• '•' •• m li i a ' ~ \ I Institute HOUSTON, TEXAS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER It, 1042 Number 6 Ffve Year mmm To Present Fall Ball Tomorrow John MacKenzie was appointed The Five Year dub, an or- secretary-treasurer of the sopho- ganization never known for its more class by Student Council at conservatism and conventional- its regular meeting Tuesday. No eli- ism, announced late this week gible student filed for the office in through a publicity committee the elections held Monday, necessi- the scheduling of a Fall Ball to be tating the appointment, as per con- stitutional ruling. MadKenzie was held at the Spring Branch Gun Club runner-up in the race last spring, tomorrow night beginning at 8:30. and Council felt that it was merely The affair will be informal, admis- activating the will of the sopho- sion (to include refreshments and more student body in appointing tax) is 65 cents. him. This function will be the first and Council also named Jimmy Win- only such party, it was announced, ters, John Sellingsloh, and Jimmy as it will be rather impossible for Elder to serve on an auditing com- anyone to attend any following the mittee to supervise and inspect the instigation of gas rationing, which book of the various classes. The is scheduled for November 22. Di- committee is headed by Lawrence v > rections for reaching the Club have Prehn, treasurer of the Association, been placed on bulletin boards at and Harvey Ammerman, who is an Autry House and the Engineering ex-officio member. One member Building. from each class makes up the re- Very Informal mainder. ~ r ' ** The Fall Ball will be somewhat Freshman To Be Appointed - * v- of a continuation of the engineering Council was reminded by Presi- parties given in former years at dent Ammerman that a freshman "Woofus" is seen above crowning barking dog built of solid steel for Standing in front of the pile is Camp Beatty, although, a spokes- Tony Martino, who assisted in the member to the body should be ap- the pile of scrap metal assembled display in the engineering shows man for the committee stated, ef- * pointed, and it was decided that the at the Institute last week in co- which are now a thing of the past. collection of the scrap from various forts are being made to make it appointment should be made at the operation with the national Scrap He first put in his appearance in points on the cSmpus. more colorful and interesting. "Al- If! next meeting, which will be Tues- Drive. Woofus was a mechanical 1932, died a noble death in 1942. though the name of the affair—the I day. During the intervening time Fall Ball—might lead one to think present members should investigate Institute Authors it should be formal," the spokesman the freshmen and decide on a likely E. E. Departmenepart t said, "we urge everyone to come .in- candidate. formal." As an afterthought, he Two by-laws were presented Coun- Given Equipment added: "Very informal." cil by Lawrence Prehn, dealing with The Electrical Engineering De- New McKillop, Potter Music will be furnished, as will the official voting lists at the fall partment announced Thursday re- also the refreshments, for the orig- and spring elections, and clearing ceipt of a gift of a quantity of radio inal admission price. It is expected up points presently rather confused equipment from Mr. T. R. Heyck of Books Are In Library that a large crowd will attend, since about who is qualified to vote in the the class of 1922. Included in the there will be no football game to- fall class elections. Discussion on donation were* a number of micro- morrow and no dances have been might be restored without a resort Continued on page 4 phones, transformers, various types The growing list of books in the scheduled then. to arms. New evidence is thrown 0 of electrical measuring instruments, library penned by Rice faculty mem- Tickets will go on sale in Sally- on the viewpoints and objectives of variable condensers, and some other bers has been augmented recently port today. many of the leaders of this period, technical equipment. The equip- by the addition of two new contri- 0 Little Th eater ment, which will probably be use- butions, both of which should be of especially those of Lincoln himself. ful in the night radio courses to be particular- interest to .Institute stu- Dr. Potter gives much emphasis Opens Tuesday begun soon, is in very good condi- dents and instructors alike. Dr. to the significance of the rise of the Scrap Drive Will tion. David M. Potter, instructor in his- Republican Party as a medfum of expression for the new attitude that An event of interest to Institute According to Dr. Carl Wisch- tory at the Institute from 1938 to End This Week theater-goers, who have been left in meyer, head of the department, the 1942, and now assistant professor was becoming' dominant in the handsome donation was particularly North of this era. Dr. Potter's book, the cold since the disbanding of the of history in Yale University, has The scrap drive has made real valuable in view of the fact that released this year by the Yale Uni- Dramatic Club, will be the opening just hfcd released his "Lincoln and headway on the campus, as anyone much of the equipment would not versity Press, is a valuable addition Tuesday night at 8:30 p.m. of the His Party in the Secession Crisis," could have seen last week by a be obtainable by purchase until the 'to the critical investigation of this first production of the season by and Dr. Alan Dugald McKillop, pro- slight glance at the gigantic pile end of the war due to cessation of phase of the War Between the the Houston Little Theater. The of- fessor of English, offers his "Back- towering to a heig-ht of about twen- radio equipment production for States. fering will run through Saturday ground of Thomson's Seasons." The ty feet on the chemistry parking civilian use until that time. The First Book on Subject night, although the last night the loss of Dr.* Potter, whose popular lot. Through the combined " efforts house will be given over in large equipment is valued at more than Dr. McKillop's "Background "• of courses in English history and the of John Ward, president of the part to soldiers. The play will be $150 after depreciation for age and Thomson's Seasons" is described by Architectural Society, Mr. Watkins, "The. Heart of the City," by Lesley use has been deducted. history of the South were the de- the publisher, the UViivtersity of light of every history major, has professor of architecture, and the Storm, and the direction will be in 0 —- Minnesota Press, as the "first com- many other members of the Society been keenly felt by the history de- charge of Dr. Friedrich Jessner. The prehensive book on the subject to who helped, an enormous amount Little Theater is located at 707 Movies to Feature partment, as well as by the whole be published in this country." Dr. has been collected from laboratories, Chelsea Boulevard. Institute. McKillop, professor of English basements, and dark corners of Dr. Jessner, who comes to the SAACS Meeting Much New Research courses in the development of the buildings at the Institute. Little Theater from the drama de- "Lincoln and His Party in the Se- novel and in an appreciation of It was hoped that the scrap col- partment of Yale University, has The student affiliate of the cession Crisis" describes with com- Continued on page 4 lection would have been allowed to had a wide and varied experience American Chemical Society will plete and critical detail the impor- -0 remain all week in sight of every- in the theater both in this country hold its second meeting of the cur- tant phase, of American history one in order to encourage more con- and abroad. rent school year Wednesday eve- from the election of Lincoln to the Red Cross Groups tributions; but on Sunday, when War Work Planned ning, October 21. A motion picture fall of Fort Sumter. This relatively the city-wide collection was made, In addition to the regular produc- with sound, furnished by the Hum- short period has been the subject Sign Up Monday Rice's went along with the rest. tions this season, the Little The- ble Oil Company, will be shown. of much new and revised investiga- Civilian defense trucks were do- ater is organizing two other de- The subject of the film is the fight- tion, in which Dr. Potter has been The Women's Council will main- nated for this service, as were the partments, the Spotlighters and the ing of oil well fires by chemical one of the leaders. He approaches tain a table in Sallyport from 10 to services of those who voluntarily Stage Door Canteen. The Spotlight- methods. The meeting will begin this period chiefly through a study 12 Monday morning for the purpose helped load scrap. ers Will produce plays in the inti- promptly at 7:30 and will last ap- of the Republican party and its of signing up interested girls to Mr. Watkins stated that he esti- mate theater manner so that they proximately one hour. Refreshments leaders, especially Lincoln and Sew- work in Hermann Hospital rolling mated the amount to be around can be presented in the army camps will be served. ard. He examines with much detail bandages, it was announced Thurs- fourteen tons, or in the neighbor- located in the Houston vicinity.
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