Vice-Chancellor Resigns Dr. J. Jefferson Bennett, vice-chan- Sewanee by Mrs. Bennett and Bishop's Common pub and snack cellor of the University of the myself since September, 1971." bar was stopped by turning the South, told the joint faculties Dr. Bennett urged the facul- facilities over to private manage- February 28 of his intention ties: to "Do not allow the momentum, ment. The creation of the Sewanee resign. the vitality, and the worth of this Public Utility District and conse- His decision came after the place and its mission to be either quent-federal grant made possible meeting of the board of regents the weakened or interrupted by this the modernization and expansion previous weekend. He called the particular set of circumstances. Let of the water and sewer system and chairman of the board, Dr. Richard the faculty continue distinguished removed their subsidy from the Doss, C'50, of Houston, requesting teaching with confidence in their university's operating budget. that he convene a special session of work and in the university's future. Faculty compensation includ- the board to allow him to submit I promise the same devotion to my ing retirement and fringe benefits his resignation and take steps to duties during the remainder of my had an average annual increase of effect an orderly transition of tenure here- 1 pray God's wisdom 6.5 per cent, though still behind leadership. request The was accept- and protection for us all." the national inflation rate. The ed the and meeting was scheduled The deans and individual mem- faculties of the college and semi- for March 7 in Atlanta. tBe $€uijfnee neoi$ bers of the faculty rose to express nary have increased from 83 to Dr. Bennett explained his l de- their personal regrets at Dr. Ben- 93 /2 full-time equivalents. A favor- cision to the faculties. "The in- nett's decision and gratitude for his able student-faculty ratio Edith has been Whitesell, Editor evitable frustrations generated by administration. Dr. John M. Gessell, maintained, and admissions in the 'An Bratton, A'47, C'51, Alumni Editor three successive years of operating * Link, Art Director professor of Christian ethics in the two units have been at capacity deficits have helped me decide that School of Theology, pointed out without lessening of quality, ob- "ARCH a new person wrestling 1977 with the that the university is greatly in servers agree. A long-range plan for '°L- 43, No. 1 same problems would help bring Dr. Bennett's debt for his "sensible dormitory renovation has been put those problems into proper focus." Publish, and heroic measures to guard into effect. d quarterly by the Office of Infoi "Nevertheless," Dr. Bennett nnation Services for the against financial disaster." Dr. Ges- A long-standing debt on All 'NIVERSITY continued, "during the course of OF THE SOUTH sell said, "You have created a cli- Saints' Chapel was eliminated and EMng the recently SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY, adjourned regents' mate in which the faculty became the building consecrated. U LLEGE ; OF ARTS AND SCIENCES, meeting a balanced operating budg- *WANEE more articulate and critical. Let me The number of alumni giving ACADEMY et was submitted and approved convey my thanks, admiration and to the university has increased by 1 subject to our * distribution making further assent to the call to press 23 per cent this year. j 24,000 forward w°nd-class adjustments in expenditures postage paid at to on the real strength of this univer- Dr. Bennett has personally been "anee, Tennessee provide 37375 some increase in faculty sity." responsible for the securing of salaries beyond that submitted. It Achievements during the Ben- many major gifts and has given his also anticipates our submitting the nett administration have included energies to the )N development needs THECOVER- hospital operating budget following a rise in unrestricted gift income of the university to a degree un- [ltn ost all the University buildings a professional analysis of staffing from $533,000 in 1971-72 to more usual among college presidents. '* heated by natural gas, and patterns there. than a million dollars in 1975-76, " ri the V current shortage the "I can offer my resignation almost double. Capital debt on My was cut back sharply. Many with the conviction that the uni- buildings constructed before 1971 1 schools and businesses were versity corporation is headed for was reduced and the student union, bec l, and the University page was per- fiscal stability next year and is the Bishop's Common, was re- Continued on next ted to stay open only as long as operating with much better fiscal designed and completed into what c°uld function at temperatures data and control this year," he said. has been called one of the most e 'y / above maintenance (55°). "I pledge my every possible useful such buildings on any college e rvone got out woollies and assistance in providing continuity campus. n t* like Sallie Lynn in the administration of our aca- J* Roper, Exposure to severe financial in • cold edges of dormitories demic, financial, and community losses from the university's opera- n i sub-zero programs, and I express weather, stuck it my grati- tion of the Sewanee Inn and the tude for the privilege of service to THE SEWANEE NEWS Delbridge Studio Henry Hutson HUTSON LEAVES ACADEMY FOR CHRIST SCHOOL Dr. Bennett said he Henry Hutson, C'50, headmas- planned t ter of the Sewanee Academy, has move immediately toward th accepted a call to be headmaster of creation of a committee of advic Christ School at Arden, North Caro- to seek out and recruit Mr. Hutson' lina, where he served for eight years successor. as teacher of Spanish and assistant . Henry Critchfield Hutson wa headmaster before coming to ad- bom in Charleston, South Carolin minister the Sewanee school in in 1928 and was educated at Chris Science students jumped at the 1971. School, The Citadel, and the Uni Here Union Carbide personnel make extra learning. Dr. J. Jefferson Bennett, Vice- versity of the South, from which h of Earlene Siebold, C'79, use of the youthful eyes with a the robot's Chancellor and President of the was graduated major in reading blueprints while they adjust high TV cameras. University of the South Corpora- Spanish. Between school w tion, of which the Sewanee Acad- college he enlisted in the Marin emy is a unit, said, "I am grateful Corps and served a year and a hall for Henry Hutson 's career here and He held an NDEA summe All's Well after Radiation Leak our association since my coming fellowship in Spanish at Furma in September, 1971, shortly after University and later took thre his arrival in June of that year. Dur- semesters in law at the Universit; interrupted 1 Early in November an excessive Richard Smith, in charge of the ing this time among other great of South Carolina, level of radiation was detected in Oak Ridge team, said the futuristic- contributions he led the transition war service in the Marine Cod the radioisotopes laboratory during looking robot is usually used in from a military to a civilian pro- 1953-56, from whose reserve h a routine six-months inspection by handling radioactive materials inside gram in private secondary educa- recently retired with the rank o Dr. David Camp, professor of chem- the Oak Ridge plant and this was tion—a decision in which he had major. He has the degree of maste istry, and a student, Donald Weber. only the second time it had gone on no part but to which he rose mag- of education in school administo The area was immediately closed an outside call. He said the radiation nificently. With his leadership, too, tion from Western Carolina Univei off and the Tennessee Department in the Sewanee lab was "nickel and we began accepting female board- sity. of Public Health notified. A team of dime stuff" compared to what the ing students.—He and his family He was named to the board o experts from the Union Carbide robot handles in the plant, but that will be sorely missed at Sewanee." directors of Christ School in 1975 plant at Oak Ridge, under the di- it was good practice for the crew. He served as president of the S( rection of the Energy Research and wanee Club of Charleston whej Development Administration, it won the Dobbins Trophy, am brought their large mobile unit, and as Commodore of the Caroliri using a robot and closed-circuit tele- Yacht Club. As an underg vision, pinpointed the problem and Vice-Chancellor Resigns he was president of Alpha Ta removed the offending material. Omega fraternity and was on th A capsule of the radioisotope committee of the On (Continued from page 1) executive Cesium 137 had come loose from its of Gownsmen. He is married t attachment inside a sealed contain- the former Harriet Loundes Rhej er, fallen into the specimen cham- Maybank, niece of the late UJ ber, and, unrecognized, been put on He came to Sewanee from the J.D. from the University of Ala- Senator, and they have twochj top of the container. No one, of post of executive director of the bama. He has honorary doctorates dren, one of them, Mary course, had ever seen the contents Health Education Authority of from the University of Alabama a sophomore at the Academy of the container. Since the Univer- Louisiana. Prior to that he was and the General Theological Sem- Mrs. Hutson has been not^ sity was one of the first colleges to assistant administrator for legis- inary.
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