Index A disturbances of 1936, 167–170 Aaron, 239 Arab taxi driver, 157 Abraham, 241, 252, 257–258, 260 Arab woman, 159–160 Adwan, Majed Pasha, 116 articles Affikim, 48 Arab–Jews relations. see Arab–Jews Agronsky (Agron), Gershon, 9, 11, 32 relations Aguddat Israel, 237 British as the base of a triangle, 118–122 Alexander, Field Marshal, 253 call to young American Zionists to Ali, Ahmed, 180–181 immigrate to Palestine, 46–49 aliyah (immigration), 66, 104 celebration of Simchat Torah in 1933, to Mandatory Palestine, 66 77–80 to North America, 17 children from Germany as “Hitler’s gift to Palestine, 9–12, 17 to Palestine,” 80–82 Allenby Street, 21 connection between Western Jewry American Ha-Halutz movement, 48 and Palestine, 43–46 American Jewry, 34, 38–39, 43–46, 49 “divide and conquer” policy, 167 American settlement of Ein-Hashofet, 175 first communal Sabbath program in an anti-Semitism, 111–112, 114, 143–144, 149, 154 unnamed kibbutz, 202–205 Arab “Al Capones,” 169–170 first impressions of Tel Aviv, 20–24 Arab-Israeli conflict, 104–105 interaction with Jewish tourists from form of attacks, 105 Germany, 99–101 1930s, 106 Jew’s return to Palestine, 164–167 Yishuv pogroms, 105 Kahn’s travel to Poland, Romania, and Arab–Jews relations, 123–141 Turkey, 87–90 Arab–Jewish treaty of friendship, 112 letter to Elene on anti-Semitism, Bar-Adon’s central belief in the closeness 31–36 of Jews and Arabs, 144–149 life in Cyprus concentration camps, Bar-Adon’s reflection on the need for 194–197 understanding each other, meeting with Arnold Zweig, 82–84 149–151 Moshe of the Café Vienna in Jerusalem, diseases affecting and infecting, 150 186–187 “peace and understanding” between Nablus soap, 116–118 Jews and Arabs, 135–141 new port of Tel Aviv, 90–93 years of comparative peace and open letter to a child, 53–55 prosperity between the riots of personal impression of traditional and 1929 and 1936, 141–144 modern on the beach in Tel Arab problem, 109–111 Aviv, 70–72 Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-39, 13, 96 personal records of, 17–20 aims of, 106 reaction to the Peel Commission’s condition of the poor Arab, 171 recommendation, 41–43 Index 271 reception given by Emira Umm Tallal central belief in the closeness of Jews on her son’s wedding day, 114–116 and Arabs, 144–149 reminiscence of Tel Aviv, 93–96 Certificate of Naturalization number renouncing American citizenship, 15770, 13, 63 27–31 death of, 2 renting a room in Tel Aviv, 74–75 experience as a journalist in Palestine, shortage of Jewish agricultural 187–190 workers, 24–27 implications of Jewishness, 4–5 similarity between Tel Aviv and importance of Arab charm, 151–158 Atlantic City, 22–23 interview of refugees from Europe, sundae, invasion in Palestine, 182–183 234–255 Tel Aviv’s Saturday night merry- interview with Israel Meir Lau, making, 101–103 260–263 “third degree” questioning of interview with the prince, 7–8 newcomers, 75–77 Jews about Arabs, 107–109 three years of violence and questions as a journalist and as a freelance writer, the failure of the British to 6–7, 11–13, 15 restore order, 167–176 letters to Elene, 31–36, 191–194 transformation of Tel Aviv, 67–70 letter to mom, 197–199 United Nations’ decision to divide personality, 2–3 Mandatory Palestine, 55–61 reflection on the need for under- urban centers of Palestine, 96–99 standing each other, 149–151 woman at a Jerusalem election, 184–186 as a reporter for the Atlantic City Press, women of Jewish Labor Federation, 6–7, 11 49–52 Semitic identity of Arabs and Jews, women of Palestine, 158–163 104–105 “zif zif,” 19–20, 24, 67, 70, 72, 74–75, Spring Up, O Well, 4, 106–109 77, 80, 82, 116, 158, 180, 182, supporter of Jewish settlement of 184, 186, 205 Palestine, 8 Zion Circus in Jerusalem, 183–184 typewriter, 64 Zionist settlers as “idealists,” 36–40 unhappy love affair, 5 Zir’in’s refugees, 176–179 writings in The Palestine Post and The Atlit barrack synagogue, 240 Jerusalem Post, 11–12 Atlit Detention Camp, 236, 238–239, 255 Bar-Adon, Pessah (Azziz), 13, 55–56, 192–193 Avidor, Dolly, 14 Baratz, Joseph, 224 Ayanoth settlement, 99 Beit Alpha kibbutz, 12, 224, 256, 258–259 Beit Ha’am, 97 B Bell, Gertrude, 109, 114 Bade, Edward L., 23 Beni, 237, 243–245 Baerwald, Alexander, 58 Bergen-Belsen Camp, 237–238, 243–245, Baghdad, 104–105 248–250, 262 bahurim, 239 Bernadotte, Count Folke, 176, 179 Balfour Declaration, 16, 112, 139, 168 Bet, Degania, 237 Bar-Adon, Doron, 14 Bey, Mahmoud, 111–114, 149, 152 Bar-Adon, Dorothy Kahn, 62, 228–232. Beyth, Hans, 237 see also articles Bialik, Nahim, 93 aliyah (immigration) to Palestine, BILU, 38, 40, 48, 213 9–12, 17 Blumenfeld House, 14 article on interfaith protest, 8 Blumenfield, Eliyahu, 58 biography, 3 Boardwalk society, 3 272 Index Braudo, L., 46 Ervine, Mr. St. John, 129–130 British–Arab–Jews interaction, 118–122 Exodus 1947, 53 British Jewry, 44–46 British Mandatory Palestine, 18, 27, 51, 55, F 57, 66–67, 104–106, 113, 119–120, 130, Faisal, Emir, 112 160, 168, 191, 195, 209, 233, 235, 264 Farm School, 50 Buchenwald camp, 242, 247, 254, 261–262 Fishmann, Ada, 242 Buchenwald Jewish Entertainment Fullerton, Amy, 140 Troupe, 240 Buchenwald Song, 241–242 G Burma Road, 255 Galilean settlement, 51 Gdansk, 89 C Gedera, 211, 213 cheder, 239 German-Hebrew grammar, 69 Chopin, 89 German Jews, 66, 148, 175, 251 Choveve Zion (Lovers of Zion), 37 German order, 95 Christian woman, 162 German women, 163 Claude, 252 ghaffirim, 210, 212, 214 Cochrane, Elizabeth Jane (Nellie Bly), 6 Givat Brenner kibbutz, 2, 12, 14, 64, 140, round-the-world voyage in 1889-90, 202, 211 6–7 Gordon, Yehuda Leb, 37 Ten Days in a Madhouse, 6 Gottlieber, Erna, 252 Cohen, Abraham, 249 goyim, 32 Cohn, Emil Bernhard, 47 Greenberg, David, 21 Council of Women Workers, 52 Greenberg, Max, 21 Greenberg, Miriam, 21 D Grischa, Sergeant, 83 Damascus, 104–105 Gruzenberg Street, 21 Davar, 22, 24 Gur, Doron, 192, 194 David, 5, 8–9 Davidowitz, Harry, 42–43 H Davidowitz, Ida, 194 Habonim group, 237 David Street, Jerusalem, 180–181 Hadassah Hospital, 96 debka, 30, 54, 60, 110 Hadassah (Women’s Zionist Organization Degania, 224 of America), 15, 161 Dizengoff, Meir, 23, 93 Haganah, 13 Dizengoff Circle, 103 Haifa, 52, 129, 235 dunams, 137 Hakovesh, Ramat, 173 Hansard, Thomas Curson, 121 E Hashomer Hatzair, 226 East European Jews, 239 Hasid, 144–149 Ein Geb, 174 Haskalah (Enlightenment) movement, 38 Ein Harod, 224 Haya, Emira, 115 Ein-Hashofet settlement, 39, 48 Haycraft Royal Commission of Inquiry, 105 Ein Karem, 152–153 Hebrew University, 46 Emek settlements, 58–60, 81 Hepher valley, 113 Emergency Quota Act of 1921, 17 Herzl, Theodore, 16 Eretz Israel, 57, 235–236, 243, 245 Himmelfarb’s hotel in Jerusalem, 95 Index 273 Hindus, Dr. Maurice, 10 Children’s House, 221–223 Histadrut, 24–25, 49–50, 86, 163, 205, 238, establishment of fifty-seven Jewish 242–243 settlements, 209–214 women in, 49–52 first communal Sabbath program in an Hitler’s gift to Palestine, 80–82 unnamed kibbutz, 202–205 Hope-Simpson report, 8 Givat Brenner, 2, 12, 14, 64, 140, 202, House for Pioneers, 52 211 “human interest” stories, 7 of Kfar Etzion, 260 Hupart, Hilda, 249 Kfar Menahem, 48, 210–214 Hussein, Feisal Ibn, 112 Mishmar Haemek, 205–209 Mizra, 259 I Tel Joseph, 81 idealism, 36–40 vs moshav, 14, 201, 215–217 Iraq, 105 women of, 225–226 Isaiah, 248 Kohut, Rebekah, 10 Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, 67 Koudacheff, Prince V., 7 Italian Liberation Committee, 253 kvutzah, 35–36, 100, 157, 163 kvutzoth, 35, 157, 162–163, 206–207 J Jacob, 248 L Jaffa Arab hospital, 173 labor shortage in Palestine, 24–27 Jaffa port, 10, 18, 21, 38, 68, 94, 110–111, 121, Landau, David, 245–246 137, 147, 149–150, 171–172 Lau, Israel Meir, 260–263 Jamil, Emir, 115 Linde, Steve, 264 Janower, J., 46 Lindheim, Irma, 9 The Jerusalem Post, 1–3, 11, 18, 264 Lotta, 252 Jewish-German emigrants, 66–70 Jewish immigration to Palestine, 8 M Jewish National Fund, 46 Magdeburg, 248–249 Jewish National Homeland, 163 Magnes, Dr. J. L., 45 Jewish taxi driver, 157 Mann, Thomas, 83 Jewish woman, 159, 163 Markson, Edlar R., 238 Jezreel Valley, 14, 81, 113, 259 Maugham, Somerset, 119 Merhavia kibbutz, 14, 202 K minyonim, 35 Kahn, Beatrice, 3 Miriam, 252 Kahn, George, 3 Mishmar Haemek kibbutz, 205–209 Kahn, Sarah Floss, 3 Mishmar Haemek Mossad, 223 Kaplan, Dr. Mordecai, 205 Mizrachi, 203 Karlin (Jay), Rabbi Joel, 41–43 Mizrachi family, 258 Kfar Bilu, 211 Mizrachi School, 98 Kfar Blum, 237 Mizrachi settlement of Tirat Zvi, 253 Anglo-Baltic settlement of, 253 Mizrachi youth, 237 Kfar Hess settlement, 175 The Montefiore, 21 Kfar Menahem kibbutz, 48, 210–214 Morse code system, 174 kibbutz/kibbutzim, 12, 14, 64, 81, 100, 200–201 moshav/moshavim, 14, 201, 215–227 Beit Alpha, 12, 224, 256, 258–259 Moshe, 186–187 care for children, 217–227 Mottel, 241–242 274 Index muezzin, 144–149 Roschovsky, Joseph, 8 Muslim women, 161–162 Rosenblatt, Yossele, 5 Myerson, Goldie, 192 Ruppin, Arthur, 233 Russian Jewry, 37, 44 N Nablus soap, 116–118, 154 S Nachshonim, 255–260 Sabina, 252 Naphtali, 204, 260–263 San Remo Hotel, 99 nationalism, 130 Sapphire Café, 79 Neumann, E., 46 Schornstein, Rabbi, 98–99 Nevinson, Henry W., 10 Shavei Tzion settlement, 175 Sheikh Jarrah, 259 O Sheraton Hotel, 91 Opera Mograbi, 78 Shimon, 251 orange groves of Palestine, 24–27 Shlosha Cushim, 96–97 Shmuel, 244–245 P Shohat, Manya, 51 Pact of 1919, 112 Shulamith, 250 Palestine Corporation of London, 46 Shulchan Aruch, 239 Palestine Economic Corporation of New Simchat Torah, celebration in 1933, 77–80 York, 46 soda water dispenser, 183 Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra,
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