BUSINESS DIRECTORY of LONDON, 1884-Advertisements • ( Incm·zmrated by Royal Cltm·tm·, 1835.) Paid-up Capital, £1,600,000. Guarantee and Reserve Fund, £717,710 . • LONDON OFFICE: 4 TIIREADNEEllLE STREET. I<J.C. COURT OF DIRECTORS. JAMES ALEXANDER, Jun., Esq. EDWARD W. T. HA MILTON, Esq. RTCHARD PHILPOTT, Esq. W. R . .ARBURTHNOT, E5q, SA"MUEL JOSHUA, Esq. .TOHN SANDERSON, Esq. SIR JOHN BAYLEY DAllVALL, K.C.M.G. SIR WILLIAM McARTIIUR, K.C.M.G., M.P., MARTIN RIDLEY SMITH, Esq. CHARLES R. FENWICK, Esq. Alderman EDWARD WYLD, Esq. GEORGE WILLTAM PARBURY, Esq. Secretary-PRIDEA.UX SELBY. Accountant-R. W. JEANS. BankerJ-THE BANK OF ENGLAND; Messrs. SMITH, PAYNE, & SMITHS. Solicitors-M"essrs. FARRER & eo. ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE COLONIES. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE: MELBOURNE. Superintendf'nt- Inspector of New Zealand Branrhes- EDMUND SAMl:EL P ARKES. EDWARD W AKEFIELD l\fORHAII (Resident in New Ze1rland), Sub-lnspectors-JOllN BROWN GOl:"LSTO~; F. P. G. McCRAE; and JOHN SA WER:3. VICTORIA.-MELEOURNE-75 Collins Street West, 188 Elizalieth Street, Collingwood, \Villiamstown; Eairnsdale; Ballarat; BeL>chworth; Bclfa~t; Bcthanga; Rlackwood; Bright; Castlemaine; Charlton ; Chiltern; Creswick; Drouin; Elaine; Gcclong; Httmilton ; Katfmmtile; Kingston; Koroit; Mooroopna; Nathalia; Numurkah; Portland; Rokewood; llosedale; St. James; Eale; Sandhurst; Shepparton; Smeaton; Smythesuu.le; Tal bot; Tallangatta; Taturn.; Traralgon; \Valhalla ; WalTagul; Warrnambool; Wedderburn ; Yackandandah ; Yarrawonga. NEW SOUTH WALES.-SYDNF.Y-21i9 George Street ~orth, 168 Pitt Street; Sonthrrn Rrnnch-557 George Street South; ·western Branch~ u:; Sussex Street; Newtown; Petersham; St. Peters. Albury; Oorowa; Howlong; Jerilderie; Maitland CWest); Maitlaml (East); Muswell­ brook; Narrabri; Newcastle, Hunter Street; Newcastle, Bolton Street; Stroud; Tarn worth; Wallsend. QUEEN SLA N D.-BRISBANE ; Cairns ; Charters Towers ; lierbertou ; Hughenden ; Ipswtch; Rockhampton ; Roma; Townsville. TASMANIA.-IIOBART; Burnie (Emu Bay); Campbell Town; Fingal; Latrobe; LA.UNCESTO~; l:"lverstone (Lcven). SOUTH A U STRALIA.-A.DELAIDE ; Aberdeen; Kooringa; :Mount Barker; Port Adelaide; Port Ang11sta; Port Lincoln; Port Pirie; Stro.tllalbyn. NEW ZEALAND.-WELLINGTON; Ash bur ton ; Auckland; Christclmrch; Dunedin; Featberston ; Feilding; Foxton; Gm.,don; Gore; Rawcra; lnvercargill; Manaia; Marton; 1fn.. ~tcrlon; NapiPr; Palmerston Korth; Patea; :o;amon; Waipawa; \Vanganni; \Vaverley. Agents and Correspondents throughout the United Kingdom and in the Chief Cities of Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Letters of Credit and Drafts issued on the 110 Branches of the Bank in the Colonies of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania_; and New Zealand. Bills negotiated or sent for Collection. Telegraphic transfers made. Deposits received in London at interest for fixed periods, on terms which may be ascertained at the Office. 196/227 PRIDEAUX SELBY, Secretary. 0 0 • • o .. 0 o • o I • ~ 0 o 0 • • • 0 • Established in India in 1844. Registered in London under Companies Acts '1862 and 1867. CAPITAL, £500,000, IN 20,000 SHARES OF £25 EACH. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, FULLY PAID UP_ HEAD OFFICE: ROYAL BANK BUILDINGS, 123 BISHOPSGATE STREET WITHIN, LONDON, E.C. DIRECTORS. DA VID H. SMALL, Esq., C!trtirrnan. A. BEATTIE, Esq;, M.D. :Major-General JOHN OLARKE Colonel The lion. R. A. RAMSA Y Major-General ED. JNO. RIOKARDS WILLIA:\1: flARDINGE TYLER, Esq. T. W. H. ILBERY, Manager. P. B. BAKER, Accuurttant. DAVID ALLARDICF., F.sq., al1li General D. 0. VANRENEN, Auditors, BANKERS.-THE BANK OF ENGLAND and TilE UNION DANK OF LONDON. BRANCHES. ' CALCUTTA. LUCKNOW. I MUSSOORIE. I DELHI. AGENTS AT BOMBAY.-BANK OF BQ;)IBAY. AGENTS AT MADRAS.-BANK O.b' MADRAS. Current Accounts are opened and kept on same tennR as by London Ban kern. Intere8t is n.llowed on the current accounts at the rate of Two per cent. when the minimum balance does not fall below £400 at any time during the half-yeEU', and at One per cent. when it does not fall below £'.!00. Deposits are received, repayable at Seven and Fourteen Days' Notice, and interest allowed on :~ame terms as by other Banks. Also for longer periods at fixed and higher mtes of interest as may be specially arranged. Purchases and Sales effcc!R.d in all British and Foreign Stock~. Pay, Pensions, Annuities, &c., realised free of any charge to constituents. Letters of Credit and Circular Notes issued payable on the Continent of Europe, also on Alexandria, Cairo, Suez, Bagdad, :\Iclbourne, and Sydney, The Bank draws on, and approved Bills are pnrcLased or sent for collection drawn upon, the following places in INDIA: AGRA DELHI LUCK NOW NAG PORE ALLAHABAD DINAPORE LOODHI.ANA NYNETAL BAREILLY I<'EROZEPORE MADRAS RAW ALPINDEE B-E NARES }'ERUCKABAD MEERUT ROORKIE BOMBAY FYZABAD ML'RREE SH.AJ EHANPORE CALCUTTA J"GBBLEPORE MUSSOORIE SDI LA CAWNPOHE JULLUND.Im MOOLTAN UMRITSIR DARJEELING LAHORE U:MBALLA Every description of Banking Business and Money Agency transacted. 195/184 J. W. H ILBERY, Munager. 3o1* .
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