![DIRECTORY. BREMHILL. [Witts.] BKEMHILL, Or BREMBLE, A](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
DIRECTORY. 19 BREMHILL. [WitTS.] BKEMHILL, or BREMBLE, a township, ~i!lage, and 11-I.A., vicar. Hert' are chapels for the Primitive and large paris!1, with the hamlets of Charlcutt, East Tyther­ Wesleyau Methodists. Also a Mora vian settlement at ton, Fox ham, and Wick, 2t miles north-west from Calue, East Tytherton. The Berks and Wilts canal runs through and 4 east from Chippenham, iri Chippenham Hundred, this parish, The Marquis of Lansdowne is lord oF the Calne Union, and wilhin 4 mil<.:'S of the station of the manor. Population, in 1851, was 1,421; acres 5,920. Great ·western railway. The church, dedicated to St. FoxHA.M is a. chapelry 3 miles north, the duties of J\Iartin, is in the early English style; the benefice is an which are voluntarily supplier! by the vicar of Bremhill. endowed vicarage, in the patronage of the Bishop, the Stanley, Hazelanrl, Wick, Ca.denham, Spirthill, and diocese of Salisbury, a.rchdeaconry of Wilts, and deanery Hanger, are other places. of Avenury. The incumbent is the Rev. Henry Drury, Coury Mr. Ea~t Tytherton Freeth Willlam, fttrmer, Wick Palmer John, carpenter & wheelwright Drury Rev. Henry Fry Edward, farmer, Cadonham Peglar Ann (lVfrs.), farmer, Foxbam Hughes Mr3. & Miss, East Tytherton Fry Thomas, farmer, Cadenham Pminger Broorne,farmer,East'rytherton Johnson Ml~!!, E'lst Tytherton Fry Will iarn, farmer, Stanley Pontin J o~eph, c~rpenter &wheelwright J... nng Rev. Waiter, East Tytherton Gough Edward, farmer PowneyWm.road sunevor&pa.riRh clrk :Male Rev. Arthur, E>~.st Tytherton Gregory Nichola:;~, farmer, Spirthill Rogers John, farmer, East Tytherton Schwartz Rev. East TytbP.rtrJn Hamrnond George, farmer, Charlcntt Slade 8amuel1 shopkt!eper Wuugh l\Ii8s Sarah, East Tytherton Harnmonds D;miel, farmer, Spirthill Smith Shadrach, Cltrpenter & wheel- Whit worth William, esq. Stanley Hammonds George, farmer, Hanger wright & blacksmith, Foxham 'Vood Mr:~. Barn bridge Hammonds !Raac, baker & farmer Stiles Step lien, farmer, Spirthill TRA.DERS. Hammon•ls 'Villiam, farmer, Hanger Thomas Simeon, carpenter & wheel- Archer Jacob, farmer & miller, Haze- Haud Francis, 'Dumb Post' wright, East. Tytherton ' land mill HatherallGP.orge,basket maker,Spirthll Turk Alfred, fcHmer, Foxham Aspeck Louis, farmer Hayward Charles, farmet·, Foxbam Vines Broom, farmer, Foxham Eill David, coaldealer, East Tytherton Hodge~ Edward, farmer, Wick Vines Charles, farmer, Spirthill Eull William, baker, Ea~t Tytherton Hodges Giles, shoem!l.ker & sl10pkeeper, Vines Jacob, farmer, S pirthill Carpenter Jacob, farmer, Foxham East T_ytherton Whittle Isaac, farme1· Carpenter Joseph, farmer, Foxham Hougson Charles, shopkeeper, Foxham Wiltshire Mary(Mrs.),shopkeeper,East Chesterman Patience,farmr. Ea. Tythrtn Holbrow Ed ward, farmer 'l'ytherton Cleverley Stephen, farmer, Wick Jefferys James, farmer, East Tytherton Woud William Bryan, land surveyor, Clifford Thomas, f,umer, StLtdley Jefferys StepheusStile8,farmer,Spirthill East Tytherton Collar Aun (:\1rs.), black,mith .Jermer Wm. farmer,Bremhill grove frm Woodw<:rdHenry,boot&~hoe ma.Sprthll Crook John, farmer & miller, Stanley Large John, farmer, Wick Yeo James, blacksmith, East Tytherton Fell-. farmer, Fo.~ham Morris John, jun. farmer, Foxham Letter~ through Chippenham, the Freegard Thomas, farmer, Charlcutt 1 l\Iorris John, bCrl. farmer, Fox ham neq.rest money order olfice is at Calne INSURANCE AGENT-A tla! Fire ~ Life, Wm. Bryan National School, Mis~ Ann Harrey, mlstres~ Wood, East Tjtherton Foxham School, Miss Mttrtha Burg-ess, mistreM, Foxham BR.EMILIIAM, or CowAGE, a small· parish in the the Rev. A rthur Evius is the pre!lent rector, anrl the Hundred, Union aud parliamentary horough of Malmes- Rev. L·~wis Way, B.A., is curate. 'fhe parish church is bury, from which place it lies 2 miles west-south~ west, a small 11nd very plain sttueture. R. S. Holford, Esq., and IO north-west from Chippenham. The living is a is lord of the manor. The area is 420 acres, and the rectory, valued at £150~ in the diocese of Gloucester and population 46. Bristol, and the presentation of George Rushout, Esq. ; TRADERS. j Thorupson .Matthew, tanner Letterfl through Malmesbury, which Hillear William, f"armer Ii~ the nearest money order office BR.J:NK.WORTH, manor of Brink worth; Lord Holland is lord of the manor with the Hamlet of GKITTENHAM, of G rittenham. I~ an exten11ive parish and village, pleasantly situated GRITTENHAM is a tithing and manor, with 212 inha­ on the road from \Vootton Bassett to Malmesbury, bitants ; Clitsbury is 1 mile north-west; Whitehouse and distant from \Vootton Bassett station 5 miles north Baker's Bridge, I mile north-west; Crows, three-quarters west, from London 88~ and from Malmesbury 6; it is of a mile south-west; Windmill IJouses and Halbert's in the Hundred, Union and parliamentary borough of Green, I mile north; Pen's Lodge, 1 ~ miles north-east; l\ialmesbury, North Wilts, and diocese of Gloucester. Farm Hill, Box Bush, and Fritter's WPll, 1 mile north­ The living is a rectory, in the patronage of Pembroke east j Stonehouse, 1! miles east J Catley Hill, 2 miles east; College, Oxford, value £742 per annum, besides the glebe Highgate, 2~ miles east; Dove's Bridge, 2~ tniles I!Outh­ land. The incumbent is the Rev. Charles Wightwick, by-east; White's Green, l mile south-east; Stranu;ers, lJ.D. The church is an ancient and large structure, in q miles south; Whitlands, I! miles south; Smithcot, the early English style, consisting of a square tower and 2 miles south-west; Lowmanor Longman Street, 2 miles 5 bells, nave, aisle, and chancel. The Independents and north-west; Sunday's Hill, 2 miles north; Forty Acres, Wesleyans have places of worship here. There is a school, 2i miles north; Hundred Acres, and Moon's Leaze, 2} partly endowed, the deficiency being made up by volun­ miles north-east; Lurker's Wood and Bradon, 3 miles tary contributions. The population, in 1851, was l ,339, north-east. Boxbush House Lodge, Woodside, York's the area in acres 5,440; rateable value £6,646. T~ Cliffe, Waldron 's, Latimers, Weeks~ Rookery, Pitt's charities amount to £10 per annum; also Miss Nicholls' Land, Ellborough, Giles, Eastend, Malthouse, Vines, gift, which is distributed, in the shape of blankets, for Cheesehill, Goddards, Nicholls, Bonds, Pinnell's Place, the benefit of the poor. The Earl of Suffolk is lord of the and Snells, are other places. Brinkworth. Collingborn Tboma!l, farmer, York't11 frm Mo.tthews Rohert, bootmaker GESTRY. Collingbom Wm. farmer, Dovey'a farm Mlltthewl! William, baket S tratton Robert, esq. Boxbush house Dixon John, farrier Matthews ·william, farmer, Woodside Stratton Mr. William Fry Charle~, butcher & cattle dealer Nor ton J a ne( Miss) ,frmr.·w aldron's frm U dell Rev. Robert Fry Charles, farmer, Cliffe farm Ody N oah; farRier, La timer's farm Wightwick Rev. Charles, M.A. [rector] Fry Sarah (Mrs.), beer retailer Porter William, farmer, Week's farm TRA.DERS. Gagg David, bricklayer Potter William, farmer, Church farm Ady John, farmer, Lodge farm Greenman David, miller · Reynoldii John, farmer1 Rookery • Bath Benjamin, carpenter & beer retlr Hall William, farmer, White house Robertson J ames,farmer,Malthouse frm Bath Jacob, carrier Hayward John, caq1enter Sainsbury J oseph, farmer, Rookery .Bath Robert, beer retailer Heath William, shopkeeper & beer retlr Simmonds Wm. farmer, Pitt's Land frm Brook'! Joseph, blacksmith H or sell A bra. ham, farmer, Sunday's hill Sly Joseph, shopkeeper Burchell John, carpenter & cooper H orsell J oseph, shopkeeper Smith Abraham, parish clerk Clark Jacoh, fanner, Longman street Hunt Jacob, beer retailer Smith Jacob, farmer, Elborougb farm Clark Jacob, farmer, Sunday farm Lewis Sarah (Mrs.), frmr. Sunday's hill Smith John, farmer, Giles farrn Clark Waiter & Roht. frmrl'. Penn's ltlg Mapson Willi<tm, butcher Spencer John, farmer, Ea~t end Collingborn Isaac, farmer, Woodside M atthews Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stratton James, 'Th1·ee Crolvns' B 2 .
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