Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996-2011 Adopted February 2005 CONTENTS Adoption The Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011 was adopted by Wrexham County Borough Council on the 14th February 2005. Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 1 Contents Chapter Page 1. Introduction 2 Part 1 - The Strategy 2. General Considerations 6 3. Planning Strategy 9 Part 2 - Specific Policies 4. General Development Principles 14 5. Environment and Conservation 17 6. Housing 29 7. Employment 41 8. Shopping 49 9. Community and Leisure Facilities and Tourism 56 10. Transport 62 11. Minerals and Waste 69 12. Monitoring and Implementation 79 Plan 1: Plan Area 2 Plan 2: Regional Setting 3 Appendix I: Outline Statistics 81 Appendix II: Land with Planning Permission 84 Appendix III: Related Council Policies and Guidance 87 Map 1: Proposals Map Map 2: Wrexham Town, Wrexham Town Centre and Wrexham Industrial Estate (Insets 1, 2 and 3) Map 3: Urban & Rural Villages (Insets 4 and 5) Map 4: Urban and Rural Villages (Insets 6-29 inclusive) Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 2 CHAPTER 1 1. Introduction Plan Form, Content and 1.2 The Plan comprises two parts:- Timescale Part 1 - The Strategy which outlines the Council's broad intention for development in 1.1 The Plan covers the administrative area the area and provides a framework for the of the Wrexham County Borough Council as more specific policies and proposals. It is shown in Plan 1. It supersedes previous chiefly concerned with a vision of how the adopted development plans, namely the area should develop for the benefit of local Wrexham Maelor Local Plan: Forward to people, developers and visitors alike. It 2001, the Glyndwr District Local Plan, and the indicates the provision to be made for Clwyd Structure Plan: First Alteration. It housing, employment and other major land provides a framework for local decision uses; the broad locations for development making and the reconciliation of development and the areas where policies for restraint may and conservation interests in order that land be necessary. The Plan conforms with use changes proceed coherently and with relevant Welsh Assembly Government maximum community benefit. The Plan's base policies as outlined in Planning Policy Wales date is April 2001. Only those developments (March 2002) and Technical Advice Notes and which the Council realistically expects to be has taken account of resource availability, completed by 2011 are included in the Plan. and social, economic and environmental considerations. Plan 1 : Plan Area © Crown copyright Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 INTRODUCTION 3 Plan 2 : Regional Setting © Crown copyright Part 2 - Specific Policies accompanied by border. Plan 2 indicates the County Borough's reasoned justifications, which expand on the regional setting. The County Borough has a strategic vision for the County Borough and population of some 128,500 and comprises provide detailed guidance for the an interesting and varied pattern of development and other use of land. The settlements set in attractive, often historic, Proposals Map and Insets either define sites landscape. Strategically situated in a for development or areas within which various "gateway" to North Wales, the County policies will apply. Borough is readily accessible from the main commercial centres of the north west and 1.3 Factors affecting the relevance and midlands of England. performance of the Plan's policies and underlying objectives are continuously 1.5 Outline statistics for the County Borough monitored. Within the Plan period there is are identified in Appendix 1. bound to be uncertainty in the availability of resources to carry out policies. Trends in population, housing and employment might also change. Plan Area 1.4 Wrexham County Borough is situated in north-east Wales. Bounded by the Clwydian Hills to the west and the undulating Shropshire and Powys countryside to the south, the County Borough stretches northwards and eastwards to the English Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 4 PART 1 Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 THE STRATEGY 5 Part 1 The Strategy Site cleared as part of the Bridge Street regeneration initiative Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 6 CHAPTER 2 2. General Considerations 2.1 The Plan reflects the Council's corporate National Planning Guidance vision for the County Borough's future based on:- 2.3 The Welsh Assembly Government states in Planning Policy Wales (March 2002) that M Aspiring to city status with Wrexham the key role of the planning system is to centre as its civic hub, developing a achieve sustainable development, now and vibrant commercial centre, attracting for future generations, between economic visitors from North Wales and its borders. development to secure rising living standards M rural revitalised distinct towns and villages and to protect and enhancement of the and an attractive viable hinterland. environment. Full and effective use should be made of derelict, unused, or waste land within M a modern robust economy across all urban areas to assist urban regeneration and sectors including health, education, reduce development pressure on the commerce, tourism and manufacturing countryside. industries. M an improving quality of life for its residents 2.4 National transport policy promotes the with an emphasis on supporting access to efficient and safe movement of people and a variety of education and employment goods and the protection of the environment opportunities; providing care for the more by reducing reliance on the car and limiting vulnerable in society; providing a decent the increase in motorised journeys and by place to live; conserving the environment; encouraging more sustainable alternative balancing rural and urban needs; and forms of transport. New trunk or local roads promoting leisure, culture and arts; which would increase traffic congestion or promoting the Welsh language to encourage further traffic growth will not be encourage a bilingual society; developing built. At the same time sufficient land capable safer communities. of development, well-served by existing M institutions of growing stature: for infrastructure and well related to the existing example, the Council itself; NEWI emerging as a University; Yale College continuing to develop its status; and Wrexham Maelor Hospital (currently the largest in North Wales) developing further its health care expertise, research and teaching capacity. 2.2 Full account has been taken of national and regional planning guidance; the policies of neighbouring authorities; social, economic, and environmental considerations; and the likely realistic level of future resource availability. Wrexham Unitary Development Plan 1996 - 2011. Adopted 14th February 2005 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 7 settlement pattern, must be made available Policies of Neighbouring for future development requirements. The role Authorities of town and village centres is paramount. 2.7 The County Borough is bordered by the Welsh unitary authorities of Flintshire, 2.5 National guidance (Planning Policy Denbighshire and Powys, to the north and Wales) also promotes economic east by Chester City in Cheshire, and to the diversification in the countryside if it benefits south and east by North Shropshire District the rural economy and maintains or enhances and Oswestry Borough in Shropshire. There the environment. The countryside should be are significant development pressures to the protected for its visual, ecological, historical, north of Wrexham and existing green barriers recreational, and agricultural value; the complement the West Cheshire Green Belt in historic environment should be protected, as controlling the growth of Chester into the should open space with significant countryside. The remaining borders of the recreational or amenity value, particularly in County Borough are rural areas of low urban areas. development pressures where policies protect the countryside and encourage rural 2.6 Activities associated with energy supply economic diversification. The Council works should be consistent with protecting the local closely with neighbouring authorities through and global environment. Any environmental a series of regional and sub-regional fora to damage or loss of amenity caused by energy ensure that planning policies and strategies supply or ancillary activities should be are consistently applied. minimised and unnecessary sterilisation of Social, Economic and Environmental Considerations 2.8 Though the Plan is principally concerned with land use development it also takes account of the demographic, social, and economic considerations which affect, and are affected by, its policies. The Plan's main theme is the improvement of every local resident's quality of life, regardless of gender, race, age, and any disability. Pockets of severe deprivation, long term unemployment, energy resources prevented. Renewable a lack of accessibility to jobs and education energy generation sources (e.g. wind, waste, opportunities, a high level of criminality and water, sun, and wood) are preferred. Central delinquency, and particularly run down government policy on waste management is environments exist in Wrexham and some of based on a hierarchy of reduction, re-use, the urban villages to the west. The plan recovery (including material recycling, energy through its
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