New This Fall from THE VOCAL MAJORITY Judged "Best III The World" 6 Times ill Illtel'1latiollal Competitioll BEST OF THE EARLY YEARS A collection of 15 of the most popular and most requested VM arrangements ALLELUIA! recorded by tbe chorus from 1975 A brand new collection of traditionai, through 1982. Each selection was re-en­ ........................ inspirational and secular Christmas gineered and re-mastered using new songs. The album was recorded in a computer and digital technology to .. specially designed 32-track digital studio eliminate noise and emphasize clarity. to capture the ambiant blend of more Hear your favorite VM songs again ... than 120 voices raised in celebration of for the very first time. this special holiday season. VMVIDEOS Casselles $10.50 CDs $15.50 Four uniquely different (Add $2.00 for postage & hal/dlil/g.) one-hour programs frolll SEND FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG TODAY! Vocal Majol'ity shows Browse through the sOllg titles 011 all throughout the country. 8 audio albullls and 4 videos. Now available at the re­ (And find out how you can receive FREE Vocnl Majority recordings!) duced pI'ice of just $14.95 Mail the 101111 below to: each! THE VOC4L MAJORITY, P.O. Box 29904, Dallas, TX 75229 ---------- ------------------------YES! Please send me your new catalog, and I'd like to find out how to obtain FREE Vocal Majority cassettes and compact discs! NAME ADDRESS CITV/STATE/ZIP HOME PHONE NUMDER ( NovemberlDecember 1992 The Volume LlI, No.6 The Harmonizer (USPS No. 517'00) (ISS1\: 0017.7849) is the official publication of the Society for the Prcs{'rmlioll fllld ~armonizer Ellcouragt'll\cul of BarberShop Quartet Singing in ,\mer­ ica, Inc. (SPEnSQSA). II is publishrd in the months of Jmnmry, i\larch, Mn}', July, Septcmber and Non'mbrl" ill A BI·MONTHLY,MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridan !toad, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Second· SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY rlass postage paid at Kenosha, Wisconsin,nndnl additional lIIailing offices. Editorial and mh'E'rtising offices nrc nllhe illlrrllfliionni offic{', Adn'rtisillg rates amilable upon fl'· quest. Publisher assumes 110 responsihility for return of ullsolicited manuscripts or artwork. Postmaster: scnd ad· dn>s5 changes to editorial offices of 11,(' lIarlllollizer, 7930 Features Shrridan ({oatl, Krnosha, Wisconsin 53143 at Irust thirty days hefon- the next puhlication datc, A portion of cach mcmhcr's dues is allurllted to conI' the magazine's sub­ scription prirr. SlIhsrription prire to non·membel's is $18 4 Meet Keepsake, new quartet champ yearly or S3 per issuc, Foreign slIbsrripliolls are $27 Farly Florida foursome members have deep barbershop roots 01'$4.50 per issue. ©1992 by the Sodetyfor thr Prrscn'ation and Encouragcment of Hllrher Shop QUllrtei Singing in 6 Southern Gateway Chorus champion again Alllel'ira, Inc. pursuit of excellence over the years pays off 8 Corpus Christi awaits midwinter convention International Office special events promise "fun in the sun" SPEBSQSA 10 Singing Valentines are for real 6315 Third Avenue 1992 sllccess stories presage planning for 1993 Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 Telephone (414) 653-8440 13 Them was the good old days? Toll·free I-SOO·S76·S1NG (7464) a perspective FAX (414) 654-4048 Offire Hours: 8 a.llI.. 5 p.m. 14 Harmony College was a ball ~lollday·Friday (C(,lllml Time) a quartet's review 15 Convention Management Committee asks aid International Office Staff dedicated group seeks input from members JOE LILES. Excculive Director 16 A cappella singing on an upsurge ;'I lEI. KNIGHT. Din::ctor of ~llIsic Education 8:: Sen'ires national organizations formed FnANK SANTA REI,I,I, DimtorofFinallre 8:: Admillistmtion GAny STAl\Ii\1. Direclor of ~Iarkcting 18 Music Category explained CAROL llAKKUi\1. QlIilrict Rcgistry second in a series on new categories RUTH BLAZINA-JOYCE. ~Iusellm Curator/An-hivisl KEN nUCKNER. J\lan:lgcr of Convcntions 8:: Mectings 22 Buckeye Invitational IV DAN DAILY. Editor of Publications story and photos of annual August event Jli\l DEIlUSi\l,\N, t\IUS1c Spt'cialistID:\IE/World Harmony LANI DIETER, C8::J CoonJin:ltor RUSS FOUlS. ~lrtli" Production Coordinator WARREN I,EISE"'IANN. ~fanager of Information Systems BRIAN LYNCH. Communicalions Specialist Also in this issue BElTY MADSEN. t\lcrchandise Orders 8:: Shipping HUTII i\IARKS. Harmon)' Foulldation Program Coordinator EV NAU, i\lusic Speci:JlistIPerformancl'lt\larkcting BILL HASlllEiGH. J\lusk S,x'Cialisu"l'oolh OUlreach 17 Logopedics GnEG IHS ... IOEN, Computer Netll'OIk t\lallager BURT SZABO, ~Iusic SpccialistlJ\lusic Publishing PATlUCK TUCKER-KELI.Y, COTSID~IDCoordinator 24 Chapters in Action DEE VESEVICK, Assistanlto thc Exccutivc Direclor It ... CHAHLIE GREEN, Director of Development 26 The Way I See i\linneapolis, t\lillll. (612) 929-ONI 28 Letters to the Editor 30 News About Quartets Conventions INTERNATIONAL 32 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers [993 Calgnry, Alber!:1 June 27-July 4 1994 Pittsburgh, Pa. Ju[y 3-10 1995 Greater Miami. Fla. July 2-9 On the cover 1996 Salt Lake City. Utah June 30-July 7 MIDWINTER Covers of November/December Harmonizers of the past 49 years, arranged left to 1993 Corpus Christi, Texas January 24~31 1994 Sarasota. Fla. January 23-30 right, top to bottom, should bring back memories for long-time members. The 1995 Tucson. Ariz. January 22-29 magazine turns 50 next March, NovemberlDecembcr 1992 8f81flJonizer Intel'llational Officel's lllIemaliollalh:n.cfl(;•.CCUII/millec Prl'siLleJ1l: Tt'r'fY Anllllian. -17/\ Dol Avt'nul'. Campbell. CA 9500S Vic... Pr....~idenl·ln.:;lsllra: Ernie NickmoH, 1702 Cirrneflln Ct., I.l'.\inglun. KY -l0505 Virc Prl'sident: Bobby Wooldridge, 25UI IYlh SI. E. In "Seventh" Tuscaloosa. AI. 35-10--1 Vice President: Dick Shaw, 35 Vagabond Lane. Winll'r lIawn. f'L 33881 Imrnediiltc Past President: Boh Cl';lma1. 416 Nonh Ninth. l\hscoutah. IL 62258 Heaven ExecUliw Direclor: Joe Ijics i'X l~fJicio Jlltcmaliul/allJoard ,\Jell/bel'S by Joe Liles Canlinal: Jay BUlkr. .\512 WC'.JlI\o:,silk' Run. Fr. Wa}n~,IN .\6SO-I Executive Director CentrJI 51.1les: Uob SII~!l>On. 3(Xl Yunu. Manh;l\I-,m, K5 665tH I>i~ie: Alt \\'OlIrllls.l\06 Walla" l.;Inc. Co!umbi:,. SC 2lJl()1,1 Ewr£,,~n: Bun Srn.>Ill. .\531 F,,~ F"m, Rood. Gr,'al Falls. lilT 59.\0-1 1'.11' W,',rem: l.Io}d Slein~"mr. lUJU San Diq;o 1I1;",ion Rd.. #13[·1). San Diego. CA '.1210& llIioois: S}'l Wellc'• .\365. O..kI~l1d, Vill~ r~fk.ll. 60181 Jol\nl1)' Appl~~~d: Chock Wat'>Qn,I8--1llkl"aJl CI., W. Worthingl00, 011 .\3l3.<; L,;n,l O' Lake_: JuJJ Olf£. 115 Llirnkn Sr., Slill"Jl~r. ,\IN 55082 ollle llew revelations arc coming to approaches, dedicate your energics 10 IIliJ·Arl.mric: hd.: llelli,. 28 O~kky Or.. t1unlingwn Stalion. NY 11/.\6 light for me. I've been discussing acquainting someone with the joys of North~.1Srem: Jim Ki,-.xk. r.O.llll\ 7.\5. Chq\;lI:h.:l. RI 0281.\ Onr.uio: 1,:>1111 C,,-e. 85 1",1Ih~r I)rile. ("halluJl1. O:\' N7111 3E9 the concept of 1(leblaod with some barbcrshopping. You may well give that ri,'n«r. Mike O'Dorm:U, 1617 l'..li,I:iI\~ '\Ie, NE. Gr~fl<l Rapid;. 11I1 s .\9505·.\826 ofm)' friends. YOll may have done the same person the greatest sort of gift; one that will Rocky "lounl;;;n: D.iIl B:lker. 6260 1'1. [.;Jk~l'-'inl PI.. P.ilh'r. CO 80IH thing. Every IIIml, ill lIis OWJI 1\'(/)', e.\pe­ lead to lifelong friendships and goosebllmp S~n,-~.l Land: Grorge Cook. 1ll9l).,:llt-.:rr)' l:iJl<.'. S)r••,-,u"" NY 13219 Soulhll"~,I~m:PenJ Ihkcr. 611J6 Vir1(,' b:kron 55. San Antonio, TX ricJlcillg the joy of hearing his \'oice experiences. There's a world of prospeclivc 782.\U c01/tributing to bm'bersllOp !larmony. Barbershoppers out there waiting for your SUllihin~: D~\~ K"]'m;a. 17(1) NW 11.\lh Loc>p.. 0.:..1a.. FL 32675 {/IIII DiI~'ctors-{/'-Lllrgl! Most feel this is the basic ingredient that invitation. Gn....ge D.l\i,hon, 752.\ E. CI,,(ilb Pl."...... EngkI\ood. CO lilll12 proved to be the hook pulling them into our DID) I Rinn. r.o. Bo\ 2879. 7975 Ck\dmJ AI"'" N. C"n1On, 0114.\720 Resolve now ... to jllsf do if.' E,l Wa~sdJe. 6 Visla la.H~.1I1dli1k NY 117H organization. Toa multitude ofour Illcmbcrs, Jim W;ml<r. 6060 P,)pl,u- ,\\ e.. Suil~ 295. lIkrnphis. 'I N 3811 II it still holds them fast and lhey long for a fix of ringing chords every week. That hunger Atliliate Organizations Illay be satisfied by seriollsquarlcuing; casual, AUSTRAUAN ASSOCI,\nON OF ,\IEN BARIlElt'iIIOP SINGERS (AAIIIBSJ F.""i~ Klimowicz. Prr,j<knr. r.o. Ru.\ 17.\. spontaneous quartet singing; woodshedding; ,\,-hmor~ Ciry. Qll<'\'IlI!Jnd '\2['\. Au,lr.llia gang singing or participating in a chorus ... 1998-99-2000 IlARUL:RSIIOP IN GERIlIANY (RING~1 Jenny Wo,:xl. Pr~,i&(ll. Am ,\f(,hknll'ink,,].\la• .j6(X) Dt)rtmufld.\1. one, some, or all of these. G~nl\.lny RRmSH ASS<X'[ATION OF UARBERSHOPSI1\GERS (HAllS) However, SOlllclhi ng begins to grow from INTERNATIONAL Uob Walk:a.lllainrun. "SL Ca.lheri",,-;·l1ighlielJ R«,:d. this lifeblood experience. The routs quickly Ealr Grin'll'.ld. Su"n RI119 2DX. EnglJJJd DUTCH ASSOCIATIO:--: OF IJARIJERSliOr SI1\GERS (OARS) go deep and a beautiful treC ofmany branches CONVENTION Theo \"n Dijk. Pfc'si<knr, IIlo!i"rhrr.wr I~. springs forth.
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