One Piece ....dst.............. One Piece 615 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Kesedihan Chahige! Pukulan Penuh Amarah Luffy! One Piece 614 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Melindungi Teman-teman! Mocha Mengorbankan Dir inya Sendiri! One Piece 613 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Teknik Rahasia! Teknik Satu Pedang Terhebat Zo ro! One Piece 612 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertarungan Sengit di Badai Salju! Kelompok To pi Jerami Melawan Wanita Salju One Piece 611 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Naga Kecil! Kemunculan Momonosuke! One Piece 610 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Bentrokan Dua Pukulan! Pertarungan Dua Wakil A dmiral! One Piece 609 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Luffy Mati Membeku?! Wanita Salju Menakutkan, Monet! One Piece 608 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Dalang Kegelapan!Doflaminggo Telah Melakukan P ergerakan! One Piece 607 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertarungan Sengit Dimulai! Luffy Melawan Caes ar! One Piece 606 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Wakil Admiral Penghianat! Iblis Bambu, Vergo! One Piece 605 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Air Mata Tashigi! Penerobosan Penuh Keputus-as aan G-5! One Piece 604 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Bergegas Menuju Bangunan R! Aliansi Bajak Laut Telah Melakukan Penyerangan! One Piece 603 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Melancarkan Serangan Balik! Penyelamatan Luff dan Law! One Piece 602 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Senjata Pemusnah Massal Mematikan! Shinokuni! One Piece 601 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Mengguncangkan Dunia Baru! Eksperimen Mengejut kan Caesar! One Piece 600 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Menyelamatkan Anak-anak! Tangan Iblis Master M endekat! One Piece 599 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Kenyataan yang Mengejutkan! Identitas Sebenarn ya dari Orang yang Bernama Vergo! One Piece 598 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Samurai yang Menebas Api! Kitsunebi no Kinemon ! One Piece 597 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertarungan Hebat! Kekuatan Sebenarnya dari Ca esar! One Piece 596 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Berada di Ujung Penghancuran! Monster Menakutk an Telah Datang! One Piece 595 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Menangkap Master! Operasi Aliansi Bajak Laut D imulai! One Piece 594 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Terbentuk! Luffy dan Law Bergabung dalam Alian si Bajak Laut! One Piece 593 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Menyelamatkan Nami! Pertarungan Luffy di Gunun g Bersalju! One Piece 592 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Menghabisi Kelompok Topi Jerami! Pembunuh Lege nda Turun Tangan! One Piece 591 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Kemarahan Chopper! Percobaan Tak Manusiawi Mas ter! One Piece 590 (Filler F*ck) - Kolaborasi Spesial One Piece - Toriko - Dragon Bal l Z! One Piece 589 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Mimpi Teburuk Bagi Dunia! Ilmuwan Mengerikan, Caesar! One Piece 588 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertemuan Kembali Setelah Dua Tahun!! Luffy da n Law! One Piece 587 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Sebuah Pertarungan! Law Melawan Wakil Admiral Smoker! One Piece 586 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Keadaan Darurat! Luffy Tenggelam Dalam Danau E s! One Piece 585 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Shichibukai! Trafalgar Law! One Piece 584 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertunjukkan Pendekar Pedang! Brook Melawan Tu buh Samurai Misterius! One Piece 583 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Menyelamatkan Anak-Anak! Kelompok Topi Jerami Mulai Bertarung! One Piece 582 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Mengagetkan! Rahasia Pulau Punk Hazard Akhirny a Terbongkar! One Piece 581 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Kelompok Topi Jerami Dilumpuhkan! Seorang Samu rai Mengejutkan dengan Kepala Terpotong-potong! One Piece 580 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Pertarungan Dalam Api! Luffy Melawan Naga! One Piece 579 (Punk Hazard Arc) - Berlabuh! Pulau Terbakar, Punk Hazard! One Piece 578 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ambisi Z! Luffy vs Shuzo! One Piece 577 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ambisi Z! Sebuah Upaya Penyelamatan yang Me nyulitkan! One Piece 576 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ambisi Z! Pasukan Misterius yang Kuat! One Piece 575 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ambisi Z! Si Raksasa Kecil, Lily! One Piece 574 (Fishman Island Arc) - Menuju Dunia Baru! Perjalanan Menuju Lautan Terakhir! One Piece Episode of Nami - Kokaishi no Namida to Nakama no Kizuna One Piece 573 (Fishman Island Arc) - Waktunya Berangkat! Selamat Tinggal Pulau M anusia Ikan! One Piece 572 (Fishman Island Arc) - Banyak Masalah yang Siap Menghadang! Jebaka n yang Menunggu di Dunia Baru! One Piece 571 (Fishman Island Arc) - Dia Sangat Menyukai Permen! Salah Satu dari Empat Yonkou, Big Mom! One Piece 570 (Fishman Island Arc) - Kru Topi Jerami Terkejut! Admiral Tertinggi Angkatan Laut yang Baru! One Piece 569 (Fishman Island Arc) - Rahasia Telah Terbongkar! Kebenaran Tentang Senjata Kuno! One Piece 568 (Fishman Island Arc) - Menuju Masa Depan! Jalan Menuju Matahari! One Piece 567 (Fishman Island Arc) - Berhentilah Noah! Perjuangan dari Elephant Gatling! One Piece 566 (Fishman Island Arc) - Menuju Babak Akhir! Pertarungan Penentuan M elawan Hodi! One Piece 565 (Fishman Island Arc) - Serangan Penghabisan Luffy! Ledakan Red Haw k! One Piece 564 (Fishman Island Arc) - Kembali ke Awal! Harapan yang Dibebankan pa da Luffy! One Piece 563 (Fishman Island Arc) - Kenyataan yang Mengejutkan! Identitas Hodi yang Sebenarnya! One Piece 562 (Fishman Island Arc) - Luffy Kalah Bertarung?! Penantian Panjang P embalasan Hodi! One Piece 561 (Fishman Island Arc) - Pertarungan Tiada Akhir! Kelompok Topi Jera mi Melawan Bajak Laut Manusia Ikan! One Piece 560 (Fishman Island Arc) - Pertarungan Sengit Dimulai! Luffy Melawan H odi! One Piece 559 (Fishman Island Arc) - Hurry Up, Luffy! Shirahoshi's Desperate Sit uation One Piece 558 (Fishman Island Arc) - Noah Approaching! The Crisis of Fishman Isl and's Destruction! One Piece 557 (Fishman Island Arc) - Iron Pirate! Entry of Franky Shogun One Piece 556 (Fishman Island Arc) - First Showing! Sunny's Secret Weapons! One Piece 555 (Fishman Island Arc) - Explosive Move! Zoro and Sanji Sally Forth! One Piece 554 (Fishman Island Arc) - Big Clash! Straw Hat Group VS 100 000 Oppon ents One Piece 553 (Fishman Island Arc) - Shirahoshi's Tears! Finally, Luffy's Appear ance! One Piece 552 (Fishman Island Arc) - Shocking Confession - The Truth about Otohi me's Assassination One Piece 551 (Fishman Island Arc) - The Decisive Battle Begins at Gyoncorde Pla za! One Piece 550 (Fishman Island Arc) - Hody's Accident - The Evil Drug's True Powe r! One Piece 549 (Fishman Island Arc) - A Crack Arises! Luffy vs Jinbe One Piece 548 (Fishman Island Arc) - The Kingdom is Shaking! Instruction for Nep tune's Execution One Piece 547 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - Back to the Present! Hody Begins to Move One Piece 546 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - Unexpected Disaster! An Assassin's Bullet Shuts the Future One Piece 545 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - Fishman Island is Sha king! The Landing of a Tenryubito One Piece 544 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - The Pirates Split - J inbe vs Arlong One Piece 543 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - The Hero's Last Momen ts! The Impact of Tiger's Truth One Piece 542 (Filler Toriko X One Piece Arc) - Team Formation! Save Chopper One Piece 541 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - Kizaru Appears! A Tra p Aimed at Tiger One Piece 540 (Fishman Island, Flashback Sun Pirate Arc) - Hero of the Slave Lib eration - Adventurer Tiger One Piece 539 (Fishman Island Arc) - Revived Fate! Nami and the Fishman Pirates One Piece 538 (Fishman Island Arc) - The Crew is Defeated!? Hody Controls Ryuugu Palace One Piece 537 (Fishman Island Arc) - Protect Shirahoshi! Decken's Pursuit One Piece 536 (Fishman Island Arc) - Decisive Battle at Ryuugu Palace! Zoro vs. Hody One Piece 535 (Fishman Island Arc) - Hody's Attack! The Beginning of his Vengefu l Plan! One Piece 534 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ryuugu Palace Shaking! Shirahoshi and the K idnapping One Piece 533 (Fishman Island Arc) - Emergency Situation! Ryuugu Palace Held Cap tive One Piece 532 (Fishman Island Arc) - The Coward Crybaby! Hard-Shell Towers Mermai d Princess One Piece 531 (Fishman Island Arc) - Ryugu Palace! Led By The Shark That Was Sav ed! One Piece 530 (Fishman Island Arc) - The King of the Fish-Man Island! Neptune, t he God of the Sea! One Piece 529 (Fishman Island Arc) - Fishman Island Destroyed?! Shirley's Predic tion One Piece 528 (Fishman Island Arc) - Excitement Blow-out! Sanji's Life Under Thr eat! One Piece 527 (Fishman Island Arc) - Landing at the Fish-Man Island! Beautiful M ermaids! One Piece 526 (Sabaody to Fishman Island Arc) - A Subvolcanic Eruption! Swept in to Fishman Island One Piece 525 (Sabaody to Fishman Island Arc) - Lost in the Deep Sea - The Separ ated Straw Hat Crew One Piece 524 (Sabaody to Fishman Island Arc) - Deadly Combat under the Sea! The Demon of the Ocean Strikes! One Piece 523 (Sabaody to Fishman Island Arc) - A Surprising Fact! The Man Who G uarded the Sunny! One Piece 522 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - Everyone Together! Luffy, Setting Out fo r the New World! One Piece 521 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - The Battle Begins! The Results of Traini ng! One Piece 520 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - A Large Buildup - The Fake Straw Hat Cre w's Threat One Piece 519 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - The Navy Has Set Out! The Straw Hats in Danger! One Piece 518 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - An Explosive Situation! Luffy vs. Fake L uffy! One Piece 517 (Return to Sabaody Arc) - The Beginning of The New Chapter! The St raw Hats Reunited! One Piece 516 (The Friends' Whereabouts! Arc) - Luffy's Training Begins! To the Place We Promised in 2 Years! One Piece 515 (The Friends' Whereabouts! Arc) - I Will Get Much, Much Stronger! Zoro's Pledge to his Captain! One Piece 514 (The Friends' Whereabouts! Arc) - Live Through Hell, Sanji's Fight with Men at Stake One Piece 513 (The Friends' Whereabouts! Arc) - Pirates Get on the Move! Astound ing New World! One Piece 512 (The Friends' Whereabouts! Arc) - Delivered to Friends!
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