2012 ANNUAL REPORT China Sunergy Co., Ltd. Ltd. Co., Sunergy China 2012 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL Global · High-Tech · Safe Choice China Sunergy Co., Ltd. No.123,Focheng West Road,Jiangning Development Zone,Nanjing T+ 86 25 5276 6666 F+ 86 25 5276 6666-6767 www.chinasunergy.com Corporate Profi le China Sunergy Co. Ltd. (Nasdaq: CSUN) designs, manufactures and delivers high effi ciency solar cells and module products, with manufacturing plants located in China and Turkey. As one of the earliest solar cell manufacturers in China, we commenced operations in 2004 and completed an IPO on the NASDAQ exchange in 2007. Known for our leading-edge photovoltaic (PV) technology, we acquired two module factories in 2010 to facilitate our strategy into the downstream solar power business. In 2012, we established two joint ventures in Istanbul, Turkey to manufacture solar cells and solar modules, becoming the fi rst Chinese solar producer that has production sites in Europe. We also began investing in solar power projects globally, which we believe will provide higher return on investments and greater profi tability. As of December 31, 2012, we have an annual solar module capacity of 1,155 MW and solar cell capacity of 500MW, of which 300MW of solar module capacity and 100MW of solar cell capacity have been relocated to Istanbul, Turkey. In 2012, we established six sales offi ces in Mumbai, Rome and Tokyo, and strategically focused on enhancing our sales force by hiring locally to quickly upgrade our local market knowledge and expertise. By the end of 2012, we had localized more than 50% of our sales force in Germany, France, Italy and US. Europe continued to lead in terms of demand for our products, while Asia had quickly gained to become the second largest market, with strong demand growth coming from China and Japan. During the fourth quarter of 2012, Europe accounted for 77% of our total sales, with revenues contributions from Germany, Italy and France of 29%, 12% and 11%, respectively. China and Japan also became important markets with revenue contribution of 10% and 8%, respectively. 2 China Sunergy’s R&D team is led by Dr. Zhao Jianhua and Dr. Aihua Wang, two of the leading PV scientists in the world. Dr. Zhao has held the world record for highest silicon cell conversion effi ciency for 24 years, and in early 2013, Dr. Zhao and Dr. Wang were co-awarded the Advance Global Australian Awards 2013, becoming the fi rst Chinese- Australians ever to receive the award. We are currently completing the construction of our new cutting edge R&D center on our corporate campus in Nanjing, and we expect it to be fully functional in the second half of 2013. Our R&D efforts focus on continually enhancing the conversion effi ciency of our commercial products, highlighted by the fact that the Company is the fi rst PV solar company to have successfully applied selective emitter technology to industrial production. We believe the many challenges currently facing the solar industry also present strategic opportunities. China Sunergy will proactively explore these opportunities, while at the same time continuing to focus on maintaining our technology lead and executing on our strategy and vision. 3 that we made great strides with our strategy and conver- sion cost roadmap. At the beginning of 2012, we listed four major priorities for the year, and we made notable progress in all of them. Firstly, we improved the batch av- erage effi ciency of our QSAR cells to 19% by the end of the year and topped 19.7% in the lab. Secondly, we invested in two downstream projects totalling 10 megawatts in the UK and secured a solid pipeline of additional downstream projects. Thirdly, we met or beat our conversion cost tar- gets for 2012. By the fourth quarter of 2012, conversion Dear Shareholders, costs of cells and modules manufactured were at 15 cents There is no question, in my view, that 2012 was the tough- and 20 cents per watt, which improved by 35% and 26%, est year to date in the solar industry. However, despite respectively. Fourthly, we established six sales offi ces the tough macro challenges, I believe China Sunergy in Mumbai, Rome and Tokyo, and strategically focused has made solid progress in 2012 and established a good on enhancing our sales force by hiring locally to quickly foundation for 2013 and beyond. Overall, I remain con- upgrade our local market knowledge and expertise. By the fi dent that with our dedicated team, effi cient products, end of 2012, we had localized more than 50% of our sales advanced manufacturing, diversifi ed end markets and force in Germany, France, Italy and US global supply chain, China Sunergy is well positioned to weather the current industry turmoil and benefi t from the In December 2012, we also began manufacturing at our eventual long-term industry development. Turkey facility. We are the fi rst and only Chinese solar producer that has production sites in Europe, and we be- In 2012, although global demand grew to roughly 28 lieve that having a production site in Turkey enhances our gigawatts, the industry persistently struggled with over- global supply chain, as we benefi t from higher feed-in tar- supply with a global total of 50 to 60 gigawatts, which was iffs when adopting local manufactured cells and modules. double that of total demand. Competition in the industry remained fi ercely on price, causing further average selling Global Diversifi cation price (ASP) declines. As such, even though we successful- The latest fi gures from the German Ministry of the ly met or beat our conversion cost reduction targets, our Environment indicate that despite feed-in tariff cuts, Ger- cost savings were not enough to fully offset the lowered many’s 2012 solar market reached 7.6GW by the end of ASP. Our ASP for full year 2012 decreased by almost 32% the year, another world record for annual PV installed. Im- to US$0.64 per watt, and therefore we lowered total an- portantly, Asia had quickly gained to become the second nual shipments by 7% to 391MW. As a result, net revenue largest market in the world, with strong demand growth decreased by 48% to US$293 million, and GAAP net loss coming from China, India and Japan. China installed ap- was US$133.6 million. proximately 5-6GW of PV modules in 2012, making it the world’s second largest PV market. Japan also witnessed The disappointing fi nancial results clearly demonstrated an extraordinary boom in PV modules’ installations, the rough overall year in 2012; however, when we objec- driven by what may be the world’s most lucrative feed-in tively evaluate China Sunergy in terms of the priorities tariff. Geographically, China Sunergy has made solid prog- that we had set at the beginning of the year, we believe ress in diversifying our customer base. In 2012, sales to 4 Australia, China, and Japan contributed 14%, 10%, and 3%, Looking Ahead respectively. We believe that we stand a strong chance of Since early 2013, we have witnessed the overall global expanding shipments to emerging markets in 2013, gain- market beginning to rationalize in terms of supply and ing market share in the U.S., and signifi cantly increasing demand, as well as pricing. We believe this is a natural sales in China, where we are targeting credit-worthy util- adjustment of the recent unsustainably low ASP, as well as ity/grid companies. a rebound in demand. We certainly hope that this trend will continue. Having said that, the reality is that there are Technology Leadership still many challenges and uncertainties that the solar mar- Technology leadership continued to be one of our prima- ket must face in the near future. These include a global ry advantages and differentiators, and we aim to deliver oversupply, trade disputes between China and Europe, the best high-performance and most effi ciency solar cells policy changes in different countries and competition and modules to our customers and users. Our CTO, Dr. from other renewables. As such, although we believe the Zhao, and our VP, Dr. Aihua Wang, were co-awarded the solar industry offers great long-term potential, the indus- Advance Global Australian Awards in March 2013, and try’s short-term correction will not be easy or quick. For under their leadership, we continued achieving new mile- 2013, we will continue to diversify our global presence, stones in our R&D efforts. In the fourth quarter of 2012, especially in the new emerging markets. the fi rst of our QSAR II production lines was launched, and we were able to reach a new high in average effi ciency We will also continue to execute our strategic priori- to 19.2%, while our average module output was between ties of improving QSAR effi ciency, seeking downstream 265-275w per piece. Our mono and poly solar modules opportunities, streamlining operating costs, as well as passed the TÜV Rheinland Group’s salt mist corrosion and optimizing our global sales force. In addition, we will fur- ammonia resistance tests, and our solar modules passed ther ramp up production capacity at our plant in Turkey the potential induced degradation test with a superior and seek downstream opportunities in Turkey as well as 0.1% degradation rate, versus the benchmark degrada- in its neighbouring countries. Our Turkey plant strategi- tion rate of 5%. We have completed the development of cally serves as a buffer against the potential negative our second generation of Waratah solar power products impact from possible anti-dumping rulings in the EU or in the fourth quarter of 2012, which has an estimated con- elsewhere, and we expect Turkey to become our second version effi ciency of 17.6%.
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