Federa l agents immun e to challeng es? More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of. The First A FREE SAMPLE Free dom Sub scribe to day! It’s here to stay. P. O. Box 385 Silverhill, Ala bama 36576 Y’all have a nice day. Self-gov ern ment be gins at home Volum e 19 Num ber 12 December 2017 Aryan Amer ica vs. the Zi on ist media ¢cracy www.firstfreedom.net $2.00 On trial: what ever it takes By Pa tri cia Aiken slav ery be ad mit ted, hop ing to prej u dice At tor ney’s of fice pro vides, Rudwell was [email protected] the jury. ac tu ally more ben e fi cial to the De fense. So elo quent was Ryan Bundy’s opening One of Ryan Bundy’s more blister ing She enu mer ated all the crimes of Cliven state ment to the jury ar gu ments is, “How much crime could I Bundy's “tres pass” cat tle com mit ted such even at tor neys ad mit have com mit ted on April 12th, 2014, when as en danger ing the desert tortoi se, then they cried. Newly I spent the en tire day with Metro offi cers said that she was prepared to give Cliven re leased pre-trial and and the sherif f’s deputy who is now the grazing priv ilege s for another ten years if un der house arrest at a sher iff?” he’d have just paid his fees. Appar entl y the cousin’s in North Las But the govern m ent keeps attac k ing the crimes of the cat tle would cease to ex ist if Ve gas, the el dest son phrase that has been em blazoned on only those fees were paid. The next bomb of the Bundy fam ily t-shirts: “What ever It Takes.” was Rudwell claim ing that she planned to said it was the first good night’s sleep he’s They vicious ly construe that to mean give Cliven back his cat tle or sell them and had in two years. It showed. The only that the Bundys would attac k BLM agents give him the pro ceeds. This would be in de fen dant not us ing an at tor ney ex pressed who tried to take their cat tle. And, when keeping with the defi ni ti on of “im pound,” that he felt in spired by the Almighty . Court pros e cu tor Dan Scheiss told of the Bundys which im plies that prop erty is being held. ob serv ers could n’t agree more. prom oting a boy cott of a Utah sales barn That should deeply encour age Todd Engel It’s been a long time com ing. Ryan and confront ing the owner, he claimed it and give him an even stronger appeal as he Bundy, joined by his father Cliven, brother was such a huge distur bance that the was con victed on ex tor tion and in ter fer ing Amm on and mili tia leader Ryan Payne, are sher iff had to be called. Ryan ad mitted, in in ter state comm erce, charges which finall y hav ing their day in court. That day “Yes, the sher iff was called. I called him.” evap o rate with Rudwell’s tes ti mony. will most likely stretch into three or more That was just one of the self serving lies months, although an unbi ase d judge would and decep ti ons in which the gov ernm ent The ac count ing have granted one of the many mo tions to has been exposed. Fi nally, af ter twenty years of lies by the dism iss by now. Only Ryan has been Prose cu tors have been caught red- Las Ve gas media whores claiming Cliven relea sed; the oth ers con tinue being held by handed with hold ing ex cul pa tory ev i dence. Bundy was a wel fare rancher who owed decei tful ar gu ments from the judge and This is ev idence that blows holes in the the BLM $1 million , the ac tual in voice was gov ernm ent, who are clearly one and the gov ern ment’s case and is called Brady Ryan and Angie Bundy’s first kiss in two years pro duced. The sum of those fees were same. vio lati ons. Navarro ruled, “Those aren’t turn over all its discov ery to the Defense $8,815.50 with a ten buck ser vice charge Peers? ac tual Brady vi o la tions; they are just in two weeks. Yet to day, dis cov ery is still and $283,776.00 for “ad min is tra tive fees, The jury in this case is not even close to al le ga tions of Brady vi o la tions.” It’s also being given to the defense includ ing in ves ti ga tion, de tec tion and res o lu tion of a jury of peers. With the usual shocking been found in discov ery that the private docu ments which were re quested more trespass. ” As Ryan Bundy pointed out in in ter fer ence from Glo ria Navarro, chief prison in Pahrump re corded priv i leged than a year ago. Among those are the FBI’s his open ing, “It’s never been about the and presid ing judge, the major ity are non- calls be tween de fen dant Blaine Coo per Threat As sess ment. They re ported that the money.” Ryan shared that he’d been told White and from the city of Las Vegas. Not and his attor ney . Core Civic has been Bundys and their support ers were Zero by in side sources the raid on the Bundy one is from rural Nevada or has a ranching caught do ing this else where in the coun try Threat. The De part ment of In terior Ranch had a budget of $7 mil lion dollar s. background. When asked about the Las as well. This supports Ryan Payne’s as sess ment was Low to Mod er ate Threat. The Bunkerville court cases have been Ve gas mas sa cre, pro spec tive ju rors who sus pi cions that his calls to his at tor ney Only the BLM claimed that the Bundy over $100 mil lion and the tally for the said they thought it was mul ti ple shoot ers were re corded and given to the Prose cu ti on. fam ily and support ers were a High Threat. murder of LaVoy Finicum and case in or that they did n’t trust the of fi cial The first witness for the Gov ernm ent Or e gon at least the same. While we’re on narra ti ve were shown the door. The FBI threat as sessment was Mary Rudwell, the head of the BLM num bers, a mo tion filed to va cate that court Pros e cu tion has de manded Cliven’s In April of 2016, magis tra te judge Las Ve gas office at the time of the raid. or der to im pound the cattl e include s an perhaps poorly cho sen words about Peggy Leen ordered the Govern m ent to De spite ad e quate coach ing the U. S. (See “Af ter two years,” page 7) De troit 1967 Po land re sists Self de fense Japan doesn’t need ’em SURGEON GENERAL’S WARNING: First-time read ers of White cul ture Page 20 Page 21 Page 11 Page 13 al ter nate news, es pe cially boob tube ba bies, may ex pe ri ence severe loss of confi dence in the Estab lish m ent press and TV. Not good as gold Mil lion pro test ers Page 12 in Spain Page 19 Eu ro pean Un ion South ern Na tion alism Page 21 sanc tions Po land Page 5 He wanted no Jew ish WWII Page 11 Page Page 14 Some light, 15 please Oc cu pied Pal es tine Page 9 Sullivan’s Kampf Page 10 Page 9 Look ing back, Transfer of Power Den mark ousts Fin gers the Page 16 jihadists prob lem Daesh de feated Page 22 Page 22 Page 18 Page 22 Page 8 Moving ahead . y d 6 Re viv ing West ern b n 7 e l 5 l ADL hoax ers U. S. sanctions itself Sud den me dia Scalawag s Page 24 6 Hun gary needs a civ i li za tion s Page 8 Page 17 3 e si lence m u no U. S. advic e a e s Page 9 s m h i t Page 10 a 2 f b 1 o a l r r A o e , p F l l a i . p h S s . r w e U e v Page 20 l Saint MLK r n i o l S Page 2 . Rob ert Mathews e Cosmophobia , A Page 19 b 5 . Page 4 e 8 S r . Occupied Ger many One State’s 3 Oil prices could g Karzai on C x n e i double if Middle o t h sal va tion t B t i Af ghan i stan Page 3 East conflict . h n - Page 17 i t O . Page 15 s Page 12 e erupts P e r e d , r h F a F w h y T e n o h a t t l i t Page 21 5 a e 2 G m Bobby Fischer $ 2 The First Free dom December 2017 — Southern Poverty Truth Cen ter — P.
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