SCORECARD An inning-by-inning look at the 2001 All-Star Game National League American League KEY: Direction ball is hit Base running Man on base O Out K Strike out BB Walk SB Stolen base HR Home run E Error at-bat at-bat NL - 0 NL - 0 TOP AL - 0 BOTTOM AL - 0 TOP O O O O SB O O K K K inning Luis Gonzalez Todd Helton Bonds grounds Ichiro singles Manny Ramirez Bret Boone flies Sammy Sosa Larry Walker flies Mike Piazza flies Alex Rodriguez ND inning ST pops out to third. strikes out. out to pitcher. to first. strikes out, Ichiro strikes out. out to shortstop. grounds out to out to left. out to right. steals second. shortstop. 1 American League pitcher Roger Clemens National League pitcher Randy Johnson 2 American League pitcher Roger Clemens NL - 0 NL - 0 NL - 0 BOTTOM AL - 0 TOP AL - 0 BOTTOM AL - 1 TOP O O O O O O O K HR K Juan Gonzalez John Olerud Edgar Martinez Chipper Jones Jeff Kent flies Rich Aurilia Cal Ripken Ivan Rodriguez Ichiro grounds Alex Rodriguez Luis Gonzalez flies out to right. grounds out to strikes out. RD inning flies out to left. out to left. grounds out to homers to left. grounds out to out to second. strikes out. TH inning singles to right. second. third. second. American League National League pitcher Randy Johnson 3 American League pitcher Freddy Garcia National League pitcher Chan Ho Park 4 pitcher Andy Pettitte NL - 0 NL - 0 NL - 0 AL - 1 BOTTOM AL - 1 TOP AL - 1 BOTTOM O O O E O O O O O O K K Todd Helton pops Barry Bonds Sammy Sosa hits into Magglio Ordoñez Bret Boone grounds Mike Cameron TH inning Larry Walker flies Mike Piazza Chipper Jones John Olerud reaches Edgar Martinez batting. Jason Cal Ripken up to third. strikes out. fielder's choice, grounds out to out to third. strikes out. out to left. grounds out to flies out to left. second on 2nd baseman Giambi runs for Olerud. Martinez grounds out to shortstop to second. shortstop. third. Kent's throwing error. grounds out to shortstop. shortstop. 5 Andy Pettitte National League pitcher John Burkett American League pitcher Joe Mays National League pitcher Mike Hampton NL - 0 NL - 1 AL - 2 TOP AL - 2 BOTTOM O O O O O HR HR Derek Jeter Magglio Ordoñez Roberto Alomar Mike Cameron Ivan Rodriguez Ichiro grounds TH inning Jeff Kent doubles Rich Aurilia grounds Lance Berkman Ryan Klesko hits Vladimir Guerrero single to center, out to third. to right. out to third. singles to left, sacrifice fly to flies out to left. homers to center. homers to right flies out to left. doubles to left. Giambi scores. Kent to third. center, Kent scores. center. Mike Hampton 6 American League pitcherS Paul Quantrill Mike Stanton National League pitcher Jon Lieber NL - 1 NL - 1 NL - 1 AL - 4 TOP AL - 4 BOTTOM AL - 4 TOP O O O O O K K BB K Jason Giambi grounds Tony Clark Moises Alou Cliff Floyd flies Luis Pujols walks. Charles Johnson Troy Glaus flies Jorge Posada Bernie Williams Cristian Phil Nevin flies TH inning out to shortstop. strikes out. TH inning strikes out. out to center. flies out to left. out to center. doubles to grounds out to second, Guzman out to right. Cameron to third center. Posada to third. strikes out. American League National League pitcher Matt Morris Jon Lieber American League pitcher Jeff Nelson 8 pitcher Troy Percival 7 NL - 1 NL - 1 NL - 1 AL - 4 BOTTOM AL - 4 TOP AL - 4 O O SB O O O K BB O K Jimmy Rollins Lance Berkman batting. Ryan Klesko Magglio Ordoñez Roberto Alomar Mike Cameron fouls Mike Sweeney flies TH inning Brian Giles grounds Sean Casey Cliff Floyd grounds walks. Rollins steals second. strikes out. singles to center. flies out to center. out to catcher. out to right. out to second. strikes out. out to first. Berkman grounds to third. National League pitchers Jeff Shaw Billy Wagner Ben Sheets American League pitcher Kazuhiro Sasaki FINAL American League pitcher Troy Percival 9 DAVID BADDERS, DAN KEARNEY/SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER .
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