The Jersey Broadcaster NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW JERSEY ANTIQUE RADIO CLUB September 2014 Volume 20 Issue 9 MEETING/ MEETING NOTICE ACTIVITY NOTES The next NJARC meeting will take place on Friday, September 12th at 7:30 PM at InfoAge. Directions may be found at the club’s website (http://njarc.org). This month, the club will be treated to a presentation from member John Dilks, K2TQN, which he has titled “Old Transmissions and Voices from the Past.” Reported by This talk was the highlight of the ARRL National Centennial Convention in Marv Beeferman Hartford and the AWA Convention in Rochester. (More on John’s talk below.) We’ll also be auctioning off some more of Dave Sica’s “book haul” (see page 4 The ON-LINE Broadcaster of this month’s Broadcaster.) The New Jersey Broadcaster is now on -line. To date, over 120 of your fellow NJARC members have subscribed, have “cherry picked” their auction wins! waukee. Bob’s museum contains over saving the club and your editor a sig- We are not meeting at the Englishtown 1,000 microphones plus desk and floor nificant amount of money and work. Flea Market. The NJARC is so fortunate stands, microphone enclosures, transform- Interested? Send your e-mail address to have Professor Michael Littman as a ers, preamplifiers and test equipment. to [email protected]. Be sure member, enabling us to meet at prestig- Included are three displays to show the to include your full name. ious Princeton University. We need to service and re-building process of the ear- always make ourselves welcome by re- ly carbon and condenser microphones specting the rules of the facility by re- along with the special apparatus used. I have to apologize for the somewhat moving all and anything NJARC related Below is a sampling of a few of Dave’s degraded quality of the printed version of following our meetings. photos; more can be found by searching the August and the September Broadcast- the “Bob Paquette Microphone Museum” er. I have recently moved its preparation Just as an aside, we don’t appear to be on the web. to the 2010 version of Microsoft Publish- the only club having the problem that er. When I brought the copy to Staples Richard has described. In the Fall 2014 for printing, some strange quirk in their issue of The Michigan Antique Radio program version did not duplicate what I Chronicle, MARC president John Rein- saw on my screen and the line spacing icke noted the following: resulted in the loss of a few lines of text. I had to have them print out the Abobe pdf “At the donation auction, there were version which is not as clear and crisp as several abandoned items at the end that the original Publisher version. included everything from ratty, disinte- A few people have told me they have grating wooden cabinets to cardboard encountered the same problem, but to this boxes. There was even a working old date I still have not come up with a fix computer monitor. There were items other than considering returning to the where the tubes had been harvested and 2007 version of Publisher. If any of you the hulk left.” computer wizards out there have any sug- “My rant comes from the fact we have gestions, I would greatly appreciate them. to pick up and dispose of these items and Unfortunately, I was asked to start this after a nice meal at the close of the event column with the following note from our the last thing we want to do is pick up president, Richard Lee: after someone. This junk can be hard to get rid of and is hazardous waste in a lot Dear Members (especially those members of locations.” who attended our August meeting at Bow- “So the bottom line - Take responsi- en Hall): I was very disappointed to find bility for your stuff and take it with you.” how some members have gone back to the bad habit of leaving the meeting hall lit- Thanks to member Dave Sica for his tered with refuse. I don’t mind bringing screening of the “world premier” of the the refreshments to the meeting and set- video footage he took of Princess Elettra As a “televisionphile” and collector, ting up...I don’t mind dragging in radios, Marconi’s visit to InfoAge and the this vintage camera was right up TV parts and books for auctions...BUT I NJARC Radio Technology Museum and Dave’s alley. Displays such as this and do mind dragging out auction and “free for taking us on a virtual tour of Bob early radio and wireless make the mu- table” items left behind after members Paquette’s Microphone Museum in Mil- seum that much more interesting. September 2014 Volume 20 Issue 9 Page 2 investigation to determine what they are THE JERSEY BROADCASTER is and what value can be placed on them. the newsletter of the New Jersey Antique There is quite a bit of good telegraph and Radio Club (NJARC) which is dedicated to teletype items. Some items need repair preserving the history and enhancing the and/or restoration, others need consolida- knowledge of radio and related dis- ciplines. Dues are $25 per year and meetings tion (cabinets without innards, units of are held the second Friday of each month at complete radio sets that should be put to- InfoAge or Princeton University. gether, etc.). There are a few duplicate The Editor or NJARC is not liable for any items, but clearly the total value of the other use of the contents of this publication. collection well exceeds our investment! PRESIDENT: Ray also reports that he has found Richard Lee some time to investigate and inventory the (914)-589-3751 truckload of items donated by former VICE PRESIDENT: NJARC president Jim Whartenby in July. Sal Brisindi Of the 30 items, mostly military, there was (732)-308–1748 “some great stuff for the EW guys.” In- cluded was a complete AN/URC-7 Radio- SECRETARY/NEWSLETTER EDITOR: Marv Beeferman telephone, an R-54/APR-4 Countermeas- (609)-693-9430 ures Receiver, an IP-41/ARR-27 Radar Scope Indicator and a Collins 374A-3 X- TREASURER: band Radar Receiver/Transmitter for com- Harry Klancer (732)-238-1083 mercial aircraft. The antique radio community is SERGEANT-AT-ARMS (WEST): mourning the passing of Brother Patrick Darren Hoffman Dowd, W2GK, who became a silent key (732)-928-0594 on August 8th. Most of us are familiar SERGEANT-AT-ARMS (EAST): with Brother Pat’s tube collection on per- Rotating manent display in the science and engi- neering building at the Manhattan College TRUSTEES: Ray Chase (908)-757-9741 in Bronx, NY. Phil Vourtsis (732)-446-2427 The collection is one of the most exten- Walt Heskes (732)-205-9143 sive, in both quantity and variety. Starting with a few dozen tubes displayed at the TECHNICAL COORDINATOR: Al Klase Paramus, NJ Catholic Boy’s High School (908)-892-5465 These “machine gun” mikes are in 1976, science teacher Dowd obtained permission from Manhattan College to use TUBE PROGRAM CHAIRMAN: similar to the one in the RTM. Al Klase the walls of the college’s engineering li- [email protected] Don’t miss the presentation at our brary to mount display panels of tubes of September meeting, Old Transmissions historical and technical interest. The en- SCHEMATIC PROGRAM: and Voices from the Past, by member tire collection, that has grown to over Aaron Hunter (609)-267-3065 John Dilks. As John describes it: 4,000 tubes, is now on permanent display in 78 wall panels. CAPACITOR PROGRAM: “You will hear early Ship-to-Shore and The chronological range of the collec- Matt Reynolds Ship-to-Ship 500kc CW transmissions, tion extends from an experimental tube (567)-204-3850 and what some of the early ham and ra- made by Lee DeForest shortly before he RESISTOR PROGRAM: dio pioneer voices sounded like, includ- patented his audion in 1907 to the last Walt Heskes ing the voices of Marconi, Jack Binns, miniature “nuvistor” tube made at RCA’s (732)-205-9143 Irving Vermilia, DeForest, Gernsback, Harrison plant before it closed in 1976, as WEB COORDINATOR: Armstrong, Reinartz, Leon Deloy- well as more recent examples. Dave Sica French 8AB, Elmo Pickerill, Art Cillins, (732)-382-0618 General Griswold and CD Tuska speak- Upcoming Events http://www.njarc.org ing about starting QST magazine.” MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: “You will also hear an actual SOS Sept. 13 - Repair Clinic Marsha Simkin received by David Ring, N1EA, who Sept. 19-20 - Kutztown radio swapmeet 33 Lakeland Drive was the operator on the Williamsburgh Oct. 10 - Monthly meeting at Princeton’s Barnegat, N.J. 08005 who answered the SOS from the passen- Bowen Hall; Marv Beeferman talks about (609)-660-8160 ger ship Prinsendam in 1980.” “Capacitors and More” Nov. 14 - Monthly meeting at InfoAge; Al Member Ray Chase reports that he Klase talks about the history of short wave has completed his inventory of the Hugo Nov. 22 - Fall swapmeet in Parsippany Picciani collection totaling 268 items. Dec. 13 - Holiday Party at the Freehold His analysis is that there are a lot of me- Elks ters and old lab items that can be sorted out and sold off. Other items need more August 2014 Volume 20 Issue 9 Page 3 we would offload it. Well things did not ANOTHER work out as planned. BUILDING 9115 RADAR SAGA As soon as John got back to his home MOVED TO THE in Egg Harbor, his wagon was needed for INFOAGE CAMPUS By urgent family service so his son unloaded the receiver at John’s place.
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