2017/18 SESSION of the BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 8 December 2017 Sitting number 12 of the 2017/18 Session (pages 821–972) Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., JP, MP Speaker Disclaimer: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for informational purposes only. The printed version remains the official record. Official Hansard Report 8 December 2017 821 BERMUDA HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL HANSARD REPORT 8 DECEMBER 2017 10:03 AM Sitting Number 12 of the 2017/18 Session [Hon. Dennis P. Lister, Jr., Speaker, in the Chair] to acknowledge that she is doing well, and we contin- ue to wish her well. PRAYERS Some Hon. Members: Yes. [Prayers read by Mr. Clark Somner, Deputy Clerk] HANDICAPPED PARKING CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES [Minutes of 1 December 2017] The Speaker: Also, during the maiden speech of our Member, Ms. Furbert, last week, she highlighted the challenge that the handicapped community faces in The Speaker: Members, we received the Minutes of the 1st of December. this Island, like elsewhere. And she reminded us that Are there any amendments or corrections, we should respect the needs of the handicapped and adjustments that have to be made? No adjustments, that handicapped parking at these facilities should be no corrections? respected. So, I am asking all Members and staff to The Minutes are confirmed. respect the handicapped parking and realise that it is there for a purpose. And if you do not require or need [Minutes of 1 December 2017 confirmed] it, do not park in it. MESSAGES FROM THE GOVERNOR SELECT COMMITTEES—MEMBERSHIP CHANGES The Speaker: I would also like to announce some The Speaker: There are none. changes to the some of the standing committees of the House. First, I would like to make reference to the ANNOUNCEMENTS BY THE SPEAKER Standing Orders Committee. On the Standing Orders OR MEMBER PRESIDING Committee, the former Opposition Leader, Mrs. Gor- don-Pamplin, was replaced by the current Opposition APOLOGIES Leader, Mrs. Atherden. On the House Office of the Auditor Com- The Speaker: Yes, there are a couple of announce- mittee, the Honourable Member, Mr. Commissiong, ments this morning. will be replaced by the Honourable Member Lister. First, I would like to announce that we have On the Public Accounts Committee—the been informed that the Government Whip, the MP Honourable Member, Mrs. Jeanne Atherden, will be Michael Weeks, will be absent today. replaced by the Honourable Member Patricia Gordon- Pamplin. ASSISTANT CLERK And on the Living Wage Special Joint Se- lect Committee, we have changes there as well. The The Speaker: Also, I would like for the Chambers to Honourable Member who used to sit in the Senate, take note of the fact that we have in our presence this Nick Kempe, will be replaced by Senator Davis [sic] morning a new member of staff, the Assistant Clerk to And the Members’ Interest Committee, the the Clerk, Ms. O’Meally. Honourable Senator Davis— [Desk thumping] An Hon. Member: Outerbridge. The Speaker: Yes. Also, we would like, just for the The Speaker: Outerbridge, yes, will be replaced by sake of the House, and for well wishes to the Clerk— the Honourable Member Andrew Simons. Those were as you know, Mrs. Wolffe had surgery earlier this the changes to the standing committees. week, and we understand that she is recovering quite well from her surgery. And I would just like the House Bermuda House of Assembly 822 8 December 2017 Official Hansard Report SPECIAL JOINT SELECT COMMITTEE TO LOOK Financial Statements of the Bermuda Government INTO THE INQUIRY OF THE EVENTS THAT TOOK Consolidated Fund 2017. PLACE ON DECEMBER 2ND, 2016 The Speaker: Thank you, Member. The Speaker: In reference to the motion that was The next item, I believe, is in the name of the passed last week to establish a Special Joint Commit- Honourable Minister of Tourism. Honourable Minister tee to look into the inquiry of the events that took Simmons, would you like to present your communica- place on December 2nd, 2016, the committee mem- tion? bers will be the Honourable Member Kim Swan, the Honourable Member Neville Tyrrell, the Honourable FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FROM THE BERMUDA Member Ben Smith, the Honourable Member Tinee TOURISM AUTHORITY AND THE 2016 YEAR Furbert, the Honourable Member Michael Scott. From IN REVIEW the Senate, we will have Senator Andrew Simons and the President, Ms. Dillas-Wright. The Senate mem- Hon. Jamahl S. Simmons: Thank you. Good morn- bers will be confirmed at their next Senate meeting, ing, Mr. Speaker. but that is the makeup of the committee. Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to attach and submit for the information of the Honourable House of APOLOGY Assembly the 2016 Financial Statements from the Bermuda Tourism Authority and the 2016 Year in Re- The Speaker: I believe that is all the announce- view. ments—one announcement was omitted last week, Thank you, Mr. Speaker. and I will do it because the Member is present and I think it should be recorded for the House. The Hon- The Speaker: Thank you, Minister. ourable Member Sylvan Richards, who was absent The next item is in the name of the Honoura- last week, did duly inform the House; it was left off of ble Minister Brown. Minister Brown, would you like to the Order Paper (just to have it acknowledged). present yours? I believe that is all the announcements from the Speaker for us this morning. Hon. Walton Brown: Good morning, Mr. Speaker. MESSAGES FROM THE SENATE The Speaker: Good morning. SEASON’S GREETINGS TUCKER’S POINT RESORT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (HAMILTON AND ST. GEORGE’S The Speaker: Yes, we have a message from the PARISHES) SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT Senate: AMENDMENT ORDER 2017 “To his Honourable Speaker and Members of the Honourable House of Assembly: Hon. Walton Brown: Mr. Speaker, I have the honour “The Senate has much pleasure in extending to attach and submit for the consideration of the Hon- to your Honourable House sincere greetings for a very ourable House of Assembly the Tucker’s Point Resort happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.” Residential Development (Hamilton and St. George’s Signed by the President of the Senate, the Parishes) Special Development Amendment Order Honourable Joan E. Dillas-Wright. 2017. PAPERS AND OTHER The Speaker: Thank you, Minister. I believe you have COMMUNICATIONS TO THE HOUSE a further communication. Would you like to do that as well? I believe we have four papers today, The Speaker: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR GENERAL and communications. And I am going to start with the FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST DECEMBER 2016 first item, which is the Financial Statement on the Bermuda Consolidated Fund. That is by the Honoura- Hon. Walton Brown: I do indeed. ble Junior Minister Furbert. I have the honour to attach and submit for the information of the Honourable House of Assembly the FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF THE BERMUDA Annual Report of the Registrar General for the Year GOVERNMENT CONSOLIDATED FUND 2017 Ending 31st December 2016. Hon. Wayne L. Furbert: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. The Speaker: Thank you, Ministers and Junior Minis- I have the honour to attach and submit for the ter. information of the Honourable House of Assembly the Bermuda House of Assembly Official Hansard Report 8 December 2017 823 PETITIONS The Speaker: Are there any objections to it? We do not have any objections? The Speaker: Yes, we have one petition, and it is go- Good. Thank you. It will be passed on to the ing to be presented by the Honourable Member from relevant committee. constituency 32, Honourable Member Simmons. Thank you, Member. NORTHSTAR FINANCIAL SERVICES STATEMENTS BY MINISTERS (BERMUDA) ACT 2008 AND JUNIOR MINISTERS Mr. Scott Simmons: Good morning, Mr. Speaker. The Speaker: Yes. There are Statements this morn- I hereby present the following petition: ing, Members. As you will see on the Order Paper, The petition of Northstar Financial Services there are some 12 Statements this morning—12 Limited requesting the enactment of amendments to Statements, yes. the Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. Act We will acknowledge the Honourable Premier. 2008, to ensure that Northstar Financial Services And you can start us off on these 12 State- (Bermuda) Ltd. becomes compliant with provisions of ments. the Investment Business Act 2003, as more particular- ly set out in the Private Bill entitled the Northstar Fi- Hon. E. David Burt: Good morning, Mr. Speaker. nancial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. Act 2017, which ac- companies the Petition. The Speaker: Good morning. Mr. Speaker, I move that the said Petition be referred to the Parliament Joint Select Committee on Hon. E. David Burt: Mr. Speaker, I will go with the Private Bills for consideration and report. first Statement which was listed on the Order Paper, Mr. Speaker, I hereby present the following which is the US$135 million [Loan] Facility Agreement Petition: between the Bank of N. T. Butterfield & Son and the The Petition of Northstar Financial Services Government of Bermuda. Ltd. requesting the enactment of the amendments to the Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. Act The Speaker: Yes. 2008 to ensure that Northstar Financial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. be compliant with provisions of the LOAN FACILITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE Investment Business Act 2003, as more particularly BANK OF NT BUTTERFIELD & SON LIMITED AND set out in the Private Bill enacting the Northstar Fi- THE GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA nancial Services (Bermuda) Ltd. Act 2017, which ac- companies the Petition. Hon. E. David Burt: Mr. Speaker, I rise this morning Mr. Speaker, I move that the said Petition be to advise Honourable Members of the status of Gov- referred to the Parliament Joint Select Committee on ernment’s borrowing in relation to the pending execu- Private Bills for consideration.
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