Debco Electronics

Debco Electronics

epode on 8 60 'INUTE : ow certa n de- vices can slow down - even slop watthour meters - while loads draw lull power! Device simply plugs Into one outlet and normal loads Into other outlets. Also de- scribes meter creep, overload droop. etc. Plans $29. Debco Electronics 1.9.-MAHUALLExlernal magnetic ways (applied to the meter Itself) to slow down and stop watthour meters 4025 Edwards Roadl, Cincinnati, OH 45209 CONSUMERTRONICS while drawing full loads. Plans. $19. !MAR 2011 Crescent Dr., P.O. Drawer 537 METERS: How watthour meters work, calibration, 1 423 Alamogordo, NM 88310 error modes (many), ANSI Standards, etc. Demand and Toll Free Order Hot Line (800) -4499 results to slow and Voice: (505) 434.0234, 434.1778, Polyphase Meters. Experimental Information - (513) 531 -4499 439-1776 (orders only) 8AM -6PM MST. Mon -Sat star meters It others. $19. An 2, $38. All 3, 559. Fax: 505)1 434-0234 (orders only; a you get AUTOMATIC TELLER MACHINES voice. e1 any time) 24 -hour, 7 days/wk enter 'e11 t- ATM crimes, abuses, vulnerabilities and defeats ex- Fran 2arh.. up orL (relates directly to your posed' 100+ methods detailed, Include: Physical, Reg. Millions O'l Chips, Transistors and Components in Stock! order or prospective order Tue.. and Thurs. only. E, cipher, PIN compromise, card countedeitng, mag- .008 80 Add S5 total SM (US, Canada). All items In stock VISA, netic stripe, false front, TEMPEST, Van Eck, tapping. 74LSxx 74LS194 - .E9 74HC10 - - - .30 .79 .89 LF347 vibration, pulse, high 14LS195- 69 74HC11 .34 '009 .73 4531 .99 1.61348 .65 MCard OK. No CODs or 'bill me's. New Catalog (150+ ol- spooling, Inside job, super-cool, 74LS00 .30 î41S196-- 59 71HC14 - .35 4010 .49 4532 as L9350K----4.49 fers) $2 Warder. $4 wb (check or MO) - catalog. voltage - others. Case histories, law, countermeasures, 74LSO1 mice .45 74LS197---- .r9 749020 .30 4011 .30 4536 LM350T----2.99 photos, fig- 74LS02 .30 -- Since 1971. As seen on N, etc. John Williams - former Lock- detailed security checklist, labeled Internal 1415221---- .69 749021 ---- .55:4012 .30 4538 74LS03 .30 .60 heed Senior Engineer, NMSU Computer Science Professor, ures. ATMs contain up to $250,000 In cash) Recent 1415224 --12.95 749027 ---- .31:4013 .45 4539 1.09 1.F353 74LSO4 .30 74HC30 - 4014 .69 4541 99 LF355 .99 NIH Health Physicist. WANTED' 9 MAC net, PC386 or better. $350 000 ATM crime scree still unsolved) $39 . 7415240---- .9 - .34' 74LSO5 .30 14LS241---- 65 71HC32 .30 4015 .49 4543 es 11,356 .89 Art supports all IBMPC com- 74LSO6 -- oftwr CREDIT CARDARD SCAMS 1413242- .E9 71HC42 ---- .55, 4016 .43 4552 1.35 patible x156 systems 0088 Pentium) 74LS07 1.59 In 74LS243---- .69 749051 --- .30 4017 2.49 LIü8 Cardholders, merchants, banks sutler S Billions 74L006 0 74LS244---- .E9 749073 - - - - .55 4018 .53 4555 LI14359 2.09 OffTheShelf HARDWARE losses annually because of credit card fraud. Describes 74L009 an .79 119376 1.39 - - - - 4019 á7 4556 2410245--- . 5 749074 .40 Van c yslem, Data art eadeennler, every known means of credit card fraud and scams. 741510 14L5247---- .79 74HC75 ---- .35 4020 .69 4558 1.69 LI14380 1.09 Radar Emitter, Street Sweeper )radar), Lldaro, CarjacW 741511 35 74L5248 --- 99 749076 ---- .79 4021 .50 4560 1.69 LM380N-6 1.19 Protect yourself! S29. 74LS12 Kidnap Poiler. Voice Disguiser. Hearing Assister, Shriek 1413249--- 129 74HC95 --- .55'I4022 .49 4561 2.00 XM381 3.95 74LS13 w 4023 LAL382 2.49 14LS251---- . 9 744C86 ---- .40 33 Module, EM Lab 8 Countermeasure, TENS, 6th Sense CONS, SCAMS & SWINDLES 74LS14 .45 749093 - - 1.39. 4024 .59 4568 2.009 L14363 3.69 es eece ' erencaos o 14LS253---- 59 Box, Lineman's Handset, ons 1 scams an re Ater swim 40 Communicator, Phone Color 74LS15 1.00 719C107---- .45 9025 .33 4569 69 LIM364 2.09 sur- 14L5256--- DTMF Decoder. Bug 6 Tap Delectostlaster, Subliminal 5100+ Billion per year) The most comprehensive 74LS19 .47 0AL5257---- 45 71HC109-- .45 4026 .79 4572 ?80 L14385Z 12 1.95 MlxeoDmp, Rile Device. Hieronymus Machine, Neuro- vival manual on cons 8 scams of all kinds - from the 74LS20 14L3258---- 55 74HC112---- .45 4027 1I8386N-1 ---.69 74LS21 34 Vor- their many varia- 7415259---- .69 74HC123--- .50 4028 .49 45882 1.69 LM386N-3 --.95 phone, Resonant Crystal, Magnetometer, Levltator, classic to hl -tech. Details on 100s and 34 741522 14LS260---- 59 71HC125--- .55 4029 4584 .69 L4A386N-4 --129 tex Generator. RF 8 Microwave, Ultrasonic Jammer & tions and countermeasures. Protect ourself! S39. 74LS26 34 74LS261--- 1.95 7490126--- .59 4030 .49 4585 .79 LM387 1.89 Range Eavesdropper, Receiver, Infrared Detector, Long 74LS27 14L5266-- 45 71HC132 .59 4032 1.39 45151 - - -- 14.95 1.64389 1.19 HIGH VOLTAGE DEVICES 45 -- Noise Cancelling System, Unknown Presence Detector, 741528 14L3273---- .79 749C133--- .49 4033 1.19 45155 2.95 114390 1.79 Gun, laser, Prod, Cane, 741530 .35 Electronic Dowser - man more devices. See Catalo HV devices plans: Stun 14LS275--- 2.19 74HC137--- .79 4034 129 4702 9.95 ÚM391 3.95 Flasher, Blaster, Zapper. Aud165511adar Jammer, 741531 .35 14L5279---- á5 74HC138---- .49 4035 1.09 4724 1.19 LIM392 19 741532 .40 CELLPHONE MODIFICATIONS Plasma 8 Van de Graail Cens., Fence dL5280--- .69 74HC139---- .49 4638 13 14174 .60 LIW393 .45 Jacob's Ladder, 74L533 .40 in mod, icabon 4L5283---- .65 7411C147---- .89 4040 .69 14175 .60 LM39SK--9.95 ,ee our ate og or our amour celiphone Charger, Geiger Counter, Ozone Gen., Flsh Stunner. .35 741537 7413290---- .65 744C140-- .89 4041 .79 14409 - - - 12.95 L1-398 1.99 guide ($69) - detailed, comprehensive, covers all makes - Ail dons for ont $29. .35 Plant Slim., Kirllan, morel 741538 14L5293---- 65 74ß0151---- .59 4042 .69 11110 6.95 L343999 ---- 3.99 10 Ames more Info than competitor's 'guides' . (Do Se- 741540 .35 A1S295--- 1.09 74HC153- - - - .45 4043 .49 14411 7.95 L'F411 .85 for u. -dale hardw ofiware UNDER ATTACK! 741542 á5 4044 79 14412 6.95 Lt412 1.35 dal Projects (below to 54LS298--- . 9 7411C151- 1.29 741547 89 Electromagnetic nterlerence and Electronic Weapon 74LS299-- 1.5=9 74110157--- .59 4045 129 14419 2.19 ZN411Z----2.49 741548 .89 SPECIAL PROJECTS Attacks cause: Cancer, birth defects. and profound psy- 4LS322--- 1.59 7411C156--- .49 4046 .79 14433 5.95 U%N2 1.39 741549 -- ea 7. e design, 'm ., repair, modify, maintain an. -or consu t 7,4LS323--- 1.;9 7/110161---- .59 4047 .79 14451 1.50 chological, neurological, cardiovascular and Immune .30 741551 1415324--- 2.09 748C160--- .59' 4048 .70 14490 4.95 TL189 1.59 cn any device, system, process or project - electrical, to animals, system disorders) Destructive people, plants, 741554 .34 1.09 74HC164---- .55 4049 .30 14495 319 11494 1.89 electronic, computer, phone, mechanical, optical, auto- 1415327--- equippmentl Includes ALTUALSASES_Of_EM ATTAGl(S 741555 34 14L5348--- 1.09 744C165--- .69 4050 .35 14497 6.95 guaranteed. motive. Invention prototyping. Confidentiality Oti3EOP1E(we Invesbgaled)I Includes how to verity 74LS63 es 1415352--- 1.09 7441C166--- .59 4051 75 14499 3.99 1L497 2.09 include pre -engineering lee (does not 741573 .59. 4052 NE531T - - - - 1.99 Describe and S25 and EMI and electronic attack sources, and spe- 1415353---- .99 74ßC174--- Linear pinpoint 741574 34 -- 229 .59 4053 .69 1M555 .45 . In 7 -10 da s 74L5363 74ßC175-- obllrate ou Time and cost estimates 0600026 -- - 2.49 cific countermeasures. $29. EMARAINBLAST_ 741575 38 1.09 74HC191---- 99 4055 X145555 .69 14LS364--- LM35CH -- 11.00 VOICE MAIL HACKING EEL' Tutorial and plans for powerful ELECTROMAG- 741576 55 -4L5365---- á5 745C192---- 99'4058 .63 741.578 .59 .75 .45 77411C193 - - .79 I 4059 2.99 5É5555 How Voice Mail Box (VMB) systems are used and the NETIC WEAPONS and LAB DEVICES. Optimum circuits, 1415366--.. 1.19 741583 .59 45 748C194--- .79 4060 Lu556 .59 Includes ASPEN, MES- Iregs, waveforms, duty cycles, Intensities. Thorough. 14LS367---- TÚ62 1.19 specific ways they are hacked. 741585 .59 .99 4063 130 13.4558 79 74LS368---- 45 7411C195-- 1.09 SAGE CENTER, 81X, GENESIS, EZ, SYDNEY, PHONE $29. Both $49. 741586 .35 14L5373---- .15 748C221---- .69 4056 NE564 1.79 74L090 .55 7.Ofi6 MAIL, AUOII, CINDY, CENTAGRAM, SPERRY LINK, 14LS374---- 75 74ßC237---- .79 4067 1.99 01565 1.59 RADIONICS MANUAL 741591 .69 4068 71.071 1M566 129 RSVP, Absolutely required for all users, sysops and 34L5375---- .99 74ßC238-- .89 etc. electronic, electromagnetic therapeu- 741592 4069 .30 L14567 .79 Exciting electrical, 7415377---- 75 7411C240--- .69 TLÓ7Ì 1.09 security personnel) $29. 741593 .49 .69 4070 .35 tic, diagnostic 8 preventive devices (mostly experimen- 14LS378---- .99 74ßC241--- TLOBi 65 741595 .75 7411C242--- .89 4071 33 ÑÉ5i7 2 Ó tal). History, descriptions, plans (dozens), availabilities 14L5379-- .99 65 '.415385--- 2 0 7411C213---- 99 4072 Devices from early to modem. While drugs 74LS107 - .45 TL( 1.09 s o s are acre o e tune a 1111, of Radlanles -.- 74LS386---- .ES 7411C244--- .79.4073 áÓ NE592 2á5 .48 1.09 are Cost S Hundreds, electricity costs pennies! $29. HEAL 7415109 .69 7411C245-- .79 4075 .35 NE602 1.65 While 'VOICE MAIL HACKING' details how VMSs 14LS390--- - - 7415112 - - - - .45 LM150K 4.95 therapeutic 7415393. - - 19 74l10251---- .59 4076 .69 MAX663 -- 3.69 hacked for 'pun" and profit - Including VMS methods THYSELF: Plans for 3 major electronic 11.4207 .50 7415113 - - --.69 7415395- -- .69 74110253---- .59 4077 .35 MAX666- 3.89 - HACKING' ad- devices of 'es a. .roved b FDA. $19. Both $39. LM2Ó8 .50 for hacking PBXs themselves 'PBS 741.5114 .45 7411C257-- .59 4078 .40 MAX680----3419 14L5396--- 69 XR215 1.50 dresses ALL Issues relating to PBX hacking, Including 7415122 - --.57 4081 .30 MAX690----5.99 HARD DRIVE MANUAL 74LS399--- .69 74110256 - .69 1114X231---- 2.99 Can your business or agency afford a 7415123 - - - .59 7415424--- 4.00 74ßC259.--- .89 4082 .34 MAX691----5.99 countermeasures' overo all hard drive and controller Implementations (em- MAX232- - 2.79 7415124 -- -2.69 T4LS147-- 1.19 74ßC273---- .89 4085 .45 MAX692---660 $90,000 phone fraud loss (the average loss due to Initialize, up, IMAX233- - 6.50 phasis on PCs).

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