Complete-Local News Of A . Population Of- 18,524 4 1 UUS p f n r t < ? y S P iirbkase Rightli IrrM es Baby Campaigrf Seek Aid Given 236 Of Water Mains Revived S e n d O u t 244 Ends Saturday Public Hearing Slated for tee on.Munlclpalitlea, which is head­ The Popular Baby Campaign con- ed by Pascoe, who, It is understood Group "Somewhat Smaller dusted by looal merchants and the On Water Tuesday at Trenton however, voted in linden's favor. Hillside Tbnee; will oome to a olose From IT. S. Senator I, Grant Scott of Cape May Than Those of Recent this week, and all votes must bs In Efforts to reincorporate into the County re-iatroduoed the bill early Years In Hillside Baby Campaign Headquarters, lg lag&..of. New. Jersey t.hg act, na.aaeri ublg weftk. Hillside avenue, by 6 p. m; Satur- day, June 22. m 1929 and strangely omitted from passed ,by the Senate ajadwaj^gfllftn uagnth gi*aae ceruncates were pre- Statute Large Audience Witnesses the; Revised Statutes of 1937 that referred to the Assembly' coommlt- A commillAe ol three Judges, oon- would permit a municipality to pur- tee. ’ sented to 244 pupils of Hillside Ave- slsUng of. prominent local residents, First Commencement nue and Hurden-Looker Schools yes­ will make the'final checkup of the In New School Water oompany Goneoudated witpoh “Telegrams were sent to Assem- terday afternoon at exercises m thn; votes on Monday morning a', i 1 Local Officials Ask Legis­ blyman Pasooe and others by Mayoi ^Maytalr Theatre, 'class, smaiT- o'clock a rm s ' campaign,~H5Si3iin!£N' -He-wikh-m- immicipaHlmtet; -ai-e-- tTO'; ~McMafiug~Mid members~f>f IhM lators from County to ing made by the City of Linden. most of those advancing to i^-imd--the-whrar-prizes-vvflt--tro- CLASS PRESENTS den Oouxwil asking ipr a public the ninth grade in recent' years, is awarded a t that time. : Back Measure Inasmuch as the Township of Hill- hearing on the bill. $250 TO SCHOOL slue is affected in tne same manner, scarcely larger than the, high school The decisions of the judges will be The Times publishes below an ar St­ is seeking to have writ- graduation group. flnarh------ BILL PREVIOUSLY (Photos Pages 6 and 7) ole which appeared in last week's" teu into the statutes again, the same The program was . as follows; issue—of—The- Linden Observer* in passed in ly29 whicl: Handel’s “Largo,” by the Hillside LOST IN COMMITTEE hope that-R May Induce, local offl- enabled Elizabeth to acquire 8 Avenue School ’orchestra; proces- eiais-to-ta-Ko-ft-strangerstencl-tn-tihe- jauflidpal uvatei?system. The-amend- slnnai,_"Pricst;s March,” by Mendel- Awards Made Requests for suppoft on the part raatter—so—that—cooperation—with ment was omitted £1937 when the ssohn, also W the "orClaesISC^pfi^ Sl.-genatoj Charles E. I/>ieeaux received diplomas Monday night Unden officials may result i t favor­ statutes were revised.” WJEfidut the the direcbion” Of-Darnel 'Kautznmin; and Union County members of in commencement exercises held in able acttoirorrtfieVflilr The article amendment a city must condemn salute to the flag; "America the At Moving Up Assembly on Senate Bill 246, mak­ the. auditorium oi the new Hillside follows: all the property oi a watey company Beautiful,” sung by the class; devo­ High School .in liberty avpue, - Photo by Ki both Within and without the city ing possible municipal acquisitions *. DOROTHY SPITAL MARY LOYKO “Hope was revived that the city tional exercises; "Where’er You of parts rather than “all” of private More than 1,150 persons witnessed may yet secure a municipally owned limits. Walk,” by Handel, sung by the class. the' ceremonies^ -— - Ages 1 year 5 months Age: 1 year New S, G. A, Officers In­ [utility concerns' investments will be 19 Long avenue. ZZ6 Long avenue. water system, when Assemblyman "Councilman James Dobson, chair* Presentation of the class, by Ar­ Two students presented brief "talks Herbert J. Pascoe announced yes­ man of the^ council's special water stalled, Honor Society Issued in behalf of the township. ’ ?jj on appropriate toplds. Miss Ber­ Mr. and Mrs. Niofccias Spite: have A charming, staffing baby Is this thur G. Woodfleld; reception of the reason to be jjoujs of 'this - lovely Uttie blond daughter' of Mr. and terday that a public 'hearing will be system committee, is expected, to class to the new Junior High School, Medals Presented = fhie Was agreed upon, by mem- nice Scan*, discussing the "Magna' held Tuesday, June 26, at Trenton lead the Linden delegation wliich bers of the Township Committee, Charta of Youth,” declared the little daughter. Eter Hglit ISOWB' Mrs. Joseph Loyko. She is oh the by Leonard J. Mitchell, who will hair and'blue eyes, make ijgr a very Honor Boll of the Baby Campaign, cn a bill which will permit Linden wiii attend the public hearing ii serve as principal of the new grad­ Traditional “moving up‘ exercises discussing the question of Hillside's ' young people ash for peace, an op­ to acquire privately owned water Trenton on June 26. portunity for employment and an attraosiva-looklng. baby Indeed. and plans to be a winner In the final ing in tne present high school in in (he high sohool were held Mon-' water rates and the water Itself, , She Is the grandchild ol Mr. and count, June' 22. rights within the city’s limits. “The- Elizabethtown Water Coin Coe avenue; presentation of the* following their meeting last night , end to poverty, more Chances for “K. ths law is. passed, Unden may day morning with members of the Mrs. I; Spltal-, and Mrs. Mary Mo- Mary is a pretty ohild with blue Pany lias expressed reluctance on eighth grade certificates by Mr. Cldss of 1941 moving up into the in the municipal building. Town­ ■studying, more “spiritual security”, eyes and blond hair. Her grand­ purchase the property of the Eliza­ and harmpny ■ between science and Salis, all oi Hillside. the matter of selling its rights ii Woodfleld, Edward Wr Earle and ship Attorney- Sigurd A. Emerson Good luck to Dorothy in this last parents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles bethtown Water Oompany, which the city to the municipal govern William M. Raphael, both members front places of the graduating class religion. She asserted only twelve week of the’ campaign. Ail her Loyko and Mr. and Mrs. George liee wifhin" the city limits, or, If the ment,. leading local observers to be of the Board of Education; pre­ during the ceremony. The Class will aiso.be asked to represent the per cent ‘of the graduates go to. col­ many admlrere hope she will be Pollcastpo of Hillside. company, refuses to sell, the olty may lieve that tlie city will have to con sentation of perfect attendance cer­ township Tuesday morning in Trea- lege and the remainder must benefit then condemn the property. 1840 wore the caps and gowns used or.e of, the winners, g g demn the company’s property evei tificates, by Raymond R, King, the same evening in commencement I ton .at a . hearing before a Senate as much as possible by proper char- “The same bill was killed two if the statute amendment is rein president of the Board of Education, committee on the bill. ■ aeter building—ap.t,iviLifts .in. their weeks ago by the Assembly Commit­ exercises. stated.” and singing of the Hillside Avenue Same As Old Law high school life. In an age when* M ieHi&ANBfieftm- V og^lPa^sesB ar Scfipnl Bong by graduates. ^'Albert Issler, new president of the -the-secimity-of-so -manyl^threatened: FOR D. TE N ENBERG -Btudenbi^ G eneral "Assoeiftteton, ••war .A M I has. ton-introduced- in.,. With upheaval, Miss Scarr declared Exams Of State his bailed by Ifg reiimig president, the Senate by Senator I. Grant youth is not- -looking. merely for - -Daniel J. Tenenberg, _ dj. igg Elks Service Factory Board Wiiham ■ Melchinger. Tne farewell Soott following the death of a similar essentials, but “our common birth­ Frances- plaoe, received a Bachelor from the graduating class was gl P m the Assembly steering com­ right.’’ • of Science degree Saturday at the Olark Crane Vogel, son of .Town-1 by Jack Klsllng, president, and the mittee After introduction by Assem­ #Basis for Democracy 96th annual commencement ex­ ship Oonanitisemaa and Mrs. Harry For Flag Day To Erect Signs response for the undergraduates blyman Harold A Pierson, recently Reginald i^Arcy Jones, whose ercises of th&tttaiverslty of Michi- fi- Vogel, of 88 Looke street, is one was given' by Jack Maguire, recently Passage of suoh a bill to permit In­ subject was “Education: A Prepara-, gan at Ann Arbor,,Mich.- of the 126 7 sucoessful candidates chosen to head the Class of 1941 dividual municipal purchase of wa­ Uon for Democracy,” -declared “Aca­ - - 9 ' ■ 7 — . - •among the 229 who took the state , ■ About 600 persons witnessed the preparing to aid In induBtri&l Numerous awards for class wc ter, pipe lines within the community demic freedom is did MWaiW" bf --- “STm W t EWT..a it APthWHB------ ffiar, BgamlnatJonsrin Anrii. i.hn May liapressive Flag Day services ot the growth In Hillside.' the Industrial and extra-curricular activities were boundaries, rather than to require* vigilance.’’ He said youth is en­ :. Miss Korenoe E. Lowney, of 1627" Jersey Board of Bar Examiners has B. f . u. tllks, as (iarffid" oiit‘fty oi1'- m m t m s w MumiuA/ mgin cum-' given during the assembly program.
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