Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Dec. 14 2487 human dignity, the rule of law, a society that NOTE: The President spoke at 2:15 p.m. at the teaches tolerance, values education, and now, Zahrat Al Madian. In his remarks, he referred to at last, has the chance to unleash the creative Chairman Arafat's wife, Shua. The transcript power of its people against the destructive made available by the Office of Press Secretary pull of hopelessness and poverty. also included the remarks of Chairman Arafat. I think of you at this hopeful moment as a family reuniting after too many years of dislocation and despair; a community of be- Remarks to the Palestine National lievers helping to build a Middle East in Council and Other Palestinian which people of all faiths can live in security Organizations in Gaza City and peace; a people known through the December 14, 1998 world, like the olive tree, for your attachment to this land and now to peace; a society that Thank you. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Za'anoun, demands of yourselves what you rightly de- Chairman Arafat, Mrs. Arafat, members of mand of others. the Palestinian National Council, the Pal- The way ahead may be hard and uncertain, estinian Central Council, the Palestinian Ex- but the way you have left behind is full of ecutive Committee, Palestinian Council self-defeating violence and soul-withering Heads of ministries, leaders of business and hate. So we have no choice but the way religion; to all members of the Palestinian ahead. community, and to my fellow Americans who Tomorrow my family and I, along with come here from many walks of lifeÐArab- Chairman and Mrs. Arafat, will have a chance American, Jewish-AmericanÐthis is a re- to visit Bethlehem, to light the Christmas markable day. Today the eyes of the world tree at the beginning of this season which are on you. is so important for those of us who are Chris- I am profoundly honored to be the first tians. The next time people celebrate Christ- American President to address the Palestin- mas in Bethlehem we will be on the edge ian people in a city governed by Palestinians. of a new millennium, marking 2000 years I have listened carefully to all that has since the birth of the Christ child, who be- been said. I have watched carefully the reac- came known to Christians as the Prince of tions of all of you to what has been said. I Peace, who happened to be a Jew, who hap- know that the Palestinian people stand at a pens to be recognized by Islam. crossroads: behind you a history of disposses- Now, if all that can be true, surely we can sion and dispersal, before you the oppor- figure out how to solve these problems and tunity to shape a new Palestinian future on go into the future. your own land. I close with these words of the poet, Hafez I know the way is often difficult and frus- Ibrahim: trating, but you have come to this point People of a hopeful future, we are in through a commitment to peace and negotia- need of leadership which builds and tions. You reaffirmed that commitment people who construct. today. I believe it is the only way to fulfill the aspirations of your people, and I am pro- People of a hopeful future, we are in foundly grateful to have had the opportunity need of wisdom that counsels and a to work with Chairman Arafat for the cause hand that liberates. of peace, to come here as a friend of peace People of a hopeful future, we need you; and a friend of your future, and to witness fill the void, get to work. you raising your hands, standing up tall, People of a hopeful future, do not let standing up not only against what you believe tomorrow pass like yesterday, in dusty is wrong but for what you believe is right existence. in the future. I was sitting here thinking that this mo- People of a hopeful future, your country ment would have been inconceivable a dec- implores you to think. God willing, we ade ago: no Palestinian Authority; no elec- will think and feel and act as one. tions in Gaza and the West Bank; no relations Thank you. And thank you again. between the United States and Palestinians; VerDate 21-DEC-98 09:38 Dec 23, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P51DE4.015 TXED02 PsN: TXED02 2488 Dec. 14 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 no Israeli troop redeployments from the are scarce, prospects are uncertain, and per- West Bank and Gaza; no Palestinians in sonal grief is great. I know that tremendous charge in Gaza, Ramallah, Bethlehem, He- pain remains as a result of losses suffered bron, Tulkarem, Jenin, Nablus, Jericho, and from violence, the separation of families, the so many other places; there was no Gaza restrictions on the movement of people and International Airport. goods. I understand your concerns about set- Today I had the privilege of cutting the tlement activity, land confiscation, and home ribbon on the international airport. Hillary demolitions. I understand your concerns and and I, along with Chairman and Mrs. Arafat, theirs about unilateral statements that could celebrated a place that will become a magnet prejudge the outcome of final status negotia- for planes from throughout the Middle East tions. I understand, in short, that there's still and beyond, bringing you a future in which a good deal of misunderstanding 5 years after Palestinians can travel directly to the far cor- the beginning of this remarkable process. ners of the world; a future in which it is easier It takes time to change things and still and cheaper to bring materials, technology, more time for change to benefit everyone. and expertise in and out of Gaza; a future It takes determination and courage to make in which tourists and traders can flock here, peace and sometimes even more to persevere to this beautiful place on the Mediterranean; for peace. But slowly but surely, the peace a future, in short, in which the Palestinian agreements are turning into concrete people are connected to the world. progress: the transfer of territories, the Gaza I am told that just a few months ago, at industrial estate, and the airport. These a time of profound pessimism in the peace changes will make a difference in many Pal- process, your largest exporter of fruit and estinian lives. flowers was prepared to plow under a field I thank youÐI thank you, Mr. Chairman, of roses, convinced the airport would never for your leadership for peace and your perse- open. But Israelis and Palestinians came to verance, for enduring all the criticism from agreement at Wye River, the airport has all sides, for being willing to change course, opened, and now I am told that company and for being strong enough to stay with what plans to export roses and carnations to Eu- is right. You have done a remarkable thing rope and throughout the Gulf, a true flower- for your people. ing of Palestinian promise. America is determined to do what we can I come here today to talk about that prom- to bring tangible benefits of peace. I am ise, to ask you to rededicate yourselves to proud that the roads we traveled on to get it, to ask you to think for a moment about here were paved, in part, with our assistance, how we can get beyond the present state of as were hundreds of miles of roads that knit things where every step forward is like, as together towns and villages throughout the we say in America, pulling teeth. Where West Bank and Gaza. there is still, in spite of the agreement at Two weeks ago, in Washington, we joined WyeÐachieved because we don't need much with other nations to pledge hundreds of mil- sleep, and we worked so hard, and Mr. lions of dollars toward your development, in- Netanyahu worked with us, and we made this cluding health care and clean water, edu- agreement. But I want to talk to you about cation for your children, rule of law projects how we can get beyond this moment, where that nurture democracy. Today I am pleased there is still so much mistrust and misunder- to announce we will also fund the training standing and quite a few missteps. of Palestinian health care providers and air- You did a good thing today in raising your port administrators, increase our support to hands. You know why? It has nothing to do Palestinian refugees. And next year I will ask with the government in Israel. You will touch the Congress for another several hundred the people of Israel. million dollars to support the development I want the people of Israel to know that of the Palestinian people. for many Palestinians, 5 years after Oslo, the But make no mistake about it, all this was benefits of this process remain remote, that made possible because of what you did, be- for too many Palestinians lives are hard, jobs cause 5 years ago you made a choice for VerDate 21-DEC-98 09:38 Dec 23, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P51DE4.015 TXED02 PsN: TXED02 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1998 / Dec. 14 2489 peace, and because through all the tough aspire to live free today, tomorrow, and for- times since, when in your own mind you had ever.
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