E928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2015 Hak’heyl—assembling the whole community Base was so unwilling to stand idly by in the There is no place in a civilized society for of the People Israel during the Sukkot after face of injustice that he was arrested at a senseless acts of violence. the Shmittah year, to hear and recommit demonstration alongside Reverend Jesse I commend Attorney General Lynch for her ourselves to the Torah’s central teachings. Jackson. moving quickly and decisively to launch an in- So we encourage Jews in all our commu- nities to gather on the Sunday of Sukkot The Air Force saw in Joseph what everyone vestigation into this hate crime and bring the this year, October 4, 2015, to explore together else did too. From first Lieutenant to Captain; perpetrator to the bar of justice where he will our responsibilities toward the Earth and all from Major to Lieutenant Colonel; from Colo- be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. humankind, in this generation. nel to Major General, McNeil excelled in every Mr. Speaker, as a country we have made Our ancient earthy wisdom taught that so- aspect. Today he dons the Air Force Distin- major strides in equality and social justice but cial justice, sustainable abundance, a guished Service Medal as a symbol of his this tragedy reminds us that we still have work healthy Earth, and spiritual fulfillment are achievements, just one the many awards Mr. to do before Dr. King’s dream of an America inseparable. Today we must hear that teach- McNeil earned. He received honorary degrees where all live and work together in brother- ing in a world-wide context, drawing upon from North Carolina A&T State University, hood is realized. our unaccustomed ability to help shape pub- North Carolina at Wilmington, Molloy College, There is no place for bigotry and hatred in lic policy in a great nation. We call upon the our great country and individuals who wish to Jewish people to meet God’s challenge once and St. Johns University in my own district. He again. is a man truly worthy of every honor bestowed practice hate must be rooted out and ostra- cized. f upon him. Today, we honor Major General Joseph Mr. Speaker, this senseless act of violence TPA AND TPP McNeil for his success as a civilian, a commu- provides us with yet another opportunity to nity leader, a husband, a father, and as a dis- teach our children that violence is never the tinguished member of the United States Air answer and that we all must be compas- HON. PETE SESSIONS sionate, inclusive, and understanding to all re- OF TEXAS Force. May many more be made of the cloth from which he was cut. gardless of age, economic status, race, reli- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f gion, nationality or educational background Thursday, June 18, 2015 We as a nation must live lives motivated by RECOGNIZING RAMADAN Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I believe that love, not hate. We must teach our children to be tolerant, our friends on the other side of the aisle are to show kindness, and to embrace and cele- not opposed to job creation, Congressional HON. ELIZABETH H. ESTY brate our differences. oversight and global economic prosperity. But OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Changing a culture of violence will not hap- I predict they will unfortunately chose unions pen overnight but that is no excuse for failing Thursday, June 18, 2015 and outside groups over giving assistance to to try. their own workers when a trade package Ms. ESTY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- We must try. For the sake of the victims of comes before this body. So, because of that, ognize the month of Ramadan, which begins Emanuel A.M.E., we must not give up. for the first time in half a century, they will let tonight at sundown for Muslims in Connecticut I ask the House to observe a moment of si- this policy that is so important to their party and around the world. lence in memory of the victims in South Caro- expire. I offer my support for those marking the hol- lina, and victims of gun violence everywhere. While I predict that TPA will pass, it will be iday. For Muslims worldwide, this month of f a shame if the whole package isn’t enacted fasting is a time for prayer, reflection, and due to the failure of this President to work with charitable work. RECOGNIZING JANE ROZANSKI members of his own party. With the constant cycle of violence plaguing f our country and the world, let us all take this HON. JULIA BROWNLEY time to recommit ourselves to work together OF CALIFORNIA HONORING MAJOR GENERAL for equality and peace on earth. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JOSEPH MCNEIL Ramadan Mubarak to all observing the holi- Thursday, June 18, 2015 day. Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Speaker, HON. GREGORY W. MEEKS f today I rise to recognize Jane Rozanski, a re- OF NEW YORK EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES TO markable visionary and dedicated leader to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THE VICTIMS OF THE SENSE- the aging population of Ventura County, Cali- Thursday, June 18, 2015 LESS SHOOTING AT THE EMAN- fornia. As the Chief Executive Officer of the Mr. MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, vision and re- UEL A.M.E. CHURCH IN CHARLES- TON, SOUTH CAROLINA Camarillo Health Care District, Jane has dem- solve: the fertile grounds for greatness. These onstrated an outstanding commitment to pro- are the qualities that Major General Joseph HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE viding health care and improving the access of McNeil exemplified when in 1960 he and three medical services to seniors in our community. OF TEXAS of his classmates protested segregation with a For over two decades, Jane oversaw the de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sit-in at a Woolworth store in Greensboro, velopment of the district, which has grown to North Carolina. Thursday, June 18, 2015 serve over 35,000 residents annually. The ‘Greensboro Four’, as they came to be Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, it is with Under the steadfast leadership of Jane known, were denied service at a Woolworth a heavy heart that I rise to speak out against Rozanski, along with her highly skilled team, lunch counter because of the color of their the senseless loss of innocent lives resulting the Camarillo Health Care District embodies skin. With the spirit of peaceful protest, they from another senseless act of violence. the commitment to provide quality and afford- committed themselves to a sit-in, which, little My thoughts and prayers go out to the peo- able medical care. The Camarillo Health Care did they know, would reverberate across the ple of Charleston, South Carolina, the mem- District has been recognized throughout Cali- nation. bers of the Emanuel African Methodist Epis- fornia as a model of innovation and efficiency, With wisdom beyond his years, Joseph copal Church in Charleston, pastored by the has received statewide recognition as the Ex- knew that strength was not in the individual Rev. Clementa Pinckney, who was one of nine ecutive Team of the Year by the Association but in the many. The Greensboro Four united persons slain by a gunman motivated by hate. of California Healthcare Districts, and has the North Carolina A&T State University stu- Last night Rev. Pinckney, who was also a been recognized nationally as an innovative dent body by establishing the ‘‘Student Execu- member of the South Carolina State Senate, and competent partner in federal projects. tive Committee for Justice’’ and, in the face of and eight others were shot in a horrific mas- Jane has worked tirelessly to improve ac- all controversy, he won the battle. Woolworth sacre at one of the nation’s historic black cess to healthcare services throughout the agreed to allow service to blacks and whites churches. community. In addition to her impressive work alike. Mr. Speaker, it shocks the conscience that in the Camarillo Health Care District, she has Many years later, when asked in an inter- this shooting took place during a prayer meet- upheld the responsibility of a commissioner on view what he had felt at that trying time, Jo- ing in a house of sanctuary. the California Commission on Aging for nearly seph responded: ‘‘Intense sense of pride, a bit These types of events should never happen, three years and has brought her valuable ex- of trepidation’’. Not three weeks before he was and should never happen in a House of the pertise on how to best serve California’s elder- to depart for training at a Texas Air Force Lord. ly citizens. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:22 Jun 19, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.022 E18JNPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS.
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