\:r- 99 r Keep Step in me ^*Mdrch of Dimes Assraga Daily Circulation The Weather ghraeaat si D. & Wsathsr Borsaa Par tha Maath at Oaeaashar. U 6I OccasInasI light rala along eooth 7,858 shore will and this evening; colder tonight. M a n i m r at tha Aadlt Baraaa at draolatioaa Manchester— A City of ViXtage Charm ^ (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (CIsmUM Advertiang am Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1943 VOL. LXII„ NO. 99 Wrecked Nazi Transport Planes Near Stalingrad Adopts Resolution British Forces Take Favoring Passage Coastal Town; Small Of Pay-Go Taxes Senate Measure Intro* j AlloW 60 Miles to T unisia duced Under Suspen-I Press Relentlessly West- sion of Rules; Second! Ten Cans French Firing Nazi Press Resolution Would ward in Pursuit o f Seek Change in For Each Rommel to Take Zauia On Nazi Army Still Warns —LeClerc’s Fighting Deferment Decisions. Probable Limit Adopted \ About Peril French Join British In Marseille state Capitol, Hartford, On Canned Goods to Allies at Tripoli Aft- Jan. 26.— (/P)— Without de- bate, the Senate adopted a Discourage Hoarding; Vichy Authorities* Pro- Says War Has Taken er 1,500 Mile Drive resolution today memorializ- Date Yet to Be Set. Dangerous Turn and From Lake (Jiad Area. ing Congress to enact a “pay claim State of Siege as you go” tax law. The meas- Conflict Demands Rad- Washington, Jan. 26— (flO—If As Residents Fortify London, Jan. 26.— (A^)— ure was introduced jointly ical Change in Life. your supply of canned goods does Homes in Port Area. ressing relentlessly west- under suspension of the rules not exceed ten cans for each mem- Thciw wrecked German transport planes, with some of their freight scattered about near Stalin- ward from Tripoli in pursuit by Senators John L. Sullivan Stockholm, Jan. 26—(fP)—The ber of your family you probably p^rad, bear testimony to the determination of Rus ilan defenders o f the city who finally thrust back London, Jan. 26. — <JP) — Vichy of Marshal Rommel’s forces, (D ) of New Britain and C. Ray- German press continues to warn will not to deprived of any cou- the enemy and trapped an estimated 22 divisions. The Germans attempted to fly supplies to the authorities have proclaimed a state the British Eighth Army has mond Brock (R ) o f Hamden, its people that the war has taken chairman of the finance commit- pons when rationing of canned trapped troops. (Radiophoto from Moscow to New York.) of siege in Marseille, the Vichy occupied the small coastal a dangerous turn and that the con- tee. foods starts about March I. radio reported today, after dis- town of Zauia about 30 miles . Would Annelid Draft Bole* This probable limit—it may be patches from Switzerland told of flict now demands a radical trimmed down to eight or nine a west of Tripoli. Britifilt Although tbe limit for the In- angry Frenchmen fortifying their change in private life, according to person—has been adopted tenta- spokesmen emphasized that troduction of new buainesa ex- homes in the old port district of the dispatches today In Swedish news- tively by tbe Office of Price Ad- Russian Armies Pushing Battle city and firing on German soldiers papers. tl.e official communique placed pired last week, SulUvan alao got ministration, i t ' was learned to- the advanced elements of Qeo. the Senate’* permlsalon to intro- ordered to evacuate the district. Dispatches to The Dagens Ny- day, to discourage boarding. 'ITie German news agency DNB heter quoted Adolf Hitler’s own Sir Bernard L. Montgomery’s pur- duce a eeoond resolution aaktng May Prove Controversial suing army still over 60 inilas Congresa to consider the advisa- said in dispatches to Madrid and paper, the Voelkischer Beobachter It may prove to be one of the Lines Ever Nearer to Rostov Lisbon that 40,000 persons had been as admonishing the Germans that from the 'Dinisian frontier. bility of amending the selective Dlspactaes from Cairo said part service act so that occupaUonal moat controversial phaaes of the arrested in the city. The Vichy the people of Britain, of Russia program, however, because In of Rommel's forces etill were deferments could to given to reg- radio, which placed the number of and of the United SUtes "did -o t some re^ons, particularly isolated arrested at 6.000, was making an lose courage after suffering great straggling through Zuara, 65 iatrants only by local boards with- Also Going Deeper into obvious effort to minimize difficul- miles west of Tripoli, yesterday, in whose Jurisdiction the regis- areas, it ia the practice to stock States’ Laxity blows but worked harder than up for long intervals. Signs Grow ties in the old and' historical city ever. We see the results on tbe and that a ship in the bartaOT' trants ars employed. Ukraine; Spurred on which was attempting'to take off :.| C^ns containing less than eight of Marseille,' second largest In battlefields now.” Sullivan explained to newspa- ounces will not be counted, al- ! France. Axis troops wras struck by a By Praise of Stalin Behind Grabs Easing Way for Speech permen that at present a r e ^ - though both size and contents Flynn Vote Asserts Marseille Calm (In London thia almost inces- bomb. trant can to given such deferment will count on rationed purchases. In Order of Day. Shortly after reporting the state sant propaganda of gloom and de- Fighting French Reach Tripoli by his home draft board. In of siege proclamation, the radio The Fighting French ot Bi^. Application of penalties for ex- spondency, combining frank news many cases, be contended, a home cess supplies will to one of the To Be Close To Get Power asserted that Marseille was calm Gen. Jacques LeClerc announced'; Loncion, Jan. 26.— of the gravity of the eastern cam- draft boajj^ la in no position to big tasks of the 1,500,000 school and the evacuation of the old port paign with a plea for courage, in a triumphant communique that gauge t h # Importance of the de- teachers and other volunteers who Russia’s Armies pushed their district had taken place without was seen by many as an attempt they bad reached Tripoli to Join . fense work that a registrant may will reglater the public for food Increasing Democratic battle lines ever closer to North* Carolina Head difficulty. Earlier it had reported their British Allies after a 1,50(>. to doing elsewhere. that anyone disobeying an order mile drive over the desert from ' Rostov and deeper into the (Continaed on Page Three) Under his proposal, Sullivan (Continued on Page Eight) Opposition in Senate Places Blame for Ex- or attempting to shoot w-ould to the Lake Chad region of Equa^ said, if a man resides In Hartford Ukraine today, spurred at Sentenced to death. torial Africa. Reported; Doubt Is pansion of Encroach- A Reuters dispatch from Zurich but works In New Britain, he once by the praise of Premier Bad weather restricted activity could obtain an occupational de- Joseph Stalin and his rally- ment Upon Domain. said the Germans had brought up on the Timislan front, ooth on the C^st on Outcome Now, artillery to shell revolting French- 3,000 Killed ground and In the air. The allied ferment only from the New Brit- Orders Probe ing, cry that the invading ain draft board rather than from men Into submission If necessary headquarters .oommunique report- Washington, Jan. 26—(fi>)— Baltimore, Jan. 26—(ff)— The and that house-to-house fighting ed briefly that "our forces con. his home board in Hartford. Germans be thrown entirely The second SulUvan resolution Signs multiplied today of increas- out of Soviet Russia. For the first Council of State Governments to- was In progress. During Final tinued to opeiate towai'd the north Loafers Hurt German occupation authorities waa referred to the committee on ing Democratic opposition in the time in the Russians' offensive day prepared to apeak Its piece in the Ousaeltia valley," Indicat- they hinted at Soviet activity had ordered evacuation and razing ing that the Allies were nudntate- federal relations. Senate to President Roo.sevelt’s on manpower and defense and of the district, apparently as a The two measures were offered close to Rostov, although the mid- Allied Action ing pressure In thia region where War Efforts appointment of Edward J. Flynn heard Gov. J. M. Broughton of defense measure against possible as the General Assembly, taking day communique as reported here . — — minister to Australia and his by the Soviet radio monitor did Nbrth Carolina blame the states | Allied Invasion from North Africa, (Contlaned on Page Twe) advantage of its first opportunity themselves for “ much of the al- ' The Germans have been fortifying to catch Its breath, devoted most personal ambassador to the South- not say how near Rostov the Many Coolies Are Taken House. Naval Committee west Pacific. units were working. most terrifying expansion of Fed- i the coast in the Marseille area of Its initial session of tbe week eral encroachment upop the o rig -; .since completing the occupation of Prisoner in Sanananda to routing approximately 700 bills With the Senate's 38 Republi- Recapture Cattle and Sheep to various committees. To Investigate Accusa- cans expected to vote nearly sol- inal domain of the states." ! France., The group cited In the commu- The council’s manpower and! German dispatches reporting Sector; Flying Fort- The bills were those introduced idly against confirmation of the tion Made by Jef- nique was a guerrilla detachment, defense programs, expected to the arrest of 40,000 persons said Flashes ! last Friday before tbe Legisla- former Democratic national chair- and it w’aa credited with operat- the move was "absolutely neces- resses Bomb Harbor.
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