ORORAJ ApriL 25,214 "lhomas %lcLaugh , PhD USNuciear R-gulartnn N<IiOn 11545 R ckville Pike Mall Stop:k1-85 Rockvil1e, MI) 20'52 SUBJECT: PILOT STUDY REPORT FOR RADON EXHALATION MEASUREMENTS, OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE DCN: 2052-TR-41-0(RFTA 11-016) Dear l)r. NkLaughlin Oak Ridgee. ocjared I ni0er2I (O)R , peraing under the Oak Ridge Inmotute fr enc and Educauio ((1)R]ik) contrac, a. plea: d to pr idc the e I 'd final report that deta' he r ukt f tihlt Rad4n lation \-,uremnt' Prio Study. Ct ninmntm on the draft ver! :n Iiave been incorporated. Please feel free to contact nie, via my inffinnati-in be] • or 'un Virýku, at 865.576.5073, if 'ou have any questions or comments. Sincertly, N'ckola; Aloe Health Physicis~t NAA{ff Fincloeu-,r cc; T, C' rer/riFS lb/I)W"MLP/I)I)/.P 'b' 0 A I* /2- "b "1.()A irku° I°File/2052 PILOT STUDY REPORT FOR RADON EXHALATION MEASUREMENTS Nickolas Altic Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OAK S1POOQ: ASSOCiATED UNIVERSMES Approved for public release; further dissemination unlimited. ORAU provides innovative scientific and technical solutions to advance research and education, protect public health and the environment and strengthen national security. Through specialized teams of experts, unique laboratory capabilities and access to a consortium of more than 100 major Ph.D.-granting institutions, ORAU works with federal, state, local and commercial customers to advance national priorities and serve the public interest. A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit corporation and federal contractor, ORAU manages the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Learn more about ORAU at wwwv.orau.org. NOTICES The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the sponsoring institutions of Oak Ridge Associated Universities. This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the U.S. Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, mark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement or recommendation, or favor by the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the U.S. Government or any agency thereof. PILOT STUDY REPORT FOR RADON EXHALATION MEASUREMENTS OAK RIDGE, TN Prepared by N.A. Altic o RAU Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification Program Oak Ridge Associated Universities Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-0017 Prepared for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission FINAL REPORT APRIL 2014 Prepared by Oak Ridge Associated Universities under the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education contract, number DE-AC05-06OR23100, with the U.S. Department of Energy under interagency agreement (NRC FIN No. F-1244) between the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Energy. ______ORAU PILOT STUDY REPORT FOR RADON EXHALATION MEASUREMENTS OAK RIDGE, TN Prepared by: Date; _ __ _ N'A. Altic, HeAlh Physicist Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification Program Reviewed by- Date, '25/r W.P. Ivey, L~abotdtojvGroup Manager Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification Program Reviewed by: Date: lay__b____ F.A. Templon, Quality Assupnce Director Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification Program Reviewed and approved for release by: Date-, &/C c'e Tj, Vithkm• ci DirectWr IndependenYo'iwvironmental Assessment and Verification Program FINAL REPORT APRIL 2014 X2don Exhgltw.bi" Memuref"Monw 2052-TR4)1-0 _____RAU CONTENTS TA B L E S ............................................................................................................................................................. iv F IG U R E S .......................................................................................................................................................... iv A CRO N YM S ..................................................................................................................................................... v 1. IN TRO D U CTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Regulatory Requirem ents ......................................................................................................... 2 1.2 M easurem ent Theory ........................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Factors A ffecting Radon Exhalation ......................................................................................... 3 2. O BJE CTIV E S ................................................................................................................................................ 5 3. D ATA Q U A LITY O BJECTIV E S ......................................................................................................... 5 3.1 State the Problem .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Identify the D ecision ........................................................................................................................ 6 3.3 Identify Inputs to the D ecision .................................................................................................. 7 3.4 D efine the Study Boundaries .................................................................................................... 8 3.5 D evelop a D ecision Rule .......................................................................................................... 8 3.6 Specify Lim its on D ecision Errors ............................................................................................. 8 3.7 O ptim ize the D esign for O btaining D ata ................................................................................ 8 4. M ATERIA LS A N D M ETH O D S ........................................................................................................ 8 4.1 M aterials .............................................................................................................................................. 8 4.1.1 Radon Flux M onitors ...................................................................................................... 9 4.1.2 Radon Exhalation Bed ..................................................................................................... 11 4.1.3 A tm ospheric Cham ber ....................................................................................................... 11 4.2 M ethods ............................................................................................................................................ 12 4.2.1 Investigation of A tm ospheric Pressure E ffects ............................................................ 12 4.2.2 Investigation of Soil M oisture E ffects ........................................................................... 13 4.2.3 Inter-com parison of Flux M onitors ................................................................................ 13 5. RE SULTS A N D D ISCU SSIO N ........................................................................................................ 13 5.1 A tm ospheric Pressure ..................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Soil M oisture .................................................................................................................................... 16 5.3 M easurem ent System Inter-com parison ................................................................................ 17 6. SU M MA RY A N D CO N CLU SIO N S ............................................................................................... 20 6.1 A tm ospheric Pressure ..................................................................................................................... 20 6.2 Soil M oisture .................................................................................................................................... 21 Radon Exhalation Measurements ii 2052-TR-01-0 __________RAU 6 .3 In ter-co mp ariso n ............................................................................................................................. 2 1 7 . P A T H F O R W A R D ..................................................................................................................................... 22 7 .1 T ren d T e stin g ................................................................................................................................... 2 2 7.2 R adon Exhalation D ata Set .................................................................................................... 23 7 .2 .1 H isto rical D ata ........................................................................................................................ 2 3 7 .2 .2 C o llec ted D ata ......................................................................................................................... 2
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