• "f .. • i1: XXXV. No. 16 CRAfffORD. N. J.. THURSDAY. MAY 26. 1932 FIVE CENTS Reytfcu Junior Order Will Mark 100 Gain Be Earned Washington Bicentennial (hnferd ca WB (ComihunitYWiilHohor Cranford Council No. «3. Jr. a U. A* M. wUI celebrate the Washington Bi- Ifl Campaign centennial Saturday evening In the Municipal Committee Organ- council rooms, The Union County Past Peggy Cruikahank Tops Still Wanted in Big Drive for tor . izct, Urges September Pri- Councilors' Association will be guests. Class Initiation wlll.be staged, two of Cream of Winners nt Kens- mary and Pledges Support the class to be enrolled In the local Parade and Exercises Will. Feature Observance of Memorial council. ..Chair oncers of Orneral ington Junior Club Meet, Dafly on Every Dollar Collected- for Candidate*. '.„.. ,. Day. All Organixations Urged to Participate in Kearny Council No. Ml will perform Which Attracts Many. —Four C*& Priiet Offered. the work of the first. a.np;,,£econd de- Program Starting at 8:45 A. M. Tuesday night the memben of the grees, while the uniformed ' team of Republican County Committee from William Parker Council. No. 185 of Pat Peggy Cruikshank won the champion, the several election district* of Crsn- erson will perform the third, or pa ship at the Kensington Junior Riding With'a (Kiraili" "f allMar ut«'r.in«. cyu -. .it tin* Worlii War OI Va ll le nf their s ford met »t the Republican Club rooms trloUc degree. Club meet last Saturday afternoon In Memorial at Ilio corner ol I'ntiii an*! Sjiruiiihi'M * time- ^ r> to organise'as the Republican Munici- 'mtcs am! a I't'rnthniial • "- ? - - ^e the ring of the Kensington Riding •iii-Kiirvifw Onu'lrry; the «4iiiimmtt "ill pu way a circulation » i»»» BettinR.un.ler pal Committee at r«4uln<t tor law. A short parade will start at the coun- Academy. She took, first prise In tht ii- ti-piil'. Monilay. cil rooms st 7:90 p, m. and will precede .Vcinorial Hay, l<» llucc utiti ),MU' their Ihcx i', earn ^ ,1Iuncy ««l "Pl»nu-i«,\«o James E. Warner of the Pint Election keen competition at the winners of all ; I In- .\'.ili"ti in War. District was re-elected. Chairman and the regular meeting. Memben are "urg- (Iran and second* In the various classes Final |>laiw TttrMlit* rlay will U piailf at a mertMi; ed to be present, gathering at 1-p. m. i»t (In- r\liiuiiri^l. I *av of.-pai tin. Elmer E. Dey of the Fourth DU. previously decided. Deity Pints of I'miimilln'iimiylit in tlw Ti>wn>lii|i Ki.«ini». ' xurcs we largest numljer trlct was elected Secretary: The next regular meeting, and election of.-paintf s discredits on subscriptions is going to,earri extra pay at the rate of'officers will take place June l«. Elizabeth was second Ui the champion- AU civic ami fraternal 'ori^mi,/al.i'Mi> art-' i/tviic*«I' t<i j*ai'iii'ijtaio in of around §11)0 ]>er week for the next five' i*eeks. The .person who Wesley A. Stanger of |he Seventh ship'class. X. tlu* (Kirnilc. -Music will l« furinSlml.-liy tin- l-'i«l»i' I'M-I I!iii;!j'..in<l llrnin pml lijghest in. the District presented several resolutions - ratfinishese of arounsecpmdl lijghes$7& |K.t T in.week. the. <rampaij!n will<tie paid extra money at the Mlss'Crullcshahk placed'In every class VorpM anil liy Krankt'rlK'rjjiif-s ItatMr AVtiraiul MaiOial. :>( I fir |>.ir;nk\ which were'unanimously approved as she entered. .jShe won thrrtjlrst phici's, 1 -. ratBue to thf earoun best dpar $7&t abou |K.tT th weee campaigk n : Mayor. I Iciir^'e A. -I.lit* invited all rx-^'rvic*' nirii in jirtrtH-ijiaif hi the [follows: ' ,. " V ,. ; r Is the fact that cverybodx. taking p«j$ Memorial Day ~"vo seconds, one third and one fourth. |i:iraili-'aiicl rxcrrincs''.u'lirllirr " »"' ll»>" haver uniform- I^initrl (, ,.^B«.,it resolved ,by. lb«.Crawford•Re- About SOU. attend«trihe-meet? which 1 ••• will be -pata ''Sbtne^KgT'lffieK'iyiU' be publican Municipal Committee that this ,,<r».c!eU. ah entrance of•-.abjoi airman,-"'' the'lim"oi •t^H^'etimffwf^r-mw^ff'' W, ;\\;iiu-feicc, -no losers. All will be pald'ateordlng to Tf tlip (jfnpfal diiiiiiiitiiS1 .in i!iaC),*r <•(.-tlir* «l;i\ > «• \t-ri-i*.<'N will organisation go on record-as favoring Juniors,* mostly from Cranford. WlnV 1 what they accomplish. Every worker mce a change in the date of the primary ners of first prtues w»re_^glven_cisi» I* assM.iin nlarsiials. _?•'•' . r _ •- -1 -•• ... - '• • •*-' ' ri -from~Mar K>~Beptamber. aaoQhat" plnsTfiilf llril^"»mr?lni«"r iWig- i"~""» * uTe U»» " \**m fitf (hft nt of 26 per cent cash oh every Adopted Final Reading copy of this resolution be forwarded to -Treasurer—Requests All~to trement by the Kensington Riding radi, as annuuni:4Ml. by Mayur LuU, subscription, taken to this newspaper. the Union County Republican Com- Help in-Raising Money to Club, with Miss Marion Robbie of Plaln- Association in-conjunction-with Mr. Arnuld:. The campaign is a short one, not a long. mittee and to each of the members of fleld. making presentations for the AnunWagm and Lineal Mwrh • drawn out affair, and the earlier one Amendment to Supplemental the Lower Rouse of the State Legisla- Make Planned Program Seniors: Judging was done by Mrs. A Karh oronlullon will dnlgnal* IU 'gets into it the better his or her chance ture at Trenton representing 4hls couri- Possible. E. Mettlach of Ptnwood and Ouy Dates ; of winning one of the big prizes at the Sewer Ordinance Provides ill Boild Shacks [sldn. who nil! n-port u. the ty_and_thaL_*_fiopy_also_be-jent-to oL PJalnlleld.—Edward Kuenstler - was nlul or —end^oftheHiriver^ ~7. " —for Readjustment Between Charles E. Lolseau. nominee for State ring steward. / an ftoun a* Uto ' PH baa nwlml IU point of aaona- All that is asked of those who wish Municipalities in the Agree- Senator from this county." Maraljail M: Thomas, treasurer of the Barbara Wallace of Cranford was Trustees Vote to Erect Permu to earn extra cash In their spare time "Be It revolved that the Cranford Re- Memorial Day ^Committee, has ah My. I dioaM b* In pU<« py 1:4* a, as. awarded first prbie In the beglhnen' -rient Buildings to Houst The llrtt dlvbaon «III awmbli m .....iS—to.. take.an order book and canvass ment Permanent Bond Or- publican Municipal Committee .go on nounced a pleasing response to Its ap-dam, walk and trot only. Second was or solicit subscriptions to this news- record as favoring the nomination of peal for funds with which to defray Campers to Be Readyvfor C1w*ta«l ilnrl, Wnt of Walnat ave- paper among tlieir friends anri, acquain- taken by Telfalr Kaltenbacb/of Cran- na*. raring. eiuL' It will Include po- - dinances^Aiso Adopted on Heitert Hoover-fo^_«»_»r thwe.-^««» prestfleney^oWaf^it I the expense of the Memoriai Pay ex>hfora, lhjrd_bjr Betty glmiwtiri oLCnuu tances, pne may use-hls or her own lerefflesr—:•-. -—^ ~^~~ Opening Next Month. • r ! lie* f>r«n, (rand nmnhal and tab aa- "time and. methods and is not required Tinal ReadinR the United states st the National Re nford and fourth by Adelaide Water- ranbm o'f the Tmrnahla ••v • • publican Convention, im, that a copy "The manner In which returns halve house of Cranford. In the horseman- -toTSDltpie himselTor herseirin any been coming in, Mr. Thomas states, has rUi rod rife an4 Dnaa way whatever. '• • - of this resolution'be forwarded to the ship, competition for children rourteen t Two cabins or shacks, 'capabte oi At the meeting or the Township Com- Unkm County. Republican Committee, led the committee to believe sufficient years and under, Wllla Blake of Madi- housing' about forty boy* will be erected . Each subscription- will earn a cer- •mlttee Tuesday night the Ordinance to' Uu «M .f.r««» Statei»fi>" Republicano~«i—' funds will be received to carry out theson was declared best. Second beat went at once at Cranford Camp vn mtm . of uaravU; focthe mwi tain number of points or credits, ac- amending ,.-th. e —„Supplementa- l -"—iCommlteJoint e and to eachof the deles program as planned. In reaching this 4I>WOQ wU» be an <TM»tnat, Ksst of Trunk turner n*n~mJ& •:-— hf th d Lake In Warren -County, an<( ••W gaBa{»p^K*»..sdQpit4fa*»d'»««»tBate^^ ,.— a, .« wjvyMuu* being rt'gaFror occupancy when the first con- r page of this issue of the paper. v convention es chosen by the people at upon contributions yet-to be received Jean Morrison of Cranford, tingent arrives June 34, I,n addition to wUI be: John W. TppTrlpp, , UrU War Vet- The four finishing with the four high- filed. ThU. amending ordinance will the recent prlmsry." from those who" Intend to lend their m>; FUu nww, , Vrlrraiu of Foratga be adopted by each of the nine munici- Marie Lawrence or Cranford won thethe cabins, there will be trie usual num- Wars: bulln- est point totals will win the four prizes. "BeJtresolved b> the Crsnford Re- support, but have thus far delayed ber of (enU raised over permanent plat- AuaUlary la tbe rt*e palities In the Trunk Sewer agreement. Going lo Jerusalem contest, In which roM: C-ranford PoMU , Aiwrican Leglaa Here is a list of the prizes: publican Municipal Committee that the .sending in their checks. Contributions Dick Waterhouse was'runner-up. In forms so that alt boy's desiring to take Pint Prize—«5oe-ln'paste ~r« • It provides for a readjuament.'.of usage candidates chosen at the recent Repub- should be made to Marshall M.
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