray and wave optics in the metamaterial mimic, respectively, the classical trajectories and wave function propagation, of the Milne probes, leading to the exciting perspective of realizing experimental tests of particle tunneling through the cosmic singularity, for instance. I. INTRODUCTION in the entire four-dimensional spacetime [2]. The ques- tion we want to address in this work is: can we simulate Initial conditions are always a trouble in cosmology but the passage through the singularity in the laboratory? can be circumvented by cyclic universe models, like an Recent advances in the field of metamaterials suggest endless repetition of big crunches followed by big bangs, this possibility. Arising from a pioneering idea by Vese- for instance. This is in fact an old idea that can be traced lago [5] and developed by Pendry [6], metamaterials are back to ancient mythologies. Even without referring to artificial media structured at subwavelength scales, such initial conditions some issues remain in these models, no- that their permittivity and permeability values can be tably the passage through the singularity, the transition taylored quasiarbitrarily (for instance, they may exhibit from big crunch to big bang. Recently, safe transition negative refractive index). Because analogy is a power- has been proposed [1, 2], where the singularity is noth- ful tool that a physicist possesses to arrive at an under- ing more than the temporary collapse of a fifth dimen- standing of the properties of nature, along with the fact sion. The three space dimensions remain large and time that visualizations of celestial object features in the lab- keeps flowing smoothly. A toy model for the geometry oratory have been a charming subject for human beings of this transition is the compactified 2D Milne universe over centuries, analogue gravity became an active field in arXiv:1706.05470v2 [gr-qc] 19 Nov 2017 [3] which is essentially a double cone in 3D Minkowski physics with the help of metamaterials. Therefore, sev- spacetime. Because there is still a singularity in one spa- eral works based on different results of general relativity tial dimension, a physically correct model should be able were done, including topics like analog spacetimes [7, 8], to describe the propagation of a particle through it. An time travel [9], cosmic strings [10], celestial mechanics example of such a model [4] revealed that the compacti- [11], black holes [12, 13] and wormholes [14], just to cite fied Milne universe seems to model the cosmic singularity a few. However, most of the approaches aforementioned in a satisfactory way. It is important to stress that the rely on transformation optics [15], where the permittiv- collapse here is far less severe than in ordinary 4D general ity ij and permeability µij tensors must be numerically relativity, because it happens just in one spatial dimen- equal (impedance matched). It turns out that sometimes sion, whereas in the ordinary case the collapse happens it is difficult to obtain such a constraint experimentally. Nevertheless, a particularly promising class of such media is that of hyperbolic metamaterials, for which one of the ∗ Also at Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal da eigenvalues of either the permittivity or the permeability Para´ıba, Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-900, Jo~aoPessoa, Para´ıba, tensors do not share the same sign with the two others Brazil (thus, they do not need to be impedance matched). Hy- 2 perbolic metamaterials are now extensively studied, both for practical purpose (enhanced spontaneous emission, hyperlenses [16{18]) but also for modeling cosmological phenomena (metric signature transition [19], modeling of time [20, 21], and even inflation [22]). Therefore, since inflationary models of the universe can be mimicked through hyperbolic metamaterials, it can be interesting to see if the cyclic/ekpyrotic ones also can. As far as light propagation is concerned, a (2+1) Minkowski spacetime can be simulated with such materials. As will be seen below, the quantum dynamics of Klein-Gordon particles through the big crunch/big bang transition may be experimentally verified with light propagating in a suitable hyperbolic metamaterial. FIG. 1. Plane sector which can be bent around a cone. The deficit angle δ = 2π(1 − sin θ) reduces the range of the polar angle # to [0; 2π sin θ). II. THE MC UNIVERSE In this section we will summarize the definition and one. Making these changes in Eq. (6), we obtain the 2D features of the Milne universe and the compactified Milne induced line element for the double cone universe, MC . However, first it is useful to analyze the geometry of a rectangular cone in R3 to get some insight. ds2 = dl2 + l2 sin2 θdφ2: (8) Therefore, let θ be the angle between the generatrix and the axis. In Cartesian coordinates (x; y; z) the cone sur- Concerning the cosmological model, consider the usual face will have the following form Robertson-Walker line element with negative spatial cur- vature [24] x2 + y2 = z2 tan2 θ; (1) ds2 = −dt2 + a(t)2 dχ2 + sinh2 χ dΩ2 ; (9) with parametric equations where a(t) is the expansion factor of the universe and x = r sin θ cos (#= sin θ) ; (2) dΩ2 = dθ2 + sin2 θdφ2 the solid angle. For a linear ex- y = r sin θ sin (#= sin θ) ; (3) pansion factor a(t) = t, we obtain the Milne universe metric z = r cos θ; (4) ds2 = −dt2 + t2 dχ2 + sinh2 χ dΩ2 ; (10) and position vector which was proposed by Edward Arthur Milne in 1933 r = [r sin θ cos (#= sin θ) ; r sin θ sin (#= sin θ) ; r cos θ] ; and represents a homogeneous, isotropic and expanding (5) model for the universe [25] which grows faster that simple due to the fact that it is locally isometric to a piece of the cold matter dominated or radiation dominated universes. plane [23]. In the parametrization above 0 ≤ # < 2π sin θ We are interested in the hypersurfaces where dΩ = 0. is the polar angle and 2π(1 − sin θ) is the deficit angle Then, Eq. (10) reduces to (see Fig. 1). Rescaling the polar angle as φ = #= sin θ one recovers the parametrization in terms of spherical ds2 = −dt2 + t2dχ2: (11) coordinates (r; θ; φ). Thus, the line element at the cone surface is, in terms of φ, Next, we make a coordinate transformation to new variables (T;X) given by ds2 = dr2 + r2 sin2 θdφ2: (6) T = t cosh χ, (12) Then, because θ = constant we have an induced 2D met- X = t sinh χ, (13) ric on the cone with the following metric tensor which leads to the following form for the line element in 1 0 g = ; (7) Eq. (11), namely ij 0 r2 sin2 θ ds2 = −dT 2 + dX2; (14) i 1 2 where gij = ei · ej (ei = @r=@x ; x = r; x = φ). To extend the above case for the double cone, we mod- which is the usual Minkowskian metric in two dimen- ify the radial coordinate r making r ! l, so that l 2 R. sions. However, one must stress that the Milne universe Thus, l > 0 for the upper cone and l < 0 for the lower only covers half of the Minkowski spacetime. To see why, 3 consider the lines of constant values χ = χ0 in Eqs. (12) Taking into account all previous parametrizations, the and (13), parametric equations (17){(19) become X = T tanh χ0: (15) x = t sinh θ cos φ, (21) y = t sinh θ sin φ, (22) As a result, we have straight lines in a Minkowskian di- z = t cosh θ; (23) agram. Taking the limits χ0 ! ±∞ in the equation above, one gets the light rays X = ±T , which form the p where sinh θ = κ, cosh θ = 1 + κ2 and φ 2 S1. As for boundaries of the past and future light cones from the the metric in M , origin (0; 0). Thus, one is confined in this region where C X2 −T 2 < 0, since the slope of the line given by Eq. (15) ds2 = −dt2 + κ2t2dφ2: (24) goes from 0 (for χ0 = 0) to ±1 (for χ0 ! ±∞). Another important point to stress is that the three- The presence of κ2 in the above metric indicates a conic dimensional space for the comoving Milne observers has singularity of the curvature at the origin. As we will see infinite extension. The reason is due to the fact that the below, this has important implications to the geodesics lines of constant t = t0 are hyperbolas, namely and wave functions of particles approaching the singu- larity, which acts as a filter for classical particles and a 2 2 2 T − X = t0; (16) phase eraser for quantum ones.
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