Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1970-80 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-19-1979 The iH lltop 10-19-1979 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-19-1979" (1979). The Hilltop: 1970-80. 247. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_197080/247 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1970-80 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOICE OF THE • • HOWARD • COMMUNITY "An Opportunity for.Unity Throuahout our Community" • Vol. 62 No. 8 H.oward University Washington, D.C. 20059 Friday, Oct 19, 1979 HUSA Resignations position ___, • ly Niftf I . HK son other staff members with whom he had some difficulties ''The Hilltop St.1ftwrit•r ToCompExam problems ri ght now are baslcally HUSA president Kali Hill in· resolved,·· he said nounced Wednesday afternoon Announcing plans for the 1n­ '' that he accepted the resignations volven1ent of HUSA 1n various ODD g of Herman Caines, furmer ad­ campus issues, Hill sta ted, ~· we are feels that there is still enough time ministrative aide and. Fred Cor­ By Isabel Wl!kenon now working o n" the com­ to organize the students to protest nel ius, former en~i'rtainment Hlueo,, SUffwritet prehensive e"am We also plan to the exams. director and homecom1ftg direc tor ''The comprehensive e)(ams will I work on the issue of housing as 1t ''If someone tu rn s off the heat in • Hill also said he ha ~ redefined tx w.erionly if the students allow relates to Sutton Plaza residents your apartment. it doesn' t take you the structure of the exeU:" utive staff them to be given,'' said Belinda who have to move long to knock on the landl0rd's Johnson. coordinator for the • to make for a ''more -fentral1zed He added that HUSA will also be door," Hill said. ''So soon, students • .. span of control'' and 5·· •rriproved Undergraduate Student Assembly helping to sponsor the national will be knocking on Dean Owens' l-ll l l t o P Photo · P1ul S i mmons communications'' 1n ~ he HUSA (UGSA). • NOBUCS conference to be held at Qoor." Dean Robert Owens, College of Liberal Arts, has not been available to office The comprehensive exams to be Howard and the United Campus However, repeated attempts by ansWffr questions about the Comprehensive Examination. • He explained that tie accepted administered by the College of lib­ Coa lition co nference to be held The Hilltop have found him un· fail u ~e to graduate is only one as- for the inadequacies of the Liberal Gaines' resignation because. the eral Arts on Dec. 7 have evoked Nov 2-4 available for comment. pect of student concern. Arts sy stem.'' former administrative aide would mixed responses frOm students fac­ ''The United Campus Coa l1t1on is Ambiguity as to whether the test ''The test is financially punitive," '' It' s like blaming poor people not be able t o return to his 1ob due ing them. -one of HUSA's n1a1n pro1ects this is punitive or not, vagueness about said Michael Ke ith, assistant dir- fo r being unsuccessful in society, to illness · Flyers, position papers; forums year We want to br1ng together its relevance to graduating seniors ec to r for the Research Institute. claiming that they're all lazy," he When asked about his reasons in all dormitories, and student ral­ • student organ1zat1ons and address •and the unavailability .of informed ''because if I fail. then I' ll have to said. fo r · accepting Co rnel i us ' lies are amo ng the devices now student issues and co11 cerns '' said advisors are among the concerns stay pnother semester. That means . Hill feels the Liberal · A'rts · resignation, Hill said, ''No com­ being used to counteract the pro­ H ii I 1 of st udents protesting thf exams. another S77S. You can't take the .c urriculum is not com pr e hen s~ve ment '' posed e)(aminations. Hill repo rted that upcoming The three-hour long exams are to test unless you're registered in the eno ugh to warrant and justifv a Hill said Cornelius would be According to Kali Hill, HUSA progra ms sponsored by HUSA be formulated and administered by school.'' comprehensive exam. replae,ed by Ale"andei Byrd, who president, If .these methods prove include buses taking st udents to each individual department with Students see the test as being ''This mav gradually help eval­ served in the capacity of en­ ineffective. a boycott will be Terrance Johnson's appeal trial on questions posed in esJay form. Stu­ socially punitive since students uate the quality of class instru c­ tertainment director while Cor­ organized to communicate student Oct 26 and a lecture to be given dents will have a choice of about who cannot afford another sem­ tion·, but it is immediately punish­ nelius se rved as homecoming sentiment. by Dr Alvin Poussa 1nt o n Oct 27 one-third out of the approximate ester will n'ot be able to graduate ing students for deficiencies in · director 'The o nly wav to avoid. the 1 He also announced plans to hold 11 questions to answer. unless. they pass the exam jhe first their education, ' Hill said. Hill also said he spoke with exams may be for the students to ' a press conference 1n two weeks ' time go to court or to demonstrate en ''According to Dean Owens. a 1 The possibility is the exams' ''lihis is the way to sift out low­ masse," Hill stated , score less than 56 is failure,'' said being conducive to indoctrination ~ ~ ncome students.,, ·Keith added. With less than two months left Kathy Matthews, secretary of the and 'cc nsorizatfOn' is yet another H i'll sees the examination as a before th-e scheduled test date, Hill Liberal Arts senior class . concern. That failure on the exam means ''mechanism for blaming st udents See Comp Exam, page 3 ' ·Lane Urges Adherence 1'o Jrudicial Cod~s ty DifOdti H1riifl disciplined by the university. lane said that regardless of a· Disciplinary ai:tions taken by the student's class·itic.:if:ion. freshman Hill'-St.lffwritet university range from a reprimand o r Ph.D candidate. if a student is In a move prompted by an ar­ to an expulsion. caught cooking in the dorm, he will ticle in last week's Hilltop, ''We are obligated to let the be asked to leave. ''Shoplifting Increases in Ca mpus students know what their rights ''Approximately three-fourths of •< Store,'' Dr. Austin lane, dean of are. and we do. Each semester our students live in the city,'' he E I • • • Veteran Affairs and Student every student is given class said, ''and those who live on -• Judiciary, requested an interview schedule book which outlines the campus will have to conform and • u• to further e"paund on the subject. Howard University system of respect the rights of others. We ''The cost of the item is no Judiciaries and Code of Conduct." cannot perm it a , second time, 0 -0 < defense for a criminal charge of stated lane. because there have been too many Q Q theft,'' stated Lane. Students will ''The university will not tolerate incidents, in which students have 0 be responsible for criminal charges the illegal handling of drugs and .been injured du·e to cooking in the . - narcotics on this campuS," he dormitories''. Dean Aust;n Lane, Student Judiciary I where evidence of shoplifting can • be established, and thqsc/ students emphasized. ''Nor will we tolera_te ''Students caught tampering falsificatio'n of documents, which ' i will be arrested and charaed. cases of assault by students on with .~ safety equipment, public he sa id includes si&niiig instructors He included in a series of other students. or gant>ling." ' add~ess sytems and fire" ex­ s ign~tures on'add.Jrop registration· cha rges, makin& fraudulent lane also commented that tinguishers will be .dealt witt:i. with cards. telephone calls, stealins from the students who cook will be asked to profound severity~ stated lane. lane also mentiohed instances cafeteria and stealin& from each leave the dormitory. .. At the sa me time, lane noted in which the official university other. The student caught cooking, academic offenses for which signatures have been forged for the • • According to lane, criminal according to lane. will be given a students could be brought before purpose of o btaining higher H iiitop photo . Mitt P1Kh1•• cases will be treated in criminal hearing . before the supervisory the Judicial Board.' Among · the education loan applications. He Biwn·gridder tastes the agony of defeat after Saturday's. flom«oming loss. offenses he ·cited were cheating referred to castis where students cou rts and those 51ersons committee and the authorities of . - Homecom;ng Game details on page 13. prosecuted in court, will also be the dorm. o n exams. Plagiarism a nd See Dean Lane, page 3 • . and other univ.ersities were in the scope. He took Banks on a visit • • running for ·the telescope, Cambridge and let him e"periment > Terrence Johnson's previously used by National Aero- o n the telescope. ''He (Banks} wa~ ' Special Report nautics and Space'Administration's better o n the telescope than any of Plight Continues . Electrical Laboratory . in Cam· the NASA people, which left a ·br-i_dge, . Mass., b~fore the lab great impression .on them," stated •r kttrwft s.
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