Reformed Apologetics on the Calvinistic doctrine of grace: Calvinists response to the critics ZE Acodesin orcid.org/ 0000-0002-7139-6722 Dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Dogmatics at the North-West University Supervisor: Prof CFC Coetzee Co-supervisor: Dr SP Van der Walt Graduation May 2018 27407640 PROOFREADING STATEMENT This is to certify that I have read the research paper with the provisional title of Reformed Apologetics on the Calvinistic Doctrine of Grace: Calvinists Response to the Critics submitted by Mr. Zaldivar E. Acodesin; and have, to the best of my ability, carefully proofread and reviewed the statements made in this paper, that this research paper may conform to correct Standard English Grammar rules. Neither the research content nor the author‟s intentions were altered in any way during the editing process. The undersigned guarantees the quality of English language in this paper. This 23rd day of March 2018. i PREFACE Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see. T‟was grace that taught my heart to fear. And grace, my fears relieved. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come; „tis grace that brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. The Lord has promised good to me. His word my hope secures. He will my shield and portion be, as long as life endures. Yea when this flesh and heart shall fail, and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess within the veil, a life of joy and peace. When we‟ve been there ten thousand years bright shining as the sun. We‟ve no less days to sing God‟s praise than when we‟ve first begun. (Newton, 1779) Despite its age, Newton‟s Amazing Grace has not at all lost its vogue and has fittingly become an anthem of Christian churches. Its impact has been monumental, influencing not only church liturgy but also crossing over to secular music. Its classicality and restorative message, however passé its rhythm may be, have catapulted it to become a soulful icon of Christianity. Although it may have been revised and covered by musicians from across different genres in keeping with modern music, and multiple versions have sprung from it, it may be said that its central message remains to be as powerful as when it was first written. Parallel to this, while the doctrine of God‟s amazing grace may be preached in different traditions, diverse approaches and dynamic flairs to catch the attention of an audience, its truth and fundamental message ought not to be altered in any way for the mere purpose of pleasing the crowd, its message should not be bent to the whims of human desire, it should not be influenced by what is deemed to be vogue by the changing society, rather, biblical doctrines shall transform humanity. Instead of reshaping the grace doctrine, we ought to allow the truth to shape us so that we may come to the knowledge of who God is. We ought to construe it irrespective of our own prejudices so that it may usher us to that novel purpose in our Christian life. ii This paper is about the amazing grace of God and its cosmic role in the lives of Christians who come to know of its truth. God marks eternity. He never changes, so is His grace to us human beings. It is safe to conclude that God‟s grace and its truth is constant in its nature and unchanging in its message despite of the inconstant and fickle penchant of humanity. This study shall aid a potential reader to comprehend the unrelenting debate on the doctrine of grace through a comparative analysis of the different faith-views on the doctrine; its ultimate purpose is for the reader to realize how amazing God‟s grace is, then and even now. The grace debate is broad and sporadic; however, this paper generally assumes a debate between two parties, which is merely in fact a component of the debate – between the Arminians who advocate libertarian human free, which is also the prevailing view in contemporary Christianity; and the Calvinists who advocate compatibilist freedom in the name of God‟s sovereignty, which generally describes the belief of traditional Christianity. This paper aims to incite a deeper appreciation of God‟s grace, so that it may not be a mere doctrine used meaninglessly as a scapegoat to evade metaphysical punishment. Calvin toiled to present his appreciation of this grace through his many prolific writings. Luther expressed his deep resent against those who refitted the doctrine for greed in his Ninety-five Theses. Paul emphasized on it in his gospel writings and even suffered imprisonment and other kinds of persecutions for the sake of the gospel truth of grace. Ultimately, God‟s grace was revealed and demonstrated in the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. This paper aims at no loftiness than to bring all glory to our God and shift focus on why God had sent His only begotten Son in that specific period in history for the salvation of the past, present, and future generations. It can only be said that Jesus‟ death on the cross, the grace of God Himself, is our assurance of His love and mercy towards us and the necessary justification for all loose questions in the debate. It may be said that in the quest for the answer to theological inquiry, Jesus Himself is the perfect apologetic. Zaldivar E. Acodesin Potchefstroom, South Africa November 2017 iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, to my fiancée, Stephanie L. Baucas, my dear Ni, for all the support you have showed me in my journey here in South Africa and for your relentless love to me. Your constant encouragement has motivated me to accomplish this study. To my supervisors, Prof Callie Coetzee and Dr Sarel Van Der Walt, for your gentle yet precise guidance throughout this research study. You both have all my respect as my mentors. To Dr Marilda de Oliveira, for your encouragement and for being the bridge for this opportunity to study in this Institution. To our loving faculty staff, Mrs Annelize Liebenberg, for all your help and for your friendship during my study and stay here in South Africa. iv ABSTRACT This study aims to systematically present the response of Calvinists on the arguments against Reformed theology on the soteriological doctrine of grace and its role on Christian living, on the forgiveness of sin and to the salvation of human beings. This paper will present the arguments against and the counterclaims for the Calvinistic concept of grace and will also discuss the significance of Calvin‟s theology on grace and of the Calvinist apologetics in contemporary Christianity. This dogmatic study will be approached from a Reformed tradition perspective. The researcher shall perform the following research methodologies: a) exegesis of biblical passages limited in scope to the Pauline epistles to the Ephesians, more particularly in Ephesians 1:5-7 and 2:8-9; b) review of existing relevant literature through the hermeneutical cycle; c) Reformed apologetics on Calvin‟s theology of grace; and, d) comparative analysis. And key terms: Reformed apologetics, Calvinistic theology, and grace. v OPSOMMING Hierdie studie beoog om sistematies die Calvinistiese reaksie teen die teenhandeling rakende die Gereformeerde teologie oor die soteriologiese leerstelling, asook die rol wat dit speel in ‘n Christelike leefwyse, in die vergewing van sonde en in die redding van die mense te bespreek. Hierdie tesis sal die teenargumente, asook die argumente vir die Calvinistiese begrip van genade aanbied, sowel as die belangrikheid van Calvyn se teologie met betrekking tot genade asook die Calvinistiese apologetiek in hedendaagse Christelike geloof. Hierdie dogmatiese studie sal vanuit die perspektief van die Gereformeerde tradisie benader word. Die volgende navorsingsmetodologie sal gepas wees vir hierdie studie: a) eksegese van bybelse gedeeltes, beperk tot die Pauliniese sendbriewe aan die Efesiërs, meer spesifiek tot Efesiërs 1:5-7 en 2:8-9; b) hersiening van bestaande tersaaklike literatuur deur die hermeneutiese siklus; c) Gereformeerde apologetiek oor Calvin se teologie van genade; en, d) vergelykende analise. Sleutelterme: Gereformeerde apologetiek, Calvinistiese teologie, genade. vi ABBREVIATIONS AMJ Academy of Management Journal AMR Academy of Management Review BC Belgic Confession CD The Canons of Dort CO Calvini Opera Comm. Calvin‟s Commentaries COR Calvini Opera Omnia denuo Recognita CTJ Calvin Theological Journal DSO Calvin‟s Defensio Sanae et Orthodoxae EQ Evangelical Quarterly Inst. Institutes of the Christian Religion ISBE International Standard Bible Encyclopedia KJV King James Version LRR La Revue Réformé NIV New International Version RP Review of Politics SBLGNT SBL Greek New Testament TB Tyndale Bulletin WCF Westminster Confession of Faith WSCQ Westminster Shorter Catechism Question WLCQA Westminster Larger Catechism Question and Answer vii ABBREVIATIONS FOR BIBLE BOOKS As recommended by NTSWA English (AOSIS, 2017:19): Gn Ex Lv Nm Dt Jos Jdg Rt 1 Sm 2 Sm 1 Ki 2 Ki 1 Chr 2 Chr Ezr Neh Es Job Ps Pr Ec Can Is Jr Lm Ezk Dn Hs Jl Am Ob Jnh Mi Nah Hab Zph Hg Zch Ml Mt Mk Lk Jn Ac Rm 1 Cor 2 Cor Gl Eph Phlp Col 1 Th 2 Th 1 Tm 2 Tm Tt Phlm Heb Ja 1 Pt 2 Pt 1 Jn 2 Jn 3 Jn Jude Rv viii TABLE OF CONTENTS PROOFREADING STATEMENT ............................................................................................... I PREFACE ................................................................................................................................. II
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