.*~proximateJv 82;000 Fan~ To Watch Iowa, Ohio Stat~ Battle for Big Ten Title Todav Buckeyes S~en Roses; , Itfawks To Defend Title By ALAN HOSKINS Frank Krembla!. Clark ha car· 01 owon Wrappers D.n, ..... n 8p.,I. UIIO, Iried the ball 118 time • more than Seroiflg The State University of Iowa ""'- . and the People of Iowa City COLU~mUS, O;lio - Jowa puts any other two Ohio State backs. Contest Its Big Ten title on the line today In addition, he ha completed (i\'e E lablished In ll1ti8 - Fi,,!' Cents a Copy Member of Associated Pre AP Leased Wire lind Photo Service Sororities, \with Ohio State making its bid to of six passes for 51 yards and ODe regain the title the Hawkeyes cap· touchdown. tured froJ? them last year. Kremblas has done an excellent Approxu!'ately ~2,ooo f~ns are ex· job in replacing Frank Ellwood. peeled to la~ OhiO Stadium to ca· Many give him credit for the Buck. paclty to wItness. the battl~ be· eyes' success this yellr. Another TamburifzansToBe tween ,the . two Big Tcn. giants. big threat is fullback Bob White, Coordinator Planned Game.llmc IS 12 :30 (jowa tJ~el.. who's fine play ha beatl'n out Ad A w~n for the HlIwkeye~ will glye regulllr Galen Cisco. I On.CampusNov.25 - Iowa Its second consccuti ve undls· , puted Big Ten title and extend its Iowa s offense around IOWA cen~ers The Duquesne Univer ity Tam· Tho ,roup was o ....nbad In winning streak to 12 straight Randy Duncan and a fireplug back· burltzans, American jnt rpreters of 1937 and tlnce 1952 h.s ....n .. -------.. ,ames. The Hawkeyes have four field ~f scatb~cks. Duncan l~ads Morrll East European music and dance, '.d,d b,. W.I"r W, Kol.r, U.. wins and a tie in conference play. the Big Ten ID offense and IS a will present a concert at SUI Nov. der his ,uld... c. the group h.. s An Ohio State win will give the close second as a passer. 25, at 8 p.m. in Macbride Auditor· anI."," their repertoire until It For New Space Proiects Buckeyes a clear-cut title and will The Hawkeyes' rushing offense Is ium. now r .. n.. , from primltlv. di .... C1lnch the trip to the Rose Bowl. led by halfback Mike Hagler, who's The Buckeyes are unbeaten in five sporting a 7·yard per carry aver· Tickets m.y be obt.lned from ".ht..",.1 of tfIo D.lm,ti.n WASHINGTON 111- Secretary of news conference at tie Pentagon such an arrangement would avoid available would be obtained lor N.wm.n Club mombers or.' Highl .. nds .. d,,"iul .. nd saml· Defcnse Nell McElroy, acknowl dg. that it "seems rath r obvious to Wa teful competition among the Conference games, with one reo age. Close on his heels are Bill the new job of space chief and Whobton.', Drut Storo .. t $1 dudc.1 worlcs of SInh: com- ing Russia has seized the lead in me that we are behind the Ru . military services In the IIrly sta· maining next week at Michigan. Happel, Bill Gravel and John No· Ulat he might be drawn from either OIch for stuclentl .. nd $1.50 for IIOMrl, satellites and mi i1es, announced sian .. in mi ile and satellite de· ges of weapon development. Oddsmakers have rated the game cera, I civilian or military ranks, A a toss·up, with much depending on Duncan's favorite passing targ l _students. Tlch.. will .Iso be The Italian "Torantello" is one or plans Friday to put a new lien ral velopm nt . new lill and expand d author· Tho Pent...., devolepmo1th tile condition of key performers on is end and captain Jim Gibbons. .. YliI .. bl ••t t+to door on tho .vo- the fa\'orit of the Tamburilznns' manag r in charge of uCh futurls· He then said th.at within a month ity wa announced .varshadow.d ....mo ....nt Dr. both teams. Gibbons, who ranks fifth in the no· nlng of tho conc.rt. danc pr0tram. Others includ tic proj cis as ~nti.mi ile mi ilc the Defense Department hopes to for William M. I Killi.n', ."tr.nc. into the pic. However, it is a pretty safe as. tion in receiving, has caught al· The company of 28, all students athletic Ru Ion dances, lilting Sia and space. v hlc1es. appoint a single manager for whnt Holaday, the Sec· ture ... Mr. EI ..nhow.r'1 $21,'" lumpUon that the Buckeyes will most halC of Iowa's completions, lit Duqu sne University in Pitts. vic dances and gypsy·like Rouman· On major purpo e of til. move h called "upstream" type projects retary's guided • y ..r IIlisl.nt for sci.nco .nd stick to the ground. Hayes has al· Zl of 60. burgh, Pelill., will pre nt music, Inn 1I1r . " to avoid pulling and hauling uch os the anti·missile and mill· m iss i I e aide. t.chnel09Y· . among th armed service - a rio lary applicotlon of space vehicles. f c E I 0 a'd ways preferred the straight ahead The ' Hawkeyes main concerns songs on d d anc s 0 f ea tern an d 'fhe member of the troupe hlfi valry which sam critics say has Under thil now m .. n.. g.r, Me- r y ,S I On leave Crom MIT, Killian has Jround attack ofC the 'belly·series' are ankle injuries to all·American southern Europe. F atured is lh frequ ntJy from I~strument to , hamper d progr on mis iles. Elroy I .. id, tho D.foM. Dop .. rt. ~~~:a~i~~~~~ ~f the job of eliminating delay and ,,(Cense. The Buckeyes seldom pass Alex Karras and end Don Norton. music· J'k oC t the' tamburitzll,d itt a mando·(T doncer or chorus during a. concert In .no,h.r .ffort '0 c.tch up m.nt would haY. dir.ct ...... nt· gUI'ded mlssl'les It inter·service rivalry in the field of )1thou~h they have the best com· Karras has been hobbling nil week IIn· I e s rIDge ns rumen 0 ur· per ormance. Thc Duqut.'sns stu· ~I........- Sov/"s, Dr, J.m-. R. -..... k' hi' ( hi h th d ' dd - '" ,... .... In, r •• ponsibllity 'or .11 r ..... rch. oppear d that !lol- mlllLory science. The extent of his .,&etlon percentage in the confer· while Norton missed last Satur· lS or IIIn rom wee group nIB, In a iUon to th Ir regular KillI.n Jr., president of tho Mas. .v.'opmtnt and .ngl_ring of oday would con. authority has still \0 be tested, @lICe. They've completed 30 of 52, day's game against Minnesota be· ~kes ils ~~me. f The ,singers ond college 5tudie , take courses In the sachuMtt, Institute of Technolo- 'litur..... c. v.Itlcl .. or wupon. linu to hove sup- howev r. without an interception. cause of the injury. ancers WI per orm In costumes Serbo-<:roatino language, (olk mu· ,y, 101111 sworn In 'hil morning.. up to the point whora th.y ~n be KILLIAN E'rvision over mis. ThE' Hawkeyes, who employ a The Buckeyes are worried over Asked about th situation, Mc· o( the peoples' f rcprt'h ented,I gifls sic,h dnncing and other lem ntary Pr.s/Ln'- EI· ..nL·w "",•• '. Iclln'I'" , urn.d ovor til'o. I nil. ml "1,t.ry 51 e progt'ams t hat ore opcraUonnl Elroy said he had "not heard that more varied attack, with about the condition of their star halfback, f rom na tIves a I e var ous coun· p a e or Balkan folk cuitur ,in· I'c.mllit.ry coordl'n.'or, . fo tu I . d equal emphasis on passing as lite and the Big Ten's leading scorer t . I d' f Ik • ../'"VICO r.c • u... or In an a \'onced stallC of d velop· Dr. Killion' authority will extend rles. c u 109 a ort and costuming. McElroy told his first full dress The der IJ!\e chief ~ald he hoped ment. McElroy said the best man to giving orders within the Defernse ground attack, cOlld be hurt if the and ground gainer, Don Clark. Department." But McElroy said weather should be bad. Iowa de· Clark was injured in the first quar· Killian would always be welcome pends a great deal on its passing ter against Purdue last Saturday at the Pentagon. game, which could flounder if it and missed the rest of the contest. should rain. Clark has been hobbling most oC Flying Boat Crash "Killian d elined to comment o. The brunt of the Buckeyes at· th'e scope of his duties. tack will be carried by Clark, pro· (Colltillued 011 page ,5) "I'm jUlt g.ttlng It.rt.d," ho viding he's ready, and quarterback HAWKEYE$- told now,mon. "Just gift mo I Kills 43 Off Britain ch ..nc. to g.t my ...t off the ground." roday's Lineups NEWPORT, Isle or Wlllht, Eng· boat service from Southampton to " Do you It.II. tho .. uthority .. land, Saturday (A'I - A four;?ngiDl' Lisbon, Madeira, lb Canary Is· knock ho .. ds ....ther?" ho 1011.1 t Brillsh Solent nylnll boat ern.hod lands and Capri. IOWA OHIO STATE ulc.d. ;n flames on a wooded hUlside A pok man for til Civil Avia· " No commen'." Jim Gibbons (cl ........ 198 LE Jim Houston ..... 216 ncar Newport Friday night and lion Ministry said there were J5 Alex Karras .
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