E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2014 No. 58 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was and it has done so alongside State and conference, and I am here today to ask called to order by the Speaker pro tem- local municipalities and State and my colleagues that we not let this pro- pore (Mr. DUNCAN of Tennessee). local governments, who have also made vision slip by. We must reauthorize f a priority in investing in beach re- these programs. nourishment. So I would urge the conferees on the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO This year alone, State and local gov- Water Resources Reform and Develop- TEMPORE ernments will likely invest nearly $100 ment Act to strongly consider bringing The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- million in beach renourishment back language that reauthorizes pro- fore the House the following commu- projects, and it is for good reason. grams, or at least allows for the reau- nication from the Speaker: Beach renourishment addresses a very thorization of programs, that are soon WASHINGTON, DC, critical issue of pre-storm mitigation, to expire. I ask my colleagues to be re- April 9, 2014. it protects communities from flooding, ceptive to that language should it I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN J. it protects communities from losses to come back. DUNCAN, Jr., to act as Speaker pro tempore property, from losses to critical infra- I would like to thank today my on this day. structure, and it ultimately reduces chairman on the Transportation and JOHN A. BOEHNER, disaster assistance when such assist- Infrastructure Committee for allowing Speaker of the House of Representatives. ance is needed. me to work with him in the very few f Beach renourishment also protects weeks that I have been here on this MORNING-HOUR DEBATE our environment, it protects against issue that is of critical importance to damage to habitats critical to environ- my district, but also to districts The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ments, it encourages stronger environ- around the country. ant to the order of the House of Janu- ments, cleaner environments; and, per- f ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- haps most importantly, beach re- nize Members from lists submitted by nourishment programs invested in by HONORING THE FLYING TIGERS the majority and minority leaders for State and local governments and our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The morning-hour debate. Federal Government contribute to jobs Chair recognizes the gentleman from The Chair will alternate recognition and economic growth in communities Maine (Mr. MICHAUD) for 5 minutes. between the parties, with each party across the country. Mr. MICHAUD. Mr. Speaker, I rise limited to 1 hour and each Member We have industries that exist in com- today to commend the members of the other than the majority and minority munities in my district, like Clear- American volunteer group known as leaders and the minority whip limited water Beach and St. Pete Beach, and in the Flying Tigers for their heroic serv- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- communities across the country whose ice to the United States of America bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. jobs and economic growth and local during World War II. The Flying Tigers f economy rely on international visitors consisted of ex-personnel from the and visitors from around the country. Navy, Marines, and the Army Air FLORIDA BEACH RENOURISHMENT In Florida alone, we will more than Corps. Operating out of China, they The SPEAKER pro tempore. The double visits to our beaches as com- trained in secret, and shortly after the Chair recognizes the gentleman from pared to visits to all U.S. national attack on Pearl Harbor began a series Florida (Mr. JOLLY) for 5 minutes. parks combined. It takes jobs and em- of heroic battles against the Japanese Mr. JOLLY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today ployees to support those visitors, and aircraft squadrons. to discuss an issue of critical impor- it is critical to our local economy that Working together with the Chinese tance to my community, to Florida’s we continue the investment in beach and the Royal Air Force, the Flying Ti- 13th Congressional District of Pinellas renourishment projects. gers drove back attacks on the port of County, Florida, but also to coastal So I rise today with a sense of ur- Rangoon in Burma, and became cele- communities around the country—the gency. When this House, this body, brated for their tactical victories. issue of beach renourishment. considered the Water Resources Re- On July 4, 1942, the Flying Tigers There is an urgency that I want to form and Development Act, it passed a were absorbed into the 23rd Fighter express today on behalf of communities responsible bill, but one that did not Group, and their distinctive shark- like Treasure Island, Florida. The Fed- include continued authorization for faced planes remain among the most eral Government has invested in beach important beach renourishment recognizable of any aircraft from World renourishment for the past 50 years, projects. That legislation is now in War II. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3059 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:46 Apr 09, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09AP7.000 H09APPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H3060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 9, 2014 Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues tricity in this country, we ought to say Our country continues to deny Dis- will join me in honoring the members a prayer for the men and women who trict of Columbia citizens their basic of the Flying Tigers for their brave ensure that the lights are always on for rights at home. service to our great country. us and the families who wait for them Today, we ask that Congress draw f at home. the line on service in the Armed In the case of Jody Bruce and Josh Forces. In the name of those who have RECOGNIZING JODY BRUCE AND Hoffman, well, they deserve a ticker- fought or died in the Nation’s wars, JOSH HOFFMAN tape parade. They, Mr. Speaker, are grant the citizens of the District of Co- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The international heroes. lumbia equal rights with other Ameri- Chair recognizes the gentleman from f cans. Grant the District of Columbia North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) for 5 min- GRANT THE DISTRICT OF COLUM- statehood in the Union. utes. f Mr. CRAMER. The author Henry Mil- BIA STATEHOOD IN THE UNION ler wrote: ‘‘The ordinary man is in- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The A LETTER TO THE TURKISH volved in action, the hero acts, an im- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from PEOPLE mense difference.’’ the District of Columbia (Ms. NORTON) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. Speaker, having grown up the for 5 minutes. Chair recognizes the gentleman from son of a rural electric lineman, I am Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I began California (Mr. SCHIFF) for 5 minutes. more than a little familiar with the this series of remarks yesterday as the Mr. SCHIFF. An open letter to the not so ordinary actions of these rather District prepares for Emancipation Turkish people: ordinary people. Day on April 16, when Lincoln freed the Today, I write to you on an issue of They do a job most of us won’t or slaves in the District of Columbia be- great importance to both our nations. can’t do, often putting themselves in fore the national Emancipation Procla- It is on a subject that many of you, es- danger’s way as they carry out their mation. pecially the younger generation, may I began with the status of all the citi- duties in all kinds of weather condi- know little about because it concerns a zens of the District of Columbia today tions. They earn a paycheck for their chapter of world history that your gov- with ‘‘Taxation Without Representa- work for sure, but their contribution to ernment has expended enormous efforts the quality of life of rural America is tion,’’ the slogan the Founders of our Nation and the Framers of our Con- to conceal. to the benefit of millions of people. Turkey has been at the center of But today, Mr. Speaker, today I rise stitution used to start the revolution that created the United States of human civilization from Neolithic to recognize the extraordinary efforts America itself. With those taxes should times to the present, and your arts, of two rural electric linemen from come statehood. culture, and science have enriched the North Dakota who stepped beyond But if there is any issue with greater world. But interwoven with all of Tur- being involved in the action to act. command than taxation without rep- key’s remarkable achievements is a Jody Bruce from Minot, who works resentation for statehood for the Dis- dark chapter that too many of today’s for Verendrye Electric Cooperative, trict of Columbia, it is surely fighting Turks know little or nothing about. and Josh Hoffman from Carrington, and dying for one’s country without Were you aware that your grand- who works for Northern Plains Electric representation, securing the vote for parents and great-grandparents had Cooperative, left the comfort zone of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, many Armenian neighbors and middle America to facilitate the ad- only to come home with no vote of friends—that 20 percent of the popu- vent of safe, reliable, and affordable your own in the Congress that sent you lation of today’s Istanbul was Arme- electricity in a community in Haiti.
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