GEMATRIA - DATABASE ! Bavarian Illuminati Est. May 1st, 1776} 5/01/1776 ! Scottish Rite Est. May 31, 1801 } 5/31/1801 Knights Templar ARRESTED on Oct. 13, 1307 } 10/12/1307 ! Knights Templar FOUNDED in Jerusalem, Israel: 1119 ! Skull & Bones 322 FOUNDED in 1832 at Yale University) (Russell Trust Association - Parent Organization) 322 references 322 BC ! Vatican City Est. February 11, 1929 (109 acres) ! One legend is that the numbers in the society's emblem ("322") represent "founded in '32, 2nd corps", referring to a first Corps in an unknown German university.[22][23] ! Convocation founded in 1539 (3rd Papal Bull) Jesuits founded in 1541 Copernicus of 1543 (Ball Earth) The Council of Trent founded in 1545 ! (Christopher Columbus) America discovered in 1492 (2 Papal Bulls) 1912 = Titanic sank 1913 = Federal Reserve Established 1914 = First World War 1917 = Bolshevik Communist Invasion ! Jewish Bolshevism, also known as Judeo-Bolshevism, is an antisemitic and anti-communist canard [citation needed] which alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks. Similarly, the Jewish Communism theory implies that Jews have been dominating the Communist movements in the world. It is similar to the ZOG conspiracy theory, which asserts that Jews control world politics. The expressions have been used as a catchword for the assertion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy. ! Hexagram = Star of David ! Pythagoras the Samian or Pythagoras of Samos (570-495 BC) was a mathematician, Ionian Greek philosopher, and founder of a pious secret sect Pythagoras in Greek: Πυθαγόρας Πυθαγόρας } pi, upsilon, theta, alpha, gamma, omicron, rho, & sigma Pi=16/7 Upsilon=20/2 Theta=8 Alpha=1 Gamma=3 Omicron=15/6 Rho=17/8 Sigma=18/9 1+6+2+0+8+1+3+1+5+1+7+1+8=44/8 ! Indian System views #s 1, 10, 19, & 28 (all Reducing to 1) as being ruled by the Sun Psychics in Ancient Greek means Nature ! Kabbalah (not actually a part of the Jewish Scriptures) means "the progress of receiving" (Hebrew translation) came to fruition in France & then into Spain between the 11-13th Centuries An imperative text of the Torah (Jewish/Hebrew Bible/ Judaism: Written Law) is Zohar "What the Kabbalah reveals clearly is that there was a profound belief in the numerological aspects...words and numbers worked together to associate different concepts, and to suggest ages and dates on whchc particular events would occur" (191). ~ "Mysteries and Secrets of Numerology" by Lionel & Patricia Fanthorpe) ! Gnosticism in Greek means "Knowledge" Gnostic's believe that the material world is not a pleasant or happy place; so, they wish to leave via what they refer to as Gnosis (knowledge of spiritual mysteries.); further, that the physical world was not directly created by the entirety spiritual God, but what they refer to as the "Demiurge," which are regarded as evil. additionally, the Demiurge is also referred to as Ahriman (Avestan Angra Mainyu: “Destructive Spirit”), the evil destructive spirit in the dualistic doctrine of Zoroastrianism: one of the world's oldest monotheistic religions, and founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago. expand all), Satan, or Samael (an important archangel in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is an accuser, seducer, and destroyer, and has been regarded as both good & evil). ! Hydrogen: Hydra (most common element)} Serpent Carbon: Cabra, cabrá and cabrà (in Spanish)} Goat Nitrogen: Land ! 0 is the Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the highest) as there is no beginning and no end. All is infinite. The ancients proclaimed that the ‘God force’ is a circle whose centre is everywhere and its circumference is nowhere. 0 is the number of Pluto; ruler Scorpio. The 0 stands for all that was before Creation, for the God Power in all of us. 0 symbolizes Eternity – the God Source before Manifestation, which is pure Spirit. In Numerology the 0 is important as it stands for Potential and/or Choice. It represents everything, being Infinity - the two definite ends of the finite, neither of which is physically attainable. It is the totally Mystical Symbol, indicating the degree of Spiritual mysticism that is available, but rarely developed in the individual. It represents wholeness, oneness and continuing cycles. It is the Alpha and Omega. The number ZERO resonates with the vibrations and energies of eternity, infinity, oneness, wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. The number 0 stands for potential and/ or choice, and when this number presents and recurs it is a message to do with developing one’s spiritual aspects as ZERO is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail. It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers. ! ZERO / 0 = Everything and absoluteness: All (most powerful of ALL numbers or in Numerology) ! ZERO is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. The number ZERO encompasses the attributes of all other numbers, and brings one closer to the ‘God force’ or ‘Source’. ZERO is the symbol of ‘nothingness’ and denotes freedom from limitations in this material world. 0 is a Fibonacci Number ! 1 in Numerology is the number of Creation; and represents the masculine, focused, an originator and self-starter; it is also progressive, strong-willed, courageous, self-reliant and rebellious (in a constructive way) One sums to 34 in Simple Gematria One sums to 16 in Pythagorean Gematria One sums to 95 in Jewish Gematria One sums to 139 in Satanic Gematria One sums to 115 in English Gematria One sums to 204 in Sumerian Gematria One sums to 47 in Reverse Ordinal Gematria One sums to 60 in Francis Bacon Gematria 1 in Numerology represents Initiator action, pioneering, leading, independent, attaining, individualistic 1 in Numerology represents Individuality, & also indicate Aggression & Assertuveness 1 is a Fibonacci Number Two in Simple Gematria sums to 58 like Freemasonry & The Seal of Saturn in Pythagorean Gematria Two sums to 13 in Pythagorean Gematria 2 in Numerology is means Loyal, Tactful, Diplomatic, & Cooperative 2 in Numerology it is the most feminine number and means Resilient, Lasting, Sensual, graceful, and Loyal as well as Tactful, Diplomatic, Sensitive, & Cooperative 2 in Numerology represents Balance, Unity, Repetitiveness, & Understanding 2 is a Fibonacci Number ! ! 3 is the first sacred number; it is a perfect number representing the Pagan Trinity: the Triangle, the Pyramid and Spiritually in Satanic Freemasonry 3 in Numerology represents Expression, verbalization, socialization, the arts, the joy of living 3 in Numerology represents Fairness, Objectivity, & Good Judgement 3 is a Fibonacci Number 3 is Prime # & a Fibonacci # 3 represents all kinds of Plurality for Ancient Egyptian Numerologists Christians have the Holy Trinity Horus, Isis, & Osiris are one of many Trinity of Egyptian gods/deities Ra (God of the Sun/The Sun God of Egypt) is represented in 3 ways: dawn, mid-day, & sunset Atum's (God of creation) companion with Shu (Egyptian for "emptiness" and "he who rises up") & Tefnut (Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, & Water); Shu & Tefnut are Siblings Norse Mythology has 3 Giants: Fire Giants, Frost Giants, & Mountain Giants Norse Mythology has 3 Norns (female beings who rule the destiny of gods and men) Odin (Ruler of the Gods in Norse Mythology) suffered 3 things on Yggdrasil (Tree of Life) Loki ("Cruel Striker" & God of Mischief, Chaos, & Evil in Norse Mythology) & son of Fárbauti (a Giant) produced 3 Progeny: 1.Fenrir (a wolf), 2.Jormungandr (a Midgard Serpent), & 3.Hel (an entity presiding over the Kingdom of Helheim: Old Norse Hel: “Hidden”) 3 Gifts were asked in return for building the walls of Asgard: the Moon, the Sun, & the Goddess Freyja ("Lady") as a bride [Goddess Freyja is associated with Love, Sex, Beauty, Fertility, Gold, Seiðr (was a type of sorcery), War, & Death Seiðr: anglicized as seidhr, seidh, seidr, seithr, seith, or seid) 3 Treasures of Goddess Freyja: priceless necklace, Brisingamen (her Chariot drawn by two Great Cats), & Magic Cloak (to fly) Universe consists of 3 parts: Time, Matter, & Space Time, Matter, & Space can be perceived as having 3 components; e.g., Time is seen as Past, Present, & Future Matter as seen in 3 forms: Vapor, Fluid, & Solid Space as seen in volume: 3 Dimensions} Length, Width, & Height, which are all at right-angles to one another ! 4 in Numerology is means Fate YHVH (Yod, He, Vav, He) are the Four Letters representative of the Tetragrammatron signifying Jehovah (Hebrew name for God) The Four Letters of the name YHVH “are allotted any fourfold mystical classification, and by means of their correspondence, we can trace all manners of relationships, and these are very important in practical occultism” (58) ~ Dion Fortune: The Mystical Qabalah Four sums to 336 like God of Buddha, Dod Bribes B Obama, Obama Calls Death, Trick Mankind, King's Son, Suicidal, Agent Orange, Doom and Gloom, Gambling Addiction, Hit List, Infinite Death, I Am Not Real, Right Brain, Roman Road, Daniel Chapter 7, The God Slob, Do Not Fear, The Right Idea, Athletics, Satanic Dogma, Realtor, Appleton, Apple Tree, Mac Book Pro, The Gang Bigot, Satan's Dead, Micro-Macro, Integers, 5 Til Midnight, Occur, He Has Risen, Obsessed, Realm of Light, Repeater, & Black Cubes in Jewish
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