E956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 24, 2006 ‘‘are the victims of their own extremist, fun- istry of nearly 6,000 members. Pastor Jackson was at the forefront of some of the most im- damentalist, religious, inflexible and unyielding serves God and his community through the portant court decisions of that era. leadership, and we will do everything in our ministries he has nurtured. I congratulate Rev- Judge Wong’s professional achievements power to help these innocent people . We erend Jackson on his Pastoral Anniversary were extraordinary, as was his love for family will pay if necessary out of our own pockets. and extend best wishes to him, his wife, and community. Together, Dolores and Del- We wouldn’t allow one baby to suffer one Jacquaneise, and their daughter, Jaden. bert raised four children: Kent, Shelley, Duane night because of a lack of dialysis. We care,’’ f and Marshall. Though Judge Wong retired Olmert said. ’We want to save their lives.’’ from the bench in 1982 after 23 years of serv- I wish to strongly associate myself with the IN HONOR OF JUDGE DELBERT ice, his role in public service continued as a honest and courageous comments of the EARL WONG MAY 17, 1920–MARCH private arbitrator and community leader, roles Prime Minister and his desire for security, 10, 2006 he would hold until the end of his life. He was peace and the value of human life. appointed by Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley I oppose H.R. 4681 because this is a HON. XAVIER BECERRA to a panel that authored the city of Los missed opportunity to keep the pressure on OF CALIFORNIA Angeles’s first ethics code, and also led an in- Hamas, ease the suffering among the Pales- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vestigation into charges of racial discrimination in employment at the Los Angeles Inter- tinian people and ensure that Israel is secure Wednesday, May 24, 2006 and without a humanitarian crisis on its door- national Airport Police Bureau. Delbert was a step. Current U.S. law already prohibits funds Mr. BECERRA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to key supporter of the Asian-Pacific American from going to Hamas because it is a foreign pay tribute to a loving family man and eminent Legal Center and the Chinatown Service Cen- ter. He is fondly remembered by his family for terrorist organization. As the State Department jurist who worked tirelessly to protect the making breakfast for his children each morn- says, ‘‘this bill is unnecessary.’’ rights of ordinary Americans throughout our ing and serving as a Boy Scout leader. Judge I urge my colleagues to oppose this bill. Let country, Judge Delbert Earl Wong, who Wong overcame great odds to serve his coun- us send a message to the people of Israel and passed away Friday, March 10, 2006. try, opening doors for countless others; but the Palestinian people that the U.S. Congress Delbert Wong rose from humble means, and even more importantly, he did so while main- has not given up working for security, peace, it was this experience that led him to dedicate his considerable talents to serving the public. taining a sincere commitment to loving and and a better future in the Middle East. supporting his family. Let us oppose and isolate Hamas—and let Born May 17, 1920, in Hanford, CA, to a Chi- nese-American mother and Chinese immigrant Mr. Speaker, it is with immense sorrow, yet us also work for peace and a generation of great admiration and appreciation that I ask Israeli and Palestinian children who know no father, Delbert encountered great adversity and discrimination early in his life. His mother, my colleagues to join me today in saluting violence, only hope. Judge Delbert Earl Wong, a devoted husband, I urge my colleagues to oppose H.R. 4681. born in Weaverville, CA, lost her American citi- zenship for the simple act of marrying father, public servant and community leader. f May his passionate dedication to opening Delbert’s father in 1919. Unable to own land doors for others and service to this country be TRIBUTE TO PASTOR ARTHUR and forced to apply for citizenship due to the remembered and give birth to the next genera- JACKSON, III CELEBRATING HIS Chinese Exclusion Act, his parents’ experi- tion of champions for justice. 15TH PASTORAL ANNIVERSARY ences would embolden Delbert and instill in him a commitment to justice and equality. f HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK Raised in Bakersfield, CA, Delbert attended TRIBUTE TO RICHARD HELLMAN, OF FLORIDA Bakersfield College where he received an as- M.D. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sociate of arts degree. After transferring to the University of California at Berkeley, he grad- Wednesday, May 24, 2006 HON. DENNIS MOORE uated with a bachelor’s degree and also met OF KANSAS Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I would his future wife, Dolores Wing. Upon graduating IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to from U.C. Berkeley, Delbert heeded the call to Wednesday, May 24, 2006 one of Miami’s great spiritual leaders, Pastor serve his country and enlisted in the Army Air Arthur Jackson, III, of Antioch Missionary Bap- Corps during World War II, serving as a navi- Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise tist Church of Carol City, which is located in gator on a B–17 Flying Fortress. Completing today to bring to the attention of this recent my Congressional District. 30 missions over Europe, he was awarded the election of Kansas City metro area resident Pastor Jackson came to his calling through Distinguished Flying Cross. Richard Hellman, MD, FACP, FACE, as Presi- the love and influence of both his father, the In 1945 following the end of the war, Delbert dent-Elect of the Board of Directors of the late Rev. Arthur Jackson, Jr., and his mother, enrolled in Stanford Law School, breaking bar- American Association of Clinical Mrs. Arthur Jackson. Spiritually, God has lifted riers of discrimination as the school’s only stu- Endocrinologists, at its Fifteenth Annual Meet- and anointed him to preach the gospel to the dent of color. After being admitted to the State ing and Clinical Congress in Chicago on April wounded, lost, and broken. Ask any of Pastor Bar of California in 1948, Judge Wong began 29, 2006. Since 1999, he had served on the AACE Board of Directors. Jackson’s thousands of congregants what they his career working for the Office of the Legis- Dr. Hellman has been privately practicing most like about him, and you are likely to lative Counsel in Sacramento. He later trans- with a focus on diabetes mellitus and endocri- hear, ‘‘He is real’’ He relates to his flock in an ferred to the Office of the Legislative Counsel nology in Kansas City, Missouri, since 1981; honest and genuine way that brings out the in Los Angeles, where he was one of two Chi- he is board certified in internal medicine and best in people. During the hurricane season, nese-American lawyers in all of Southern Cali- endocrinology. He is a clinical professor of for example, Pastor Jackson sent his deacons fornia. In 1951 he joined the Office of the Cali- medicine at the University of Missouri, Kansas out to check on the elderly, to make sure that fornia State Attorney General. There, he City, School of Medicine and is the past presi- their houses were properly boarded up before served as the first Chinese-American deputy dent of the Metropolitan Medical Society of the storm and afterwards, to make sure they attorney general under then Attorney General Greater Kansas City, a current member of the had food and water and any other help they Pat Brown. When Pat Brown was elected gov- Health Commission of Kansas City and chair may have needed. ernor, he appointed Delbert to the bench in of their Patient Safety Task Force. During Pastor Jackson’s tenure at Antioch, 1959, making him the first Chinese-American He graduated from the Chicago Medical the church has gone through a complete spir- judge in the United States. School and completed all of his post-graduate itual, financial, and structural metamorphosis. Delbert Wong became a judge because of training at the University of Kansas Medical In December of 1996, the Congregation pur- his deep commitment to justice, equality, and Center. Dr. Hellman is a member of Alpha chased surrounding lots and broke ground for civil rights; ideas that he fought for throughout Omega Alpha, the national medical honor so- a new structure—a $2 million building that was his entire life. He served on the bench during ciety. He is also the medical director of the consecrated in August 1998. After only seven the tumultuous decades of the 1960s and Heart of America Diabetes Foundation. years, the congregation had already paid off 1970s when these issues dominated public A methodology and data expert for the Phy- their multi-million dollar mortgage. debate with the social upheaval surrounding sician Consortium for Performance Improve- A man of character, integrity and wisdom, both the Vietnam war and the civil rights ment, Dr. Hellman is also a member of their Pastor Jackson’s consistent obedience to God movement. Hearing cases involving free executive committee and co-chairs their imple- has taken the Antioch congregation from the speech and assembly, employment discrimina- mentation work group. The Consortium is con- ‘‘Faithful Fifty’’ members, to a blossoming min- tion, and school desegregation, Judge Wong vened by the American Medical Association VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:09 May 25, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24MY8.049 E24MYPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS May 24, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E957 and includes representatives from more than Basilica during its bicentennial year of celebra- ors.
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