HMMnBMiM g " ifTVr. !i ."itmlLmriii)tm-- ?w-w- - :rr"Jfr" Jv" "'- -t '"- - - m- - -j- - 'v; - - - - GEK-PHILADE- LPHIA, D, 1919 16 EVENING PUBLIC LED TUESDAY, SEI.TEMBEK M4Cf GFES RECENT PITCHERS EASY ASSIGNMENT; MAKE DEBUT AGAINST DETROIT SLUGGERS WONDER WHAT THE SPHINX THINKS ABOUT WEST HAS PRODUCED SURVIVAL OF FITTEST They DON'T KMOW WHAT, lVe BEEfM HANGtNG - I'D LIKE To TAKE. had a 3G v VUH6K! TWERe S About AROUND A WALLOP AT THOSG LAUGH OUE.R IT THREE BIG WINNERS POLICY HEJ?e R5R FINISHED ME. TO BE MACK Tht"S S ,DRtset A FirvM SIMPS That Carvcd ThCY (A5CtMATiNG. centuries me. They sure pid I UE. sSEEN A. LOT OF THEY SAY IV 6 Got vniTh Those silly we. rough. PeoPLE "Too - INGOLFAND TENNIS WITH NEW RECRUITS i handles. funky p, SECRET BUT pyramids and To see I JJON'T HAVE To - HAVEN'T BEpN They Tried I HrWGN'T- ANY- HOUJ HOMELyTHEY moue wert2 Johnston, Hcrron and Hagen Lead Division in Finer Connie Rests on Golf Clubs and Discusses Newcomers TIPPS.P OFF" TO ME EMTHepjfrom THING YeT COULP MAKE Sport, While Dempsey in Boxing and Reds and From Atlanta Says He Must and Will Have ' White Sox in Baseball Give Westerners the Edge Good Ball Club at Shibe Park IN THIS SrORTLIGItr BY GRANTLAND IUCE Con right. 1019. All rexrvetl. f H.v HOI1ERT . MAXWEUj rlshti Miorl Editor limine I'ulillc Ledger HE West Is beginning to rub it In of late. r ( o. ( nrirlc''l. ! rWir Iriiorr The Kast, predominant for so long, Is now beginning to understand ft. wielded by strong young MAfTK rarffull.v trod his Rolf ball. MralRhtciiril up mill iirrjMrr.l about how n lead pipe feels when a man taking a CONNIE su. full swing. h nvrr his opponrntu, rntisistlnK of QjtftMSEy ,ggS ': to a hralth.v swing. Then lonknl .JXi; "'cysHv The West always has drawn the edge in the heavyweight division with nrnm and Hal.i nthlotps. and smiled. 'i. mil S.vkes. lVrr.v nlhrr something of an even break in baseball. I win. it will bo a bis surprise." lie Faid. "and if I lose, I will bo efiJ3;-:.OTL!l!lf- l "If ' rlajing accordlnR to form. I mi'l be disappointed or aiijtliing like that, r- :ljf i;i 'iBffififfinFWlL il has begun to gather in all the hip-hi- p and the hoarse huzzas 1 Nc golf. I. fcecnuse losing is the t thins 1 '!"" attached to both tennis and ' That halted the guine for a time, and Hill S.vkes. in his best cartoonist Out of the West style, asked : you may not A - my is a - T JJIDN'T IMPROVE I'LL lT DIDN'T arc just n few detnils have considered in this 1 of S REALLY SAY TIIRItE "How about the Athletles? understand jon have roeoived a shipment This face AMY We'll take up first the matter of turf tennis. ?; Sight-- MY LOOKS EITHER entirely new players from Atlanta and in a short time joii will have them on fOMPORTABLE it kps From 1SS1 to 1011 the Kast had this ancient game in its brawny grip. K SHIPPING OFF. IT California horned intrJ the tennis zone and since Shibe Park. 1" that the proper and correct dope?" That It was around this date that exhibition at Position at SOO YEARS took place the shock has been terrific. waved bis polt club rnkMily. WAS JUST Jhat development 'Absolutely." replied Connie as he "i vmoold hav.g Out of the last seven American championships decided upon turf courts, line-u- p aud you it ago LAsSr Tuesday Tuesday afternoon there will be a bunch of stranse faces in the TtSRJFUBLE IP no less than five have gone to various Californinns. McLoughlln has two, I to 3Efs piece op probably will be surprised. I tho-- e new men on the payroll and want A So Pound Johnston (wo nnd Murray one. llichard Norris 'Williams interposed on two hae " They me had FELL beating McLoughlin nnd Johnstou in turn to prevent a seven-yea- r find out immediately how the stack up ncainst fast company. Detroit aud - MY BEE2.ER occasions, STANDING UP- sweep. newcomers will an opportunity to step some. OFR Ty Cobb will be hero and the But five victories in seven starts shows a decided preponderance, for where to discover the stars and "There is no need in waiting tiutil next spring the 3ast has offered but one man xvho could rise to the crest, the West has the moruing glories. If any of these rookies have the goods T might as well offered three, counting Lindley Murray, whose game was developed tinder foozle w find out now- s.. I can spend a nice winter. The others who explode, California Ekics. 'Opened m and otherwise flh will b" shipped back with a label attached reading. - afjo produced the last three golf champions, the by mistake.- However. I can say that two and possibh three of the Atlanta AS THE TTesf has 1 I margin seems complete. Dave llcrron, from Pittsburgh, might goods and will make good in the fast set. hope am A nthletes arc the be on neutral soil, although Pittsburgh has been classed, in a ho ,md. listed mistaken, though, and seen or eight pan out to golfing and baseball icaj, oj iceafent territory. "Tom Sheehan. the big pitcher, was with the club in UU7. but was (inllownj. the shortstop, is said to be a """ '- "SW-vis- k The Nav fFonder farmed out to get more experience, fgjg--i- 3? -' "7' marvel, and Jimmy Djkes, who wis with us early this season, has been 'Vf. THE meanwhile, William Johnston has proved his greatness, not only for IN come. game second. 1 several others and they will be - rwm ffwrniniinsJ IO ffiSU5-- this season, but for some time to playing it wonderful at hate UfcjES --- ffittf.nmi!ij!Uri J amMBSml You - . TQJSBJwhw-jv This young star was unknown outside of his own circle in 1014. I don't care what happens. I want a good ball club. used Indiscriminately. Mfffim never heard his name mentioned when the 1014 Davis cup matches were under any of the -- .:::::& I will have a good ball club, and if these new men supplant fe r9liUiU-- pP -' b- - of the fitlost." mirac- Teterans. I should worr. 1'roin now on it will the suniwil jSwvfflSk Yet n year later he was national champion. Ills record has been nlnus. Out. of the last three championships he has entered ho has won twice, then the proper ""if '" '""' " .'"'"' and has been runner-u- p on the other occasion. anuinnt "" ' slashing C0..7; ;'. striiglil To rench the top in 10111 ho had to beat the game and Patterson, smiled the rukbrr pellet, sent it ' stanet. swung the BURMAN RETURNS EAST CONIFREY SCORES winner of the Knglish championship, and then down the brilliant Tilden, 'I and GEERS BREAKS JOE r down the fairway nnd baseball was forgot In,. he nnciriil W who had taken six out of seven sets from Norman Urookcs and Norris honorable pastime had the forr. TO COMPLETE TITLE CHASE Williams. 1 Johnston has something more thnn n collection of wonderful tennis Sneni Money on "Rookies N INDOOR OPENER strokes. He hns rare judgment, unusual coolness under fire, and the keen, LEFT COLLAR BONE i nintch-pla- y temperament that is at its best against n rugged test. MATTER what they say about Connie Mack, n e cau accuse him of Star Chicago Bantam, If ho Nc E.-or- since dismantling bis famous machine in noin n niker nr. Here T .lf.ll be that Maurtre McLoughlin s once respicnatnt siar nas country and Canada for plajing talent, and Boxes Joe Lynch entry 3014, he has been scouriug this Also Brown, faded into the mists. Hut in Johnston. California still has an out more rookies than Also Suffers Loyal Few See some to come, Johnston's game U the figures were known, it's a safe bet that he has tried Veteran Rider Night, Still After to carry forward her colors for lime for always is a tloek of new-tale- is not likely to icilt or break for a number of years. liny other three mauagers in the business There Concussion of Brain O'Keefe and Franchini to Slight Herman's Crown at the ball park and one year it got i. bud that truant officers used Win at Olympia Another Year any lost children were playing on the team.. in Syracuse Accident 10 to the Shibe arena to sec if ISN'T that the Kast has run out of stnr talent. With Francis Ouimct in he is a star or a tramp. WALSH It costs money to try out players. Whether TOMMY PRESENT ITgolf' and with Williams nnd Tilden ui tennis, to say nothing of Vincent drafted" or purchased outright MEALY AND RUSSO DRAW abounding class on baud to start n ucw the expeuse is just the same. Eirst. he must be REGAINS CONSCIOUSNESS Itichnrds iu another year, there is still stage. It doesn't and then must be paid a salary during the experimental OK WRJIAN is with us again. i CIJut' West holds Evans. Hob Gardner. William Johnston nnd a Ih new guys are getting. If Connie bauds them The finshy Chicago boy. uhO while the matter how these J little Uy JAMES S. CAROLAN who carry abounding class uo mere offensive will break h!S reality, Mack is doing Syracuse. N. Y.. Sept. f. IMard made this city his home last pensnn, has number of others the expenses will pile up.
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