50¢ October 1, 2006 Volume 80, No. 35 www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TODAYODAY’’SS CATHOLICATHOLIC Respecting T C Life Culture of death waning, Pope expresses respect for Muslims, victims advocate against the death penalty pledges to continue dialogue Pages 10-12 CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) — Meeting with Adult educational Islamic ambassadors and representatives, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his deep respect for Muslims, collection pledged to continue dialogue, and said Islamic and Christian leaders should cooperate to curb violence. Diocese draws “Faithful to the teachings of their own religious tra- from Fort Wayne pool ditions, Christians and Muslims must learn to work together, as indeed they already do in many common Page 3 undertakings, in order to guard against all forms of intolerance and to oppose all manifestations of vio- lence,” the pope said. “As for us, religious authorities and political lead- ers, we must guide and encourage them in this direc- SCRIP success tion,” he said. The unprecedented encounter at the pope’s summer The rectory built by SCRIP residence Sept. 25 was designed to soothe Muslim Page 4 resentment over a recent papal speech that cited a his- torical criticism of Islam and the concept of holy war. The pope later distanced himself from the quoted material and said he was sorry Muslims had been offended. Hispanic leaders Addressing the Islamic representatives at Castel Gandolfo, the pope alluded only briefly to the earlier ICLM develops pastoral speech. Instead, he focused on assuring Muslim com- munities that his papacy was not backtracking on the leadership in the church dialogue opened by the Second Vatican Council and Page 8 CNS PHOTO/L’OSSERVATORE ROMANO VIA REUTERS developed in large part by his predecessor, Pope John Pope Benedict XVI talks to ambassadors of Islamic nations and Italian Islamic leaders in a Paul II. room at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Sept. 25. The pope assured Muslims that he respected them and was committed to dialogue. MUSLIMS, PAGE 3 Faith sharing Creative tension SISTER BIDS FAREWELL TO is a gift from God New Eve Project promotes UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY dignity and vocation of women Page 9 BY ANN CAREY Beier told Today’s Catholic that she, Rebecca Grubbs and C.C. Christopherson are all mothers of young children who would get FORT WAYNE — A new initiative empha- together to study John Paul’s theology of the sizing the dignity and vocation of women body. The women attended a day of the stu- will be launched in Fort Wayne on Oct. 4 dent-initiated Edith Stein Project conference with a talk by theologian Pia de Solenni. She at the University of Notre Dame last will speak on “The Personalism of Pope John February because so many of the sessions Paul II and the Dignity and Vocation of related to the theology of the body. On the Women.” The event, which is free and open ride home, they decided they wanted to bring to the public, will take place at 7 p.m. in room similar programs to young women in Fort 156 of the Doermer Center on the campus of Wayne. the University of Saint Francis. “You learn something so beautiful, and De Solenni’s talk is the first in a new you want to share,” said Beier, who formerly monthly series of lectures by women and taught theology at Bishop Luers High geared toward women, especially young School. women. Called the New Eve Project, the ini- Rebecca Grubbs told Today’s Catholic DON CLEMMER tiative is a cooperative effort of a group of that she liked “the frankness of the topics” at Sister Geraldine Hartke, OSF, speaks with Fort Wayne women, the University of Saint the Notre Dame program. Francis, the Office of Family Life of the “They addressed things that need to be well-wisher Dr. Ann Hernandez at a recep- Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and addressed,” she said, which made her realize tion in her honor at the University of Saint Redeemer Radio. The project’s mission state- that she would have benefited from a similar ment is still a work in progress, but the organ- program when she was younger. Francis in Fort Wayne. Before being called izers plan to tap into the wisdom of Pope Grubbs and Beier approached Dominic back to the Mishawaka motherhouse of John Paul II to help women realize their Aquila, dean of the School of Liberal Arts at inherent value and dignity and exercise those the University of Saint Francis, with their the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual attributes in a culture that often is at odds idea, and he responded enthusiastically. So, Adoration, Sister Geraldine served the uni- with this vision of women. too, did Lisa Everett, co-director of the “We all felt very strongly that our culture diocesan Office of Family Life. Aquila versity community as sacristan and campus needs to hear more about the new feminism” taught by Pope John Paul II, explained Ruth ministry assistant and enjoyed great rap- Beier, one of the founders of the New Eve Project. NEW EVE, PAGE 20 port with students, faculty and staff. 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 1, 2006 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Off to Donaldson for dedication Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 of Catherine’s Cottage PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy It was for the profession of Sister Mary and church legislation of various councils. Beth Martin, a graduate of Marian High Some even forbid, in strong language, the EDITOR: Tim Johnson School, who formerly served in our Office idea of a bishop being transferred from one ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer of Young Adult Ministry. They said I was diocese to another. This is a fascinating STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad 45 minutes late and stopped to find a topic and very much relates to the office of NEWS phone, being lost because there were all bishop as we find it in the liturgy of episco- Editorial Department kinds of detours. I told them I never pal ordination. PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES remembered such an event, and I was sure it never happened. Obviously, however, it FREELANCE WRITERS: Ann Carey, BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY did, and we enjoyed talking about it. I told Our Lady of Guadalupe Michelle Castleman, Elmer J. Danch, them that they had excellent memories. After a rest and a chance to read the Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie Elberson, summaries of the Notre Dame-Michigan Denise Fedorow, Sr. Margie Lavonis, State game, I headed southeast and stopped CSC, Jennifer Ochstein,Theresa The Poor Handmaid Sisters Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Thomas, Kristi Ward They have been here for over 160 years, North then to South Bend. After some Warsaw. Half way home. What a joy in the before northern Indiana was declared a dio- meetings and watching the “game for the early evening to approach this new church Business Department cese. They came first to Hessen Cassel, ages” on television, I was up the next morn- seated on a hill and to celebrate Mass for a BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice where they established a small, rural school. ing to celebrate the Mass at the Basilica of group of our Hispanic Catholics who had the Sacred Heart. This was the Red Mass, completed a time of study helping them to AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber They later moved to Fort Wayne and found- ed St. Joseph Hospital. Within a few years, the renewal of this medieval custom of grow in their understanding of their faith. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol inviting attorneys, public figures and mem- It is the second time I have celebrated [email protected] they established foundations in the burgeon- ing city of Chicago. In this diocese, they bers of bench and bar — a Mass of the Mass in this church. What a joy. How won- Holy Spirit begging God’s graces upon all derful to hear from Sister Joan Hastreiter, Advertising Sales have been involved in Catholic health care, education and pastoral ministry. They were of them. It is always a joy to speak about SSJ, and Father Paul Bueter that the Mass Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) the founders and builders of two great hos- my good friend, St. Thomas More, the that morning was standing room only. I am (260) 456-2824 pitals. Both are under the patronage of St. patron saint of lawyers, and, since 2000, of very grateful to Linda Furge who really car- Judy Kearns (South Bend area) Joseph: one in Fort Wayne and one in statesmen and politicians. Also, he has been ried this important effort to completion. A (574) 234-0687 Mishawaka. They staffed all the schools in declared the “lawyer of the millennium.” suggestion was made by Sister Jane Carew Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Mishawaka, as well as Bishop Dwenger Afterward, I had a little time with Msgr. at a staff meeting that, as we approach the High School in its early days. In Jubilee 2000, we should try to do Published weekly except the last recent years, they have brought something that would last and Sunday in June, second and fourth great life to their provincial head- mark our celebration of the Great weeks in July, second week in August quarters located in Donaldson, Surely, it is appropriate Jubilee. It took several years and and last week in December by the Ind., where they staff Ancilla the generosity of the Kralis Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, College.
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