Board of Regents’ Meeting June 27, 2011 9:00 a.m. Student Union Building Ballroom C AGENDA OF THE MEETING OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO June 27, 2011 9:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Student Union Ballroom C Regents Executive Session/Luncheon, 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Cherry Silver Room I. Confirmation of a Quorum: Adoption of the Agenda, Regent President Jack L. Fortner 1 II. Approval of Summarized Minutes of the April 12, 2011 Budget Summit, April 29, 2011 BOR Meeting, May 10, 2011 BOR Meeting, and May 31,2011 BOR Special Meeting and Approval of the BOR Calendar August 2011-August 2012 2 III. Presentation of Nambe Lobo Head to Raymond G. Sanchez, Regent President Jack L. Fortner. IV. President's Administrative Report, David J. Schmidly, President 3 V. Comments from Regents VI. Public Comment. specific to agenda items VII. Comments from Regents' Advisors (reporls included in BaR E Book) 4 Richard Wood, (Timothy Ross) President, Faculty Senate Mary Clark, President, Staff Council Katie Richardson, President, GPSA Jaymie Roybal, President, ASUNM Waneta Tuttle, President, UNM Alumni Association Anne Yegge, Chair, UNM Foundation Maria Probasco, President, UNM Parent Association Cynthia Stewart, President, UNM Retiree Association VIII. Regent Committee Reports Academic/Student Affairs & Research Committee. Regent Bradlev C. Hosmer. Chair A. Approval of Bachelor of Studies Degree to Patrick J. Grange, Richard Wood, FS President ...... 5 B. Approval of Appointment of Dr. Kathleen Holscher to Endowed Chair of Roman Catholic Studies, Dr. Felipe Gonzales, Senior Associate Dean ofArls & Sciences 6 Finance and Facilities Committee. Regent Don L. Chalmers. Chair Action items: A. Approval of Purchase Center for Micro-Engineered Materials-Rigaku, Bruce Cherrin, CPO ....... 7 B. Approval of Proposal for Presidential Executive Search assistance to Storbeck/Piemental. ......................................................................................Helen Gonzales, VP Human Resources C. Approval of Kronos/Financial Services/Human Resources. Bruce Cherrin, CPO D. Approval of Real Property Acquisition of Lands West Tract Z, Kim Murphy, Real Estate 8 Consent Items: E. Disposition of Surplus Property for Main Campus-list dated 5/15/2011, Bruce Cherrin CPO 9 F. Contract Approvals: 10 1) UNMH-Dekker/Perich/Sabatini, LTD 2) Draeger Medical Equipment Inc. G. Approval of: 1) Capital Project for Law School Steam and Chilled Water Piping Replacement 11 2) Architect Selection for Collaborative Teaching and Learning Building, Vahid Staples,Bgt H. Approval of Resolution to Reallocate UNM Bond Proceeds, Andrew CuI/en, AVP Budget......... 12 I. Approval of Capital Outlay Requests 13 J. Approval of Ford Utilities Center 2nd Gas Turbine Cogeneration Unit 14 K. Approval of Annual Renewal of Maui HPCC Lease 15 L. Approval of Resolution of Regents of UNM Confirming, Ratifying, Approving Unconditionally the Lease Agreement by and Between the Regents of UNM and ACC OP (UNM Main 1) LLC, 16 M. Approval of STC.UNM Board of Directors Reappointments (4) and Appointment (1) 17 Information Items: N. Monthly Consolidated Financial Report, Ava Lovell, Controller 18 O. Contract Information:Bruce Cherrin, CPO 19 1) UNMH-St. Catherine Healthcare, LLC 2) UNMH-Karl Storz Endoscopy 3) UNMH-GlaxoSmith Kline Vaccines 4) Information Technologies Group c/O Aquila Mele 5) Information Technologies-Network Appliance 6) Cancer Center-Korn Ferry International Health Sciences Board, Regent Carolvn J. Abeita. Chair. No Report Audit Committee, Regent Gene Gallegos. Chair. No Report A. Summary Report from Audit Committee Meeting 6/16/2011 20 IX Public Comment X. Vote to close the meeting and to proceed into Executive Session. XI. Executive Session will be held from 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the Cherry Silver Room A. Discussion and determination where appropriate of threatened or pending litigation Pursuant to Section 10-15-1.H (7) NMSA (1978). B. Discussion and determination where appropriate of limited personnel matters pursuant to Section 10-15-1.H (2), NMSA (1978) C. Discussion and determination where appropriate of the purchase, acquisition or disposal of real property pursuant to Section 10-15-1 H (8) NMSA (1978). 2 D. Discussion and determination where appropriate of the purchase, acquisition of services pursuant to Section 10-15-1. H (6) NMSA (1978) XII. E. Vote to re-open meeting. F Certification that only those matters described in Agenda Item XI. were discussed in Executive Session and if necessary, final action with regard to those matters will be taken in Open Session. XIII. Adjournment 6..27 3 Board of Regent's Meeting Schedule 2011 (August)2012 (August) (current 6.27.2011) 2012 March April COMMITTEE PLACE & TIME 2011 Januar March Budget approve Key August Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. y Feb. Org. Summit Budget April May June July August Leadership Key Staff Regent Board of Regents Meeting, President Jack Ellen Aug.9 Sept. 13 Oct.11 Nov.8 Dec.13 Jan.10 Feb.14 Mar.12 Mar.23 Apr.27 Apr.10? May 8 June.12 Aug.14 Fortner 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Wenzel SUB C President Schmidly Agenda items due: July.27 Academic/Student Affairs & Research Regent Bradley Committee, Alex Aug. 3 Sept.7 Oct.5 Nov.2 Dec.7 Jan.4 Feb.1 Mar.7 Apr.4 May 2 June.6 Aug.1 Hosmer, Paramo 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Provost Scholes Hall Roberts Room Ortega Agenda items due: Regent Gene Audit Committee, Gallegos Amy 8:30 a.m. - 12pm Aug.18 Oct.20 Feb.16 April 19 July.16 Manu Patel O'Donnell Scholes Hall, Roberts Room Director Internal Audit Agenda items due: UNM Hospital Board of Trustees 9am- Regent Jacob Wellman, Monica 11:30 a.m., Pavilion Conference Room Aug.5 Sept.2 Oct. 7 Nov.4 Dec.2 Jan.6 Feb.3 Mar.2 April.6 May.4 June.1 Aug.3 Steve Pierce 1500 McKernan Agenda items due: Finance & Facilities Committee, Committee Reegegent t Don o Chalmers, Cenissa 9:00am - 12pm, Aug. 4 Sept.1 Oct.6 Nov.3 Dec.1 Jan.12 Feb.2 Mar.1 April.5 May.3 June.7 Aug.4 COO David Martinez Scholes Hall, Roberts or SUB Harris Agenda items due: Jul. 25 Health Sciences Board, 9:00am- Regent Carolyn Patrice 1:00pm, HSC Campus, Domenici Aug. 23 Sept.27 Oct.25 Nov.22 Dec.20 Jan.24 Feb.28 Mar.27 Apr.24 May.22 June.26 July.24 Aug.28 Abeita Dr. Martin Center, Room 3010 Paul Roth Agenda items due: Winter Commencement December 16, 2011 6pm PIT Spring Commencement May 12, 2012, 9am PIT Note, April 10, 2012 is the 2nd Tuesday, April 27, 2012 is Budget Approval. (tbd-one or two meetings?) Legislative Session Opening Day January 18, 2012 Session ends March 19, 2012 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO April 12, 2011 Board ofRegents Meeting 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. Student Union Ballroom C Regents Executive Session/Luncheon 11 :30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Sandia Room Attendance: Regents present: Jack L. Fortner, President Don L. Chalmers, Vice President Carolyn J. Abeita, Secretary-Treasurer J.E. "Gene" Gallegos Bradley C. Hosmer James H. Koch Jacob P. Wellman President present: Dr. David J. Schmidly Executive Vice Presidents present: David Harris, EVP, COO Suzanne Ortega, EVP and Provost Dr. Paul Roth, Chancellor, HSC Vice Presidents present: Carmen Alvarez Brown, Vice President Enrollment Management Josephine De Leon, Vice President, Equity and Inclusion Julia Fulghum, Vice President, R&D Helen Gonzales, Vice President for Human Resources Paul Krebs, Vice President, Athletics Ava Lovell, Vice President and Controller Stephen McKernan, HSC Vice President, Hospital Operations EliseoTorres, Vice President, Student Affairs University Counsel present: Lee Peifer, Interim Sr. Associate University Counsel Regents' Advisors present: Richard Wood, President, Faculty Senate Merle Kennedy, President, StaffCouncil Lissa Knudsen, President, Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Lazaro Cardenas, Jr., President, Associated Students ofUNM (ASUNM) Harold Lavender for Steve Chreist, President, Alumni Association Anne Yegge, Chair, UNM Foundation Maria Probasco, President, Parent Association Cynthia Stuart, President, Retiree Association BC)Rrvlinulcs 04/12/2011 1 All presentations received are included in the BOR E-Book pdfdocument posted on the Board ofRegents web site (http://www.unm.edu/regents/meetings/). Regent Fortner presided and called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. I. Confirmation of a Quorum; Adoption ofthe Agenda, Regent Fortner Item I. B. 4) Tuition Differential Rates for Professional Programs Including Occupational Therapy was removed from the agenda to allow further review. Motion passed unanimously to adopt the revised agenda (l st Gallegos 2nd Abeita). II. Comments from Regent Advisors Faculty Senate, Richard Wood: Current proposal does fund the academic mission but does not shield employees from what amounts to a two percent reduction in pay and it gives Athletics somewhat special treatment. StaffCouncil, Merle Kennedy: The legislature chose to swap their part ofthe commitment to PERA and ERB over to state employees again. They seem to intend to transfer the state higher education funding commitment onto students and parents. Staffis grateful for PresidentSchmidly's proposal to cover the 1.75% "swap." Regent Fortner asked David Harris and Andrew Cullen to meet with Mr. Kennedy in the next week to better understand staffconcerns. Regent Koch said the low pay for staff should be addressed next year regardless of what the legislature does. GPSA, Lissa Knudsen: Student fees should not be raised by the BaR. Student fees and tuition should not be used to offset state cuts. UNM students graduate with the second highest debt load in the nation. ASUNM, Lazaro Cardenas: In favor ofa one year moratorium on raising student fees. The method ofdetermining student fees needs to be reviewed and changed.
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