University of San Diego Digital USD Basketball (Men) University of San Diego Athletics Media Guides 1999 University of San Diego Men's Basketball Media Guide 1998-1999 University of San Diego Athletics Department Follow this and additional works at: https://digital.sandiego.edu/amg-basketball-men CONTENTS Page 1 USDTOREROS '98-99 Basketball Media Guide BASKETBALL STAFF 619/260-4829 Torero Senior Action Photos Inside Front Cover H ead Coach: Brad H ol land (5 th Yea r) Tab le of Contents Page 1 Ass ista nt Coach: Ky le Sm ith (6th Yea r) 1998-99 Torero Outlook Page 2 Ass istant Coach: Terry Boesel (1st Yea r) Numerica l & Alphabeti ca l Rosters Page 3 Ass istant Coach: D avid Fizdale (1st Yea r) H ead Coach Brad Holl and Pages 4-5 Administrative Assistant: Terry Rya n (1st Year) Torero Ass istant Coaches Page 6 Team Manager: Mike Flynn M eet Th e Toreros · Pages 7-1 2 Seniors Brock Jacobsen/ Lamont Smith Page 7 Seni or Ryan Wil liams/Junior Jeff Knoll Page 8 SPORTS INFORMATION STAFF D ana White/Cameron Rigby/Tom Lippold Page 9 619/260-4 745 Michael Blackmon/Jason Powell/Andre Laws Page 10 Ted Cosen Director (H ) 619/486-3284 Steve Ross/ Kevi n H anson/Sam Scholl Page 11 Rya n McCrary Ass istant (H ) 619/297-6634 Diro n Mobley/Scott Boardman/James Borrego/Tyler Fi eld Page 12 Katy Ca rn es/Antho ny Agu il ar St udent Ass istants 1998-99 USO Opponents Pages 13-1 6 SID Fax 619/2 92-0388 Concordia U niversity Page 13 Press Row Phone: 619/278-0648 Eastern Washington U niversity Page 13 Torero H otl ine: 619/260-2323 Portl and State U niversi ty Page 13 SID E-Ma il Addresses: tgosen@a cusd.edu Ca l State Northridge Page 13 rm ccrary@ac usd.edu Northern Arizona U niversity Page 13 Website Address: http://sa .acusd .ed u/athletics University ofTexas Page 14 Montana State University Page 14 San Diego State University Page 14 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT STAFF University of M iami, at O hio Page 14 619/260-4803 Fresno State University Page 14 Director of Athleti cs : Tom Iannacone Chicago State U niversity Page 15 Assoc iate Director of Athletics: Dan Yourg Occidental College Page 15 Assistant Athleti c Director/SWA: W endy G uthrie University of Ca lifornia, at Irv ine Page 15 Assoc iate AD, Ath leti c Development: Brian Foga rt y University of San Francisco Page 15 Asst. AD/Marketing & Promotions: Renee Wiebe Santa Clara U niversity Page 15 D irector of Fac ilities: John Martin Saint Mary's College Page 16 Transportati o n: John Cunningham Loyola Marymount University Page 16 Director of lntramurals/Recreation: Gary Becker Pepperdine University Page 16 Assistant Intramural D irector: Noah Stan ley Gonzaga U niversity Page 16 Director of Academic Support: Sara Hickmann University of Portl and Page 16 Director of Summer Ca mps: M ary Johnson USO A ll-Time Opponent Records Page 17 Athleti c Dept. Secreta ri es: Georgia Gordon, USO Academic Support/Strength & Conditi o ning Page 18 Pauline Th onnard, Joan Wolf San Diego "America's Finest City" Page 19 H ead A thletic Trainer: Ca rolyn Greer, M.A., A.T. , C. University Profile Page 20 Assistant A thletic Trainer: Suz i Higgi ns, M.A., A.T. , C. Steve Grech, M.A., A.T. , C. Torero Record Section Pages 2 1-28 Assistant Athletic Trainer: Strength/Conditioning Coach: Steve Brown To rero H onor Ro i I Page 22 Women's Vol leyball : Sue Snyder 1979-98 USO Division I Basketba l I Scores Pages 23-24 Men's & Women's Cross Country : Ri ch Cota USO Div ision I Individual Records (79-98) Page 25 Women's Soccer: John Cossa boon A ll -Time Torero Records Pages 26-28 Men's Soccer: Seamus McFadden 1997-98 Fin al Statistics Page 29 Footba ll: Kevin McGarry Returning Pl ayer Resu lts from 1997-98 Page 30 Women's Basketba ll: Kat hy Marpe W est Coast Conference Page 3 1 Women's Swimming/Diving: Mike Keeler WCC Post-Season Tournament Page 32 Baseba ll: Ri ch Hill Jenny C raig Pav ilion Page 33 Softbal l: Lin Adams People To Know At USO Page 34 Men's Golf: Frank Ca tes Tom Iannacone, Director of A thleti cs Page 35 Women's Ten nis: Sherri Stephens USO Athl eti c Department Staff Page 36-37 Men's Tenn is: Tom H agedorn 1998-99 Schedule Page 38 Men's Crew: Brooks Dagman Torero Primary Media Outlets Page 39 Women's Crew: Leeanne Crain Radio & Television Roster Page 40 USO Tea m Phys icians: W illiam P. Curran, M.D., San D iego - A Perfect Place To Live Inside Ba ck Cover H einz Hoenecke, M.D.; Robert Kaplan, M.D.; Robert Button, M.D. 1998-99 Torero Team Photo Ba ck Cover ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS On the Front Cover The 1998-99 USO Bas ketball Media Guide was prepared '98-99 TORERO SENIORS (1-r): and edited by USO Sports Information Director Ted Cosen for use by media covering Torero basketbal l. Brock Jacobsen, Ryan Williams, Lamont Smith Th e publication is avai lable to the genera l public on a lim­ ited basis at $5 .00 per copy. A ll requests shou ld b e se nt to th e SID In front of the Point Loma Lighthouse (built in 1854), Office: University of San D iego, 5998 A lca la Park, San Diego, CA a San Diego Historical Landmark, 92 110-2492. at Cabrillo National Monument A specia l th anks to the fol lowing peopl e that helped put this ting); and Brock Scott Photo Credit: Brock Scott, SCOTT PHOTO guide togeth er: Kings Printing Corporat ion (Prin of Scott Photo (Cover Photo; Action Shots; Player & Tea m Photos). UnlMn,ly al San Diego A~ TORERO OUTLOOK Page2 TRIO OF SENIORS TO LEAD YOUTHFUL TOREROS Th e upcoming 1998-99 seaso n wi ll be head coach Brad Hol land's fifth at the helm of the USO basketba ll program. Th e 41-year-old Holl and returns two starters and six lette rmen from last year's team that fi nished 14-1 4 overall and 5-9 in th e W est Coast Conference. Last seaso n mark ed th e third straight seaso n that the Toreros fi ni shed w ith a .5 00 record or better and also adva nced to the semifina ls of th e W est Coast Conference Tournament. W ith three of the top fo ur scorers gone from last yea r's sq uad, including two­ time tea m MVP Br ia n Miles (16.3 ppg), coach Holl and w ill look to a trio of seniors to lea d thi s yea r's youth movement that features eleven underclassemen. Leading th e way is 6-6 se ni or fo rward Ryan Williams (Sea ttl e, W A) w ho is the tea m's top returning scorer (15.1) and rebounder (6.3) - he finished in th e top-ten in four W CC categori es: scoring, rebounding, field goa l percentage (. 527) and free throw accuracy (.779). He enter's th e 1998-99 seaso n w ith 894 ca reer points, good fo r th e 24th spot on USD's all -time scoring list. Guard '98-99 TORERO SENIORS (l-r): Brock Jacobsen (Glendora, CA) return s for his final season after averaging 7 .3 Lamont Smith, Ryan Williams, Brock Jacobsen ppg a yea r ago. Th e W CC Fres hman of th e Yea r in 1996, Brock is one of th e tea m' s more versa tile pl ayers th at ca n play both guard spots as w ell as th e small forward pos itio n. Th e third sen ior is guard Lamont Smith (Th e Colony, Texas), th e team' s defensive spec iali st who usuall y gets the ass ignment of stopping th e opponent's top gun . His enthusias m and hustl e for th e ga me, at both ends of th e fl oor, sh oul d rub off in a pos itive mann er on the res t of th e Torero squad. This yea r's group of seniors pl ayed a key role on last yea r's tea m th at ea rn ed key W est Coast Conference vi ctori es over first pl ace Gonzaga; over runner-up Pepperdine tw ice; and over Santa Clara on the road. Although the Toreros finished j ust 5-9 in th e W CC, th ey lost their fi rst fo ur contests by a combined ten points - 3 points to San Francisco in overt ime; 2 points to Santa Clara and Gonzaga; and 3 points to Portl and. They went on to finish th e seaso n strong, winning five of th e final eight contests to finish th e seaso n at 14-1 4. Th e Toreros onl y oth er returning upperclass man is 7-0, 285 lb. cente r Jeff Knoll (M ercer Island, W A). Voted th e tea m's M os t Improved Pl ayer the past two seasons, he w ill compete fo r th e starting position at center. Las t seaso n he averaged 4.0 ppg and 3.2 rpg while sh ooting 57.5 perce nt from th e fi eld.
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