From THE BANNER OF TRUTH Publication Number (USPS 041-540) 11 Split Rock Road Boonton Township, NJ 07005 November 2020 Volume 86, No. 11 The Official Periodical of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations of the United States and Canada In this issue… A God-Glorifying Thanksgiving Harvest Truth or Falsehood See! the corn again in ear! Let the praise be all the Lord’s, When Does a Person How the fields and valleys smile! As the benefit is ours! Receive a Soul? Harvest now is drawing near He, in seasons, still affords To repay the farmer’s toil: Kindly heat, and gentle flowers: For our young readers... Gracious Lord, secure the crop, By His care the produce thrives, The Israelites in the Satisfy the poor with food; Waving o’er the furrowed lands; Wilderness In Thy mercy is our hope, And when harvest-time arrives, We have sinned, but Thou art good. Ready for the reaper stands. Rich While I view the plenteous grain Thus in barren hearts He sows As it ripens on the stalk; Precious seeds of heav’nly joy;* May I not instruction gain, Sin, and hell, in vain oppose, Helpful, to my daily walk? None can grace’s crop destroy: All this plenty of the field Threatened oft, though still it blooms, Was produced from foreign seeds; After many changes past, For the earth itself would yield Death, the reaper, when he comes, Only crops of useless weeds. Finds it fully ripe at last. — John Newton Though, when newly sown, it lay *Hosea 14:7; Mark 4:26-29 Hid awhile beneath the ground, (Some might think it thrown away,) Now a large increase is found; Though concealed, it was not lost, Though it died, it lives again; Eastern storms, and nipping frosts Have opposed its growth in vain. November 2020 Volume 86, No. 11 The Official Periodical of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations of the United States and Canada “…and we all do fade as a leaf.” ISAIAH 64:6b NOVEMBER 2020 The Official Periodical of the the Netherlands Reformed Congregations Volume 86 • No. 11 Banner of the United States and Canada of Truth Meditation Lessons in Doctrine A God-Glorifying Thanksgiving 243 Drizzling Rain 253 Rev. J. den Hoed Rev. A. Moerkerken Bible Study Current Events 255 (9) The Life of Daniel 244 TIMOTHY – for the Young Rev. C. Vogelaar The Confession of Faith(1 1) 256 From Our Inheritance Article XIX: Of the Union and Distinction Thanksgiving 246 of the Two Natures in the Person of Christ Rev. H. Hofman, Sr. Rev. A.M. den Boer Doctrinal Studies Bible Stories for Little Ones Separating Preaching (5) 247 The Israelites in the Wilderness (1) 257 Rev. A. Moerkerken Submitted Questions & Answers Bible Quiz Questions from Our Readers 249 Rich 258 Rev. H. Hofman Aunt LenaBeth When Does a Person Receive a Soul? 250 Letters to My Young Readers 261 Rev. B. Labee For Young & Old News & Announcements 262 Storms of Life (4) 251 Back Cover Author Unknown Harvest 264 John Newton Commentary Truth or Falsehood 252 C.S.L. Janse Cover Photo: Late autumn tree | Google Images THE BANNER OF TRUTH Publication Number: (USPS 041-540) PERIODICAL: Postage paid at Mahwah, NJ Monthly, Official Publication of the Netherlands Reformed Congregations of the United POSTMASTER: Send address changes to States and Canada. Typeset (Architype Graphic Solutions) at Pompton Plains, NJ; printed The Banner of Truth and distributed (AlphaGraphics) at Midland Park, NJ. 11 Split Rock Road, Boonton Township, NJ 07005 Subscription rate: $30.00 in the U.S. and Canada, payable in U.S. funds; $35.00 to f oreign countries, payable in U.S. funds. Rates listed are for one-year sub scriptions. Additional Denominational Sources for Printed Matter Other denominational periodicals include: Paul (mission periodical), 377 Poldon Drive, Rev. J. den Hoed, Editor 972 Hemlock Loop, Lynden, WA 98264 Norwich, Ontario, Canada N0J 1P0; Insight Into (for young people), Rev. P. Van Ruitenbur g, Home: 360-354-0210 • Study/Fax: 360-354-0216 Secretary, 8920-3 Broadway Street, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada V2P 5W1; NRCEA School Journal Learning and Living, Plymouth Christian School, 1000 Ball Ave., Rev. C. Vogelaar, Assistant Editor Grand Rapids, MI 49505. 14 Longview Drive, Towaco, NJ 07082-1540 973-265-8632 • E-mail: [email protected] For a list of denominationally printed Reformed literature write to: Netherlands Reformed Book and Publishing Committee, Mr. Tom Fluit, 0-121 Leonard St. NW, Grand Rapids, Dr. Edward Nieuwenhuis, Managing Editor MI 49534, or e-mail [email protected]. For a list of Reformed material which embraces 9119 Warrens Way, Wanaque, NJ 07465-1644 additional publishing companies, write to our discount book distributor: Bible Truth Books, 973-831-2682 • Fax: 973-831-2683 • E-mail: [email protected] P.O. Box 1290, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. John Sweetman, Subscription Manager For free sermons write to: Treasured Meditations, P.O. Box 2753, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. 11 Split Rock Road, Boonton Township, NJ 07005 973-335-4679 • E-mail: [email protected] In all our publications, the Netherlands Reformed Congregations aim to remain true to inerrant Scripture and its Reformed heritage as expounded in the denom ination’s doctrinal Copy for The Banner of Truth is due the 1st of the month prior to month of publication. standards: the Belgic Confession (1561), Heidelberg Catechism (1563), and Canons of All copy (including announcements, obituaries, anniversary notices, and ads) should be Dordt (1618-1619). The Netherlands Reformed Congre gations are also in agreement with sent to Dr. E. Nieuwenhuis. All announcements submitted for publication must be typed the Westminster Standards (1640s): the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and are subject to editorial policy. Communications relating to subscriptions should be and Shorter Catechisms. The Netherlands Reformed Denomination in the United States addressed to the subscription manager. Change of address should be forwarded to the and Canada consists of twenty-seven congregations and approx imately 11,000 members. subscription manager one month in advance of moving date. Please provide both new Our sister denomination in the Nether lands has 152 congre gations and a membership of and old address. approximately 107,000. The North American churches have established a mission post Archived copies of The Banner of Truth (1934 to present) are available at Digibron.nl. and congregation in Loma Alta, Bolivia, South America. Printed in U.S.A. Meditation A God-Glorifying Thanksgiving Rev. J. den Hoed, Lynden, WA “What shall I render unto the LORD for all His benefits In our Bible the Lord speaks about the cup in different toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon ways and at different times. There is the cup of suffering the name of the LORD. I will pay my vows unto the LORD which Christ took in His holy hands. That cup was filled to now in the presence of all His people” (Psalm 116:12-14). the brim with our sins. When Christ took that cup in His hands, the precious Saviour was overcome by its awful salm 116 is a psalm of David which was written toward contens, and He prayed, “Father, let this cup pass from Me, the end of his life. It was written when, because of his but not My will, but Thy will be done.” It was the Father’s ownP guilt, he was banished from the temple and fleeing will that the Mediator would empty that cup of salvation from his son Absalom. In that fleeing he became so low for all of God’s children. It is as if David says, “I will take that before God that when the enemy cursed him, David could cup and praise the name of my God for the wonder of His say, “Let him alone, and let him curse; for the LORD hath grace.” With my empty hand will I take it up and taste the bidden him. It may be that the Lord will look on my afflic- wonder of salvation obtained by Him who forever will be tion, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing my Lord and Saviour. He may call upon the name of the this day.” The Lord did look upon His servant. It went Lord with the cup in his hand to draw near to the Lord. through a deep way, for Absalom his son lost his life upon Is there ever a time for God’s children when they may the battlefield. David came back to his home where, once draw near to the Lord—when they may bow before Him again, he could go up to God’s house. There, a broken, in holy adoration and call upon His name, and they may humbled man was given true thanksgiving. “What shall hear that the Lord will hear them because of Him who I render unto the LORD for all His benefits?” emptied that cup of sorrows? He is able to speak to my Here we see a man who does not know what to do with soul that He is my God for time and eternity. all of the goodness of the Lord. What a wonder when one The season is passed; do you know of that cup of salva- may have Thanksgiving as a broken, humbled person. tion? May you lift it up with empty hands and a hungering There is never any good in me, but He, my God, is worthy heart? Now, do you want a Thanksgiving which ends in to receive all honor and glory. “What shall I render unto the Lord? “I will pay my vows unto the Lord now in the the LORD?” presence of all His people.” Here we find a guilty, unworthy In looking back upon the season which has passed, we sinner but one who lies for God’s account.
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