.... '! • 0• .. p p 44 • $ • 4 a a s • aatas ssss, sass • All the News of All the Pointes Ijc * * Every Thursday Morning rosse ews COlnplete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News ---;V~O;::\j"LiiU~M~E~2:;-7.~N:-;-O~.-:;2::8------;;E::-;nt-:.-:er~ed;-:-as~se-co-n-:-d-::C::-la-ss-:-:M:-:at-:-te-r-----G-R-O-S-'::-E-P-O-I-N-T-E-, -M-I-C-H-I-G-A-N-,-J-U-L-Y-I-3-,-1-9-b-' --------7c-P-e-r -CO;Y at the Post Office at Detroit, Mlch,... $4,00Per Yt>ar 20 PAGES - THREE SECTIONS - SECTION' Merchants Beautify Shopping District ]Lallge Cites (If ,hI' IWoods Residents, 'VEI~K i Rifts WitlI As Compiled b)' tbe Grosse Pointe NelliS .~ Officials, C~ureh Councilmen Big Difference of Opiniol3 Thursday, July 6 ,;:,' Argue over lienee As to Matters of Policy A NEW ARMY COUP in Al- geria which could lead to im- and Administration Given m<!diate repercussions in France Construction Halted When Public Safety Committee As Reason is now considered a serious posslblHty by observers in bot!' Indicates It Will Not Permit Adjoining Woods City Administra- France and Algeria, Driveway Entrance tor William Lange sub- Top officers in the French I mitted his resignation to A hassle raged Monday night at the Woods council Army in Algeria have been di- the Woodg council on Mon- meeting between James Lemhagen, attorney for Our vided since the deep Army day, July 10, to become purge ordered by Pre sId e n t Lady Star of the Sea Church, residents living near the effective on September 1, Charles de Gaulle after the church, and the Council itself. Reason for the flare-up I or at the convenience of abortive Algerian rebellion in was the 8-foot fence being constructed along the south the council. early May. They have been des- line of the church property to Morningside and the pro- cribed as "confused, dispirited, posed driveway for. the new girls' high schooL Lange, whu has headed the and sharply divided" over du- In a letter addressed to the'~~---------'--- Woods government since No- ties toward theIr country. Some vember 15, 1954, stated in his approve of de Gaulle's decisions Council read 1IIonday night Rev. Fl,.rlns Sets resignation, that he was quit. while others openly accuse him Ralph V, Barton, pastor of Our , Lady Star of the' Sea, inquired ting because of "a big diffe'r- of having destroyed the spirit ence of opinion as to matters :of of discipline and unity among as to what he should do about Reg£ltt(l completing the fence, which is' B'.g ,-. ~. policy and administration," be- them, tween himself and the city ... ... ... presently completed only to F J 23 council. within 30 feet of Morningside. 0 II THE TEAMSTERS' CONVEN- r ne The church hailed construe-I ,The city administrato~ came TION yesterday rejected all tlon on the fence when it --- to the Woods in 1954, from charges of corruption against president James R. Hoffa and 1earne'd that if there was an IAnnual Fleet Review Will lIIaI')'sville, Mich., where he was all officers involved in Senate 8-foot fcnce all the way to Be Colorful Part of An. city manager from 1951 to the committee investigations in the Morningside the Woods Public' lEt G d time' he resigned to take over past 3Ih years. A resolution Safety Committee would not nua.. ven ; uar s the post in the Woods. He adopted unanimously by the permit a driveway entrance ad- Picking Queen brought with him a wealth of 2100 delegates which lauded jace'nt to this fence. experience. the "integrity, loyalty and de- Permit Was Issued The ninth annual regatta Majored in Power votion" of Hoffa and other Rev. Barton was advised by sponsored jointly by the He is a graduate of l\'1ichigan Grosse Pointe is noted for its fine shopping centers members of the union's high from above McMillan road. Shade trees and flower- the Council that he had the City of G r 0 sse Pointe College of Mining and Tech- command was the basis for the and this is a fine example of the results the busil1ess- ing shrubs have been planted and many of the stores option whether to complete the Farms Boat Club will be nology, from where he' received vote of confidence. fence or not. The' Council, on held on Sunday, June a bachelor of science degree. ... men have obtained in their efforts to make their areas have installed flower beds and potted evergreens and 23, . ,. May 17, authorized the Build- at the Farms Pier, foot of majoring in power. attractive. This is Kercheval-on-the-Hill, looking east gay blooms. FEDERAL FOOD STAMPS ing Department to issue a per- Moross road, He was a member of the which replace money in grocery stores were used for the first mit to erect the fence to the The festivities will start at Army Reserve until he was time yesterday as a part of the W b . I BIT T Morningside sidewalk. How- noon with a Thistle Class sail- called to active duty during government's program to im- e ,er Head,s Teenage BICYC e lU-e ar tVO een,ers ever, the' Council added, if the boat race sponsored by the World War II. He' served with prOVe the diets of those in need. LJ church has decided not to com- Crescent Sail Club. At 1 p.m., the Combat Engineeri;> in the Stamps wel"e issued with bi- School Board Sought by Police Afte"- Held After plcte the fence, that Is its per- the annual fleet review of deco- European Theater from 19402 weekly welfare ass i s tan c e .L ogative. rated boats comprising sail and to 1945. checks to more than 700 fami- -. 0 · · F P ,I- C .r. I In additional action, residents power craft will take -!,I~ce witb He returned to the chemical lies. Onee AglJ,'tn p.erating ill aI.ms, arK on, essions 'of the area, headed b.)' Emmett the lead boat contaInIng the business after the w= and be- This program replaces the dis- _________ R, Paddon, of 1I80 S, Renaud, regatta queen and her court 'came a councilman and mayor- B came to the meeting to investi- ele.eled annuall.y by the Grosse pro-tern of St. Louis. Mich .• tribution of surplus commodi- Elections' Held at Reor. oy Surprise d by Victims on, Treeh Occasions, But Pair Adma Purse Snatch. gate their rights to complete Powte Farms lIfeguards. serving from 1948 to 1949. In ties, ganization Meeting; Mrs. Makes Escape Each Time by Riding Away on His Bike jngs and Other Crimesj the fence if the church elects All entries in the review are 1949, he became the first city ... *. ... G bId W ----.----- not to do it. Paddon was told judged on the basis of origi- manager of Norway, Mich .• in Friday, July 7 oe e an icking Police authorities in the Pointe and surrounding Seek Waiver on Juvenile that if he wanted to complete nality of theme and beauty of the Upper Peninsula, holding RETAIL SALES of Ford cars also Reelected areas have been alerted to be on the lookout for a 14 or the fence (In his own property, ~ecoration, 'J.'he event will be that post to 1951, when he left and trucks in the second quarter 15-year-old boy, who is being sought for questioning in Two teenage boys, ar- the corner lot of Renaud and Judged by a panei of Grosse to take over duties in lIIarys- this year were the highest for Robert F. Weber has been a number of larcenies, including several committed in rested by Detroit police on Morningside, and could hire Poi n t e Officials, businessmen, ville. any quarter in the. past two re-elected president of the the Park and Farm, s. ", . Wednesday, July 4, for in- the church contractor to do the and newspaper and radio ee- urh L t th years, D'IVISlOn. genera 1 saIes Grosse Pointe Board of In three occasions the boy was in his stocking feet, going ves tiga t'IOn af purse snatc h - (Continued on Page 2) lebrities, Woods,"en he' succeededange cameRay0 lIIac-e manager, Matt S, McLaughlin, Education fqr his third con- was surprised by his victims, through Mrs. Jaggers' purse on ing, confessed to a number ------ Will Crown Queen Arthur. the city's first city said that this quarter's sales secutive' one-year term by but in each case he made good the dining, room table. of crimes in the Detroit The Queen will be crowned manager, who quit on Septem. total of 461,7CO units was up the seven member body. his escape by leaping on a bi- Mrs. Steel asked the lad area, including a purse Ne'lvs Official by Farms Councilman William ber 1, 1954, to assume a posi. more than 100,000 over the first Th al cycle and rl'ding all'ay. teh' th t t k I . G KI'rby \I'ho I'S also one of rt thO H 1 r e annu reorganization what he was doing in the house, sna mg a 00 p ace In "tion with the Grosse Point~ qua er IS year. e a so e- The first incident occurred in Pal'Jel' the judges ported that the sale of 53,000 meeting took place at the and the boy answered that he the Park on June 13.
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