BISHOP CARROLL ANSWERS EVANS OF K. K.K SIADIi ra SEAT 15,000 HOPE P ^ y for the Success of the Catholic Press i i L O F E J A STAIiENT IN REPLY TO TALK lAL Largest AtUelic GroHDds in Colorado ♦ Some Catklic Lands Slow Lowest Illiteracy in World There is a movement under way ;to Definite plans have not yet been Helena, Mont.— Bishop John P drawn up for the financing of the sta­ and unreserved support to the Pres­ erect the largest outdoor stadium |in Practically All the National and International News Articles Appearing in Tliia Paper, as Carroll has issued a statement in re­ dium, but it is practically certain that ident of the United States on the Colorado at Regis college, to be used ply to the address made at Dallas, it will be a reality before next sum­ Well as Many Features Frequently Printed, Are Compiled from the N. C. W . C. News Service. entry of America into the. World war. for the athletics of the Jesuit in^i- mer. Tex., by Dr. H. W. Evans, the im­ Neither can he be ignorant of the perial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. tution and also for the Knights of One plan to help in the erection is fact, now well established, that dur­ $2.0# Yr. on Renowals His statement in part is as follows: Columbus Rodeo, which is to be majde to bring the famous Notre Dame uni­ VOL. XIX. NO. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1923. $2.SO Yr. on Now Subo. ing the war Catholics entered the “ Dr. H. W. Evans, Imperial Wiz­ an annual event. Plans are' already versity football team here. It is ex­ service of our country in numbers ard of the Ku K-lux Klan, has finally being drawn up and a $55,000 struc­ pected to pit it against the confer­ beyond their proportion of popula­ ‘let the cat out of the bag.’ He ad­ ture will be erected, with a seatijig ence champions, and the University tion. The doctor offers nor proof of mits that the purpose of his hooded capacity of 15,000. It is likely that a of Colorado authorities have already his statement that the Catholic organization is to ostracise Negroes large number of the prominent ath­ promised their support if the State hierarchy subordinates the President Catblics to C eleb te Amnstice Day Does Catholic Jews and Catholics, and to bar en­ to the Pope in temporal allegi­ letic events of Colorado will be staged team wins. Denver university started there under other auspices than the ball rolling a few days ago also try to America to all foreigners ex­ ance. Is he a wicked ‘calumniator’ Regis and the K. of C. to bring the Notre Dame team here. cept ‘Anglo-Saxons.’ And he giver or merely a ‘Know-nothing’ ? .1 leave his reasons for the intolerant atti­ The ft. of C. Rodeo, put on for the Coach Elmer McDevitt, a personal the fairrminded people of America to fir.st time last summer, drew the with Services at Catledral Sunday Hierarchy Seek tude of the Klan. judge. friend of Coach Rockne of Notre largest crowds that have ever at­ Dame, announced that he would prob­ “ With regard to Catholics, his fir.sl Unwarranted Criticism of Parochial Schools tended any fraternal celebration in ably invite the Indianans for a* holi­ reason is that the Catholic hierarchy “ The Imperial Wizard gives as his Colcrado.^and sometimes it was neces- day game. If the K. of C. get the Armistice day will be celebrated at Rev. Thomas P. Kelly of the Cathe­ of the United States own a ‘highei second reason why the Klap wars on .sary to turn spectators away. Grand date, it will be on the Christmas trip the Cathedral Sunday evenihg, to dral as deacon and the Rev. Francis Political Sway? temporal allegiance to the priesthood Catholics that ‘the parochial school Knight John Leo Stack wishes' to pilo- of the Notre Dame men that they will mark the memory of the young men W. Walsh as subdeaeon. All these at Rome than to the Presidency al alone is a sufficient proof of divided vide against this necessity next year. play here. who answered the call to arms in the. four priests saw service as army Washington.’ World war. The sermon will be chaplains. There will be a special In this column, for several weeks, “ Dr. Evans should know that Cath­ allegiance.’ Since when did the par­ preached by the Rev. Charles A. Mc­ musical program, under the direction questions brought up by enemies of olics everywhere recognize no tern ochial school furnish any evidence Donnell, S.J., pastor of the Sacred of the Rev. Joseph Bosetti. the Catholic Church have been dis­ poral authority except that of the that it taught the doctrine that tem­ Heart and St. Ignatius’ parish, chap­ The exercises will be as follows: cussed. This week it is purposed to civil government under which they poral allegiance must be rendered, lain of Leo Leyden post of the Amer­ Music by the choir, brief introductory deal with the fundamental fallacy un­ are living; that the Divine Foundei first to the Pope and then to the S tt Jubilee of Rev. Mother Clarasine President? Where was the wizard ican Legion. The celebrant of the remarks by Father F. W. Walsh, the derlying Ku Kluxism, the Scottish of the Church taught them the dis­ Solemn Benediction will be the Very sounding of taps, prayers for the Rite attack on parish schools and tinction between the temporal and the during the late war? Does he not Rev. William Carroll, C.SS.R., pas­ civil authorities, music by the choir, every other anti-Catholic movement. spiritual powers, and their obliga­ know that the graduates of our par­ tor of St. Joseph’s church, with the sermon, Solemn Benediction. Boiled down to the bone, these cam­ tions to each, when He said: ‘Ren­ ochial schools fought shoulder to and Mother Dobrine, Loretto Nuns paigns all resolve into the attempt der to Caesar the things that arc shoulder with the graduates of our on the part of politicians to control Caesar’s and to God the things that public schools, and that thousands of ecclesiastics— a movement that has are God’s’ ; that the Church (the them laid down their lives ‘to make Two golden jubilees of Sisters pf lorine, who .spent a number of years brought more grief to the world than Pope, the Bishops and the priests) the world safe for democracy’? Loretto that are of the greatest in­ in old St. Mary’s academy and was anything else that has ever been in­ have always taught that the civil Neither WTlliam" T. Fitz.sinimons, a i Persons Enroll in Philos parochial school boy, who was the terest to Coloradoans occur next one of the pioneers in Catholic edu­ troduced into it, besides Adam’s fall. authority is from God and must be week. Rev. Mother Clarasine, super­ cational work in Colorado, will cele­ Vv’e are told that Church and State obeyed under the pain of sin and first American officer to shed his ior general of the order, who was su­ brate hers on Sunday at Loretto must be kept separate. The doctrine even of eternal damnation. blood in the World war, nor Father perior at Loretto Heights when she academy, St. Louis. that the Church wants to grab con­ Catholic Attitude Defined by Pope ■William F. Davitt, a Catholic chap­ was elected to that position, having Mother Mary Linus of Loretto Condudei hy Father Joseph Sosetti trol of the State is preached from the “The. doctor may not know that lain, who was the last American of­ spent,^x years at the Heights and six Heights, Mother M. Assumpta of St^ housetops. A Ku Klux lecturer who Pope Leo XIII, in his letter on ‘The ficer to give up his life on the very years in Pueblo, is celebrating h^r Mary’s academy, Denver; Sister Faber recently visited Colorado said that Christian Constitution of States’ (p morning that the armistice .went in­ fiftieth,anniversary as a professed re­ of Colorado Springs, and Mother Eighty-five persons, besides the standpoint is, therefore, surprisingly his objection to the Catholic Church 114), written to the Catholics of the to effect, was suspected of divided al­ ligious November 14 at the mothet- Mary Claver of Puebl^^ will go to Si.sters of Charity of the Cathedral large. The class meets each Tuesday was that, unstead of being a Church, whole world, declared that the state legiance. house in Nerinx, Ky., and Mother Do- Nerinx for the celebration. school, are now enrolled in .the pliil- night, at the Cathedral school. she -Was a political machine in dis­ its own sphere is independent oi “ Perhaps the wizard imagines the osophy school of the Rev. Joseph The Sisters of Loretto and lay stu­ guise. the Church. * These are his words: parochial school is un-American be­ Bosetti, an extension department of dents are delighted. with the soci­ Now just what are the facts of The Almighty has appointed the cause it teaches religion, aa well as the Colorado State university, and it ology course being given each Wed­ history? If you study the story of charge of the human race between the secular branches? To the Christ­ is known that at least five others in­ nesday evening at St. Mary’s acad­ human progress since the coming of two powers, the ecclesiastical and the ian and the student of history, this, Every Parish Has Had Services of tend studying.
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