Wykaz czasopism naukowych Lp. Tytuł 1 issn e-issn Tytuł 2 issn e-issn PunktyFilozofia 164 Acta Bioethica 1726-569X 1726-569X Acta Bioethica 0717-5906 1726-569X 40 x 376Adamantius 1126-6244 Adamantius 1126-6244 40 x 380 ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR 1059-7123 1741-2633 Adaptive Behavior 1059-7123 40 x 691 AI & Society 0951-5666 1435-5655 AI and Society 0951-5666 1435-5655 40 x 731 Aisthema-International Journal 2284-35152284-3515 40 x 1065 Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia 0211-2337 1988-2564 Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia 0211-2337 1988-2564 40 x Apeiron-A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and 1409 0003-63902156-7093 40 x Science Araucaria-Revista Iberoamericana de Filosofia 1572 1575-68232340-2199 Araucaria 1575-6823 40 x Politica y Humanidades 1891Asian Journal of Business Ethics 2210-67232210-6731 40 x 2208Avant 2082-75982082-6710 Avant 2082-7598 2082-6710 40 x BIBLIOTHEQUE D HUMANISME ET 2345 0006-1999 40x RENAISSANCE BSHM Bulletin-Journal of the British Society for BSHM: British Society for the History of 2884 1749-8430 1749-8341 1749-8430 40 x the History of Mathematics Mathematics Bulletin CAMBRIDGE QUARTERLY OF HEALTHCARE 3083 0963-1801 1469-2147 Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 0963-1801 1469-2147 40 x ETHICS 3696 Cinta de Moebio 0717-554X0717-554X Cinta de Moebio 0717-554X 40 x 3746 CLASSICAL REVIEW 0009-840X 1464-3561 Classical Review 0009-840X 1464-3561 40 x 4343 Constructivist Foundations 1782-348X Constructivist Foundations 1782-348X 40 x Contagion-Journal of Violence Mimesis and Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and 4350 1075-7201 1930-1200 1075-7201 1930-1200 40 x Culture Culture 4356 CONTEMPORARY CHINESE THOUGHT 1097-1467 1558-0997 Contemporary Chinese Thought 1097-1467 1558-0997 40 x Con-textos Kantianos-International Journal of 4391 2386-7655 2386-7655 Con-textos Kantianos 2386-7655 40 x Philosophy 4392 CONTINENTAL PHILOSOPHY REVIEW 1387-2842 1573-1103 Continental Philosophy Review 1387-2842 40 x 4501 Critical Horizons 1440-9917 1568-5160 Critical Horizons 1440-9917 1568-5160 40 x 4505 Critical Philosophy of Race 2165-8684 2165-8692 Critical Philosophy of Race 2165-8684 2165-8692 40 x CRITICA-REVISTA HISPANOAMERICANA DE 4535 0011-1503 Critica-Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofia 0011-1503 40 x FILOSOFIA 4546 Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1333-1108 1847-6139 Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1333-1108 1847-6139 40 x Cultura-International Journal of Philosophy of Cultura. International Journal of Philosophy of 4635 1584-1057 2065-5002 1584-1057 2065-5002 40 x Culture and Axiology Culture and Axiology 4638 CULTURAL CRITIQUE 0882-4371 1460-2458 Cultural Critique 0882-4371 1534-5203 40 x 4864 Daimon-Revista Internacional de Filosofia 1130-0507 1989-4651 Daimon 1130-0507 40 x 4920 Democratic Theory-An Interdisciplinary Journal 2332-8894 2332-8908 Democratic Theory 2332-8894 2332-8908 40 x 4955Derrida Today 1754-85001754-8519 40 x 5044 Dialog so Vremenem-Dialogue with Time 2073-7564 2073-7564 Dialog so Vremenem 2073-7564 40 x 5051 DIALOGUE-CANADIAN PHILOSOPHICAL REVIEW 0012-2173 1759-0949 Dialogue 0012-2173 40 x 5232Dynamis 0211-9536 Dynamis 0211-95362340-7948 40 x 5244 EARLY CHINA 0362-50282325-2324 Early China 0362-5028 2325-2324 40 x 5249 Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 40 x Enthymema-International Journal of Literary 5756 Criticism Literary Theory and Philosophy of 2037-24262037-2426 40 x Literature 5811 ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS 0163-4275 2153-7895 Environmental Ethics 0163-4275 40 x Epekeina-International Journal of Ontology 5861 2281-32092281-3209 40 x History and Critics 5862 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 0013-9513 1783-1423 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 0013-9513 1783-1423 40 x 5998 Ethical Perspectives 1370-0049 1783-1431 Ethical Perspectives 1370-0049 40 x 6001 ETHICS & BEHAVIOR 1050-8422 1532-7019 Ethics and Behavior 1050-8422 1532-7019 40 x 6004 Ethics & Social Welfare 1749-6535 1749-6543 Ethics & Social Welfare 1749-6535 1749-6543 40 x 6008 Ethics Policy & Environment 2155-0085 2155-0093 Ethics, Policy and Environmnet 2155-0085 2155-0093 40 x 6034 Etica & Politica 1825-51671825-5167 Etica e Politica 1825-5167 40 x 6048 ETUDES PHILOSOPHIQUES 0014-2166 2101-0056 Etudes Philosophiques 0014-2166 40 x 6122 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1689-8311 1689-8311 European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1689-8311 40 x 6301 European Legacy-Toward New Paradigms 1084-8770 1470-1316 European Legacy 1084-8770 1470-1316 40 x 6581 Filosofia Politica 0394-7297 0394-7297 Filosofia Politica 0394-7297 40 x 6582 Filosofia Unisinos 1519-5023 1984-8234 Filosofia Unisinos 1519-5023 1984-8234 40 x 6583 FILOSOFICKY CASOPIS 0015-1831 Filosoficky Casopis 0015-1831 2570-9232 40 x 6584 Filosofija-Sociologija 0235-7186 0235-7186 Filosofija, Sociologija 0235-7186 40 x 6588Filozofia Nauki 1230-6894 Filozofia Nauki 1230-6894 40 x 6889 Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1673-3436 1673-355X Frontiers of Philosophy in China 1673-3436 1673-355X 40 x Galilaeana-Studies in Renaissance and Early 6956 1971-60521825-3903 Galilaeana 1971-6052 40 x Modern Science 7406 HASTINGS CENTER REPORT 0093-0334 1552-146X Hastings Center Report 0093-0334 40 x 7536Hermeneia 1453-90472069-8291 40 x 7555 HEYTHROP JOURNAL 0018-1196 1468-2265 Heythrop Journal 0018-1196 40 x 7603 Historia Ciencias Saude-Manguinhos 0104-5970 1678-4758 Historia, Ciencias, Saude - Manguinhos 0104-5970 40 x 7665 HISTORY OF POLITICAL THOUGHT 0143-781X History of Political Thought 0143-781X 40 x 7709 Horizon-Fenomenologicheskie Issledovaniya 2226-5260 2311-6986 Horizon, Fenomenologiceskie Issledovania 2226-5260 2311-6986 40 x Human Affairs-Postdisciplinary Humanities & 7751 1210-30551337-401X Human Affairs 1210-3055 40 x Social Sciences Quarterly 7797 Humana Mente-Journal of Philosophical Studies1972-1293 1972-1293 Humana Mente 1972-1293 40 x 7801 Humanitas-Portugal 0871-1569 0871-1569 Humanitas 0871-1569 2183-1718 40 x 7820HYLE 1433-51581617-4240Hyle 1433-5158 1617-4240 40 x 7826Hypnos 1413-91382177-5346 Hypnos 1413-9138 2177-5346 40 x 8433 Intellectual Discourse 0128-4878 2289-5639 Intellectual Discourse 0128-4878 40 x International Journal for the Study of International Journal for the Study of 8570 2210-5697 2210-5700 2210-5697 2210-5700 40 x Skepticism Skepticism International Journal of Feminist Approaches International Journal of Feminist Approaches 8906 1937-4585 1937-4577 1937-4585 1937-4577 40 x To Bioethics to Bioethics International Journal of Philosophy and International Journal of Philosophy and 9251 2169-2327 2169-2335 2169-2327 2169-2335 40 x Theology Theology 9709 Isegoria 1130-20971988-8376 Isegoria 1130-2097 1988-8376 40 x 10161Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 1927-44161927-4416 40 x 10212 Journal of Argumentation in Context 2211-4742 2211-4750 Journal of Argumentation in Context 2211-4742 2211-4750 40 x 10473 JOURNAL OF CHINESE PHILOSOPHY 0301-8121 1540-6253 Journal of Chinese Philosophy 0301-8121 1540-6253 40 x Journal of Information Communication & Ethics Journal of Information, Communication and 11442 1477-996X 1758-8871 1477-996X 40 x in Society Ethics in Society JOURNAL OF MULTIPLE-VALUED LOGIC AND Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft 11936 1542-3980 1542-3999 1542-3980 40 x SOFT COMPUTING Computing 12027 Journal of Nietzsche Studies 0968-8005 1538-4594 Journal of Nietzsche Studies 0968-8005 40 x 12381Journal of Practical Ethics 2051-655X2051-655X 40 x 12547 Journal of Research Practice 1712-851X 1712-851X Journal of Research Practice 1712-851X 40 x 12693 Journal of Speculative Philosophy 0891-625X 1527-9383 Journal of Speculative Philosophy 0891-625X 1527-9383 40 x JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF CHRISTIAN 13012 1540-79422326-2176 40 x ETHICS 13372 Kriterion-Revista de Filosofia 0100-512X 1981-5336 Kriterion 0100-512X 1981-5336 40 x 13375 Kritike-An Online Journal of Philosophy 1908-7330 1908-7330 Kritike 1908-7330 40 x 13376 KronoScope-Journal for the Study of Time 1568-5241 1568-5241 KronoScope: Journal for the Study of Time 1567-715X 1568-5241 40 x 13522 LAVAL THEOLOGIQUE ET PHILOSOPHIQUE 0023-9054 Laval Theologique et Philosophique 0023-9054 40 x 13535 Law Culture and the Humanities 1743-8721 1743-9752 Law, Culture and the Humanities 1743-8721 40 x 13650Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 2050-8549 Linacre Quarterly 0024-3639 40 x 13706Literature and Aesthetics 1036-93682200-0437 40 x 13745 Logos 0869-5377 0869-5377 Logos (Russian Federation) 0869-5377 2499-9628 40 x LOGOS-A JOURNAL OF CATHOLIC THOUGHT 13748 1091-6687 1533-791X Logos - Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 1091-6687 40 x AND CULTURE Logos-Revista de Linguistica Filosofia y 13751 0716-75200719-3262 40 x Literatura 13762 Louvain Studies 0024-6964 1783-161X Louvain Studies 0024-6964 1783-161X 40 x 13894Manuscrito 0100-60452317-630X Manuscrito 0100-6045 2317-630X 40 x 14021 MATHEMATICAL INTELLIGENCER 0343-6993 1866-7414 Mathematical Intelligencer 0343-6993 40 x Mediaevalia-An Interdisciplinary Journal of 14121 0361-946X2161-8046 40 x Medieval Studies Worldwide NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR SYSTEMATISCHE Neue Zeitschrift fur Systematische Theologie 14910 0028-3517 1612-9520 0028-3517 1612-9520 40 x THEOLOGIE UND RELIGIONSPHILOSOPHIE und Religionsphilosophie 15188Nova Prisutnost 1334-23121848-8676 Nova Prisutnost 1334-2312 40 x 15218NTM 0036-69781420-9144NTM 0036-6978 40 x 15369Oeconomia-History Methodology Philosophy 2113-52072269-8450 40 x 15897 PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE 0031-5982 1529-8795 Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 0031-5982 1529-8795 40 x 15986 Philosophia Africana 1539-8250 1944-7914
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