APPENDICES 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 1 – Referendum, Poll and Plebiscite Results Results of referendums, polls and plebiscites are not binding, but do provide an indication of public opinion for the Council to consider when making decisions on issues. City of Albany A referendum was conducted for the City of Albany to gauge the level of support for optional 7 day trading. Do you support optional 7 day trading for all retailers in the City of Votes Albany? Yes 5,668 No 6,537 Total Valid Votes 12,205 Informal 10 Total Votes Received 12,215 The majority of electors did not support optional 7 day trading. City of Cockburn A referendum was conducted for the City of Cockburn to gauge the level of support of providing free family entertainment and to continue the streetscape and beautification programme. Do you want the City of Cockburn to continue providing free family entertainment, such as the ‘Summer of fun’ concerts, Votes accessible to all residents of the City? Yes 13,087 No 3,171 Total Valid Votes 16,258 Informal 169 Total Votes Received 16,427 Do you want the City of Cockburn to continue its streetscape and Votes intersection beautification program? Yes 14,607 No 1,592 Total Valid Votes 16,199 Informal 228 Total Votes Received 16,427 The majority of electors supported both. 41 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 2 – Reasons for Rejection of Voter Packages Declaration Not Declaration District Other Total Signed Missing City of Albany 329 304 2 635 City of Armadale 243 79 1 323 Shire of Ashburton 12 22 0 34 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 99 25 2 126 Town of Bassendean 80 29 0 109 City of Belmont 336 105 9 450 City of Bunbury 222 179 6 407 Shire of Busselton 214 84 0 298 Town of Cambridge 155 40 3 198 City of Canning 402 232 4 638 Shire of Capel 48 23 0 71 Shire of Carnarvon 36 20 0 56 Shire of Chittering 21 4 1 26 Town of Claremont 55 11 3 69 City of Cockburn 490 410 5 905 Shire of Collie 85 47 1 133 Town of Cottesloe 39 41 0 80 Shire of Dardanup 62 25 1 88 Shire of Denmark 27 10 1 38 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 33 21 0 54 Shire of East Pilbara 2 0 0 2 Shire of Exmouth 0 0 0 0 City of Fremantle 267 124 6 397 City of Geraldton 128 76 6 210 Shire of Gingin 31 8 0 39 City of Gosnells 530 201 1 732 Shire of Greenough 52 19 0 71 Shire of Kalamunda 231 91 4 326 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 129 73 1 203 Town of Kwinana 129 36 2 167 Shire of Lake Grace 8 2 0 10 City of Mandurah 368 199 4 571 City of Melville 355 130 5 490 Shire of Merredin 0 0 0 0 Shire of Mount Marshall 2 5 0 7 Shire of Mundaring 121 42 0 163 Shire of Murray 51 30 1 82 City of Nedlands 124 38 2 164 City of Perth 72 20 1 93 Shire of Plantagenet 0 0 0 0 City of Rockingham 228 86 2 316 Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 40 39 1 80 City of South Perth 49 6 0 55 City of Stirling 1,287 459 9 1,755 City of Subiaco 81 64 1 146 City of Swan 529 163 7 699 Town of Victoria Park 211 89 1 301 Town of Vincent 196 49 2 247 City of Wanneroo 354 161 2 517 Shire of Waroona 3 3 0 6 TOTAL 8,566 3,924 97 12,587 42 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 3 – Enrolment and Voter Turnout District Enrolment 1 Voter Turnout 2 Percentage Turnout City of Albany 22,310 13,109 58.76% City of Armadale 19,406 6,942 35.77% Shire of Ashburton 1,915 769 40.16% Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 7,017 3,950 56.29% Town of Bassendean 6,676 2,719 40.73% City of Belmont 20,258 7,709 38.05% City of Bunbury 21,314 9,216 43.24% Shire of Busselton 17,583 7,256 41.27% Town of Cambridge 17,021 7,399 43.47% City of Canning 49,561 16,466 33.22% Shire of Capel 5,932 2,524 42.55% Shire of Carnarvon 2,774 1,022 36.84% Shire of Chittering 2,242 1,060 47.28% Town of Claremont 6,371 3,140 49.29% City of Cockburn 47,662 17,740 37.22% Shire of Collie 6,047 2,630 43.49% Town of Cottesloe 5,316 2,947 55.44% Shire of Dardanup 6,557 2,341 35.70% Shire of Denmark 2,414 1,554 64.37% Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 3,305 1,620 49.02% Shire of East Pilbara 217 69 31.80% Shire of Exmouth No election City of Fremantle 18,637 9,329 50.06% City of Geraldton 12,663 4,785 37.79% Shire of Gingin 2,143 1,306 60.94% City of Gosnells 56,492 17,188 30.43% Shire of Greenough 6,262 2,496 39.86% Shire of Kalamunda 24,805 9,470 38.18% City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 16,534 5,469 33.08% Town of Kwinana 11,811 3,617 30.62% Shire of Lake Grace 591 389 65.82% City of Mandurah 37,653 14,367 38.16% City of Melville 33,859 12,271 36.24% Shire of Merredin No election Shire of Mount Marshall 62 48 77.42% Shire of Mundaring 18,091 6,767 37.41% Shire of Murray 4,184 1,843 44.05% City of Nedlands 14,397 5,711 39.67% City of Perth 9,293 3,970 42.72% Shire of Plantagenet No election City of Rockingham 24,029 7,979 33.21% Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 5,917 2,390 40.39% City of South Perth 4,169 1,476 35.40% City of Stirling 122,790 39,942 32.53% City of Subiaco 11,452 5,126 44.76% City of Swan 45,702 15,922 34.84% Town of Victoria Park 18,105 6,298 34.79% Town of Vincent 18,803 6,458 34.35% City of Wanneroo 33,151 10,637 32.09% Shire of Waroona 489 264 53.99% TOTAL 823,982 307,700 37.34% 1 Enrolment – Elector figures for contested elections 2 The voter turnout consists of the number of returned voting packages that were scanned (accepted and rejected). 43 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 4 – Replacement and Provisional Votes Issued District Replacement Votes Provisional Votes City of Albany 100 3 City of Armadale 24 2 Shire of Ashburton 13 3 Shire of Augusta-Margaret River 27 45 Town of Bassendean 19 0 City of Belmont 38 0 City of Bunbury 89 0 Shire of Busselton 58 3 Town of Cambridge 82 1 City of Canning 29 2 Shire of Capel 4 0 Shire of Carnarvon 29 0 Shire of Chittering 23 0 Town of Claremont 61 0 City of Cockburn 105 0 Shire of Collie 9 0 Town of Cottesloe 81 1 Shire of Dardanup 21 0 Shire of Denmark 20 4 Shire of Donnybrook-Balingup 7 0 Shire of East Pilbara 0 0 Shire of Exmouth 0 0 City of Fremantle 185 2 City of Geraldton 130 2 Shire of Gingin 10 0 City of Gosnells 34 1 Shire of Greenough 31 1 Shire of Kalamunda 60 0 City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder 199 1 Town of Kwinana 23 1 Shire of Lake Grace 2 0 City of Mandurah 76 8 City of Melville 20 0 Shire of Merredin 0 0 Shire of Mount Marshall 0 0 Shire of Mundaring 71 0 Shire of Murray 7 0 City of Nedlands 129 0 City of Perth 85 6 Shire of Plantagenet 0 0 City of Rockingham 9 0 Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale 19 0 City of South Perth 6 0 City of Stirling 108 3 City of Subiaco 86 7 City of Swan 61 0 Town of Victoria Park 14 0 Town of Vincent 27 0 City of Wanneroo 24 0 Shire of Waroona 2 0 TOTAL 2,257 96 44 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Appendix 5 – Summary of Activity in May 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Contested Packages Packages Local Government Wards Vacancies Candidates Contested Unopposed Uncontested Electors Mayoral % Returned Wards Sent Returned City of Albany 7 5 7 16 5 2 0 22,310 22,310 13,109 58.76% City of Armadale 7 4 7 12 4 3 0 33,789 19,406 6,942 35.77% Shire of Ashburton 3 2 4 7 3 1 0 3,252 1,915 769 40.16% Shire of Augusta- 4 3 4 9 3 1 0 8,250 7,017 3,950 56.29% Margaret River Town of Bassendean 3 2 5 8 3 2 0 9,725 6,676 2,719 40.73% City of Belmont 4 4 6 12 6 0 0 20,258 20,258 7,709 38.05% City of Bunbury 2 2 7 20 7 0 0 21,314 21,314 9,216 Yes 43.24% Shire of Busselton 6 6 8 19 8 0 0 17,583 17,583 7,256 41.27% Town of Cambridge 2 2 4 15 4 0 0 17,021 17,021 7,399 43.47% City of Canning 4 2 5 8 2 3 0 49,561 49,561 16,466 Yes 33.22% Shire of Capel 1 1 6 7 6 0 0 5,932 5,932 2,524 42.55% Shire of Carnarvon 3 1 6 10 4 2 0 3,663 2,774 1,022 36.84% Shire of Chittering 1 1 3 4 3 0 0 2,242 2,242 1,060 47.28% Town of Claremont 4 4 5 11 5 0 0 6,371 6,371 3,140 Yes 49.29% City of Cockburn 4 4 6 16 6 0 0 47,662 47,662 17,740 Yes 37.22% Shire of Collie 1 1 5 7 5 0 0 6,047 6,047 2,630 43.49% Town of Cottesloe 5 4 6 12 5 1 0 5,316 5,316 2,947 Yes 55.44% Shire of Dardanup 1 1 5 8 5 0 0 6,557 6,557 2,341 35.70% Shire of Denmark 3 2 6 9 3 3 0 3,654 2,414 1,554 64.37% Shire of Donnybrook- 1 1 5 8 5 0 0 3,305 3,305 1,620 49.02% Balingup Shire of East Pilbara 4 1 6 8 1 5 0 3,113 217 69 31.80% Shire of Exmouth 1 0 3 3 0 3 0 1,521 City of Fremantle 7 7 8 22 8 0 0 18,637 18,637 9,329 Yes 50.06% City of Geraldton 2 2 8 12 8 0 0 12,663 12,663 4,785 Yes 37.79% Shire of Gingin 5 4 5 10 4 1 0 4,037 2,143 1,306 60.94% City of Gosnells 3 3 6 11 6 0 0 56,492 56,492 17,188 30.43% Shire of Greenough 3 2 10 14 7 3 0 8,641 6,262 2,496 39.86% Shire of Kalamunda 4 3 6 13 5 1 0 34,014 24,805 9,470 38.18% City of Kalgoorlie- 1 1 8 18 8 0 0 16,534 16,534 5,469 33.08% Boulder Town of Kwinana 2 1 5 8 4 1 0 13,740 11,811 3,617 30.62% 45 2005 Local Government Postal Elections Election Report Contested Packages Packages Local Government Wards Vacancies Candidates Contested Unopposed Uncontested Electors Mayoral % Returned Wards Sent Returned Shire of Lake Grace 3 1 5 6 2 3 0 1,152 591 389 65.82% City of Mandurah 5 5 7 18 7 0 0 37,653 37,653 14,367 Yes 38.16% City of Melville 6 3 7 13 4 3 0 66,427 33,859 12,271 36.24% Shire of Merredin 1 0 5 5 0 5 0 2,206 Shire of Mount 4 1 4 5 1 3 0 465 62 48 77.42% Marshall Shire of Mundaring 4 3 6 13 4 2 0 23,893 18,091 6,767 37.41% Shire of Murray 6 3 8 16 5 3 0 8,502 4,184 1,843 44.05% City of Nedlands 4 4 6 10 6 0 0 14,397 14,397 5,711 39.67% City of Perth 1 1 4 14 4 0 0 9,293 9,293 3,970 42.72% Shire of Plantagenet 4 0 5 5 0 5 0 3,168 City of Rockingham 3 1 6 14 3 3 0 50,997 24,029 7,979 33.21% Shire of Serpentine- 4 3 5 10 4 1 0 8,272 5,917 2,390 40.39% Jarrahdale
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