The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: December 17, 2020 | Pages: 72-82 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue12-14 OCLC - 1121105668 Academician Ibrahim Muminov - Organizer Of The First Uzbek Encyclopedia Temur Muminov PhD Student, National University Of Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/tajssei Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT This article tells about the life of academician Ibrahim Muminov, who was the Vice President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan for eighteen years and led the development of history, philosophy, literature, culture and art. It is written about his role as an enlightened, patriotic, nationalist scientist in the creation of the Uzbek Soviet encyclopedia, which is a reflection of the centuries-old culture of our people. The author provides a detailed analysis of the problems, difficulties and contradictions in the creation of the National Encyclopedia. KEYWORDS Culture, Spirituality, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia, Cultural Heritage, Intellectuals. INTRODUCTION The life and scientific activity of Uzbek were thrown into the mill of repression. Soviet intellectuals during the Soviet era were policy and ideology were extremely frightened extremely controversial. Hundreds of patriotic by the recognition of national identity. The and nationalist scholars Mahmudhoja Behbudi, original children of the people were brutally Munavvar qori, Abdurauf Fitrat, Abdulla Avloni, annihilated as "nationalists" and enemies of Pulat Soliev, Otajon Hashim, Sattor Jabbor the people. [1] The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 12-2020 72 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: December 17, 2020 | Pages: 72-82 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue12-14 OCLC - 1121105668 There is a saying among our people: "A flowing became the scientific center of Uzbek river flows". In the second half of the twentieth philosophy in the twentieth century. ”[4] century, under the heavy ideological pressure of Soviet colonialism, Habib Abdullaev, Hamid Later Muzaffar Khairullaev, Said Sulaymon, Vahid Zohidov, Ibrahim Muminov, Shermuhamedov, Haydar Pulatov, Omonullo Obid Sodikov, Vosik Kobulov, Tesha Zohidov, Fayzullaev, Anvar Sharipov emerged from this Sadi Sirojiddinov, Yolkin Turakulov, Aziz school as prominent representatives of Uzbek Qayumov, Hamid Ziyaib, Hamid Ziyaib, came science. out. They played an important role in the spread of Uzbek science around the world (for The ideology wrapped in a network of example, academician Yolkin Turakulov was a chauvinistic ideas has never stopped recipient of the Lenin Prize, which is rarely condemning people like Amir Temur in our awarded to scientists). national history. Amir Temur, as a factor that awakened the familiar nation, always alerted The life of academician Ibrahim Muminov, one the officials of that time. In such a difficult of the brightest representatives of this science situation, at a time of increasing persecution in our science, and his selfless contribution to and oppression, the nationalist, truthful the rapprochement of national independence scholar Ibrahim Muminov dared to write the are exemplary. Those who knew him intimately history of Amir Temur. His pamphlet "The place wrote heartfelt memoirs that the students and role of Amir Temur in the history of Central were generous, tolerant, honest and simple Asia" [5] gave a great impetus to our national Uzbek scholars. [2] intelligentsia. He inspired them. This courage of Ibrahim Muminov was literally the courage THE MAIN PART of the great Sahibkiran Amir Temur. With this pamphlet, the teacher is at the forefront of our Ibrahim Muminov has mastered the ideological Timurid studies. However, Ibrahim Muminov shells of his time and finished the works about was soon accused of idealizing Amir Temur. the masterpieces of our national heritage. Even M.Vahobov, M.Abduraimov, R.Nabiev, who in his work "Let's study deeply the tried to raise the name of Temur, slandered philosophical heritage of V.I. Lenin" [3] he one intellectual. As a result, as a manifestation decided to write about Heraclitus, Democritus, of these protests and attacks, authoritative Aristotle, Epicurus, Ibn Sino, Abu Rayhan and threatening articles against I. Muminov Beruni, Ulugbek, Alisher Navoi. were published in Moscow. [6] The teacher (whose students have always Researcher Ibrahim was persecuted for writing referred to him as such) was considered to the truth of history. Imam al-Ghazali's wise have an encyclopedic knowledge in the field of words, "The wise will be truthful, so they will social sciences. It would be unfair not to always live in suffering, persecution and acknowledge his special services in the oppression," reflect the harsh social selection of good, talented scholars in the environment and policy of violence that has fields of national philosophy, history, taken various forms in all ages. [7] literature, economics, logic, linguistics, and art history. Ibrahim Muminov has trained one Ibrahim Muminov was one of the main hundred candidates of sciences and twenty organizers and initiators of the creation of the doctors of sciences. “Thus, Ibrahim Muminov Encyclopedia, a mirror of Uzbek history. The came to School of Philosophy - a school with a 9th volume of the Uzbek Soviet Encyclopedia whole system. The school developed not in was published under the direction of arithmetic, but in geometric progression, and The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 12-2020 73 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: December 17, 2020 | Pages: 72-82 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue12-14 OCLC - 1121105668 researcher Ibrahim Muminov and was sealed as Fayzullaev, Gaybulla Salomov, Naim Goibov an important event in our social life. and Hamid Ziyaev wrote very sincerely about the qualities of a scientist, organization, One of the tragedies of the twentieth century honesty, humanity and nationalism. [11] was the encroachment on this historical memory. With the idea of creating a single One of the tragedies of the twentieth century Soviet people, he decided to create a was the encroachment on this historical completely "new history." Especially during memory. With the idea of creating a single this period, the "violence" against the social Soviet people, he decided to create a sciences and humanities intensified, making completely "new history." Especially during them a "model" of communist ideology. this period, the "violence" against the social Discrimination and falsification of the rich sciences and humanities intensified, making history, national culture and values of the them a "model" of communist ideology. Uzbek people were rampant in those years. Discrimination and falsification of the rich The study of our ancient history has been history, national culture and values of the condemned as “worship of the past”. Uzbek people were rampant in those years. Sociologists were given a special "instruction" The study of our ancient history has been to study the period of "advanced socialism", its condemned as “worship of the past”. "historical significance" and "advantages". [8] Sociologists were given a special "instruction" to study the period of "advanced socialism", its In such a difficult and dangerous period, I. "historical significance" and "advantages". [8] Muminov masterfully works in such a way as to enrich the national identity, first of all, in order In such a difficult and dangerous period, I. to develop internationalism. As a result, the Muminov masterfully works in such a way as to great thinkers of our national history will study enrich the national identity, first of all, in order the scientific heritage and promote it widely. to develop internationalism. As a result, the Holds international scientific-theoretical great thinkers of our national history will study conferences. the scientific heritage and promote it widely. Holds international scientific-theoretical The policy of the close maze has undergone conferences. many changes. These events can be studied today on the basis of the principles of The policy of the close maze has undergone objectivity, truthfulness and historicity. Indeed, many changes. These events can be studied in recent years a lot of one-sided literature today on the basis of the principles of about the Soviet era has been written. objectivity, truthfulness and historicity. Indeed, in recent years a lot of one-sided literature The best source on the life and work of Ibrahim about the Soviet era has been written. Muminov is his own work. [9] In addition, these works give the spirit of their time. Today we The best source on the life and work of Ibrahim have the opportunity to fully explore every Muminov is his own work. [9] In addition, these page of our history. Justice was served and works give the spirit of their time. Today we scientific dissertations were written about the have the opportunity to fully explore every teacher. [10] page of our history. Justice was served and scientific dissertations were written about the The memories of his contemporaries and teacher. [10] students are invaluable for a deeper understanding of Ibrahim Muminov's The memories of his contemporaries
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