May Yu- Myo Aung

May Yu- Myo Aung

$1`- ()[ - `#`-&,!,% &-$ ",&!_- FREELANCE JOURNALIST 1-() 58- %[$ - -0- 0b"( - -[$ -$"_- c#= May Yu- Myo Aung FREELANCE JOURNALIST No(25), 136 Street, Tarmwe, Yangon. Ph: 09- 431 89687 ` - !"[! `!.[-1! NO. CONTENT PAGE = -[$ -&2,_-[C$"- 1`-_-$" -,-/ -,`!$ - 1. YANGON UNIVERSITY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, FIRST YEAR TEXT BOOK 1 = $ -/$"_ - 1 6 2. MAY YU FRONTIER AREA 1 to 4 5= $"- -&!_-a -," -0 - 6 3. BOGYOKE AUNG SAN's SPEECH (BLANK CHEQUE) 4 = a #!\ * 4. PHA-SA-PA-LA CONGRESS 5 = -a -,[-# - 5. AUNG SAN ATTLEE TREATY 5 8= -$*% - 1 8 6. THE PANGLONG AGREEMENT 5 to 6 9= $"_-_*&! - -c# -#,$ $"2 -c# -1_-+0-&, -c#,#a0" -0 - 8 7. THE SPEECHES OF PRIME MINISTER U NU, AND DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER 6 AND DEFENCE MINISTER U BA SWE := / -!+0-`$*[.-, 8 1 9 8. MYANMAR ENCYCLOPEDIA 6 to 7 ;= $&1& -/ - 9 9. STATEMENT FOR MAY YU's FUTURE 7 = $ -/$"_ - 9 Page 1 ` - !"[! `!.[-1! NO. CONTENT PAGE 10. MAY YU FRONTIER AREA 7 = / --`$.(" #$"[&`# # (UNDP) _-, : 11. THE UNION NATIONAL DEMOCRACY PARTY (UNDP)'S NEWS BULLETIN 8 = ;9 \$ 1` - 0'-,$ - - $* /* :-; 12. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1947 8-9 5= ;: \$1` - / --` $ / -!$"_-_*/ - - ;- 13. THE UNION CITIZENSHIP ACT OF 1948 10 = ;; \$1`-< / --`$/ -!$"_-_*0_-, $"_-%.!, 1- $*_-&,[- 14. THE REGISTRATION OF PRESIDENTS IN THE UNION OF Burma ACT1949 10 = ;5 \$1`-< b # / -!+_- 1`-`-]G!_-,`! 15. THE MYANMA AHLIN NEW YEAR NEWSPAPER,APRIL,1935 11 8= ;9 \$1` - 0'- $*/* 16. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1974 11 9= : \$1` - 0'- $*/* - 17. THE CONSTITUTION OF 2008 12 := 0-\* # -1_ -+ -&!-[$"-`!,1-.!, -5 18. THE ELECTED PARLIAMENT MEMBERS AND HLUTTAW PEPRESENTATIVES 13 ;= a - 5- 19. MHA SAH LA GOVERNMENT 13-14 Page 2 ` - !"[! `!.[-1! NO. CONTENT PAGE = $",&\ - ;; 0- 0' 20. NA WA TA GOVERNMENT (1990 ELECTION) 14 = $",&\ - 2 0- 0' -8 21. NA AH PHA GOVERNMENT (2010 ELECTION) 15-16 = ;: \$1` - / -!$"_-_* 8-9 22. THE MYANMA CITIZEN SHIP LAW (1982) 17-18 5= -&!- - #_-$*,.!, :-; 23. RULINGS OF SUPREME COURT 19-20 = ",!,1- $*_- - 5 24. NATIONAL REGISTRATION CARD 31 = $"_-_*[!`*\." -`* -,1_-+ # / -a- -$" - 5 25. REQUIREMENT TO REVISE IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL 32-33 STANDARDS AND NORMS 8= ]G +1-$"_-_*0_ - % -,` $ $"_-,_-,!, 55 26. MINORITY ETHNIC GROUPS OF BANGALADESH 33 9= G %$"_-_* 0'- $*/* 5 27. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE 34 := 0-&, -c# A 0 1"\.[ - 5-5 28. FINDINGS OF MINISTRY OF DEFENCE 35 ;= -a-/ -![-&![- 5 Page 3 ` - !"[! `!.[-1! NO. CONTENT PAGE 29. RETROSPECTIVE EFFECT 35 5= ;: \$1` - $"_-_* / -_-+a- _-/ - 5 30. SUBMISSION FOR OUGHT TO REVISE THE CITIZEN ACT OF 1982 36 5= #[-&\*[-1 - 58 31. TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE 58 5= #&\-\$"_-`[!, 59 32. WAITHALI (VESALI) AGE'S RAKHINE (LANGUAGE) 37-38 55= X/X&[.![- $*,.!, 5: 33. THE WORDS CONTAINED THE STONE INSCRIPTION OF ANANDA SANDRA 38-39 5= -1"\$"_-`[!, 5; 34. PRESENT RAKHINE LANGUAGE 39 5=$"-] - #(`-)\$"_-1_-+&![ - 5; 35. ROHINGYA, ARAKANESES, RAKHINE AND MAUG 40-41 58= ARAKANESE 1_-+ $"_-a$" -+ - B $"_-.("/ - - 36. THE OUTLOOK OF RAKHINE NATIONAL UPON THE WORDS ARAKANESE 41-46 AND RAKHINE 59= - $"!# - 9 37. INDO-ARYAN 46-48 5:= 0 -]$"0"([-01 2_-!&! "a-` - : Page 4 ` - !"[! `!.[-1! NO. CONTENT PAGE 38. NEW GENERATION OF MONGOLOYD NEW GENERATION OF 48-49 MONGOLOYD RAKHINES 5;= $"_-/ -1_ -+ H!- ;- 39. RAKHINE CITY AND ISLAM RELIGION 50-59 = $"-] $ _-$*0''+ -+ - " ; 40. SOME EVIDENCE OF COMMENCEMENT OF USAGE AS ROHINGYA LEGALLY 59-65 = H!-01`- \$"_-/ - (HERITAGE) 8-89 41. ISLAMIC HERITAGE IN RAKHINE CITY 67 = $"_- 1_ -+ $*a-[$"0- 89-8: 42. RAKHINE LITERATURE AND RELIGION 68-77 5= ]G + 1- $"_-_*!,.!,1_ -+ / -!$"_-_*!,.!,[ $" -,.!, 0-[%0 9: 0'/$"_- -+ -,-,`- - 43. A NATURAL METHOD FOR DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN BANGLADESH 78 CITIZENS AND MYANMAR CITIZENS. = 0-a-%#,& 9: 44. MUSLIM (POPULATION) 78-80 = "]$* : 45. CONCLUSION 80-81 Page 5 -c# a-+/-+ #,`# -[$ -&2,_ - C$" - 1` - - _-"$ -,-, / -,`!$ - / -!"$_-_* 2#2_ - 1-` - - $"_- %/ &[.!_-0-! 1-` - (;) (4234)= -1!- (;) #2_-_-,"$ -,-/ - *$1" - -/ -a*$ "$ -0_ - / -!$"_-_*0_ - $"_-,_-,!,%."(,.!, *.1* $"_- *$["$> / -!$"_-_* - - - "" - 0_-,% -,`$.!, $"_ - $*0 01" - 1-/ - -&!_- "$_-,< $"1_ -+ [# - -/- "$_- $"0_ - $"_- -+ -%."(,.!,[ "$ 1-/ - -&!_- "$_- ."(_-,*$b"( --0_ - 0 1"a-,< ["$ - $- %."(,.!,["$- *0_-/-&1-/-, 1" $" - 0-> $"_-a- -= \$"_-/ - -/- "$_- - ]G + 1- - -1_ -+ a- - b # %,#,&!_ - 1_-+ - - "$-]1_ -+ -&[!#* $" $"_- / --= a$" $"_-,_-,!,% - `$ 0' - - 0 - / $"_--1 1a0 - / -- $ -/ -= MINSTRY OF EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION, YANGON UNIVERSITY OF DISTANCE EDUCATION, FIRST YEAR TEXT BOOK, Module No. Geog 1004-Geography of Myanmar (For History Students), Code No (19), (2012) Along the borders of Myanmar where mountain barriers do not hinder movement of population, minority groups are found on either side of the boundary. A small ethnic group named Young who lives in northern Thailand, Laos and northern Vietnam can be found in Kyaington of southern Shan State. The Kokant Chinese group is found east of the Thanlwin river Kokant Township. In northern Rakhine State close to the border with Bengladesh at Butheetaung and Maungdaw townships are where the Rohinggas and Chittagarians live. These minority ethnic groups had settled in the border regions since early days. (page-94) &$ -/\!,\"$_ - &$ -/"$_- - -/$ - - 1 $"[-$"[-$ - - - / - "$_ - -/ -A= -/$ - -&,[ $" $"_-_*&!`- "$,[ / -, b # - $ -/"$_-[ $" 0'/ - '+-= "$&! - a-a-,$"a -+ -0&[!_- - -"$_-'+ = ;8 $1` - 5 [- 0_-1? 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This admin system was declar76 by state Government and handover to May Yu Frontier Area. But various of reasons for not arrange to practically. Begining form 30th May 1961 for yield result to administrative system. May Yu Frontier Area is located at between East Paskistan and Myanmar. Fixed by Naif River for measure. That Frontier Area was west to East Pakistan, East to May Yu River, Sai Tin Creek, South to Rakhine Coastline, Bay of Bengal, North to East Pakistan. In previous time, Buthi Taung Township, Maung Taw Township and North- West of Rathitaung Township in Sittwe District Central of May Yu Mountain and Between the May Yu and Naf River place in May Yu Frontier Area. That May Yu Frontier Area is around the very many of Mountain, River and fishering place. Very slope for hight at North to South. Two mountain of Sai Tin and May Yu and May Yu river and Naf River are very famous from North to South. Total population of over 4 lakhs to nearly 5 lakhs in May Yu Frontier Area. All of people are Agriculture and Fisheries 75 % of Rohingya and afew of Rakhine, Dai Nat, Myo, KhMee. Rohingya are Islamist. All Rakhine are Buddhist and other race is Naf Religious. At that present time for May Yu Frontier Area Head office is open at Maung Taw. Head officer of Rakhine force take duty of Security, Defence, Peace, Law and Order of Social Development. Especially very many of Administrative Office at Maung Taw, Buthl Taung. And many school at that place. (See at Buthi Taung Town, Maung Taw Town. Main objection of found for law and order to May Yu Frontier Area. Under mentioned and are officer of admistrative of May Yu Frontier Area. Page 3 Mujarhit Rebit were fight, to take action to rebit of economics by out of law and order, to event of entry by without discipline to Myanmar, to admin for not different to race or religious, to friendly for Govermment of Pakistan for neighbours, to

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