TUL 2014 - Leipzig Upcoming Features in GNU Health 2.8 Dr. Luis F lcon [email protected] #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 )bout GNU #oli$ario Delivering Health and Education with Free Software GNU Health The Free He !th an$ -ospit ! .nform tion System. /he !th.gnu.org0 !EEE .nternation ! Wor2shop on E&-e !th in Emerging Economies. /444.i4eee.org0 GNU #o!i$ario 5rst pro6ect 7# ntiago $e! 3stero, )rgentina, 2008 #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU Health : 9Free$om an$ E:uity in He !thcare; If Health care is a "ublic Good Why is it ruled #$ corporations and private software % #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Social &edicine and Social Determinants of health #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 #oci ! +iseases Social Diseases 'he$ are the result of inequalities in our societies Greed, corruption and complete lack of empath$ #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Over 20000 Chi!$ren die every $ y from Social Diseases %ontaminated 1ater = !nutrition %ho!era +rug abuse >rostitution %h gas Tubercu!osis %hi!$ Labour 1ar Fami!y ?io!ence @ !a )zar = ! ri -.? 3bo!a ... #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Tuberculosis an$ 3bola are Soci ! Diseases “Many people have asked me why the outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa is so large, so severe, and so difficult to contain. This questions can be answered with a single word : Poverty” Dr. Margaret Chan Director General WHO, Geneva Source: New England Journal of Medicine, sept 25th, 1014 #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Saah 3xco 7 The voice to the voiceless Saah Exco, a 10-year-old child victim of EVD in Liberia, surrounded by bystanders, dies in solitude #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 "NU -e !th = Free (Free$om) Software "NU He lth is Free Software • Freedom to run the system • Free$om to eA mine an$ adapt it to Y<UB nee$s • Free$om to improve it an$ sen$ your contributions to the benefit community • Free$om to re-distribute the source co$e #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU -e !th re!ies on Free Technology #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 "NU -ealth : =odularity and Interoperability #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 FSF ,est "ro-ect of Social ,ene.t #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 %ommunitary +evelopment 3nvironment Source code, mailing lists, bugs GNU Savannah #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Functionality )reas >erson & Community +emographics, #ocioeconomics, +omici!i ry Units, >atient Leve! 3v !u tions, "enetics, prescriptions, -istory, surgeries... -e !th Center Leve! Hospit !iz tions, Fin nces, Bi!!ing, Laboratory, stock ..... -e !th "overnment Leve! 3pi$emio!ogy, <LA>, reporting "NU He !th : The Free He !th an$ Hospit ! .nformation #ystem #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU Hea!th : Peop!e before Patients GNU -e !th promotes the pro ctive >rim ry % re 9#ystem of -e !th; /peop!e0 inste $ of the tr $ition ! 9#ystem of +isease” /p tients) #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 3mpowering the person, family n$ community Socioeconomics Education Lifestyle: Sexuality / Physical activity / addictions .. Nutrition Housing and working conditions Universal Person Identifier Medical History ... Family Members and their roles Family Affection / Functionality Level Domiciliary Units conformants Contacts info : Key for quickly locating them in outbreaks Family History / Genetics ... GNU Health promotes transdisciplinary work, and ma*es the person an active mem#er of the s$stem of health #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org !hat is new in upcoming 2.8 % #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Tryton *.4 %ompatibi!ity #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org Current modules Added modules in 2.8 account stock_lot account_invoice purchase account_product account_invoice_stock calendar stock_supply company country party product stock #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org Thin* Big #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 Think '." Large hospitals Large networks of health institutions (countries1 Big data aggregation Synchronization #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 -L7 support & F-.B #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 UU.+ for parties part$ code field “GNU Hospital - 590f4f32-af75-4f1e-8891-1b4843a37a1e” #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 .mmunization Decission #upport Automatic check Warnings on initial and booster doses Based on WHO pediatric schedule Easy to localize to local country schedules Immunization reports #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 +emographics + ,irth certificates + DeathCertificate01 + mproved reporting + ,etter role segmentation #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 3nhanced +#S on $isease groups For example, it could automatically notify the Ministry of Health depending on the disease group. #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 3nhance$ -e !th #ervices integration Service templates Automatic addition from different health sectors to service model GNU Health >)%# server %an store the image, met $at or D.%<=+.B location #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 .njury #urvei!! nce #ystem Thanks to Jamaica MoH ! Records violent injuries (accidents, robberies, self harm, … ) Georeferenced ICD 10 encoded Contextual information (place, time, subjects involved, … ) "eoreferencing 4ith Open#treet=ap #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 )$$ition !s mo$e!s in -e !th %rypto Digit !!y sign $ocuments and me$ical acts "NU >rivacy "uard /"NUP"0 Integr tion )uthenticity, accountabi!ity D non-repu$iation Document v !i$ation Prescriptions Evaluations Birth and death certificates ... #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 ./gnuhe !th&update Update manager Critical Patches Large installations Can be run non- interactively #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 .Fserverp ss Harden securit$ at installation level (crackli#1 ntegrated in the installation script gnuhealth+install.sh 3an be used as a stand+alone process #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org 4Custom” directory for local modules #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 >ootle as the Tr nsl tion >! tform #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org GNU Health at the United Nations and !orld Health 6rgani2ation #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU -e lth , Unite$ Nations "NU He !th tr ining on the Intern tion ! Institute for G!ob ! -e !th, Ku !a Lumpur,= !asi #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU -e lth , 1-< #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 "overnment of Jamaica chooses "NU -ealth #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 GNU Health in Jam ic Ministry of Health #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 *00+ 9"NU” -ealth facilities nation&4i$e #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org Some GNU Health events during the period 2013 - 201: #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org T4itter 7 @gnuhe !th #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario . %%&'(- N%&#A *.0 he !th.gnu.org #TUL2014 . Tryton Unconference Leipzig . November 14th, 2014 Luis F !con Gnu #o!i$ario .
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