Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp., Key-words: Experimental filariasis. Litomosoides. Sub-cutaneous 1992, 6 7 : n° 5, 144-150. inoculation. Infective larva. Mice. BALB/c. Inbred strains. Con- genic strains. Susceptibility. Resistance. Major Histocompatibility Mémoire. Complex. Mots-clés : Filarioses expérimentales. Litomosoïdes. Souris. BALB/c. Souches consanguines. Souches congéniques. Larve infes­ tante. Sensibilité. Résistance. Complexe Majeur d’Histocompatibilité. MATURATION OF THE FILARIA LITOMOSOIDES SIGMODONTIS IN BALB/c MICE; COMPARATIVE SUSCEPTIBILITY OF NINE OTHER INBRED STRAINS 1 G. PETIT*, M. DIAGNE*, P. MARÉCHAL*, D. OWEN**, D. TAYLOR**, O. BAIN* With the technical assistance of S. P lateaux Summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When inoculated subcutaneously, the infective larvae of L. sig- CBA/HN, C3H/HeN, DBA/2N strains. However, the site and modontis undergo complete development and produce a patent structural development of the parasite varied in each strain. Absence microfilaraemia in mice of the BALB background (BALB/c, of microfilaraemia is associated with absent or abnormal spicules, BALB/K and BALB/B, with respectively the H-2d, H-2k et H-2b reduced number of female filariae and small size of female filariae. haplotypes). The most susceptible strain is BALB/c with all mice These results show that the Major Histocompatibility Complex harbouring adult filariae and 47 % of mice presenting with a patent only modulates the developmental pattern of filariae within the microfilaraemia. Mice with the B10 background (B10, B10Br and limits imposed by background genes. B10D2, with respectively the H-2b, H-2k et H-2d haplotypes) are Male CBA/HN and C3H/HeN were more susceptible to infec­ almost completely resistant to infection. tion than female mice. Inverse phenomenon was observed with Adult filariae were recovered from all mice of the CBA/Ca, strains BALB/c; and, no host sex effect was seen in DBA/D2N. Résumé : Développement complet de la filaire Litomosoides sigmodontis chez la souris BALB/c ; comparaison avec neuf autres souches consanguines. Après inoculation sous-cutanée des stades infestants, la filaire le développement parasitaire présente différentes anomalies, qui sont L. sigmodontis effectue son développement complet chez les souris cumulées ou non : spicules anormaux, femelles très petites, sex ratio de souche BALB/c, BALB/B et BALB/K ayant respectivement déséquilibré, forte proportion des femelles dans la cavité abdomi­ les Complexes Majeurs d’Histocompatibilité H-2d, H-2b et H-2k. nale alors que la localisation normale est thoracique. Les souris mâles La souche BALB/c est la plus sensible avec 47 % de souris à CBA/HN et C3H/HeN sont plus sensibles à la filaire que les souris microfilaires sanguines et 100 % de souris avec des filaires adultes, femelles ; avec la souche BALB/c, la microfilarémie est supérieure 2 mois après l’inoculation. A l’opposé, les souches B10, B10Br chez les souris femelles ; avec les DBA/2N, les résultats sont sem­ et B10D2, ayant respectivement les haplotypes H-2b, H-2k et H-2d, blables dans les deux sexes. La comparaison des lignées congéniques sont presque complètement résistantes. Dans les souches CBA/HN, BALB d’une part et B10 d’autre part montre que la région H-2 du CBA/Ca, C3H/HeN, DBA/2N, il y a 96 à 100 % de souris avec Complexe Majeur d’Histocompatibilité module la réponse au para­ des filaires adultes, mais pas de souris à microfilaires sanguines; site, dans les limites imposées par le fond génétique. INTRODUCTION many attempts to develop such models (the numbers in this table refer to papers quoted below). Filaria/mouse experimental models are necessary for the Most work has been carried out using Brugia filariae. study of mechanisms of immunity and genetics of filarial Results obtained indicate that subcutaneous inoculation of infections. As indicated in Table I A and B, there have been infective larvae (L3) can give rise to a patent microfila­ raemia only in nude mice (Table I) (5, 6, 8, 14) or thymec- 1. This work was supported by grants from CEC (SI254 and tomised mice (7). Intraperitoneal inoculation of L3 results TS2-0067-F), Edna McConnell Clark Foundation and the Medical Research Council. in patent microfilaraemia only using the neonate male Swiss mice (11) although microfilariae can be found in the * Laboratoire de Biologie Parasitaire, Protistologie, Helmin- peritoneal cavity of BALB/c mice (9, 22), CBA/Ca (13) thologie, Unité associée au CNRS, URA 114, Muséum and, asplenic DH mice (9) following this route of inocu­ national d’Histoire naturelle, 61, rue Buffon, F 75231 Paris lation. Cedex 05. The rodent filaria Acanthocheilonema viteae is also used ** Cambridge University Department of Pathology, Microbio­ logy and Parasitology Division, Tennis Court Road, Cam­ in mice but surgical implantation of adult filariae are per­ bridge C B 2 1QP. formed to obtain a microfilaraemia (25, 29). Accepté le : 21 mai 1992. Recently, we have found that Litomosoides galizai Bain 144 Article available at http://www.parasite-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/1992675144 MATURATION OF THE FILARIA LITOMOSOIDES SIGMODONTIS IN BALB/c MICE Table I A and B. — Filaria/mouse models; A: mice inoculated Table I B. with infective larvae; B: mice infected by transplantation of various stages, excluding infective larvae. Ref FILARIA MICE INOC. Mf AUTHORS 23 A.viteae CBA/H IV Mf short THOMPSON et al., 1979 = CBA/N = long Table I A. 24 B.pahangi BALB/c IP 50L3 HP SUSWILLO et al.,1980 = CBA/Ca; AKR; T.O = 0 = Ref FILARIA MICE INOC. d-NECR F/L3 Mf AUTHORS BALB/c IP L4 HP = CBA/Ca; AKR; T.O = 0 1 L sigmodontis White mice IN + HAWKING, BURROUGHS. 1946 = BALB/c; CBA/Ca; AKR; T.O IP Adult +IP 2 B. malayi White mice SC25L3 180 0 0 LAING et al., 1961 25 A.viteae BALB/c Adult high, long HAQUE et al., 1980 3 B. pahangi White mice SC 6-115 0 0 AHMED, 1967 = C3H/He = intermediate 4 L sigmodontis Mus sp IN >65 + PATRA, BASU, 1970 = C57BL6 = 5 B.pahangi BALB/c,CBA/Ca,AKR IP50L3 90 0 0 SUSWILLO et al.,1980 low, short 26 B. malayi CBA/H = T.O (outbred) = = 0 0 SC Mf short THOMPSON et al., 1981 = outbred (nu/nu) IP 86-100L3 150 4 + = CBA/N = long = = (nu/+),(+/+) IP 86-100L3 = 0 0 27 O.lienalis BALB/c; DBA/2; CBA/H-T6T6 SC Mf >50 TOWSON, BIANCO, 1982 = = 6 B.pahangi C3H/HeN (nu/nu) SC 100L3 80-240 + VINCENT et al. ,1980 C57BL; A+; BKW: AKR >36<43 = = (nu/+),(+/+) = 50-72 0 0 = BK/TO; C3H; sh/sh; T.O = 30< 7 B.pahangi CBA/H-T6T6 thymecto. SC 100L3 166 1.2 + SUSWILLO et al., 1981 28 B. malayi CBA/CaJ; C3H/Hd; DBA/1J IV Mf low, short FANNING, KAZURA, 1983 B.pahangi = IP 100L3 = 25.8 + = AuSs/J; A.Sw/Sn; = = 8 B.pahangi C3H/HeN(nu/nu) IP 200L3 163 16 VINCENT et al., 1982 = BALB/cJ; C57Br/cdJ; AKR/J; = high, long = = SC 10-100L3 + = C57BL/6J; 129/J; DBA/2J = = = = SC 100L3 160 14.3 + = B10D2/NSn, OSn; SJL/J = = = = = C3H/HeN(nu/+) 0 0 Susceptible X Resistant F1 low, short = = SC 25-50L3 40 0 0 29 A.viteae BALB/c; BALB/B; BALB/K Adult high, long STOREY et al., 1985 = = IP 100L3 160 0 = B 10; CBA; C3H = low, short 9 B.pahangi BALB/c IP 50L3 28 19.2 +IP HOWELLS et al., 1983 = BALB/c X (B10)F1 = low, short = CBA/Ca = = 12.2 B.malayi = C3H/He = = 5.2 30 SMMC/B IV Mf high, long LIU et al., 1987 = B10 = = 9.6 = BALB/cCR; LACA; ICR/JCL = low, short = 101 = 8 = Asplenic (DH/+) = = 38 HP = Normal (+/+) = = 2.5 Ref.: number of the reference given in the text. FILARIA: spe­ 10 B.pahangi C3H/HeN(nu/nu) SC 50L3 40 14.6 VICKERY et al., 1983 = = (nu/+) = = 0 cies of Litomosoides (L.), Brugia (B.), Acanthocheilonema (A.) and 11 B.pahangi Neonate Swiss male IP 100L3 100-140 7 + FURMAN et al, 1983 Onchocerca (O.). MICE: outbred stocks and inbred strains of mice = = female = = 7.4 0 O = male SC 100L3 = 3.7 0 (code symbols in Festing, 1987 and Lyon and Searle, 1989). INOC.: = = female = = 3.9 0 in Table A, number of L3 inoculated and way of inoculation, IN: 12 B.malayi BALB/c IP 100L3 14 23 HAYASHI et al.,1984 B.pahangi = = = 26 by vectors, SC: subcutaneously, IP: intraperitoneally, and DC: within 13 B.pahangi CBA/Ca IP 100L3 84 1 ♦IP MACKENZIE et al., 1985 diffusion chamber ; in Table B, IV Mf, SC Mf: microfilariae inocu­ 14 B.malayi C3H/HeN(nu/nu) SC50L3 >60 + VICKERY et al., 1985 B.patei = = >60 lated intravenously or subcutaneously; L3, L4, adults: different post- B.pahangi = = >60 + infective stages. d-NECR.: time in days between inoculation and 15 B.pahangi BALB/c IP50L3 29-32 10-42 DEVANEY et al., 1985 necropsy. F/L3: percentage of infective larvae developed into adult 16 B.pahangi BALB/c male IP 50L3 49 > MAKANISHI, 1987 * = female = = < filariae. Mf: in Table A , presence ( + ) or absence (0) of microfila­ 17 B.malayi BALB/c IP 50L3 30 2 CARLOW, PHILIPP, 1987 riae in the blood, or peritoneal cavity (IP) ; in Table B, level (high, 18 L.galizai Swiss SC 25L3 >60 + DIAGNE el al., 1989 = BALB/c = >60 + low) and duration (long, short) of microfilaraemia; for O. lienatis 19 B.pahangi BALB/c male IP 100L3 15 1.7 SAKAMOTO et al., 1989 microfiladermia expressed by the number of Mf/g of ear-skin. In = = female = = 4.8 = C3H/He male = = 1.8 each column, —: no data. = = female = = 6.8 = C57BL6 male = = 9.1 = = female = = 3.7 = ICR male = = 17 The L.
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