Perennial Nursery Specializing in unusual perennials & sustainable plants native plants • ornamental grasses • hostas • daylillies QDWLYHSODQWVRUQDPHQWDOJUDVVHVKRVWDVGD\OLOOLHVDavid Austin roses and much more Offering a wide'DYLG$XVWLQURVHVDQGPXFKPRUH variety of pot sizes - from 2qt. to 5gal. Garden2IIHULQJDZLGHYDULHW\RISRWVL]HVIURPTWWRJDO Design, Installation and Maintenance also available *DUGHQ'HVLJQ,QVWDOODWLRQDQG0DLQWHQDQFHDOVRDYDLODEOH Blue Moon Farm Nursery • 173 Saugatucket Road - Wakefield, RI 02879 %OXH0RRQ)DUP1XUVHU\6DXJDWXFNHW5RDG:DNHÀHOG5,Cell: 401-258-1783 • Phone and Fax: 401-284-2369 Email:&HOO3KRQHDQG)D[ [email protected] • Jane Case - Proprietor (PDLOEOXHPRRQIDUP#FR[QHW-DQH& ZZZEOXHPRRQIDUPSHUHQQLDOVFRP N/P 2009 ! """# $%! &""" ' ' ( ) * +,!- . / ,%!00 &+$!- +1!- , +,! - +1! 2(' 3 4 ' 4( '4 2 / 3 ' 3 ! 3 ' ' '!. ' 3 3! 56 7 ' ( ( ! ( ' ( ! ( ( ) 2 % 2& 89 4 36 2 %8942& 89 : 2 %89: 2& ; 2 %;2& 4 ; : 3%4;: & !, 8 <8 /: </8 9 ! Roses Ornamental Grass David Austin Roses N Acorus - Sweet Flag 5 gal $ 36.00 calamus ‘Variegatus’ $ 12.00 7 gal $ 46.00 calamus ‘Variegatus’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Abraham Darby gramineus ‘Golden Pheasant’ $ 12.00 Altissimo N Andropogon - Big Bluestem Ambridge Rose gerardii $ 12.00 A Shropshire Lad glomeratus $ 12.00 Brother Cadfael virginicus $ 12.00 Carding Mill Calamagrostis - Feather Reed Grass Comtes de Champagne acutiflora ‘Avalanche’ $ 12.00 Crocus Rose acu. ‘Karl Foerster’ $ 12.00 Geoff Hamilton acu. ‘Karl Foerster’ 3 gal $ 26.00 Gertrude Jekyll acu. ‘Karl Foerster’ 5 gal $ 32.00 Glamis Castle acu. ‘Overdam’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Golden Celebration brachytricha $ 12.00 Grace N Carex - Sedge Graham Thomas elata ‘Bowles Golden’ $ 12.00 Harlow Carr flacca ‘Blue Zinger’ $ 12.00 Heritage flaccosperma $ 12.00 James Galway hachioensis ‘Evergold’ $ 12.00 Lady Emma Hamilton laxiculmis ‘Bunny Blue’ $ 12.00 L D Braithwaite morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ $ 12.00 Lichfield Angel morrowii ‘Silver Septre’ $ 12.00 Malvern Hills pensylvanica $ 12.00 Mary Magdalene platyphylla $ 12.00 Mary Rose siderosticha ‘Island Brocade’ $ 12.00 Molineux siderosticha ‘Variegata’ $ 12.00 New Dawn stricta $ 12.00 Pat Austin N Chasmanthium latifolium - Northern Sea Oats $ 12.00 Queen of Sweeden N Deschampsia - Hairgrass Scepterd Isle flexuosa $ 12.00 Sharifa Asma N Elymus - Lyme Grass, Wild Rye, Dune Grass Sophys Rose arenarius ‘Blue Dune’ $ 12.00 Strawberry Hill hystrix $ 12.00 Teasing Georgia virginicus $ 12.00 Tess of the Durbervilles N Eragrostis - Love Grass The Generous Gardener elliottii (Blue) $ 12.00 The Ingenious Mr Fairchild spectabilis (Purple) $ 12.00 The Mayflower Erianthus - Plume Grass Tradescant ravennae ‘Northern Pampas Grass’ $ 12.00 Wildeve Festuca - Fescue William Shakespeare 2000 glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ $ 12.00 Winchester Cathedral glauca ‘Elijah Blue’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Zepherine Drouhin Hakonechloa - Hakone Grass Knock Out Roses macra ‘Aureola’ $ 13.00 3 gal $ 32.00 macra ‘Albo Variegata’ $ 13.00 Rosa Knock Out Blushing macra ‘All Gold’ $ 13.00 Rosa Knock Out Double Red Helictotrichon sempervirens Rosa Knock Out Pink ‘Sapphire’- Blue Oat Gr. $ 12.00 Rosa Knock Out Red ‘Sapphire’ 2 gal $ 17.00 N Juncus - Rush Herbs effusus (Soft) $ 12.00 inflexus ‘Lovesick Blues’ $ 12.00 Chives $ 11.00 Miscanthus - Maiden Grass, Silver grass, Eulalia Oregano ‘Hot & Spicy’ $ 11.00 sinensis - Japanese Silver Grass Oregano ‘Variegated’ $ 11.00 sin. ‘Adagio’ $ 12.00 Sage purple $ 11.00 sin. ‘Cosmopolitan’ $ 12.00 Sage Tricolor $ 11.00 sin. ‘Cabaret’ $ 12.00 Thymus ‘Lemon’ $ 11.00 sin. ‘Dixieland’ $ 12.00 Thymus ‘Silver Queen’ $ 11.00 sin. ‘Ferner Osten’ $ 12.00 sin. ‘Ferner Osten’ 3 gal $ 26.00 sin. ‘Giganteus’ $ 12.00 sin. ‘Giganteus’ 5 gal $ 32.00 sin. ‘Huron Sunrise’ $ 12.00 sin. ‘Morning Light’ $ 12.00 sin. ‘Morning Light’ 2 gal $ 17.00 sin. ‘Morning Light’ 3 gal $ 26.00 sin. ‘Nippon’ $ 12.00 ‘Terra Cotta’ $ 11.00 sin. ‘Nippon’ 3 gal $ 26.00 N Agastache - Anise Hyssop sin. purpurascens $ 12.00 astromontana $ 11.00 sin. purpurascens 3 gal $ 26.00 ‘Black Adder’ 2 gal $ 17.00 sin. ‘Silberfeder’ $ 12.00 ‘Blue Fortune’ $ 11.00 sin. ‘Silberturm’ $ 12.00 ‘Blue Fortune’ 2 gal $ 17.00 sin. ‘Variegatus’ $ 12.00 ‘Purple Haze’ $ 11.00 Molinia - Moor Grass rupestris $ 11.00 arundinacea ‘Skyracer’ $ 12.00 Ajania pacifica - Gold and Silver $ 11.00 arundinacea ‘Skyracer’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Ajuga - Bugleweed N Muhlenbergia - Muhly Grass, Hair Grass reptans ‘Black Scallop’ $ 11.00 capillaris (Pink) $ 12.00 r. ‘Black Scallop’ 2 qt $ 7.00 N Panicum - Switch Grass r. ‘Burgundy Glow’ $ 11.00 amarum ‘Dewey Blue’ (Beach) $ 12.00 r. ‘Burgundy Glow’ 2 gal $ 17.00 virgatum ‘Cloud Nine’ $ 12.00 r. ‘Chocolate Chip’ $ 11.00 vir. ‘Cloud Nine’ 2 gal $ 17.00 r. ‘Chocolate Chip’ 2 gal $ 17.00 vir. ‘Cloud Nine’ 3 gal $ 26.00 ‘Dixie Chip’ $ 11.00 vir. ‘Cheyenne Sky $ 13.00 Alcea - Hollyhock vir. ‘Dallas Blues’ $ 12.00 rosea ‘Nigra’ $ 11.00 vir. ‘Dallas Blues’ 3 gal $ 26.00 r. ‘Nigra’ 2 gal $ 17.00 vir. ‘Heavy Metal’ $ 12.00 rugosa $ 11.00 vir. ‘Heavy Metal’ 3 gal $ 26.00 rugosa 2 gal $ 17.00 vir. ‘Huron Solstice’ $ 12.00 ‘Summer Memories’ $ 11.00 vir. ‘Northwind’ $ 12.00 Alchemilla - Lady’s Mantle vir. ‘Northwind’ 3 gal $ 26.00 erythropoda $ 11.00 vir. ‘Prairie fire’ $ 12.00 erythropoda 2 gal $ 17.00 vir. ‘Shenandoah $ 12.00 mollis $ 11.00 vir. ‘Thundercloud’ $ 12.00 mollis 2 gal $ 17.00 Pennisetum - Fountain Grass N Allium cernuum - Nodding Onion $ 11.00 alopecuroides $ 12.00 N Amsonia - Blue Star alo. 3 gal $ 26.00 ‘Blue Ice’ $ 11.00 alo. ‘Cassian’ $ 12.00 ‘Blue Ice’ 2 gal $ 17.00 alo. ‘Foxtrot’ $ 12.00 hubrichtii $ 11.00 alo. ‘Hameln’ $ 12.00 hubrichtii 2 gal $ 17.00 alo. ‘Hameln’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Anchusa azura - Italian Alkanet $ 11.00 alo. ‘Little Bunny’ 3 gal $ 26.00 Anemone - Windflower alo. ‘Moudry’ $ 12.00 N canadensis $ 11.00 alo. ‘Piglet’ $ 12.00 hupehensis $ 11.00 alo. ‘Red Head’ $ 12.00 hup. ‘September Charm’ $ 11.00 alo. ‘Red Head’ 2 gal $ 17.00 hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ $ 11.00 alo. ‘Red Head’ 3 gal $ 26.00 hybrida ‘Pamina’ $ 11.00 messiacum ‘Red Buttons’ $ 12.00 hybrida ‘Whirlwind’ $ 11.00 orientale ‘Karley Rose’ $ 12.00 sylvestris $ 11.00 Phalaris - Ribbon Grass sylvestris 2 gal $ 17.00 arundinacea ‘Strawberries and Cream’ $ 12.00 tomentosa ‘Robustissima’ $ 11.00 arundinacea ‘Strawberries & Cream’ 2 gal $ 17.00 tomentosa ‘Robustissima’ 2 gal $ 17.00 N Schizachyrium - Little Bluestem Anthemis - Margurite scoparium $ 12.00 tinctoria ‘Kelwayi’ $ 11.00 scoparium ‘Prairie Blues’ $ 12.00 N Aquilegia - Columbine scoparium ‘The Blues’ $ 12.00 ‘Blue Shades’ $ 11.00 N Sorghastrum nutans - Indian Grass $ 12.00 x caerulea ‘Origami Blue & White’ $ 11.00 Spodiopogon - Frost Grass, Graybeard Grass x caerulea ‘Origami Blue & White’ 2 gal $ 17.00 sibiricus $ 12.00 x caerulea ‘Origami Mix’ $ 11.00 N Sporobolis heterolepis - Prairie Dropseed $ 12.00 x caerulea ‘Origami Mix’ 2 qt $ 7.00 cameo Pink & White $ 11.00 Perennials cameo Pink & White 2 qt $ 7.00 canadensis $ 11.00 Achillea - Yarrow canadensis ‘Corbett’ $ 11.00 ‘Anthea’ $ 11.50 ‘McKana Hybrids’ $ 11.00 ‘Coronation Gold’ $ 11.00 ‘Songbird Dove’ $ 11.00 ‘Coronation Gold’ 2 gal $ 17.00 vulgaris ‘Clementine Blue’ 2 qt $ 7.00 ‘Moonshine’ $ 11.00 vulgaris ‘Clementine Red’ $ 11.00 ‘Moonshine’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Arabis - Rock Cress millefolium ‘Apricot Delight’ $ 11.50 caucasica ‘Little Treasure Deep Rose’ $ 11.00 m.’Gloria Jean’ $ 11.00 Arenaria montana - Mountain Sandwort $ 11.00 m.’Paprika’ $ 11.00 N Armeria - Common Thrift, Sea Pink ‘Pretty Belinda’ $ 11.00 maritima ‘Bloodstone’ $ 11.00 x. ‘Schwellenburg’ $ 11.00 maritima ‘Bloodstone’ 2 gal $ 17.00 x. ‘Schwellenburg’ 2 gal $ 17.00 Artemisia - Wormwood sibirica ‘Stephanie Cohen’ $ 11.00 dracunculus ‘Sativa’ $ 11.00 schmidtiana ‘Silver Mound’ $ 11.00 japonica ‘Peach Blossom’ $ 11.00 stelleriana ‘Silver Brocade’ $ 11.00 simplicifolia ‘Key Biscayne’ $ 12.00 stelleriana ‘Silver Brocade’ 2 qt $ 7.00 simp. ‘Key Largo’ $ 11.00 N Aruncus - Goat’s Beard simp. ‘Sprite’ Dwarf $ 11.50 aethusifolius $ 11.00 Astrantia - Masterwort dioicus $ 11.00 major ‘Claret’ $ 12.00 dioicus 2 qt $ 7.00 major ‘Snowstar’ $ 13.50 ‘Misty Lace’ $ 12.50 ‘Moulin Rouge’ $ 11.00 Asarum - Ginger ‘Tickled Pink’ $ 11.00 N canadense $ 11.00 Aurinia - Basket of Gold europaeum $ 11.50 saxatilis ‘Compacta’ $ 11.00 europaeum 2 qt $ 8.00 saxatilis ‘Compacta’ 2 gal $ 17.00 N Asclepias - Butterfly Weed, Milkweed saxatilis ‘Summit’ $ 11.00 incarnata $ 11.00 N Baptisia - False Indigo incarnata 2 gal $ 17.00 australis $ 11.00 incarnata 3 gal $ 26.00 ‘Carolina Moonlight’ $ 11.00 inc.’Cinderella’ $ 11.00 ‘Carolina Moonlight’ 2 gal $ 17.00 inc.’Ice Ballet’ $ 11.00 ‘Purple Smoke’ $ 11.00 inc.’Ice Ballet’ 2 gal $ 17.00 sphaerocarpa ‘Screaming Yellow’ $ 11.00 purpurascens $ 11.00 ‘Twilite Prairieblues’ $ 12.00 syriaca $ 11.00 Belamcanda - Blackberry Lily tuberosa $ 11.00 chinensis $ 11.00 tub. ‘Hello Yellow’ $ 11.00 chinensis ‘Hello Yellow’ $ 11.00 tub. ‘Hello Yellow’ 2 qt $ 7.00 Bergenia - Heartleaf Saxifrage verticillata $ 11.00 cordifolia ‘Winter Glow’ $ 11.00 verticillata 2 gal $ 17.00 cordifolia ‘Winter Glow’ 2 qt $ 7.00 N Aster N Boltonia - False Chamomile ‘Cabot Blue’ $ 11.00 asteroides ‘Pink Beauty’ $ 11.00 ‘Cabot Blue’ 2 gal $ 17.00 asteroides ‘Pink Beauty’ 2 gal $ 17.00 cordifolius ‘Avondale’ $ 11.00 asteroides ‘Snowbank’ $ 11.00 cordifolius $ 11.00 asteroides ‘Snowbank’ 2gal $ 17.00 cordifolius 2 gal $ 17.00 Brunnera - Perennial Forget-Me-Not divaricatus ‘Eastern Star’ $ 11.00 macrophylla
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