List of Hospitals/Clinics throughout Guayaquil’s Consular District Here you will find a list of hospitals and clinics located throughout our consular district. These facilities are neither vetted nor endorsed by the Health Unit. Care may be suboptimal and English speaking providers may not be available. The hospitals listed below are suggestions, not recommendations. Often, no English speaking staff is available. In medical emergency American citizens can reach an ambulance by dialing 911. A list of many of Ecuador’s hospitals can also be found through the website of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Public Health. This website will show a map of Ecuador where you can click by province and search for medical attention. On the page that follows there will appear a map that reads “Busque Hospitales y Centros de Salud en su Provincia.” Press the province map (on the top right hand side) to find hospitals (hospitales), and/or clinics (centros de salud): https://geosalud.msp.gob.ec/geovisualizador/ Also for a quick list of hospitals, see below. Some of the larger hospitals have lists of specific doctors arranged by specialty. The U.S. Consulate assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons and medical facilities on this list. Hospitals listed include some of those used by U.S. citizens in the past whose services have been found satisfactory and who may have staff members who speak English. HOSPITALS AND CLINICS CITY HOSPITAL / CLINIC ADDRESS TELEPHONE WEBPAGE AZOGUES HOSPITAL GENERAL HOMERO CASTANIER Av. Andres Cordova y Luis Manuel Gonzalez 593-7-224-0918 BAHIA DE HOSPITAL MIGUEL HILARIO ALCIVAR Calle Rocafuete y Virgilio Stopper 593-5-239-8006 http://hmha.gob.ec/index.php/hospital CARAQUEZ CUENCA CLINICA PAUCARBAMBA Av. Paucarbamba 4138 y Santiago Carrasco 593 7-281-8111 CUENCA CLINICA SANTA ANA Av. Manuel J. Calle 1-104 y Av. Paucarbamba 593-7-281-7564 http://clinicasantaana.com.ec/ CUENCA HOSPITAL LATINOAMERICANO Av. 3 de Noviembre 3-50 y Unidad Nacional 593-7-282-7074 https://www.clinicalatino.med.ec CUENCA HOSPITAL MONTE SINAI Av. Miguel Cordero 6-111 y Av. Solano 593-7-288-5595 http://www.hospitalmontesinai.org/ CUENCA CLINICA SANTA INES Av. Daniel Cordova y Agustin Cueva 593-7-282-7888 https://cuenca.sisantaines.com/doctores/ CUENCA HOSPITAL DEL RIO Av. 24 de Mayo y Av. De las Americas 593-7-245-9555 http://www.hospitaldelrio.com.ec/ CUENCA HOSPITAL VICENTE CORRAL MOSCOSO Av. Los Arupos a Av. 12 de Abril 593-7-409-6598 http://hvcm.gob.ec/ CUENCA HOSPITAL JOSE CARRASTO ARTEAGA Jose Carrasco Arteaga entre Popayan y Pacto Andina 593-4-286-1500 https://www.airbnb.com/things-to-do/places/2574561 HOSPITALS AND CLINICS CITY HOSPITAL / CLINIC ADDRESS TELEPHONE WEBPAGE GALAPAGOS HOSPITAL OSKAR JANDI Av. Jaime Roldos y Juan Pablo Segundo 593-5-252-0935 GALAPAGOS HOSPITAL REPUBLICA DEL ECUADOR Av. Baltra y Av. Charles Darwin 593-5-2527439 GUAYAQUIL CLINICA GUAYAQUIL Padre Aguirre y Gral. Cordova 593 4-256-3555 https://www.clinicaguayaquil.com/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA PANAMERICANA Panama 616 y Roca 593-4-256-9999 http://www.clinicapanamericana.med.ec/salud/ GUAYAQUIL HOSPITAL ALCIVAR Idelfonso Coronel y mendez 2301 593-4-372-0100 https://hospitalalcivar.com/ GUAYAQUIL JUNTA DE BENEFICENCIA Velez 109 y Pedro Carbo 593-4-232-4060 https://www.juntadebeneficencia.org.ec/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA KENNEDY - POLICENTRO Av. Del Periodista y Callejon 11-A 593-4-228-9666 http://www.hospikennedy.med.ec/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA KENNEDY - SAMBORONDON Samborondon Km 1 1/2 Via La Puntilla 593-4-209-0039 http://www.hospikennedy.med.ec/sedes/hck-samborondon/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA KENNEDY - ALBORADA Av. del Periodista y Callejón 11-A 593-4-223-1900 http://www.hospikennedy.med.ec/sedes/hck-alborada/ GUAYAQUIL OMNIHOSPITAL Av. Abel Romeo Castillo y Av. Juan Tanca Marengo 593-4-210-9000 https://omnihospital.ec/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA ALBORADA Alborada Mz. 373 Solar 5 593-9-5968-0846 https://www.clinicalborada.com/ubicaciom/ GUAYAQUIL CLINICA MILENIUM Nahím Isaías y Luis Orrantia, Kennedy Norte 593-4-268-1430 https://clinicamilenium.com.ec/ww1/ Ciudadela Urdenor 1 Mz. 121 solar 23 y 24 Av.Ignacio Robles y GUAYAQUIL CLINICA URDENOR 593-4-224-4124 Francisco de Orellana GUAYAQUIL CLINICA SANTA MARIA Lorenzo de Garaicoa 3209 y Argentina 593-4-240-1767 http://www.clinicasantamaria.com.ec/ HOSPITAL DE LA MUJER. ALFREDO G. GUAYAQUIL Av Dr. Roberto Gilbert y Av de la Democracia. 593 4-372-7140 http://hospitalalfredopaulson.med.ec/ PAULSON GUAYAQUIL HOSPITAL ABEL GILBERT PONTON Assad Bucaram 5905 593-4-259-7400 https://www.hagp.gob.ec/ GUAYAQUIL HOSPITAL DEL NINO Av. Quito y Gomez Rendon 593-4-2597500 http://www.hfib.gob.ec/ HOSPITALS AND CLINICS CITY HOSPITAL / CLINIC ADDRESS TELEPHONE WEBPAGE HUAQUILLAS HOSPITAL DE HUAQUILLAS Calle Esmeraldas 227 593-7-251-0106 https://www.salud.gob.ec/hospital-basico-huaquillas/ LOJA CLINICA MOGROVEJO 18 de Noviembre 13-43 593 7-256-0544 LOJA HOSPITAL U.T.P.L Av. Salvador Bustamante Celi Edif. Solca 4to y 5to piso 593-7-261-0063 http://www.hospitalutpl.com/ LOJA CLINICA SAN AGUSTIN 18 de Noviembre y Azuay 593-7-257-0314 LOJA CLINICA SAN FRANCISCO Leopoldo Palacios 10-85 y J. Pena 593-7-257-2468 LOJA HOSPITAL ISIDRO AYORA Av. Iberoamerica y J.J. Samaniego 593-7-257-0540 MACHALA CLINICA SANTA MARIANITA Av. Central 25 de Junio y Juan Montalvo 593-7-293-3637 MACHALA HOSPITAL TEOFILO DAVILA Boyaca y Buenavista 593-7-370-1780 http://www.htdeloro.gob.ec/index.php MANGLARALTO HOSPITAL DE MANGLARALTO Via Manglaralto Montañita 593-4-290-1192 MANTA CLINICA MANTA Av 4 de Noviembre y Calle J14 593-5-292-1566 MANTA CLINICA SAN GREGORIO Av. Maria Auxiliadora (Antigua via al aeropuerto) 593-5-292-1160 PORTOVIEJO HOSPITAL SANTA TERESITA Francisco P. Moreira y Av. Manabi 593-9-8716-5872 PORTOVIEJO HOSPITAL VERDI CEVALLOS Calle 12 de Marzo y Rocafuerte 593-5-259-0140 http://hpvc.gob.ec/index.php/contacto VILCABAMBA HOSPITAL DE VILCABAMBA Av. Eterna Juventud E682 593-7-264-0128 ZAMORA CHINCHIPE HOSPITAL JULIUS DOEFNER Zamora 593-7-260-5382 LOCAL MEDICAL PROVIDERS DISCLAIMER (7 FAM 337.4-2): The U.S. Embassy Ecuador assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by the medical professionals, medical facilities or ambulance services whose names appear on the following lists. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department of State or the U.S. Embassy. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. The information in the list on professional credentials and areas of expertise are provided directly by the medical professional, medical facility or ambulance service; the Embassy is not in a position to vouch for such information. You may receive additional information about the individuals and facilities on the list by contacting local medical boards and associations (or its equivalent) or local licensing authorities. LOCAL HEALTH SPECIALISTS AND FACILITIES ALLERGISTS / IMMUNOLOGISTS NAME ADDRESS OFFICE HOME CELLULAR E-mail SCHEDULE ENGLISH CEDIPE Francisco Boloña 610 y la Decima Zambrano, John (Pediatric Aller- 2394203 2888110 99613471 [email protected] 10h00-13h00 15h30-18h30 Medium CEMEDIK Cdla. Kennedy Vieja. Calle 7ma Oeste #120 y Ave. San Jorge Mon-Fri 15h30-19h00 Madero, Eduardo 2391221 / 2392093 2285593 0999401692 [email protected] Medium Sat 09h30-12h00 Cherrez, Ivan Clinica Kennedy. Seccion Delta. Ave. Novena y Ave. San Jorge consultorio #1 2288450 / 2288457/5114555 2382974 099981769 [email protected] 11h00-20h00 Fluent Novena Oeste 105 y Ave. San Salazar, Iván 2282034 / 2288148 2851072 0993796804 [email protected] 10h00-12h30 17h00-19h30 Low Jorge 1st floor of #3 ANESTHESIOLOGISTS varied since he is an Egas Dominguez, Joaquin Clinica Kennedy. Beta Section, of: # 104 2293285 / 2287495 2396978 99504547 [email protected] Medium anesthesiologist varied since he is an Rivadeneira Fernando Clinica Via Samborondon. Torre Alfa, 3th floor, of: # 16 2838748 0999747822 *Shares office with Dr. Navarrete* Low anesthesiologist Quezada Johnny Omnihopsital 0999401823 Low ANGIOLOGISTS Clinica Kennedy. Seccion Beta Puente, Jorge 2294213 2885010 0999918488 16h00-20h00 Fluent of #205 Segundo piso Thu 11h00-13h00 Orellana, Jaime Clínica Kennedy. Sección Beta of# 26 2281682 / 2281683 2852501 0997876546 [email protected] Medium Mon-Fri 11h30-18h00 CARDIOLOGISTS Clinica Kennedy. Seccion Beta Posligua, William 2293109 / 2283155 2835292/93 0999500303 [email protected] 10h00-14h00 16h00-18h00 Fluent of #110 Peña, Enrique Eduardo Clinica Kennedy Seccion Epsilon 2280313 2554465/2554449 0999742237 [email protected] 10h00-18h00 Medium Solines, Alberto Urbanizacion Laguna Club #79 2872766 2872766 0984168996 [email protected] w/appointment only Medium Dr. Roberto Gilbert Clinica Guayaquil, Padre Aguirre # 401 256 3555 ext 404 099 445 4836 [email protected] w/appointment Medium Lama Valverde Edgar Clinica Kennedy. San Jorge Avenue between the 9th and the 10th 2396479 / 2286963 ext: 1440 2835389 0999508666 [email protected] 10h00-14h00 17h00-19h00 Low CHIROPRACTOR Mon Wed Fri 15h00-19h00 Frouman, Cary Cdla. La Garzota III MZ. 88 Villa 1 265 5305 0999483178 [email protected] Fluent Tues Thurs 9h00-13h00 DENTISTS PERIODONTICS Circunvalacion Sur 605 y las Mon-Fri 09h00-13h00 Saab Charbel 2382213 / 2881926 2387739 [email protected] Fluent Monjas 15h00-18h00 PROSTHODONTICS/ORAL REHABILITATION/ ORTHODONTISTS C. Comercial Aventura Plaza ) Mon-Fri 09h30-17h00 Alarcon Johanna Local #9 PB Las Monjas y Carlos 2206910 / 2097481 2201585 0988811964 [email protected] Fluent Julio Arosemena C. Comercial Aventura Plaza Patricia Gen-Kuong Local #11 B Las Monjas y Carlos 2206913 / 206914 6026779 99504543 [email protected] Mon-Fri 09h00-17h00 Fluent (Adults/Pediatrics) Julio Arosemena Dated: 7/15/2019 File Name: Specialists And Facilities 2005 Prepared By: EG LOCAL HEALTH SPECIALISTS AND FACILITIES Mon-Thu 10h00-12h30 López, Bonnie(Adults-Pediatrics) Jose Castillo Solar 19 y Luis Orrantia Edifico Medical Plaza of.
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