INBOUND LOGISTICS’ 2009 TOP OPERATING AREAS TRUCKING SERVICES TECHNOLOGY SERVICES lerts COMMUNICATION ) OUTING A ODE OOLS /R C T oods ID f EB AR MAIL RIVER ervices G egional R B E f W S /D RICING -R O love ILE hipments 100 ratio or P Motor Carriers G ODE M car EVEL EVEL f S ulti IME C rigerated O E -T f PEDITED ID z HITE umber OUSEHOLD nion elivery f E ULK NLINE N AR rivate ublic ISIBILITY laims ustomer ackage tatus ogistics ogistics ANK ntermodal L fINAL D R B NORTH AMERICA NORTH LTL P Ex L DCC H B MVC R Fleet P P N I US NATIONWIDE US M US REGIONAL U C O C O GLOBAL W SKU L SKU L SKU SI S V (% TL T COMPANY & URL Phone Specialization terminals A&R Transport 800-542-8058 l l l l l l l l Bulk plastic, refrigerated 700 N PRIV 23 < .05% 99.1% l l l l l www.artransport.com A. Duie Pyle 800-523-5020 l l l l l l General freight 835 N PRIV 17 .05%—1% 99.2% l l l l l www.aduiepyle.com AAA Cooper 334-793-2284 l l l l None 2,200 N PRIV 81 .05%—1% 98% l l l l l www.aaacooper.com ABF Freight System 479-785-8700 l l l l l l l General freight 3,700 U PUB 283 .05%—1% 92% l l l l l www.abf.com Arnold Transportation 800-388-8320 l l l l l l Retail, paper 1,250 N PRIV 8 < .05% 98.6% l l l www.arnoldtrans.com Arrow Trucking 800-759-2009 l l Steel commodities/FAK 1,400 N PRIV 6 DNR 95% www.arrowtrucking.com Averitt Express 1-800-AVERITT l l l l l l l l l All markets 4,135 N PRIV 100 < .05% DNR l l l l www.averittexpress.com Barr-Nunn Transportation Consumer care products, food and food 515-999-3018 l l l l l l l 530 N PRIV 3 < .05% 98.5% l l l www.barr-nunn.com containers, expedited freight Bennett Motor Express Heavy haul, air and space, government 800-866-5500 l l l l l l l 633 N PRIV 137 .05%—1% 99.8% l l l l l www.bennettig.com services Bilkays Express 908-289-2400 l l l l l General commodities 25 U PRIV 1 < .05% 99.5% l l l l www.bilkays.com Bison Transport Retail, manufacturing, food and beverage, 800-GO-BISON l l l l l l l l l 1,050 N PRIV 6 < .05% 98% l l l www.bisontransport.com paper, agriculture Boyd Bros. Transportation 334-775-1400 l l l Metals, building materials 670 N PRIV 3 < .05% 99.7% l l l www.boydbros.com Bridge Terminal Transport 704-571-2626 l l l l l Marine container, ISO tank carrier 2,019 N PRIV 38 < .05% 98.7% l l www.bttinc.com Bulkmatic Transport Dry/liquid bulk, chemical and food grade, 219-972-7707 l l 550 N PRIV 50 < .05% 97% l l www.bulkmatic.com rail-to-truck transfer, bulk C.R. England Temperature-controlled food, 801-972-2712 l l l l l l l l 3,500 N PRIV DNR DNR DNR l l l l www.crengland.com pharmaceuticals, LTL linehaul Cardinal Logistics Construction & building materials, 800-800-8293 l l l l l l l l l 1,560 N PRIV 124 .05%—1% 99% l l l l l l l www.cardlog.com automotive, retail, manufacturing Cargo Transporters 828-459-3232 l l l l Dry van, non-hazmat 375 N PRIV 1 < .05% 96% l l l www.cgor.com Carlile Transportation Oil/gas, construction, wholesale and retail, 800-478-1853 l l l l l l l l l l l 400 N PRIV 10 < .05% 95% l l www.carlile.biz mining, government Celadon Trucking Services 800-729-9790 l l l Dry goods 3,168 N PUB 7 < .05% 96% www.celadontrucking.com Central Freight Lines Retail, chemical, oil/gas, automotive, 3PL, 800-782-5036 l l l l l 1,533 N PRIV 51 < .05% 98.6% l l l l www.centralfreight.com general commodities © 2009 Inbound Logistics 1 Inbound Logistics • September 2009 U Union OPERATING AREAS TRUCKING SERVICES TECHNOLOGY SERVICES N Non-union B Both union and non-union fLEET SIzE Tractors only, does not include trailers DNR Did Not Report lerts COMMUNICATION ) OUTING A ODE OOLS /R C T oods ID f EB AR MAIL RIVER ervices G egional R B E f W S /D RICING -R O love ILE hipments ratio or P G ODE M car EVEL EVEL f S ulti IME C rigerated O E -T f PEDITED ID z HITE umber OUSEHOLD nion elivery f E ULK NLINE N AR rivate ublic ISIBILITY laims ustomer ackage tatus ogistics ogistics ANK ntermodal L fINAL D R B NORTH AMERICA NORTH LTL P Ex L DCC H B MVC R Fleet P P N I US NATIONWIDE US M US REGIONAL U C O C O GLOBAL W SKU L SKU L SKU SI S V (% TL T COMPANY & URL Phone Specialization terminals A&R Transport 800-542-8058 l l l l l l l l Bulk plastic, refrigerated 700 N PRIV 23 < .05% 99.1% l l l l l www.artransport.com A. Duie Pyle 800-523-5020 l l l l l l General freight 835 N PRIV 17 .05%—1% 99.2% l l l l l www.aduiepyle.com AAA Cooper 334-793-2284 l l l l None 2,200 N PRIV 81 .05%—1% 98% l l l l l www.aaacooper.com ABF Freight System 479-785-8700 l l l l l l l General freight 3,700 U PUB 283 .05%—1% 92% l l l l l www.abf.com Arnold Transportation 800-388-8320 l l l l l l Retail, paper 1,250 N PRIV 8 < .05% 98.6% l l l www.arnoldtrans.com Arrow Trucking 800-759-2009 l l Steel commodities/FAK 1,400 N PRIV 6 DNR 95% www.arrowtrucking.com Averitt Express 1-800-AVERITT l l l l l l l l l All markets 4,135 N PRIV 100 < .05% DNR l l l l www.averittexpress.com Barr-Nunn Transportation Consumer care products, food and food 515-999-3018 l l l l l l l 530 N PRIV 3 < .05% 98.5% l l l www.barr-nunn.com containers, expedited freight Bennett Motor Express Heavy haul, air and space, government 800-866-5500 l l l l l l l 633 N PRIV 137 .05%—1% 99.8% l l l l l www.bennettig.com services Bilkays Express 908-289-2400 l l l l l General commodities 25 U PRIV 1 < .05% 99.5% l l l l www.bilkays.com Bison Transport Retail, manufacturing, food and beverage, 800-GO-BISON l l l l l l l l l 1,050 N PRIV 6 < .05% 98% l l l www.bisontransport.com paper, agriculture Boyd Bros. Transportation 334-775-1400 l l l Metals, building materials 670 N PRIV 3 < .05% 99.7% l l l www.boydbros.com Bridge Terminal Transport 704-571-2626 l l l l l Marine container, ISO tank carrier 2,019 N PRIV 38 < .05% 98.7% l l www.bttinc.com Bulkmatic Transport Dry/liquid bulk, chemical and food grade, 219-972-7707 l l 550 N PRIV 50 < .05% 97% l l www.bulkmatic.com rail-to-truck transfer, bulk C.R. England Temperature-controlled food, 801-972-2712 l l l l l l l l 3,500 N PRIV DNR DNR DNR l l l l www.crengland.com pharmaceuticals, LTL linehaul Cardinal Logistics Construction & building materials, 800-800-8293 l l l l l l l l l 1,560 N PRIV 124 .05%—1% 99% l l l l l l l www.cardlog.com automotive, retail, manufacturing Cargo Transporters 828-459-3232 l l l l Dry van, non-hazmat 375 N PRIV 1 < .05% 96% l l l www.cgor.com Carlile Transportation Oil/gas, construction, wholesale and retail, 800-478-1853 l l l l l l l l l l l 400 N PRIV 10 < .05% 95% l l www.carlile.biz mining, government Celadon Trucking Services 800-729-9790 l l l Dry goods 3,168 N PUB 7 < .05% 96% www.celadontrucking.com Central Freight Lines Retail, chemical, oil/gas, automotive, 3PL, 800-782-5036 l l l l l 1,533 N PRIV 51 < .05% 98.6% l l l l www.centralfreight.com general commodities Information supplied by trucking companies. Where data was not provided, historical and web site information was used. September 2009 • Inbound Logistics 2 INBOUND LOGISTICS’ 2009 TOP OPERATING AREAS TRUCKING SERVICES TECHNOLOGY SERVICES lerts COMMUNICATION ) OUTING A ODE OOLS /R C T oods ID f EB AR MAIL RIVER ervices G egional R B E f W S /D RICING -R O love ILE hipments 100 ratio or P Motor Carriers G ODE M car EVEL EVEL f S ulti IME C rigerated O E -T f PEDITED ID z HITE umber OUSEHOLD nion elivery f E ULK NLINE N AR rivate ublic ISIBILITY laims ustomer ackage tatus ogistics ogistics ANK ntermodal L fINAL D R B NORTH AMERICA NORTH LTL P Ex L DCC H B MVC R Fleet P P N I US NATIONWIDE US M US REGIONAL U C O C O GLOBAL W SKU L SKU L SKU SI S V (% TL T COMPANY & URL Phone Specialization terminals Central States 630-415-9876 l l l l l FAK 300 B PRIV 2 < .05% 97% l l www.cstruck.com CEVA Ground 888-862-4593 l l l l l l High-value 450 N PRIV 7 .05%—1% 96% l www.selectscg.com Challenger Motor Freight 519-616-0384 l l l l l l l l l All manufacturing and retail 1,550 N PRIV 10 < .05% 98.7% l l l l l l l l www.challenger.com Concord Transportation Retail, high-value electronics, entertainment, 800-387-4292 l l l l l l l l 200 N PRIV 25 < .05% 98.5% l l l l l l l l www.concordtransportation.com pharmaceutical Con-way Freight 734-994-6600 l l l l General 12,000 N PUB 365 .05%—1% 98.8% l l l l l www.con-way.com/freight Con-way Truckload 417-623-5229 l l l General 2,600 N PUB 5 < .05% 98.6% l l www.con-way.com/truckload Covenant Transportation Group JIT, expedited, hazmat, constant security, 800-974-8332 l l l l l l l 3,200 N PUB 20 .05%—1% 97% l l l www.covenanttransport.com deferred ground, retail, food and beverage Crete Carrier Corporation Food and grocery, paper, retail, 402-479-8770 l l l 5,405 N PRIV 20 DNR 98% l l www.cretecarrier.com manufacturing CRST International 800-204-9607 l l l l l Expedited, steel, brokerage 2,944 N PRIV 19 < .05% 98% l l www.crst.com Daily Express Construction, agriculture, mining, cranes, 800-733-2459 l l 310 N PRIV 10 < .05% 97% l l www.dailyexp.com materials Dart Transit 800-366-9000 l l l l l General commodities 2,500 N PRIV 6 < .05% 98.3% l l l www.dart.net Daylight Transport 800-468-9999 l l l General 5,000 N PRIV 3 .05%—1% 98% l l l www.dylt.com Dayton Freight Lines 937-415-1715 l l l l General commodities 950 N PRIV 40 .05%—1% 98.1% l l l www.daytonfreight.com Epes Transport System Home improvement, tobacco, health and 336-931-9792 l l 750 N PRIV 5 < .05% 98% l l www.epestransport.com beauty, general commodities Erb Transport Refrigerated transportation of food, 519-662-2710 l l l l l l l 703 N PRIV 10 .05%—1% 98.5% l l l l www.erbgroup.com pharmaceuticals, etc.
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