H2244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 6, 1997 of the House, the following Members Pinsky's poems so that we might wel- I wanted the way to pronounce will be recognized for 5 minutes each. come him to Washington with a deeper Evenly the judgment which a man f appreciation of his outstanding poetry. Who was quiet holds back as distinct First of all, these are from the Fig- But not final in the presence The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Of a good talker. I a good talker previous order of the House, the gen- ured Wheel which I mentioned. The Ask you a quiet man to recall the inside tleman from Georgia [Mr. COLLINS] is first one, if I could read it briefly, Mr. Of a shop, glassdust and lenses recognized for 5 minutes. Speaker, is about my home town of Everywhere, broken eyeglasses, forms Long Branch, which is also Mr. [Mr. COLLINS addressed the House. And odd pieces of paper, voices Pinsky's home town, and he talks Like phones ringing, tools His remarks will appear hereafter in about the ocean, which we are all so Broken and whole everywhere, mail the Extensions of Remarks.] very fond of since Long Branch is along Unread, the signÐ``Milford S.'' or f the shore. It is called ``A Long Branch ``Robert''Ðhanging like a straight face . .. Surface, tyranny of the world visible, AMERICA'S 39TH POET LAUREATE, Song.'' Images that spread outward ROBERT PINSKY Some days in May, little stars. From the brain like lines crazingÐ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Winked all over the ocean. The blue Or like brief silvery ovals previous order of the House, the gen- Barely changed all morning and afternoon. That glide over the dark, The chimes of the bank's bronze clock; Ethereal, yet each wingbeat tleman from New Jersey [Mr. PALLONE] The hoarse voice of Cookie, hawking is recognized for 5 minutes. Firm in time, of more The Daily Record for 35 years. Substance than this, this mothlike Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, this I have to say, Mr. Speaker, that Stirring of words, work or affection. fall, the acclaimed poet Robert Pinsky brings home to me because I remember will take his place as America's 39th f Cookie who was hawking the Daily poet laureate. TRIBUTE TO MARTIN STRAUSER I am very proud to point out to my Record, our local newspaper, for a long time when I was growing up. colleagues that Mr. Pinsky was born The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. JEN- The next poem is also about Long and raised and graduated from the pub- KINS). Under a previous order of the Branch. It is a little longer but not lic high school in my hometown of House, the gentleman from Missouri much. I would like to read it, if I could, Long Branch, NJ, a historic seashore [Mr. HULSHOF] is recognized for 5 min- to my colleagues, Mr. Speaker. It is community that was the inspiration utes. called ``Long Branch, New Jersey.'' for many of his poems. Mr. HULSOHF. Mr. Speaker, as you Mr. Pinsky is truly the right poet Everything is regional, know, this is National Teacher Appre- laureate for our time in history. In an- And this is where I was born, dear, ciation Week and today is National And conceived, Teacher Day. I want to take time out nouncing his appointment, the Librar- And first moved to tears, ian of Congress, James H. Billingham, And last irritated to the same point. to recognize the hundreds of men and noted that his accomplishments in It is bounded on three sides by similar places women back home in Missouri's Ninth translation, his interest in making po- And on one side by vast, uncouth houses. District whose dedication to educating etry accessible through digital tech- A glum boardwalk and, our youth takes precedence over long nology on the Internet, and his own As we say, The Beach. hours and meager compensation. There probing poetry promise an exciting I stand here now are many who demonstrate such excel- year for us in Washington. At the corner of Third Avenue and Broad- lence within the classroom. way. One shining example is Martin He follows in the footsteps of many Waiting for you to come by in a car, great poet laureates, including Robert And count the red carlights Strauser. For the last 30 years Mr. Frost, Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Penn That rush through a fine rain Strauser has taught at St. Clair High Warren, and Conrad Aiken. To where Broadway's two branchesÐNorth School. Just this past March Mr. The duties of the poet laureate have Broadway and South BroadwayÐboth reach Strauser was the proud recipient of the traditionally included promoting po- To the trite, salt, welcoming ocean. 1996 Educator of the Year Award. He etry in this country through seminars, I like to read that one, Mr. Speaker, was honored for his years of service, workshops, and speaking engagements. because not only is Broadway near his contributions to the school system, Judging from Mr. Pinsky's rich imagi- where I was born and grew up but it is and for helping thousands of young nation and creative use of language in also where my congressional office is, people throughout his lifetime. the computer, I am sure we can count on Broadway. According to his nomination letter, on him to make his mark on the poet The last one I would like to read, I Mr. Strauser, quote, ``has served as a laureates' role in a significant and last- hope there is time in the time I have fine example for high school students ing way. allotted, is called ``To My Father, for throughout his career.'' Many former Mr. Speaker, Mr. Pinsky is the au- Milford S. Pinsky,'' who I remember students have given testimonials about thor of five collections of poetry, in- was Robert Pinsky's father, a local ob- his positive leadership. cluding his most recent publication, stetrician in Long Branch. Mr. Strauser, an industrial arts ``The Figured Wheel: New and Col- The glazed surface of the world, dusk. teacher, insists that one of his goals is lected Poems 1965 to 1995.'' And three mallard that land to teach students not only occupa- b 2130 In the dim lake, each tional skills which will help them find Scudding in a bright oval . .. future employment, but also to provide He is the poetry editor of the weekly What chance, man, for the thin opportunities to teach students lessons Internet magazine called Slate. In 1994, Halting qualities of the soul? in life to be successful. Mr. Pinsky translated Dante's ``In- Call this, prologue to an explanation, Something like the way Uncle Joe Winograd Martin Strauser is known for his ferno'' from the Italian and won great honesty, dependability and dedication national acclaim for the deep poetic With a carpenter's flat silence Might act on some given stretch to his profession and his students. talent displayed in this formidable Of Uncle Italo Tarantola's lifelong Mr. Speaker, Martin Strauser not task. The students at Boston Univer- Lawyerly expanding monologue. only helps his students build shop sity where he is a professor are cer- What I wanted, was to dwell projects, but helps young adults build tainly fortunate to have him teaching Here in the brain as though their lives. Congratulations are in in their creative writing program. At my bench, as though in a place order for teachers like Martin I know that I reflect the views of my Like the live ongoing shopÐ Between kitchen and factoryÐ Strauser, a lifelong educator and men- constituents when I express how proud tor. I am that a native son of the Sixth Of a worker in wood or in leather. Congressional District of New Jersey Implements ranged in sizes and shapes, f The stuff itself stacked up will hold the esteemed and historic In the localized purposeful clutter The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a title of Poet Laureate. Of work, the place itself smelling previous order of the House, the gen- So at this time I would like to share Of the hide, sawdust or whatever. tleman from Indiana [Mr. VISCLOSKY] is with my colleagues a few of Mr. I wanted the exact words; recognized for 5 minutes. May 6, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H2245 [Mr. VISCLOSKY addressed the As a sponsor of the Future Home- tensive video library featuring cable in House. His remarks will appear here- makers of America Association, Nancy the classroom programming to meet after in the Extensions of Remarks.] has organized students to purchase and curricular needs for grades K through f donate bags of story books to young 12. She also conducts staff development The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a mothers they could read to their chil- workshops designed to enhance the previous order of the House, the gen- dren, as well as to students in a local curriculum by using television as an instructional tool while also incor- tleman from Arizona [Mr. HAYWORTH] elementary school reading program. I is recognized for 5 minutes. might add that she is also a certified porating media literacy education. childbirth instructor and last summer Mrs. Priest received her BA in Eng- [Mr. HAYWORTH addressed the interned at the Olathe Medical Center lish and history from West Liberty House. His remarks will appear here- and Children's Mercy Hospital. State College in West Virginia, her after in the Extensions of Remarks.] In one of the many newspaper arti- Masters in social science from Ohio f cles written about this remarkable University, and is a graduate of the Harvard Institute of Media Education TRIBUTE TO NANCY MCROBERTS teacher, Nancy McRoberts said, ``I see education as a field where you can and the International Space Program.
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