SCHEDULE “B” TO THE AGENDA FOR THE SOUTHERN PLANNING COMMITTEE 25TH JANUARY 2012 Applications not subject to public speaking. Background Papers Background papers (as defined by Section 100D(5) of the Local Government Act 1972) relating to this report are listed under the “Representations” heading for each planning application presented, or may be individually identified under a heading “Background Papers”. The implications for crime, disorder and community safety have been appraised in the following applications but it is not considered that any consideration of that type arises unless it is specifically referred to in a particular report. B1 WA/2011/1447 Erection of an office building following demolition Highways Agency of existing dwelling at Land Opposite Log 18/08/2011 Cottage, Portsmouth Road, Hindhead, GU26 6BQ (As amplified by email dated 05/10/2011, and email dated 24/10/2011 and as amended by email dated 29/09/2011 and plan received 15/11/2011) Public Notice Was Public Notice required and posted: Yes Grid Reference: E: 487985 N: 134915 Town : Haslemere Ward : Haslemere Critchmere and Shottermill Case Officer: Mr T Lipscomb 8 Week Expiry Date 13/10/2011 Neighbour Notification Expiry Date 30/09/2011 Neighbour Notification 16/01/2011 Amended/Additional Expiry Date RECOMMENDATION That, subject to consideration of any further representations received, permission be GRANTED Introduction The application was deferred at the meeting of 14/12/2011 to allow the applicant to provide additional information relating to the need for the additional building and for changes to be made to the design of the building. The applicant has sought to justify the need for the building with an additional statement and has submitted revised plans to change the design of the roof of the proposed building. Location or Layout Plan A3 Tunnel Site Description The site, which measures some 1483sqm (0.148 hectares), comprises a detached two-storey house and is located to the immediate northwest of the new A3, located to the south of Hindhead. The site is enclosed by acoustic fencing with extensive tree screening to the northeast and northwest boundaries. The building is currently vacant and the windows are now boarded over. Proposal The proposal is for the demolition of the existing house and the erection of a single storey building to accommodate an office for use by the Highways Agency in connection with the management of the A3 Hindhead Tunnel. The office would accommodate 4 full time and 4 part time staff. The proposed building would stand in the same position on site as the existing house. The building would measure 16.5m in width, 9m in depth and 5.6m in height to the ridge. The building would be constructed from red brick with brown Marley concrete tiles. The proposal includes details of hard landscaping works on the site to form a car park providing parking for 8 vehicles (the surfacing material is not specified in the submission). Location Plan Existing Block Plan Elevations of existing dwelling Elevations of proposed office building Elevations of originally proposed building – (no longer part of the application) Proposed Block Plan Vehicle visibility splay diagram Proposed Floor Plans Relevant Planning History None Planning Policy Constraints Countryside beyond Green Belt - outside any defined settlement area AONB & AGLV AQMA Buffer Zone Wealden Heaths I SPA 5km buffer zone Wealden Heaths II SPA 1km buffer zone East Hants SPA 5km buffer zone Wealden Heaths II SPA 5km buffer zone SPAD A3 Improvement Area Development Plan Policies and Proposals Policies D1, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D13, D14, C2, C3, C7, H8, IC1, M2, M3, M14 and M18 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 Policies CC4, CC6, CC7, T1, T4, NRM5 and C3 of the South East Plan 2009 (subject to the letter to Chief Planning Officers from the Secretary of State dated 27/5/10 regarding abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies). Consultations and Town Council Comments County Highway Authority: No objection subject to conditions relating to visibility splays, provision of a parking area. Note – The Waverley Borough Council Planning Infrastructure Contribution Supplementary Planning Document does not state that public bodies are not required to pay PIC. Notwithstanding this the Highway Authority consider the new roundabouts, which are being constructed at the Portsmouth Road junctions with Tilford Road and Headley Road, will mitigate the impacts of the proposed development. Both of these roundabout schemes, which are being funded by the Highways Agency, are considered by the Highway Authority to be local to the proposed development. The Highway Authority does not require PIC (in relation to Highways) for this development. Surrey Wildlife Trust: No objection, subject to further activity surveys being undertaken between March and September. Informative suggested relating to suggested bio-diversity measures. Council‟s Private Sector Housing Manager: No comments to make. Town Council: No objection Representations None received. The report was prepared prior to the expiry of the deadline for the receipt of representations. Any further representations will be reported and assessed within an addendum report to the meeting. If new material comes to light, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to defer the application. Submissions in support The applicant has submitted additional information since the last committee meeting of 14/12/2011, relating to the justification for the development and altered design. The statements are summarised below and contained in full at Annexe 1. There is currently insufficient space to accommodate the management and administrative staff who work and operate the Hindhead Tunnel. A control centre was designed and constructed in the „Primary Tunnel Service Building‟ (PTSB – permanent building to the northern end of the tunnel) to manage the day-to-day incident management within the Tunnel. The Highways Agency had originally planned for the CCTV and other Tunnel operations to be monitored and managed by the South East Regional Control Centre based at Godstone. However, the dedicated control centre, which is now based at the PTSB, was proposed as the only other option. The proposal never took into account the additional staff requirements nor did it take into account the capacity requirements in order to manage a major incident. Additional personnel are required to manage and maintain the Hindhead Tunnel. There is a maintenance team which carries out the scheduled maintenance of essential equipment used in the Tunnel. They are required to visit and use the PTSB facility every three weeks. This team will usually comprise a minimum of 25 people (engineers, traffic management operatives and safety team). Staff will require both the use of the PTSB and the Secondary Tunnel Service Building (STSB) for their welfare facilities. Also on a daily basis there are four incident support unit staff who will make use of the PTSB and STSB facilities. It is our understanding that these roles were overlooked by the Hindhead Project Team when the Tunnel was being constructed; this would explain why insufficient space was provided within the PTSB control centre. The use of the proposed building at the site will also accommodate a command suite, should it be needed to manage a major incident at the Tunnel (i.e. provide a base for Police, Fire, Ambulance and LA) so that the Tunnel Emergency Plans can be managed and implemented. The existing dwelling in its current state will be difficult to resell on the open market; based on the fact that it is currently in poor condition and uninhabitable. Also, with the new A3 road and Hazel Grove junction slip road in close proximity – it is unlikely to attract the common buyer, but more so, a developer, looking for an opportunity to expand what is currently in situ. With reference to the roof tiles (which will be reused from the existing dwelling) – they are plain and if additional numbers are required - will be sourced and used to complement the existing tiles. Determining Issues Principle of development Development in Countryside beyond the Green Belt Loss of a dwellinghouse and compliance with Policy H8 Impact on residential amenity Impact on character of the countryside, visual amenity and appearance of the landscape (AONB and AGLV) Impact on trees Impact on biodiversity and protected species Effect upon SPAs Parking and Highway considerations Impact on local infrastructure Planning Considerations Principle of development The site lies within the Countryside beyond the Green Belt wherein the countryside will be protected for its own sake. Building away from settlements will be strictly controlled. The site is within an AONB and AGLV; strong protection will be given to ensure the conservation and enhancement of the landscape character and natural beauty. Policy H8 of the Local Plan sets out that development involving a net loss of existing residential accommodation will not be permitted. Where redevelopment of existing housing is proposed, it should be replaced with a number of units at least equivalent to that currently on the site, unless the proposal meets the exceptions to the policy set out in the supporting text at paragraph 6.64 of the Local Plan. The site is within an area that is suitable for use by bats, badgers and reptiles, therefore, the proposal must demonstrate that there would not be an adverse impact on protected species. The site is within the East Hants and Wealden Heaths Special Protection Area Buffer Zones. Development should not result in a significant effect upon the integrity of the SPAs. Development in Countryside beyond the Green Belt The proposal is a form of development that is listed in Policy C2 as being an acceptable form of development in the countryside, as the facility would provide for the reasonable needs of infrastructure and therefore, subject to compliance with other policies of the Local Plan the proposal can be acceptable.
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