-me TUB sovTvttttr THE ATLANTA TOWSTITOTIQNNEWSPAPK* "fn' •• lOI'O' '• ' TJTiTTt>T'Tr'T?Xr ; TD»' A /"•'frfil I"---''' '':,';*:>**&;••** *•»*•».; ««i»irl«» tfvltranr. ft, e*»t» w»«kly. Vol. XLYL—No* 158. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MOENESfG, 21, IHldi J^UUKliiil^JN1 ±*Atjii.a »|«ini «»*len •• *•« •trecH Mtf «t •ew«ta»«*. • «Htt» ARE 1LT THE SEASON DP-EN:'?—BUT*. CORDONED BY ARMED FOR THE STRUGGLE TAKES PLACE HUERTA PUTS FINAL TOUCH OVERWJRRENCY 250 Business Men Will In- spect Manufactories Lo- TO DEFIANCE OF UNCLE SAM cated in Atlanta—Special Final Preparations Made Starts at 9 From Old Depot. for Battle Over Adminis- Despite Warnings by the tration Bill Whiqh Begins On discovery bent, 250 business men of Atlanta will sally forth this morning United States, the Mexi- in Senate Saturday. at 9 o'clock, when the "Seeing Atlanta Special" train of the Atlanta Chamber can Dictator Opens a of Commerce leaves from the old sta- SAYS WASHINGTON Congress Which Is Com- tion on an "industrial tour" of the THREE DISTINCT BILLS city. , ' posed of His Creatures. GOING BEFORE SENATE And by nightfall 250 nusiness men will know more about the great in- dustrial and manufacturing activities of Atlanta than they ever dreamed ex- THERE WERE NO CHEERS All Three of the Measures isted. The special train will leave the Union AS HUERTA DEFENDED Agree as to Purpose to Be station promptly at 9 o'clock and will President Wilson Publicly make a circuit of the entire city, stop- WS DICTATORIAL ACTS ping- at practically every manufactur- Declares That His Ad- Accomplished, but Wide- ing concern In Atlanta. The tour will be in charge ot W. H. vices Infticate Dictator ly Differ as to Methods. Leahy, secretary of the industrial sta- tistical bureau of the chamber. Men Will Soon Be Eliminated. No Mention Made of the Washington, November 20.—Final representing every sort of business In the city, as well as a. large number of Straine- ... d. Relation_ , - s Exist- preparations were made today for the la.dies. will go on the excursion. f battle over the administration currency Al Bartlett, the moving: pipture -man, Washington, . Navember 20. — The ing Between the United feform bill on the floor of tlin senate, will go along and make pjctjjr*b;of th« j Washington. ^government believes the •which will bcprin Saturday. Throe' sep- entire tour, taking a picture-of those" power of Hhe : Huerta government is States and Mexico Made arate and distinct currency bills, all who go on the tour as they entraiti- based',.upon the samo general .theory. and "shooting" every plant they visit. slowly "crumbling and disintegrating." in Huerta's Message--The Will be laid before the senate by the .Lunch jrt Stove Work*. No positive steps have been taken .by divided banking, and currency com- The fare for the round trip, includ- the administration here within ,the last Message -Was Confined Tnittee. " ing- lunch, is $1. Incidentally, that's no few days to compel a compliance with CrImm.O-n.rn Hill UK A friended. bad lunch, either. It will be served at SAY \MHAT SI Of the demand 3Tor the elimination of; to a Defense of the Dic- Unable to agree on amendments, the the Atlanta Stove works at 12:55 DO SOU MILK A i Huerta. committee will present the «Ia.HS-< >wen o'clock. COW ON? No preparations have been made for tator's Acts. bill as originally indorsed by the nd- The menu is as follows: minifitratioii ;;uid passed by the house. Cold Turkey. Assorted- Sandwiches. a blockade on Mexican ports' such as The. measure with amendments as- Chipped Ham. Beaten Biscuit. i have been variously reported. ,- to be acceptable to the president Mexico City, November 20.—His fiae* Coffee. Cigars. Soft Drinks. Foreign interests generally will t>e showing none of that .whimBloafhuinor ' be submitted by Chairman Owen The train will be decorated in full *nd five other democrats uf the coin- protected by the United States, and at which sometimes characterizes htm, car-length banners, labelled: "Atlanta Tux.pam, in particular, especial 'effort .mittee, Senator's Pomcrene, Hollis, Chamber of Commerce Industrial Tour." President Huerta this eveningr *p- Reed; O'Gorman and Sha'froth. A bill will be made to protect British inter- peared before the new Mexican con- .Schedule of the Train. ests pending the arrival of the British materially changing the structure of The following is the .schedule of the gress and read his message. the hoirsp measure will be presented by cruisers. The sending ot the English Few Mexican presidents have the republicans, Senators Nelson, "Seeing Atlanta Special":,, ships is in line. with previous notifica- "Weeks, Bristow. McLean and Craw- 9:00 a. m., leave Union Ucpot via C'e'ntral tion to the United States, and is re- at the formal opening sessions of con- of-Georgia. (Pryor and Wall streets.) gress shorter messages and few hav« ford anil Senator Hitchcock. 9:15 a. in., arrive Frank K: Block factory; garded as a normal, move taken In All '-three of the proposed bills con- : confined themselves so entirely to 6n«'. "•, 9:30. a.. .m.,(lcave Frank B. Block factory, via emergencies such as exist at Tuxpam. template the issuance ot ;i currency Re- Southern. ' . To Have Sobering- Effect. subject. It was nothing more than a cured' by' the prime commercial paper 10 a. m. arrive .East Point (vi'ait White terse explanation of his motives 'fair held by the .banks ot the country. Each It is intended to have a, sobering ef- Hickory Wagon company, Virginia Bridge fect on those constitutionalist officers, dissolving the old congrmsB, most of proposes the establishment of reserve and. Iron company,'Dixie Metal an«l Culvert banks, w~hich will issue the. currency company; 10:45 a. m., leave East Point, via who, according to oSflclal reports, haye the members of which are'now in the in exchange for commercial paper to Central of Croorgia. announced their hostility to English penitentiary accused of 'sedition. the banks, which will hold the re- 11 a. ra,, leave Belt line, via Atlanta and interests. "•'..'-,' The senate and chamber of deputies serves behind their deposits, mobilized West point. (A..- & W. P. Junction.) The landing, of marines has not 'been met.hi Joint session and'congress wag for use in any emergency and which 11:45 a. m., leave Hulaey Junction, via found necessary -thus far, no instruc- formally declared convened at 6:30 will rediscount " the paper held* by Georgia, £,outsiville an<l Nashville and At- tion to that effect have been sent, nor o'clock in the evening. lanta and. West Point. Girl Fined in Police Court has there been /any request for euch 'banks in the system, thus keeping ROOSEVELT IS President Huerta . came to th« .con- available always ample credit and cur- 12 noon, arrive Atlanta Milliner company; instructions.;. In the meantime Admiral Tency for use to -ward off financial 12:20 p. m. leave Atlanta Milling company, Fletcher will be expected to take what- gress through lines of troops and the crises. Each bill proposes to put the via Georgia., .Louisville and Nashville and ever steps he deems necessary to pro- small crowds which gathered wer* not — •ntlre system under, the control of a Atlanta and West Foint. For Using Parasol Handle on tect all foreign interests. demonstrative. : .,-...'., federal reserve board to . be appointed l-:25 p. -m., leave Moore street, via South- by th« president. ern. The parleys wltn the constitutional- . No Frllln to the Seualoa. -. : The Uosrlonai Bank*. 12:35 p. m., arrive Atlantic Compress com- ists have been carried on: in no formal There were no extraneous frills 'to^ pany; 12:50 p. m.. leave Atlantic Compress v Although agreeing: as to the pur- company, via Southern. .^ Kansas Progressives Declare j Head of Persistant Masher way, but merely for: informative pur- the? session.. It w.ae .more, in -thp na- poses to be accomplished by the pro- 1^:55 p. m., arrive Atlanta Stove "U^orlla; poses. _ ,' .-/ -. •.•-,,.">., ' ture of a little business meeting of the posed leg-islation the three plans differ 1:35 p. in., leave Atlanta Stove Works, via Col one!-1? Only Man Who ..- -^ .^ ,,• ___ The ' in almost every point as to means pro- Southern. (Take .dinner.)c ' ;.'-.., president .and the men cpn-velcted^lhiio .•vid**-l» parry out these-purpoBeH. As ~ 2':45-p-- tn;,"arrlv« 'A'rjnoyr^&' (Armour Ker- Can Defeat President. of- ' Taw'-makers* (furlng. ine".'wscenf "iB^eaiP"" T it passed the house, the Glass-Owen tilix«r - Works); ,2:10 p. ni.7'^leave Armour's, Mashers,, read thf*i' 4»d take notice! strife generally ..l- , is. inclined vlu Southern. ed elections. The., .message - <3«a»'«r«l,,..'-. bill proposed the creation of twelve Although 'Mfe does not officially ap- ,to view with, some'coniiplacenqy tfeef re- : reg-iunal banks. .The democrats of the 2-20 p. m,, arrive Atlanta Steel Work»; .prove c'f the .manner in which'Mias Luc Huerta 'bofe?them' wa;a-in itasp'-i«feBC(l> .-'-/.; Ji»rtate committee .cut that down to li:-10 p. m.. leave Atlanta. Steel Works, via Topefca, Kan., November 20.—Pro- prfsals by 'constitutiohaiisfs'''and jfed- Southern. ... ' gressives from forty countie'e in state Willard Austin* a pretty, giM: of 18, ,erals on those of fleers 'or. 'itien who sin admtonltl.on. The Incident H», "i*jr. " eight,-the minimum number the presi- 2:50 p. m., arrive Inman Yards; 3:06 p.. m., replied to the greeting oif 3. R. Perry. dent was willing: to accept. The re- leave Inman -Yards., via Southern.
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