Oorretpondence Baltimore County Union. SlaUucrad SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. & gjjftifljcellangjcrog. SahUe. OIIX BMITH’ WILSON KENNEY CO., Internal Pressure Planet—A ATTORNEY AT LAW, pENNsShVANETRAILBOADr” of Sun and W. Smedley Bow, Towson. Perfect Screw—A New Dental Engine- Office-No. 1 TOWSON WE RECOMMEND For the West and Forth. * AND LUTHERVILLE. Keep the Heart Young— Temperature- * PERRIE Trains leave Calvert Station as follows - A W. „ Made Species—The Body In Water— COUNTY OFFICIALS**- A. ATTORNEY ATm LAW, THE USE OF 4.40 A. M.. dally (Union Station 4.44 A. M.) for Sun-Spots and Tides—Animal Speeds— 6 Smedley Bow, Towson, Md. Williamsport and Lock Haven, No. Coal, Lumber, Mill 8.45 A. M. (Union Station 8.55 A. M.)daily, for Promising Potatoes—Portable Qas. Work, Hardware. Paints Pittsburgh, Chicago, Cincinnati, Circuit Fire Department. 8. KERCH, Jr., S- A- FOUTZ’S Louisville, St. Court. LAW, Louis. the iun As- ATTORNEY AT Hay, Grain 8.45 (Union Estimating the physical conditions of Judges—Chief Judge, Hon. David Fowler: Superintendent ofEire Alarm Telegraph—George WILLIAJ.Office—Smedley Row, Towson, Md. and Mill Feed. A. M. Station 8.55 A. M.)daily for and the planets, Prof. T. J. J. See has calculated sociate Judges, Hon. N. Charles Burke, Hon. Hartman. —PULL STOCK! Buffalo (via Emporium Junction) with through' George L. Van Firs Marshal—Charles Hen-man. —LOW PRICES! Buffet Parlor Car, and Coach; Erie the pressures to gravity, with results that Bibber. T3BARK I. DUNCAN, daily and \ due Sum's Attorney— Robert H. Bussey. No. 1, Towson—Alex. B. Miles, captain; Clinton LAW, ALSO A STORE Buffalo week-days. are certainly striking. At the earth’s centre the Auditor—William Grason. Bosley, driver. Jj ATTORNEY AT FOR GENERAL MERCHANDISE AT 11.44 A. M. (Union M.) 0. Building, Towson, Md. June 3—l2m LUTHERVILLE. Station 11.55 A. daily pressure so enormous figures give only a Commissioners to take Testimony and Examiners No. 2, Mt. Washington— Edw. Scbarf, captain; Offioe-Piper 'Cuffim Powders’ Pittsburgh and Cleveland; Renovo is that and Elmira! in Equity—A.A. Piper,W. George Mariey, Caleb Charles Kaste, driver. -AND- faint idea of it, and it may be stated to be as E. OFFUTT, 1.10 P. M. (Union Station) V. Cherbonnier. No. 3, Arlington— Harry L. French, captain; \rOAH LAW, daily, Limited for great as that of a column of mercury 7,888 times Crier—George W. Seipp. Harry driver. IN ATTORNEY AT Pittsburgh,Chicago,Cleveland. Toledo, Burgess, Money to Smedley Row, Towson. Detroit. as high as the Eiffel Tower. At the sun's center Interpreter and Bailiff—Julius Rudiger. No. 5, CatonsvUle—Edward Poehlman, captain; Loan. Cincinnati,Louisville, St. Louis. Linzey-Christian Kaline. Armaoost, 5.00 P. M. (from Union Mation) —who can conceive of it?—the probable pres- Saiiur*—TobiasC. Thomas driver. dally, “The Stenographer—J. Maurice Watkins Jr No. 6, Mt. W inane—Zachariah Dunn, captain: rriHOMAS J. HUNTER, Pennsylvania Special” 17 hours to Chicago sure is nearly 213 billion atmospheres! To ex- Philip Grace, driver. ATTORNEY AT LAW, TOWSON. Mp. “Stock Food” 5.00 P. M. daily (from Union Station)for Terms of Court. Pitto- ert such a pressure under terrestrial gravita- No. 7, Canton—Adam Hartman, captain; James burgh, Chicago, Nashville, (via Cincinnati and Monday in March, 3d Knight, J. TIMANUS, SODTHCOMB’Sj-^Tg For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Louisville.) St. Louis and Williamsport. Law Criminal—lst Mullaney and E. tion, of mercury to be and James drivers; James AT a column would have Monday in May, 3d Monday in September, Ist Flynn, engineer; Edward Gensler, en- JOHNATTORNEY 4k COUNSELOR LAW, 7.00 P. M., daily (from Union Station) for Chi- high enough beyond assistant Piper Building. Towson. Md. cago and to extend tbe sun. Monday in . gineer ; Birch, Cleveland. December. „ James houseman. Ist Monday in Heads Wear 8.30 P.M., daily (from A Equity—lst Monday in January, No. 8, Highlandlown—John Heickle, captain; a. williams, Wisef Them. “POULTRY FOOD” Union Station) for Pitts- March, Ist Monday in May, Ist Monday in July, George Heif and Robert Funk, drivers; Cyrus burgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis. important standard screw AT LAW, 8.30 P.M.daily (from So is tbe matter of a Ist Monday in September, Ist Monday in Novem- Nlzer, engineer; Adam Fisher, engi- StevensonATTORNEY county, For Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese. Union Station)forBuffalo gun fittings that neer Joseph assistant Belair, Harford Md. (via Emporium Junction) with through for and other accurate work a ber. ; Hoeflln, houseman. Buffet Office spent No. 9, Nutb, captain; 17. liberty Street, Sleeping Carand Coach. committee of the British War has Clerk’s Office. GardenviUe—Geo. Louis h. bussby, 11? 0<) p W. Bradfield, driver. 9- . -daily (from Union Station.) four years upon the problem. A special lathe—- Clerkof the Court—William P. Cole. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Liniment for Man and Beast Cleveland, Pltts- No. 10, Govanstown—R. E. Lee Reed, captain; Robert Towson, Md. Cincinnati, Erie and the only one of its kind in the world—has been Chief Deputy Clerk and Cashier—M. J. O’Hara. George J. Mulligan, driver. Office—Piper Building, Formerly Baltimore and Holliday Baltimore, Md. Court Clerk— Michael F. Connor. No. Roland Perry Knight, Sts. P. (Union M.) dally. constructed, and the screw at last produced is Equity il, Park— A. captain; Oct. 22.—1 y U.U M. Station 11.66 P. Clerk— Charles B. Fendali. John D. Meckins, driver; J. F. Hofstetter, GRASON, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Toledo, Rochester, - regarded as a marvel of scientific accuracy. It Index Clerk—William R. Hoff. en- ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cleveland except Saturday. Erie gineer. JOHN Building, Towson, is feet long, no in any part Examiner—Thomas R. Jenifer. Office—Law Md. For Annapolie, 7.31 A. M„ P. week- three with deviation Assistant Examiner—James L. Burgoyne. Removers of Garbage. and 3.40 M of more one part o‘f an & days. Sundays. 8.50 A. M. than ten-thousandth inch. GeneralAssistant— Thomas B. Gatcb. c. slingluff, John Arthur Son From Assistant Clerk—W1111am S. Cowley. Govanstown—Molyneux J. Fisher, Jr. ATTOHNEY AT LAW, President Street. Highlandlown— FielderFidelity 6.15 A. M. and 6.25 P. M., spring-motor of Bercut, a French sur- Messenqtr—Hczln H. Denny. Jacob Hahn. Building, (3d floor,) Baltimore. week-days, for Phila- The Dr. Record Clerks— Bernard Hogarty. bamuel M. Canton—John Schwartz. CARRIAGE BUILDERS delphia. geon-dentist, rotates a flexible cable 500 to 1.500 Lucas, Henry Dickmeyer, George F. Wheeler. CatonsvUle—Peter Toole, Harman Faye. T. ROBERTS, PwBLIIA From Union Station. per running toan Mays. Charles B. Orangeville— Michael Greser. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Philadelphia times minute, twelve minutes Jr., Thos. B. Butler. Charles H. Phipps. WILLIAM AND UNDERTAKERS, For and Bete perform- Chapman, Grason, Jr., Wm. S. Cockey. Towson—J. William 227 St. Paul Street, cor. Sarat >ga, Baltimore. Fork. hour and a half according to the work John *5.03 P. M. “Congressional Limited,” New Office. Keepers of Police Stations. York only; dailv ed, and is intended for dental and bone-cutting County Commissioners’ shirk, Fork, Baltimore County, Md. 1.48. 7.66, 10.0.' (*11.06 New’York operations, massaging, etc. is wound by the County Commissioners—George W.Yellott, pres- Canton— Dotterweicb, Henry AT LAW, only) A. if *12.05. *1.40 4.20:*5J5,7.60 and 1L25 It John Wm. T. Matthews. ATTORNEY P. M. week days. Sundays, ident ; John V. blade, Henry P. Mann. CatonsvUle— Doyle. 6 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore. ALWAYS ON HAND 1.48 and *lO 02 A. help of a metallic cord. It has proven exceed- Bosley. Terence M. *12.05,1.06, *4.20, *5.45,150 P. M Chief Clerk and Auditor-E. Stanton Mt. Winans— Stephen D. Church. Philadelphia and 1125 ingly useful where electric power is not availa- Clerk— Bosley Merryman. MAULSBY SMITH, For only,,9.20,1100 A Transfer N. A Stock of Our Own Build of Carriages of Different Kinds. M„ 1.06, 3.04, 4.57, *6.35, 6.45 ble an can be taken to patients’ homes or else- Counsel to Board— Osborne I. Yellott. Bpecial Officers. • ATTORNEY AT LAW, P. M. week-days! the Board—- Painting and Repairing Done Note.— Look for the name S. A. FODTZ Sundays 6.35,7.55 A. M., 3.04, 4.57, and " Keeper Court House and Bailiff to Middle River— James 12 E. Lexington Street, Baltimore. in the Best Manner. *6.35 6^ where. of W. Wood. Sent *% Marlon Shearman. Texas—Thomas F. Keough.J Work for and Returned Free of Charge. and the PANSY. Accept no other. Watchmanat Court House—John B. Miller. Oella— T. LAWRENCE, For BostonjWithoutchange, 8.40 A.M. week-days Yaghurt is name given Dybovski’s Thomas L. West. 49*0wing toa demand for a lower-priced work than our own build, we are carrying a stock of and *6.36 P. M.daily. the Xavier Dickeyville— Jacob C. Pace. ATTOHNEY AT LAW. TOWSON. Md. a specialkind milk. Itlooks like cream Orphans’ Court. JM. good grade of Factory Work, such as BUGGIES, RUNABOUTS, CARRIAGES AND PLATFORM OUR GOODS ARE ABSOLUTELY PURE For Delmar andprincipal intermediate points ofcurdled Buxton—George D. Smith. This will in any way Interfere on Delaware Judqes—Melchor Hoshall, Chief Judge; Wil- KUlcott City—Denis Cavey. SCOTT OFFUTT, MARKET WAGONS. not with our own build of work. AND PRODUCE RESULTS. Division, 6.35, 7.65 A. M ®3O cheese, but has a taste so disagreeable that as a @F~Md. Phone—Belair Exchange. Apr. 22—ly and 4.57 P. M. week-days, 7.60 M.
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